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The History of Yiddish Literature 1

The History of Yiddish Literature 1

The History of Yiddish Literature in the Nineteenth Century, by Leo Wiener


A suggestion to write the present book reached me in the spring of 1898.
At that time my library contained several hundreds of volumes of the
best Judeo-German (Yiddish) literature, which had been brought together
by dint of continued attention and, frequently, by mere chance, for the
transitoriness of its works, the absence of any and all bibliographies,
the almost absolute absence of a guide into its literature, and the
whimsicalness of its book trade made a systematic selection of such a
library a difficult problem to solve. Not satisfied with the meagre
details which could be gleaned from internal testimonies in the works of
the Judeo-German writers, I resolved to visit the Slavic countries for
the sake of gathering data, both literary and biographical, from which
anything like a trustworthy history of its literature could be
constructed. A recital of my journey will serve as a means of
orientation to the future investigator in this or related fields, and
will at the same time indicate my obligations to the men and the books
that made my sketch possible.

From Liverpool, my place of landing, I proceeded at once to Oxford,
where I familiarized myself with the superb Oppenheim collection of
Judeo-German books of the older period, stored in the Bodleian Library;
it does not contain, however, anything bearing on the nineteenth
century. In London the British Museum furnished me with a few modern
works which are now difficult to procure, especially the periodical
_Kolmewasser_ and _Warschauer Judische Zeitung_. Unfortunately my time
was limited, and I was unable to make thorough bibliographical notes
from these rare publications; besides, I then hoped to be able to
discover sets of them in Russia. In this I was disappointed--hence the
meagreness of my references to them. The Rosenthaliana in Amsterdam and
the Imperial Library in Berlin added nothing material to my information.
Warsaw was my first objective point as regards facts and books. The
latter I obtained in large numbers by rummaging the bookstores of
Scheinfinkel and Morgenstern. In a dark and damp cellar, in which
Morgenstern kept part of his store, many rare books were picked up. In
Warsaw I received many valuable data from Perez, Dienesohn, Spektor,
Freid, Levinsohn, both as to the activity which they themselves have
developed and as to what they knew of some of their _confreres_. In
Bialystok I called on the venerable poet, Gottlober; he is very advanced
in years, being above ninety, is blind, and no longer in possession of
his mental faculties, but his daughter gave me some interesting
information about her father. Wilna presented nothing noteworthy, except
that in a store a few early prints were found.

In St. Petersburg I had hoped to spend usefully a week investigating the
rich collections of Judeo-German in the Asiatic Museum and the Imperial
Library. The museum was, however, closed for the summer, and the
restrictions placed on the investigator in the library made it
impossible to inspect even one-tenth of the three or four thousand books
contained there. When about to abandon that part of my work the
assistant librarian, Professor Harkavy, under whose charge the
collection is, most generously presented me with one thousand volumes
out of his own private library. In Kiev I had a long conference with S.
Rabinowitsch and with A. Schulmann; the latter informed me that he is
now at work on a history of Judeo-German literature previous to the
nineteenth century; the specimen of his work which he published a few
years ago in the _Judische Volksbibliothēk_ gives hope that it will
entirely supersede the feeble productions of M. Grunbaum. In Odessa I
learned many important facts from conversations with S. J. Abramowitsch,
J. J. Linetzki, J. J. Lerner, P. Samostschin, and depleted the
bookstores, especially that of Rivkin, of their rarer books. Jassy in
Roumania and Lemberg in Galicia offered little of interest, but in
Cracow Faust's bookstore furnished some needed data by its excellent
choice of modern works.

Thus I succeeded in seeing nearly all the living writers of any note,
and in purchasing or inspecting books in all the larger stores and
libraries that contained such material. In spite of all that, the
present work is of necessity fragmentary; it is to be hoped that by
cooperation of several men it will be possible to save whatever matter
there may still be in existence from oblivion ere it be too late. The
greatest difficulty I encountered in the pursuit of my work was the
identification of pseudonyms and the settlement of bibliographical data.
As many of the first as could be ascertained, in one way or other, are
given in an appendix; but the bibliography has remained quite imperfect
in spite of my efforts to get at facts. A complete bibliography can
probably never be written, on account of the peculiar conditions
prevailing in the Imperial Library, from which by theft and otherwise
many books have disappeared; but even under these conditions it would
not be a hard matter to furnish four or five thousand names of works for
this century. This task must be left to some one resident in St.
Petersburg who can get access to the libraries.

This history being intended for the general public, and not for the
linguistic scholar, there was no choice left for the transliteration of
Judeo-German words but to give it in the modified orthography of the
German language; for uniformity's sake such words occurring in the body
of the English text are left in their German form. All Hebrew and Slavic
words are given phonetically as heard in the mouths of Lithuanian Jews;
that dialect was chosen as being least distant from the literary German;
for the same reason the texts in the Chrestomathy are normalized in the
same variety of the vernacular. The consonants are read as in German,
and _ž_ is like French _j_. The vowels are nearly all short, so that
_u_, _ie_, _i_ are equal to German _i_; similarly _a_, _o_, _eh_, _ee_
are like German short _e_. The German long _e_ is represented by _ē_,
_oe_, _ae_, and in Slavic and Hebrew words also by _ee_. _Ei_ and _eu_
are pronounced like German _ei_ in _mein_, while _ēi_ is equal to German
_ee_; _ā_ and _o_ are German short _o_; _au_ sounds more like German
_ou_, and _au_ and _ō_ resemble German _oi_; _au_ is equal to German

The collection of data on the writers in America has been even more
difficult than in Russia, and has been crowned with less success. Most
of the periodicals published here have been of an ephemeral nature, and
the newspapers, of which there have been more than forty at one time or
other, can no longer be procured; and yet they have contained the bulk
of the literary productions written in this country. It is to be hoped
that those who have been active in creating a Judeo-German literature
will set about to write down their reminiscences from which at a later
day a just picture may be given of the ferment which preceded the
absorption of the Russian Jews by the American nation.

The purpose of this work will be attained if it throws some light on the
mental attitude of a people whose literature is less known to the world
than that of the Gypsy, the Malay, or the North American Indian.

December, 1898.



PREFACE                                                              vii

I. INTRODUCTION                                                        1

II. THE JUDEO-GERMAN LANGUAGE                                         12

III. FOLKLORE                                                         25

IV. THE FOLKSONG                                                      53

V. PRINTED POPULAR POETRY                                             72


VII. POETRY SINCE THE EIGHTIES IN RUSSIA                             105

VIII. POETRY SINCE THE EIGHTIES IN AMERICA                           118

IX. PROSE WRITERS FROM 1817-1863                                     131

X. PROSE WRITERS FROM 1863-1881: ABRAMOWITSCH                        148

XI. PROSE WRITERS FROM 1863-1881: LINETZKI, DICK                     161

XII. PROSE WRITERS SINCE 1881: SPEKTOR                               177


XIV. PROSE WRITERS SINCE 1881: IN AMERICA                            216

XV. THE JEWISCH THEATRE                                              231

XVI. OTHER ASPECTS OF LITERATURE                                     244



I. SSEEFER KOHELES. ECCLESIASTES. M. M. Lefin                        258

II. DIE MALPE. THE MONKEY. S. Ettinger                               260


MAN LOOKING FOR REST. B. W. Ehrenkranz-Zbarżer                       261

V. DIWREE CHOCHMO. WORDS OF WISDOM. E. Z. Zweifel                    264

VI. DIE STIEFMUTTER. THE STEPMOTHER. M. Gordon                       264

VII. DIE MUME SOSJE. AUNT SOSIE. A. Goldfaden                        268

OF THE LAW. J. L. Gordon                                             272

IX. DIE KLATSCHE. THE DOBBIN. S. J. Abramowitsch                     276

X. TUNEJADEWKE. PARASITEVILLE. S. J. Abramowitsch                    284

XI. A HARTER BISSEN. A TOUGH MORSEL. D. Frischmann                   294


XIII. DER TALMUD. THE TALMUD. S. Frug                                306

XIV. DĀS JUDISCHE KIND. THE JEWISH CHILD. S. Frug                    308

XV. DER ADELIGER KĀTER. THE NOBLE TOM-CAT. M. Winchevsky             312

XVI. JONKIPER. THE ATONEMENT DAY. J. Dienesohn                       314

OCEAN. M. Rosenfeld                                                  324

XVIII. BONZJE SCHWEIG. BONTSIE SILENT. J. L. Perez                   332

       *       *       *       *       *

I. APPENDIX. BIBLIOGRAPHY                                            355

II. APPENDIX. PSEUDONYMS                                             383

INDEX                                                                385



The literatures of the early Middle Ages were bilingual. The Catholic
religion had brought with it the use of the Latin language for religious
and ethical purposes, and in proportion as the influence of the clergy
was exerted on worldly matters, even profane learning found its
expression through the foreign tongue. Only by degrees did the native
dialects manage to establish themselves independently, and it has been
but a few centuries since they succeeded in emancipating themselves
entirely and in ousting the Latin from the domain of secular knowledge.
As long as the Jews have not been arrested in their natural development
by external pressure, they have fallen into line with the conditions
prevalent in their permanent homes and have added their mite towards the
evolution of the vernaculars of their respective countries. It would be
idle to adduce here proofs of this; suffice it only to mention Spain,
whose literature would be incomplete without including in the list of
its early writers the names of some illustrious Jews active there before
the expulsion of the Jews in the fifteenth century. But the matter
everywhere stood quite differently in regard to the Latin language. That
being the language of the Catholic clergy, it could not be cultivated by
the Jews without compromising their own faith; the example of the
bilingualism was, however, too strong not to affect them, and hence they
had recourse to the tongue of their own sacred scriptures for purposes
corresponding to those of the Catholic Church. The stronger the
influence of the latter was in the country, the more did the Jews cling
to the Hebrew and the Jargon of the Talmud for literary purposes. It
need not, then, surprise us to find the Jewish literature of the
centuries preceding the invention of printing almost exclusively in the
ancient tongue.

As long as the German Jews were living in Germany, and the Sephardic
Jews in Spain, there was no urgent necessity to create a special
vernacular literature for them: they spoke the language of their
Christian fellow-citizens, shared with them the same conception of life,
the same popular customs, except such as touched upon their religious
convictions, and the works current among their Gentile neighbors were
quite intelligible, and fully acceptable to them. The extent of common
intellectual pleasures was much greater than one would be inclined to
admit without examination. In Germany we have the testimony of the first
Judeo-German or Yiddish works printed in the sixteenth century that even
at that late time the Jews were deriving pleasure from the stories
belonging to the cycle of King Arthur and similar romances. In 1602 a
pious Jew, in order to offset these older stories, as he himself
mentions in his introduction,[1] issued the 'Maasebuch,' which is a
collection of Jewish folklore. It is equally impossible, however, to
discover from early German songs preserved by the Jews that they in any
way differed from those recited and sung by the Gentiles, and they have
to be classed among the relics of German literature, which has actually
been done by a scholar who subjected them to a close scrutiny.[2] On the
other hand, the Jews who were active in German literature, like
Susskind, only accidentally betray their Jewish origin. Had they not
chosen to make special mention of the fact in their own works, it would
not be possible by any criterion to separate them from the host of
authors of their own time.

Had there been no disturbing element introduced in the national life of
the German Jews, there would not have developed with them a specifically
Judeo-German literature, even though they may have used the Hebrew
characters in the transliteration of German books. Unfortunately, in the
beginning of the sixteenth century, a large number of Jews, mainly from
the region of the Middle Rhine, had become permanently settled in
Bohemia, Poland, and Russia. Here they formed compact colonies in towns
and cities, having been admitted to these countries primarily to create
the nucleus of a town population, as the agricultural Slavs had been
averse to town life. They had brought with them their patrimony of the
German language, their German intellectual atmosphere and mode of life;
and their very compactness precluded their amalgamation with their
Slavic neighbors. Their numerical strength and spiritual superiority
obliterated even the last trace of those Jews who had been resident in
those regions before them and had spoken the Slavic dialects as their
mother-tongues. Separated from their mother-country, they craved the
intellectual food to which they had been accustomed there; but their
relations with it were entirely broken, and they no longer took part in
the mental life of their German contemporaries. The Reformation with its
literary awakening could not exert any influence on them; they only
turned back for reminiscences of ages gone by, and hungered after
stories with which their ancestors had whiled away their hours of
leisure in the cities along the Rhine. And so it happened that when the
legendary lore of the Nibelungen, of Siegfried, of Dietrich of Bern, of
Wigalois, of King Arthur, had begun to fade away even from the folk
books of Germany, it lived on in the Slavic countries and continued to
evoke pleasure and admiration.

These chapbooks, embodying the folklore of past generations, were almost
the first printed Judeo-German books, as they certainly were the most
popular. That the early Judeo-German literature was intended mainly for
readers in the east of Europe is amply evidenced by specific mention in
the works themselves, as for example in the 'Maasebuch,' where the
compiler, or author, urges the German women to buy quickly his book,
lest it be all too fast sold in Bohemia, Poland, and Russia.[3] In fact,
the patron of the 'Maasebuch,' or the author of the same, for it is not
quite clear whether they are not one and the same person, was himself a
native of Meseritz in Lithuania. Only after these story books had
created a taste for reading, and in order to counteract the effects of
the non-Jewish lore, the Rabbis began to substitute the more Jewish
legends of the 'Maasebuch' and the 'Zeena Ureena,' and the ethical
treatises which were intended to instruct the people in the tenets of
their fathers. In this manner the Judeo-German literature was made
possible. Its preservation for four centuries was mainly due to the
isolation of the German Jews in Russia and Poland, where the German
medievalism became ossified and was preserved intact to within half a
century ago, when under favorable conditions the Russianization of the
Jews began. Had these conditions prevailed but a short time longer,
Judeo-German literature would have been a thing of the past and of
interest only to the linguist and the historian. But very soon various
causes combined to resuscitate the dialect literature. In the short time
that the Jews had enjoyed the privileges of a Russian culture, then
German medievalism was completely dispelled, and the modern period
which, in its incipient stage, reaches back into the first quarter of
this century, presents a distinct phase which in no way resembles the
literature of the three hundred years that preceded it. It is not a
continuation of its older form, but has developed on an entirely new

The medieval period of Judeo-German literature was by no means confined
to the Slavic countries. It reacted on the Jews who had remained in
Germany, who, in their narrow Ghetto life, were excluded from an active
participation in the German literature of their country. This reaction
was not due alone to the fact that the specifically Jewish literature
appealed in an equal degree to those who had been left behind in their
old homes, but in a larger measure to the superior intellectual activity
of the emigrants and their descendants who kept alive the spark of
Jewish learning when it had become weakened at home and found no food
for its replenishment within its own communities. They had to turn to
the Slavic lands for their teachers and Rabbis, who brought with them
not only their Hebrew learning, but also their Judeo-German language and
literature. Up to the middle of the eighteenth century there was no
division of the Jews of the west and the east of Europe; they took equal
part in the common Judeo-German literature, however scanty its scope.
What was produced in Russia was read with the same pleasure in Germany,
and _vice versa_, even though the spoken form of the vernacular in
Slavic countries was more and more departing from that of Germany.

Even Mendelssohn's teacher was a Galician Jew. But with Mendelssohn a
new era had dawned in the history of the German Jews. By his example the
dialect was at once abandoned for the literary language, and the Jews
were once more brought back into the fold of the German nation. The
separation of the two branches of the German Jews was complete, and the
inhabitants of the Slavic countries were left to shift for themselves.
For nearly one hundred years they had to miss the beneficent effects of
an intellectual intercourse with the West, and in the beginning of our
century the contrast between the two could not have been greater: the
German Jews were rapidly becoming identified with the spiritual pursuits
of their Gentile fellow-citizens, the Slavic Jews persevered in the
medievalism into which they had been thrown centuries before. Only by
slow degrees did the Mendelssohnian Reform find its way into Poland and
Russia; and even when its influence was at its highest, it was not
possible for it to affect those lands in the same way that it affected
the districts that were more or less under German influence. The German
language could not become the medium of instruction for the masses,
whose homely dialects had so far departed from their mother-tongue as to
make the latter unintelligible to them. In Russia it was a long time
before the native literature could make itself felt, or before Russian
education came to take the place of the German culture; so in the
meanwhile the Judeo-German language was left to its own evolution, and a
new literature had its rise.

In arriving at its present stage, Judeo-German literature of the
nineteenth century has passed through several phases. At first, up to
the sixties, it was used as a weapon by the few enlightened men who were
anxious to extend the benefits of the Mendelssohnian Reform to the
masses at large. It is an outgrowth of the Hebrew literature of the same
period, which had its rise from the same causes, but which could appeal
only to a small number of men who were well versed in Hebrew lore. Since
these apostles of the new learning had themselves received their impetus
through the Hebrew, it was natural for them to be active both in the
Hebrew and the Judeo-German field. We consequently find here the names
of Gottlober and J. L. Gordon, who belong equally to both literatures.
Those who devoted themselves exclusively to creating a Judeo-German
literature, like the other Mendelssohnian disciples, took the German
literature as the guide for their efforts, and even dreamed of
approaching the literary language of Germany in the final amalgamation
with the Mendelssohnian Reform. In the meanwhile, in the sixties and
still more in the seventies, the Jews were becoming Russianized in the
schools which had been thrown open to their youths. In the sixties, the
Judeo-German literature, having received its impetus in the preceding
generation, reached its highest development as a literature of Reform,
but it appealed only to those who had not had the benefits of the
Russian schools. In the seventies it became reminiscent, and was in
danger of rapid extinction. In the eighties, the persecutions and riots
against the Jews led many of those who had availed themselves of the
Russian culture to devote themselves to the service of their less
fortunate brethren; and many new forces, that otherwise would have found
their way into Russian letters, were exerted entirely in the evolution
of Judeo-German. In this new stage, the Mendelssohnian Reform, with its
concomitant German language, was lost sight of. The element of
instruction was still an important one in this late period, but this
instruction was along universal lines, and no longer purely Jewish;
above all else, this literature became an art.

Poetry was the first to be developed, as it lent itself more readily to
didactic purposes; it has also, until lately, remained in closer contact
with the popular poetry, which, in its turn, is an evolution of the
poetry of the preceding centuries. The theatre was the latest to detach
itself from prose, to which it is organically related. These facts have
influenced the separate treatment of the three divisions of literature
in the present work. It was deemed indispensable to add to these a
chapter on the Judeo-German folklore, as the reading of Judeo-German
works would frequently be unintelligible without some knowledge of the
creations of the popular mind. Here the relation to medievalism is even
more apparent than in the popular poetry; in fact, the greater part of
the printed books of that class owe their origin to past ages; they are
frequently nothing more than modernizations of old books, as is, for
example, the case with 'Bevys of Hamptoun,' which, but for the
language, is identical with its prototype in the beginning of the
sixteenth century.

In its popular form, Judeo-German is certainly not inferior to many of
the literary languages which have been fortunate enough to attract the
attention of the linguist and student of comparative literature. In its
_belleslettres_ it compares favorably with those of countries like
Bulgaria, which had their regeneration at about the same time; nay, it
may appear to the unbiassed observer that it even surpasses them in that
respect. And yet, in spite of it all, Judeo-German has remained
practically a sealed book to the world. The few who have given reports
of it display an astounding amount of ignorance on the subject. Karpeles
devotes, in his history of Jewish literature, almost thirty pages to the
medieval form of it, but to the rich modern development of it only _two
lines_![4] Steinschneider knows by hearsay only Dick, and denies the
practical value of modern Judeo-German.[5] But the acme of complacent
ignorance, not to use a stronger word, is reached by Grunbaum,[6] who
dishes up, as specimens of literature, newspaper advertisements and
extracts of Schaikewitsch, not mentioning even by name a single one of
the first-class writers. It is painful to look into the pages of his
work, which, apart from endless linguistic blunders of a most senseless
character, has probably done more than anything else to divert
attention from this interesting literature.

Much more sympathetic are the few pages which Berenson devotes to it in
an article in the _Andover Review_;[7] though abounding in errors, it is
fair and unbiassed, and at least displays a familiarity with the
originals. Still better are the remarks of the Polish author Klemens
Junosza in the introductions to his translations of the works of
Abramowitsch into Polish; the translations themselves are masterpieces,
considering the extreme quaintness of Abramowitsch's style. There are,
indeed, a few sketches on the Judeo-German literature written in the
dialect itself,[8] but none of them attest a philosophical grasp of the
subject, or even betray a thorough familiarity with the literature. A
number of good reviews on various productions have appeared in the
Russian periodical _Voschod_, from the pen of one signing himself
"Criticus."[9] To one of these reviews he has attached a discussion of
the literature in general; this, however short, is the best that has yet
been written on the subject.

It is hard to foretell the future of Judeo-German. In America it is
certainly doomed to extinction.[10] Its lease of life is commensurate
with the last large immigration to the new world. In the countries of
Europe it will last as long as there are any disabilities for the Jews,
as long as they are secluded in Ghettos and driven into Pales.[11] It
would be idle to speculate when these persecutions will cease.


There is probably no other language in existence on which so much
opprobrium has been heaped as on the Judeo-German.[12] Philologists have
neglected its study, Germanic scholars have until lately been loath to
admit it as a branch of the German language, and even now it has to beg
for recognition. German writers look upon it with contempt and as
something to be shunned; and for over half a century the Russian and
Polish Jews, whose mother-tongue it is, have been replete with apologies
whenever they have had recourse to it for literary purposes.[13] Such a
bias can be explained only as a manifestation of a general prejudice
against everything Jewish, for passions have been at play to such an
extent as to blind the scientific vision to the most obvious and common
linguistic phenomena. Unfortunately, this interesting evolution of a
German dialect has found its most violent opponents in the German Jews,
who, since the day of Mendelssohn, have come to look upon it as an
arbitrary and vicious corruption of the language of their country.[14]
This attack upon it, while justifiable in so far as it affects its
survival in Germany, loses all reasonableness when transferred to the
Jews of Russia, former Poland and Roumania, where it forms a
comparatively uniform medium of intercourse of between five and six
millions of people, of whom the majority know no other language. It
cannot be maintained that it is desirable to preserve the Judeo-German,
and to give it a place of honor among the sisterhood of languages; but
that has nothing to do with the historic fact of its existence. The many
millions of people who use it from the day of their birth cannot be held
responsible for any intentional neglect of grammatical rules, and its
widespread dissemination is sufficient reason for subjecting it to a
thorough investigation. A few timid attempts have been made in that
direction, but they are far from being exhaustive, and touch but a small
part of the very rich material at hand. Nor is this the place in which a
complete discussion of the matter is to be looked for. This chapter
presents only such of the data as must be well understood for a correct
appreciation of the dialectic varieties current in the extensive
Judeo-German literature of the last fifty years.

All languages are subject to a continuous change, not only from within,
through natural growth and decay, but also from without, through the
influence of foreign languages as carriers of new ideas. The languages
of Europe, one and all, owe their Latin elements to the universality of
the Roman dominion, and, later, of the Catholic Church. With the
Renaissance, and lately through the sciences, much Greek has been added
to their vocabularies. When two nations have come into a close
intellectual contact, the result has always been a mixture of languages.
In the case of English, the original Germanic tongue has become almost
unrecognizable under the heavy burden of foreign words. But more
interesting than these cases, and more resembling the formation of the
Judeo-German, are those non-Semitic languages that have come under the
sway of Mohammedanism. Their religious literature being always written
in the Arabic of the Koran, they were continually, for a long period of
centuries, brought under the same influences, and these have caused them
to borrow, not only many words, but even whole turns and sentences, from
their religious lore. The Arabic has frequently become completely
transformed under the pronunciation and grammatical treatment of the
borrowing language, but nevertheless a thorough knowledge of such
tongues as Turkish and Persian is not possible without a fair
understanding of Arabic. The case is still more interesting with
Hindustani, spoken by more than one hundred millions of people, where
more than five-eighths of the language is not of Indian origin, but
Persian and Arabic. With these preliminary facts it will not be
difficult to see what has taken place in Judeo-German.

Previous to the sixteenth century the Jews in Germany spoke the dialects
of their immediate surroundings; there is no evidence to prove any
introduction of Hebrew words at that early period, although it must be
supposed that words relating purely to the Mosaic ritual may have found
their way into the spoken language even then. The sixteenth century
finds a large number of German Jews resident in Bohemia, Poland, and
Lithuania. As is frequently the case with immigrants, the Jews in those
distant countries developed a greater intellectual activity than their
brethren at home, and this is indicated by the prominence of the
printing offices at Prague and Cracow, and the large number of natives
of those countries who figure as authors of Judeo-German works up to the
nineteenth century. But torn away from a vivifying intercourse with
their mother-country, their vocabulary could not be increased from the
living source of the language alone, for their interests began to
diverge. Religious instruction being given entirely in Hebrew, it was
natural for them to make use of all such Hebrew words as they thus
became familiar with. Their close study of the Talmud furnished them
from that source with a large number of words of argumentation, while
the native Slavic languages naturally added their mite toward making the
Judeo-German more and more unlike the mother-tongue. Since books printed
in Bohemia were equally current in Poland, and _vice versa_, and Jews
perused a great number of books, there was always a lively interchange
of thoughts going on in these countries, causing some Bohemian words to
migrate to Poland, and Polish words back to Bohemia. These books printed
in Slavic countries were received with open hands also in Germany, and
their preponderance over similar books at home was so great that the
foreign corruption affected the spoken language of the German Jews, and
they accepted also a number of Slavic words together with the Semitic
infection. This was still further aided by the many Polish teachers who,
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, were almost the only
instructors of Hebrew in Germany.[15]

We have, then, here an analogous case to the formation of Osmanli out of
the Turkish, and Modern Persian out of the Old by means of the Arabic,
and if the word Jargon is used to describe the condition of Judeo-German
in the past three centuries, then Gibberish would be the only word that
would fit as a designation of the corresponding compounds of the
beautiful languages of Turkey, Persia, and India. A Jargon is the
chaotic state of a speech-mixture at the moment when the foreign
elements first enter into it. That mixture can never be entirely
arbitrary, for it is subject to the spirit of one fundamental language
which does not lose its identity. All the Romance elements in English
have not stifled its Germanic basis, and Hindustani is neither Persian
nor Arabic, in spite of the overwhelming foreign element in it, but an
Indian language. Similarly Judeo-German has remained essentially a
German dialect group.

Had the Judeo-German had for its basis some dialect which widely differs
from the literary norm, such as Low German or Swiss, it would have long
ago been claimed as a precious survival by German philologists. But it
happens to follow so closely the structure of High German that its
deviations have struck the superficial observer as a kind of careless
corruption of the German. A closer scrutiny, however, convinces one that
in its many dialectic variations it closely follows the High German
dialects of the Middle Rhine with Frankfurt for its centre. There is not
a peculiarity in its grammatical forms, in the changes of its vocalism,
for which exact parallels are not found within a small radius of the old
imperial city, the great centre of Jewish learning and life in the
Middle Ages. No doubt, the emigration into Russia came mainly from the
region of the Rhine. At any rate those who arrived from there brought
with them traditions which were laid as the foundation of their written
literature, whose influence has been very great on the Jews of the later
Middle Ages. While men received their religious literature directly
through the Hebrew, women could get their ethical instruction only by
means of Judeo-German books. No house was without them, and through them
a certain contact was kept up with the literary German towards which the
authors have never ceased to lean. In the meanwhile the language could
not remain uniform over the wide extent of the Slavic countries, and
many distinct groups have developed there. The various subdialects of
Poland differ considerably from the group which includes the northwest
of Russia, while they resemble somewhat more closely the southern
variety. But nothing of that appears in the printed literature previous
to the beginning of this century. There a great uniformity prevails, and
by giving the Hebrew vowels, or the consonants that are used as such,
the values that they have in the mouths of German Jews, we obtain, in
fact, what appears to be an apocopated, corrupted form of literary
German. The spelling has remained more or less traditional, and though
it becomes finally phonetic, it seems to ascribe to the vowels the
values nearest to those of the mother-language and current in certain
varieties of the Lithuanian group. From this it may be assumed that the
Polish and southern Russian varieties have developed from the
Lithuanian, which probably bears some relation to the historical
migrations into those parts of the quondam Polish kingdom, and this is
made the more plausible from the fact that the vowel changes are
frequently in exact correspondence with the changes in the White
Russian, Polish, and Little Russian. Such a phenomenon of parallelism is
found also in other languages, and in our case may be explained by the
unconscious changes of the Germanic vowels simultaneously with those in
the Slavic words which, having been naturalized in Judeo-German, were
heard and used differently in the new surroundings.

However it may be, the language of the Judeo-German books in the
sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries is subject to but
slight variations. It is true, the Blitz Bible printed in Amsterdam in
1676 seems to deviate greatly from other similar works, and the uncouth
compound which is found there does, indeed, have all appearances of a
Jargon. It owes its origin to the Polish Jews who but a few years before
had been exiled from more than two hundred and fifty towns[16] and who,
having settled in Holland, began to modify their Judeo-German by
introducing Dutch into it. Although the Bible was intended for Polish
Jews, as is evident by the letters-patent granted by John the Third of
Poland, yet it has never exerted any influence on the dialects in Russia
and Poland, for not one word of Dutch origin can be found in them. This
older stage of the language is even now familiar to the Russian Jewish
women through the 'Zeena Ureena,' the prayer book, and the special
prayers which they recite in Judeo-German, and Jewish writers have
recourse to it whenever they wish to express a prayer, as, for example,
in Abramowitsch's 'Hymns' and 'Saturday Prayers.' This older stage is
known under the name of _Iwre-teutsch_, _Korben-ssider-teutsch_,
_Tchines-teutsch_, thus indicating its proper sphere in lithurgical
works. This form of the language is comparatively free from Hebrew
words.[17] On the other hand, Cabbalistic works become almost unreadable
on account of the prevalence of Semitic over German words.[18]

In the beginning of the nineteenth century a Galician, Minchas Mendel
Lefin, laid the foundation for the use of the vernacular for literary
purposes.[19] This example was soon followed by the writers in Russia
who became acquainted with German culture through the followers of the
Mendelssohnian School at Lemberg, who comprise nearly all the authors
from Ettinger to Abramowitsch, most of whom wrote in some southern
dialect. The language of these abounds in a large number of idiomatic
expressions for which one would in vain look in the older writings;
words of Slavic origin that were familiar in everyday life were freely
introduced, and an entirely new diction superseded that of the past
century. At first their spelling was quite phonetic. But soon their
leaning towards German literature led them into the unfortunate mistake
of introducing German orthography for their dialect, so that it now is
frequently impossible to tell from the form of a word how it may have
been pronounced. Add to this the historical spelling of the Hebrew and
the phonetic of the Slavic words, and one can easily imagine the chaos
that prevails in the written language. And yet it must not be supposed
that Judeo-German stands alone in this. The same difficulty and
confusion arises in all those tongues in which the historical continuity
has been broken. Thus Modern Greek is spelled as though it were Ancient
Greek, with which it has hardly any resemblance in sound, while
Bulgarian is still wavering between a phonetic, a Russian, and an Old
Slavic orthography. Similar causes have produced similar results in

There is no linguistic norm in the language as now used for literary
purposes. The greater number of the best authors write in slightly
varying dialects of Volhynia; but the Lithuanian variety is also well
represented, and of late Perez has begun to write in his Polish
vernacular.[20] German influence began to show itself early, and it
affected not only the spelling, but also the vocabulary of the early
writers in Lithuania. Dick looked upon Judeo-German only as a means to
lead his people to German culture, and his stories are written in a
curious mixture in which German at times predominates. This evil
practice, which in Dick may be excused on the ground that it served him
only as a means to an end, has come to be a mannerism in writers of the
lower kind, such as Schaikewitsch, Seiffert, and their like. The
scribblers of that class have not only corrupted the literature but also
the language of the Jews.

Various means have been suggested by the writers for the enrichment of
the Judeo-German vocabulary. Some lovers of Hebrew have had the bad
taste to propose the formation of all new words on a Semitic basis, and
have actually brought forth literary productions in that hybrid
language. Others again have advised the introduction of all foreign
words commonly in use among other nations. But the classical writers,
among whom Abramowitsch is foremost, have not stopped to consider what
would be the best expedient, but have coined words in conformity with
the spirit of their dialect, steering a middle course between the
extremes suggested by others. In America, where the majority of the
writers knew more of German than their native vernacular, the literary
dialect has come to resemble the literary German, and the English
environment has caused the infusion of a number of English terms for
familiar objects. But on the whole the language of the better writers
differs in America but little from that of their former home. There is,
naturally, a large divergence to be found in the language, which ranges
from the almost pure German of the prayers and, in modern times, of the
poems of Winchevsky, to the language abounding in Russicisms of
Dlugatsch, and in Hebraisms of Linetzki, from the pure dialects of the
best writers to the corrupt forms of Dick and Meisach, and the even
worse Jargon of Seiffert, but in all these there is no greater variety
than is to be found in all newly formed languages.[21] The most recent
example of such variety is furnished by the Bulgarian, where the writers
of the last fifty years have wavered between the native dialects with
their large elements of Turkish and Greek origin, a purified form of the
same, from which the foreign infection has been eliminated, approaches
to the Old Slavic of a thousand years ago, and, within the last few
years, a curious mixture with the literary Russian. Judeo-German not
only does not suffer by such a comparison, but really gains by it, for
all the best writers have uniformly based their diction on their native

In former days Judeo-German was known only by the name of
_Iwre-teutsch_, or _Judisch-teutsch_. Frequently such words were used as
_Mame-loschen_ (Mother-tongue), or _Prost-judisch_ (Simple Yiddish), but
through the efforts of the disciples of the Haskala (Reform), the
designation of _Jargon_ has been forced upon it; and that appellation
has been adopted by later writers in Russia, so that now one generally
finds only this latter form as the name of the language used by the
writers in Russia. The people, however, speak of their vernacular as
_Judisch_, and this has given rise in England and America to the word
_Yiddish_ for both the spoken and written form. It is interesting to
note that originally the name had been merely _Teutsch_ for the language
of the Jews, for they were conscious of their participation with the
Germans in a common inheritance. Reminiscences of that old designation
are left in such words as _verteutschen_, 'to translate,' _i.e._ to do
into German, and _steutsch_, 'how do you mean it?' contracted from _is
teutsch?_ 'how is that in German?'

The main differences between Judeo-German[22] and the mother-tongue are
these: its vocalism has undergone considerable change, varying from
locality to locality; the German unaccented final _e_ has, as in other
dialects of German, disappeared; in declensional forms, the genitive has
almost entirely disappeared, while in the Lithuanian group the dative
has also coincided with the accusative; in the verb, Judeo-German has
lost almost entirely the imperfect tense; the order of words is more
like the English than the German. These are all developments for which
parallels can be adduced from the region of Frankfurt. Judeo-German is,
consequently, not an anomaly, but a natural development.


There can be no doubt that the Jews were the most potent factors in the
dissemination of folk-literature in the Middle Ages.[23] Various causes
united to make them the natural carriers of folklore from the East to
the West, and from the West back again to the East. They never became so
completely localized as to break away from the community of their
brethren in distant lands, and to develop distinct national
characteristics. The Jews of Spain stood in direct relations with the
Khazars of Russia, and it was a Jew whom Charlemagne sent as ambassador
to Bagdad. The Jewish merchant did not limit his sphere of action by
geographical lines of demarkation, and the Jewish scholar was as much at
home in Italy and Germany as he was in Russia or Egypt. Again and again,
in reading the biographies of Jewish worthies, we are confronted with
men who have had their temporary homes in three continents. In fact, the
stay-at-homes were the exception rather than the rule in the Middle
Ages. In this manner not only a lively intercourse was kept up among the
Jews of the diaspora, but they unwittingly became also the mediators of
the intellectual life of the most remote lands: they not only enriched
the literatures of the various nations by new kinds of compositions, but
also brought with them the substratum of that intellectual life which
finds its expression in the creations of the popular literature.

The Jews have always possessed an innate love for story telling which
was only sharpened by their travels. The religious and semi-religious
stories were far from sufficient to satisfy their curiosity, and in
spite of the discussions by the Rabbis of the permissibility of reading
foreign books of adventure, they proceeded to create and multiply an
apocryphal and profane folk-literature which baffles the investigator
with its variety. Most addicted to these stories were the women, who
received but little learning in the language of their religious lore,
and who knew just enough of their Hebrew characters to read in the
vernacular books specially prepared for them. Times changed, and the
education of the men varied with the progress of the Hebrew and the
native literatures; but the times hardly made an impression on the
female sex. The same minimum of ethical instruction was given them in
the eighteenth century that they had received in the fourteenth, and
they were left to shift for themselves in the selection of their profane
reading matter. The men who condescended to write stories for them had
no special interest to direct the taste of their public, and preferred
to supply the demand rather than create it; nor did the publishers have
any more urgent reason why they should trouble themselves about the
production of new works as long as the old ones satisfied the women.
Consequently, although now and then a 'new' story book saw daylight, the
old ones were just as eagerly received by the feminine readers. And thus
it happens that what was read with pleasure at its first appearance is
accepted as eagerly to-day, and the books that were issued from the
printing presses of the sixteenth century may be found in almost
unchanged hundredth editions, except as to the language, printed in 1898 in Wilna or Warsaw.

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