2014년 10월 26일 일요일



Peter Stockmann. But look there--that is the thing I was speaking of!

Aslaksen. Yes, that is the Doctor's article, Mr. Mayor.

Hovstad. Oh, is THAT what you were speaking about?

Peter Stockmann. Yes, that is it. What do you think of it?

Hovstad. Oh, I am only a layman--and I have only taken a very cursory
glance at it.

Peter Stockmann. But you are going to print it?

Hovstad. I cannot very well refuse a distinguished man.

Aslaksen. I have nothing to do with editing the paper, Mr. Mayor--

Peter Stockmann. I understand.

Aslaksen. I merely print what is put into my hands.

Peter Stockmann. Quite so.

Aslaksen. And so I must-- (moves off towards the printing-room).

Peter Stockmann. No, but wait a moment, Mr. Aslaksen. You will allow
me, Mr. Hovstad?

Hovstad. If you please, Mr. Mayor.

Peter Stockmann. You are a discreet and thoughtful man, Mr. Aslaksen.

Aslaksen. I am delighted to hear you think so, sir.

Peter Stockmann. And a man of very considerable influence.

Aslaksen. Chiefly among the small tradesmen, sir.

Peter Stockmann. The small tax-payers are the majority--here as
everywhere else.

Aslaksen. That is true.

Peter Stockmann. And I have no doubt you know the general trend of
opinion among them, don't you?

Aslaksen. Yes I think I may say I do, Mr. Mayor.

Peter Stockmann. Yes. Well, since there is such a praiseworthy spirit
of self-sacrifice among the less wealthy citizens of our town--

Aslaksen. What?

Hovstad. Self-sacrifice?

Peter Stockmann. It is pleasing evidence of a public-spirited feeling,
extremely pleasing evidence. I might almost say I hardly expected it.
But you have a closer knowledge of public opinion than I.

Aslaksen. But, Mr. Mayor--

Peter Stockmann. And indeed it is no small sacrifice that the town is
going to make.

Hovstad. The town?

Aslaksen. But I don't understand. Is it the Baths--?

Peter Stockmann. At a provisional estimate, the alterations that the
Medical Officer asserts to be desirable will cost somewhere about
twenty thousand pounds.

Aslaksen. That is a lot of money, but--

Peter Stockmann. Of course it will be necessary to raise a municipal

Hovstad (getting up). Surely you never mean that the town must pay--?

Aslaksen. Do you mean that it must come out of the municipal
funds?--out of the ill-filled pockets of the small tradesmen?

Peter Stockmann. Well, my dear Mr. Aslaksen, where else is the money to
come from?

Aslaksen. The gentlemen who own the Baths ought to provide that.

Peter Stockmann. The proprietors of the Baths are not in a position to
incur any further expense.

Aslaksen. Is that absolutely certain, Mr. Mayor?

Peter Stockmann. I have satisfied myself that it is so. If the town
wants these very extensive alterations, it will have to pay for them.

Aslaksen. But, damn it all--I beg your pardon--this is quite another
matter, Mr. Hovstad!

Hovstad. It is, indeed.

Peter Stockmann. The most fatal part of it is that we shall be obliged
to shut the Baths for a couple of years.

Hovstad. Shut them? Shut them altogether?

Aslaksen. For two years?

Peter Stockmann. Yes, the work will take as long as that--at least.

Aslaksen. I'm damned if we will stand that, Mr. Mayor! What are we
householders to live upon in the meantime?

Peter Stockmann. Unfortunately, that is an extremely difficult question
to answer, Mr. Aslaksen. But what would you have us do? Do you suppose
we shall have a single visitor in the town, if we go about proclaiming
that our water is polluted, that we are living over a plague spot, that
the entire town--

Aslaksen. And the whole thing is merely imagination?

Peter Stockmann. With the best will in the world, I have not been able
to come to any other conclusion.

Aslaksen. Well then I must say it is absolutely unjustifiable of Dr.
Stockmann--I beg your pardon, Mr. Mayor.

Peter Stockmann. What you say is lamentably true, Mr. Aslaksen. My
brother has unfortunately always been a headstrong man.

Aslaksen. After this, do you mean to give him your support, Mr. Hovstad?

Hovstad. Can you suppose for a moment that I--?

Peter Stockmann. I have drawn up a short resume of the situation as it
appears from a reasonable man's point of view. In it I have indicated
how certain possible defects might suitably be remedied without
outrunning the resources of the Baths Committee.

Hovstad. Have you got it with you, Mr. Mayor?

Peter Stockmann (fumbling in his pocket). Yes, I brought it with me in
case you should--

Aslaksen. Good Lord, there he is!

Peter Stockmann. Who? My brother?

Hovstad. Where? Where?

Aslaksen. He has just gone through the printing room.

Peter Stockmann. How unlucky! I don't want to meet him here, and I had
still several things to speak to you about.

Hovstad (pointing to the door on the right). Go in there for the

Peter Stockmann. But--?

Hovstad. You will only find Billing in there.

Aslaksen. Quick, quick, Mr. Mayor--he is just coming.

Peter Stockmann. Yes, very well; but see that you get rid of him
quickly. (Goes out through the door on the right, which ASLAKSEN opens
for him and shuts after him.)

Hovstad. Pretend to be doing something, Aslaksen. (Sits down and
writes. ASLAKSEN begins foraging among a heap of newspapers that are
lying on a chair.)

Dr. Stockmann (coming in from the printing room). Here I am again.
(Puts down his hat and stick.)

Hovstad (writing). Already, Doctor? Hurry up with what we were speaking
about, Aslaksen. We are very pressed for time today.

Dr. Stockmann (to ASLAKSEN). No proof for me to see yet, I hear.

Aslaksen (without turning round). You couldn't expect it yet, Doctor.

Dr. Stockmann. No, no; but I am impatient, as you can understand. I
shall not know a moment's peace of mind until I see it in print.

Hovstad. Hm!--It will take a good while yet, won't it, Aslaksen?

Aslaksen. Yes, I am almost afraid it will.

Dr. Stockmann. All right, my dear friends; I will come back. I do not
mind coming back twice if necessary. A matter of such great
importance--the welfare of the town at stake--it is no time to shirk
trouble, (is just going, but stops and comes back.) Look here--there is
one thing more I want to speak to you about.

Hovstad. Excuse me, but could it not wait till some other time?

Dr. Stockmann. I can tell you in half a dozen words. It is only this.
When my article is read tomorrow and it is realised that I have been
quietly working the whole winter for the welfare of the town--

Hovstad. Yes but, Doctor--

Dr. Stockmann. I know what you are going to say. You don't see how on
earth it was any more than my duty--my obvious duty as a citizen. Of
course it wasn't; I know that as well as you. But my fellow citizens,
you know--! Good Lord, think of all the good souls who think so highly
of me--!

Aslaksen. Yes, our townsfolk have had a very high opinion of you so
far, Doctor.

Dr. Stockmann. Yes, and that is just why I am afraid they--. Well, this
is the point; when this reaches them, especially the poorer classes,
and sounds in their ears like a summons to take the town's affairs into
their own hands for the future...

Hovstad (getting up). Ahem I Doctor, I won't conceal from you the fact--

Dr. Stockmann. Ah I--I knew there was something in the wind! But I
won't hear a word of it. If anything of that sort is being set on foot--

Hovstad. Of what sort?

Dr. Stockmann. Well, whatever it is--whether it is a demonstration in
my honour, or a banquet, or a subscription list for some presentation
to me--whatever it is, you most promise me solemnly and faithfully to
put a stop to it. You too, Mr. Aslaksen; do you understand?

Hovstad. You must forgive me, Doctor, but sooner or later we must tell
you the plain truth--

(He is interrupted by the entrance Of MRS. STOCKMANN, who comes in from
the street door.)

Mrs. Stockmann (seeing her husband). Just as I thought!

Hovstad (going towards her). You too, Mrs. Stockmann?

Dr. Stockmann. What on earth do you want here, Katherine?

Mrs. Stockmann. I should think you know very well what I want.

Hovstad, Won't you sit down? Or perhaps--

Mrs. Stockmann. No, thank you; don't trouble. And you must not be
offended at my coming to fetch my husband; I am the mother of three
children, you know.

Dr. Stockmann. Nonsense!--we know all about that.

Mrs. Stockmann. Well, one would not give you credit for much thought
for your wife and children today; if you had had that, you would not
have gone and dragged us all into misfortune.

Dr. Stockmann. Are you out of your senses, Katherine! Because a man has
a wife and children, is he not to be allowed to proclaim the truth-is
he not to be allowed to be an actively useful citizen--is he not to be
allowed to do a service to his native town!

Mrs. Stockmann. Yes, Thomas--in reason.

Aslaksen. Just what I say. Moderation in everything.

Mrs. Stockmann. And that is why you wrong us, Mr. Hovstad, in enticing
my husband away from his home and making a dupe of him in all this.

Hovstad. I certainly am making a dupe of no one--

Dr. Stockmann. Making a dupe of me! Do you suppose I should allow
myself to be duped!

Mrs. Stockmann. It is just what you do. I know quite well you have more
brains than anyone in the town, but you are extremely easily duped,
Thomas. (To Hovstad.) Please do realise that he loses his post at the
Baths if you print what he has written.

Aslaksen. What!

Hovstad. Look here, Doctor!

Dr. Stockmann (laughing). Ha-ha!--just let them try! No, no--they will
take good care not to. I have got the compact majority behind me, let
me tell you!

Mrs. Stockmann. Yes, that is just the worst of it--your having any such
horrid thing behind you.

Dr. Stockmann. Rubbish, Katherine!--Go home and look after your house
and leave me to look after the community. How can you be so afraid,
when I am so confident and happy? (Walks up and down, rubbing his
hands.) Truth and the People will win the fight, you may be certain! I
see the whole of the broad-minded middle class marching like a
victorious army--! (Stops beside a chair.) What the deuce is that lying

Aslaksen Good Lord!

Hovstad. Ahem!

Dr. Stockmann. Here we have the topmost pinnacle of authority! (Takes
the Mayor's official hat carefully between his finger-tips and holds it
up in the air.)

Mrs. Stockmann. The Mayor's hat!

Dr. Stockmann. And here is the staff of office too. How in the name of
all that's wonderful--?

Hovstad. Well, you see--

Dr. Stockmann. Oh, I understand. He has been here trying to talk you
over. Ha-ha!--he made rather a mistake there! And as soon as he caught
sight of me in the printing room. (Bursts out laughing.) Did he run
away, Mr. Aslaksen?

Aslaksen (hurriedly). Yes, he ran away, Doctor.

Dr. Stockmann. Ran away without his stick or his--. Fiddlesticks! Peter
doesn't run away and leave his belongings behind him. But what the
deuce have you done with him? Ah!--in there, of course. Now you shall
see, Katherine!

Mrs. Stockmann. Thomas--please don't--!

Aslaksen. Don't be rash, Doctor.

(DR. STOCKMANN has put on the Mayor's hat and taken his stick in his
hand. He goes up to the door, opens it, and stands with his hand to his
hat at the salute. PETER STOCKMANN comes in, red with anger. BILLING
follows him.)

Peter Stockmann. What does this tomfoolery mean?

Dr. Stockmann. Be respectful, my good Peter. I am the chief authority
in the town now. (Walks up and down.)

Mrs. Stockmann (almost in tears). Really, Thomas!

Peter Stockmann (following him about). Give me my hat and stick.

Dr. Stockmann (in the same tone as before). If you are chief constable,
let me tell you that I am the Mayor--I am the master of the whole town,
please understand!

Peter Stockmann. Take off my hat, I tell you. Remember it is part of an
official uniform.

Dr. Stockmann. Pooh! Do you think the newly awakened lionhearted people
are going to be frightened by an official hat? There is going to be a
revolution in the town tomorrow, let me tell you. You thought you could
turn me out; but now I shall turn you out--turn you out of all your
various offices. Do you think I cannot? Listen to me. I have triumphant
social forces behind me. Hovstad and Billing will thunder in the
"People's Messenger," and Aslaksen will take the field at the head of
the whole Householders' Association--

Aslaksen. That I won't, Doctor.

Dr. Stockmann. Of course you will--

Peter Stockmann. Ah!--may I ask then if Mr. Hovstad intends to join
this agitation?

Hovstad. No, Mr. Mayor.

Aslaksen. No, Mr. Hovstad is not such a fool as to go and ruin his
paper and himself for the sake of an imaginary grievance.

Dr. Stockmann (looking round him). What does this mean?

Hovstad. You have represented your case in a false light, Doctor, and
therefore I am unable to give you my support.

Billing. And after what the Mayor was so kind as to tell me just now,

Dr. Stockmann. A false light! Leave that part of it to me. Only print
my article; I am quite capable of defending it.

Hovstad. I am not going to print it. I cannot and will not and dare not
print it.

Dr. Stockmann. You dare not? What nonsense!--you are the editor; and an
editor controls his paper, I suppose!

Aslaksen. No, it is the subscribers, Doctor.

Peter Stockmann. Fortunately, yes.

Aslaksen. It is public opinion--the enlightened public--householders
and people of that kind; they control the newspapers.

Dr. Stockmann (composedly). And I have all these influences against me?

Aslaksen. Yes, you have. It would mean the absolute ruin of the
community if your article were to appear.

Dr. Stockmann. Indeed.

Peter Stockmann. My hat and stick, if you please. (DR. STOCKMANN takes
off the hat and lays it on the table with the stick. PETER STOCKMANN
takes them up.) Your authority as mayor has come to an untimely end.

Dr. Stockmann. We have not got to the end yet. (To HOVSTAD.) Then it is
quite impossible for you to print my article in the "People's

Hovstad. Quite impossible--out of regard for your family as well.

Mrs. Stockmann. You need not concern yourself about his family, thank
you, Mr. Hovstad.

Peter Stockmann (taking a paper from his pocket). It will be
sufficient, for the guidance of the public, if this appears. It is an
official statement. May I trouble you?

Hovstad (taking the paper). Certainly; I will see that it is printed.

Dr. Stockmann. But not mine. Do you imagine that you can silence me and
stifle the truth! You will not find it so easy as you suppose. Mr.
Aslaksen, kindly take my manuscript at once and print it as a
pamphlet--at my expense. I will have four hundred copies--no, five or
six hundred.

Aslaksen. If you offered me its weight in gold, I could not lend my
press for any such purpose, Doctor. It would be flying in the face of
public opinion. You will not get it printed anywhere in the town.

Dr. Stockmann. Then give it me back.

Hovstad (giving him the MS.). Here it is.

Dr. Stockmann (taking his hat and stick). It shall be made public all
the same. I will read it out at a mass meeting of the townspeople. All
my fellow-citizens shall hear the voice of truth!

Peter Stockmann. You will not find any public body in the town that
will give you the use of their hall for such a purpose.

Aslaksen. Not a single one, I am certain.

Billing. No, I'm damned if you will find one.

Mrs. Stockmann. But this is too shameful! Why should every one turn
against you like that?

Dr. Stockmann (angrily). I will tell you why. It is because all the men
in this town are old women--like you; they all think of nothing but
their families, and never of the community.

Mrs. Stockmann (putting her arm into his). Then I will show them that
an old woman can be a man for once. I am going to stand by you, Thomas!

Dr. Stockmann. Bravely said, Katherine! It shall be made public--as I
am a living soul! If I can't hire a hall, I shall hire a drum, and
parade the town with it and read it at every street-corner.

Peter Stockmann. You are surely not such an errant fool as that!

Dr. Stockmann. Yes, I am.

Aslaksen. You won't find a single man in the whole town to go with you.

Billing. No, I'm damned if you will.

Mrs. Stockmann. Don't give in, Thomas. I will tell the boys to go with

Dr. Stockmann. That is a splendid idea!

Mrs. Stockmann. Morten will be delighted; and Ejlif will do whatever he

Dr. Stockmann. Yes, and Petra!--and you too, Katherine!

Mrs. Stockmann. No, I won't do that; but I will stand at the window and
watch you, that's what I will do.

Dr. Stockmann (puts his arms round her and kisses her). Thank you, my
dear! Now you and I are going to try a fall, my fine gentlemen! I am
going to see whether a pack of cowards can succeed in gagging a patriot
who wants to purify society! (He and his wife go out by the street

Peter Stockmann (shaking his head seriously). Now he has sent her out
of her senses, too.


(SCENE.--A big old-fashioned room in CAPTAIN HORSTER'S house. At the
back folding-doors, which are standing open, lead to an ante-room.
Three windows in the left-hand wall. In the middle of the opposite wall
a platform has been erected. On this is a small table with two candles,
a water-bottle and glass, and a bell. The room is lit by lamps placed
between the windows. In the foreground on the left there is a table
with candles and a chair. To the right is a door and some chairs
standing near it. The room is nearly filled with a crowd of townspeople
of all sorts, a few women and schoolboys being amongst them. People are
still streaming in from the back, and the room is soon filled.)

1st Citizen (meeting another). Hullo, Lamstad! You here too?

2nd Citizen. I go to every public meeting, I do.

3rd Citizen. Brought your whistle too, I expect!

2nd Citizen. I should think so. Haven't you?

3rd Citizen. Rather! And old Evensen said he was going to bring a
cow-horn, he did.

2nd Citizen. Good old Evensen! (Laughter among the crowd.)

4th Citizen (coming up to them). I say, tell me what is going on here

2nd Citizen. Dr. Stockmann is going to deliver an address attacking the

4th Citizen. But the Mayor is his brother.

1st Citizen. That doesn't matter; Dr. Stockmann's not the chap to be

Peter Stockmann. For various reasons, which you will easily understand,
I must beg to be excused. But fortunately we have amongst us a man who
I think will be acceptable to you all. I refer to the President of the
Householders' Association, Mr. Aslaksen.

Several voices. Yes--Aslaksen! Bravo Aslaksen!

(DR. STOCKMANN takes up his MS. and walks up and down the platform.)

Aslaksen. Since my fellow-citizens choose to entrust me with this duty,
I cannot refuse.

(Loud applause. ASLAKSEN mounts the platform.)

Billing (writing), "Mr. Aslaksen was elected with enthusiasm."

Aslaksen. And now, as I am in this position, I should like to say a few
brief words. I am a quiet and peaceable man, who believes in discreet
moderation, and--and--in moderate discretion. All my friends can bear
witness to that.

Several Voices. That's right! That's right, Aslaksen!

Aslaksen. I have learned in the school of life and experience that
moderation is the most valuable virtue a citizen can possess--

Peter Stockmann. Hear, hear!

Aslaksen. --And moreover, that discretion and moderation are what
enable a man to be of most service to the community. I would therefore
suggest to our esteemed fellow-citizen, who has called this meeting,
that he should strive to keep strictly within the bounds of moderation.

A Man by the door. Three cheers for the Moderation Society!

A Voice. Shame!

Several Voices. Sh!-Sh!

Aslaksen. No interruptions, gentlemen, please! Does anyone wish to make
any remarks?

Peter Stockmann. Mr. Chairman.

Aslaksen. The Mayor will address the meeting.

Peter Stockmann. In consideration of the close relationship in which,
as you all know, I stand to the present Medical Officer of the Baths, I
should have preferred not to speak this evening. But my official
position with regard to the Baths and my solicitude for the vital
interests of the town compel me to bring forward a motion. I venture to
presume that there is not a single one of our citizens present who
considers it desirable that unreliable and exaggerated accounts of the
sanitary condition of the Baths and the town should be spread abroad.

Several Voices. No, no! Certainly not! We protest against it!

Peter Stockmann. Therefore, I should like to propose that the meeting
should not permit the Medical Officer either to read or to comment on
his proposed lecture.

Dr. Stockmann (impatiently). Not permit--! What the devil--!

Mrs. Stockmann (coughing). Ahem!-ahem!

Dr. Stockmann (collecting himself). Very well, Go ahead!

Peter Stockmann. In my communication to the "People's Messenger," I
have put the essential facts before the public in such a way that every
fair-minded citizen can easily form his own opinion. From it you will
see that the main result of the Medical Officer's proposals--apart from
their constituting a vote of censure on the leading men of the
town--would be to saddle the ratepayers with an unnecessary expenditure
of at least some thousands of pounds.

(Sounds of disapproval among the audience, and some cat-calls.)

Aslaksen (ringing his bell). Silence, please, gentlemen! I beg to
support the Mayor's motion. I quite agree with him that there is
something behind this agitation started by the Doctor. He talks about
the Baths; but it is a revolution he is aiming at--he wants to get the
administration of the town put into new hands. No one doubts the
honesty of the Doctor's intentions--no one will suggest that there can
be any two opinions as to that, I myself am a believer in
self-government for the people, provided it does not fall too heavily
on the ratepayers. But that would be the case here; and that is why I
will see Dr. Stockmann damned--I beg your pardon--before I go with him
in the matter. You can pay too dearly for a thing sometimes; that is my

(Loud applause on all sides.)

Hovstad. I, too, feel called upon to explain my position. Dr.
Stockmann's agitation appeared to be gaining a certain amount of
sympathy at first, so I supported it as impartially as I could. But
presently we had reason to suspect that we had allowed ourselves to be
misled by misrepresentation of the state of affairs--

Dr. Stockmann. Misrepresentation--!

Hovstad. Well, let us say a not entirely trustworthy representation.
The Mayor's statement has proved that. I hope no one here has any doubt
as to my liberal principles; the attitude of the "People's Messenger"
towards important political questions is well known to everyone. But
the advice of experienced and thoughtful men has convinced me that in
purely local matters a newspaper ought to proceed with a certain

Aslaksen. I entirely agree with the speaker.

Hovstad. And, in the matter before us, it is now an undoubted fact that
Dr. Stockmann has public opinion against him. Now, what is an editor's
first and most obvious duty, gentlemen? Is it not to work in harmony
with his readers? Has he not received a sort of tacit mandate to work
persistently and assiduously for the welfare of those whose opinions he
represents? Or is it possible I am mistaken in that?

Voices from the crowd. No, no! You are quite right!

Hovstad. It has cost me a severe struggle to break with a man in whose
house I have been lately a frequent guest--a man who till today has
been able to pride himself on the undivided goodwill of his
fellow-citizens--a man whose only, or at all events whose essential,
failing is that he is swayed by his heart rather than his head.

A few scattered voices. That is true! Bravo, Stockmann!

Hovstad. But my duty to the community obliged me to break with him. And
there is another consideration that impels me to oppose him, and, as
far as possible, to arrest him on the perilous course he has adopted;
that is, consideration for his family--

Dr. Stockmann. Please stick to the water-supply and drainage!

Hovstad. --consideration, I repeat, for his wife and his children for
whom he has made no provision.

Morten. Is that us, mother?

Mrs. Stockmann. Hush!

Aslaksen. I will now put the Mayor's proposition to the vote.

Dr. Stockmann. There is no necessity! Tonight I have no intention of
dealing with all that filth down at the Baths. No; I have something
quite different to say to you.

Peter Stockmann (aside). What is coming now?

A Drunken Man (by the entrance door). I am a ratepayer! And therefore,
I have a right to speak too! And my entire--firm--inconceivable opinion

A number of voices. Be quiet, at the back there!

Others. He is drunk! Turn him out! (They turn him out.)

Dr. Stockmann. Am I allowed to speak?

Aslaksen (ringing his bell). Dr. Stockmann will address the meeting.

Dr. Stockmann. I should like to have seen anyone, a few days ago, dare
to attempt to silence me as has been done tonight! I would have
defended my sacred rights as a man, like a lion! But now it is all one
to me; I have something of even weightier importance to say to you.
(The crowd presses nearer to him, MORTEN Kiil conspicuous among them.)

Dr. Stockmann (continuing). I have thought and pondered a great deal,
these last few days--pondered over such a variety of things that in the
end my head seemed too full to hold them--

Peter Stockmann (with a cough). Ahem!

Dr. Stockmann. --but I got them clear in my mind at last, and then I
saw the whole situation lucidly. And that is why I am standing here
to-night. I have a great revelation to make to you, my fellow-citizens!
I will impart to you a discovery of a far wider scope than the trifling
matter that our water supply is poisoned and our medicinal Baths are
standing on pestiferous soil.

A number of voices (shouting). Don't talk about the Baths! We won't
hear you! None of that!

Dr. Stockmann. I have already told you that what I want to speak about
is the great discovery I have made lately--the discovery that all the
sources of our moral life are poisoned and that the whole fabric of our
civic community is founded on the pestiferous soil of falsehood.

Voices of disconcerted Citizens. What is that he says?

Peter Stockmann. Such an insinuation--!

Aslaksen (with his hand on his bell). I call upon the speaker to
moderate his language.

Dr. Stockmann. I have always loved my native town as a man only can
love the home of his youthful days. I was not old when I went away from
here; and exile, longing and memories cast as it were an additional
halo over both the town and its inhabitants. (Some clapping and
applause.) And there I stayed, for many years, in a horrible hole far
away up north. When I came into contact with some of the people that
lived scattered about among the rocks, I often thought it would of been
more service to the poor half-starved creatures if a veterinary doctor
had been sent up there, instead of a man like me. (Murmurs among the

Billing (laying down his pen). I'm damned if I have ever heard--!

Hovstad. It is an insult to a respectable population!

Dr. Stockmann. Wait a bit! I do not think anyone will charge me with
having forgotten my native town up there. I was like one of the
eider-ducks brooding on its nest, and what I hatched was the plans for
these Baths. (Applause and protests.) And then when fate at last
decreed for me the great happiness of coming home again--I assure you,
gentlemen, I thought I had nothing more in the world to wish for. Or
rather, there was one thing I wished for--eagerly, untiringly,
ardently--and that was to be able to be of service to my native town
and the good of the community.

Peter Stockmann (looking at the ceiling). You chose a strange way of
doing it--ahem!

Dr. Stockmann. And so, with my eyes blinded to the real facts, I
revelled in happiness. But yesterday morning--no, to be precise, it was
yesterday afternoon--the eyes of my mind were opened wide, and the
first thing I realised was the colossal stupidity of the authorities--.
(Uproar, shouts and laughter, MRS. STOCKMANN coughs persistently.)

Peter Stockmann. Mr. Chairman!

Aslaksen (ringing his bell). By virtue of my authority--!

Dr. Stockmann. It is a petty thing to catch me up on a word, Mr.
Aslaksen. What I mean is only that I got scent of the unbelievable
piggishness our leading men had been responsible for down at the Baths.
I can't stand leading men at any price!--I have had enough of such
people in my time. They are like billy-goats on a young plantation;
they do mischief everywhere. They stand in a free man's way, whichever
way he turns, and what I should like best would be to see them
exterminated like any other vermin--. (Uproar.)

Peter Stockmann. Mr. Chairman, can we allow such expressions to pass?

Aslaksen (with his hand on his bell). Doctor--!

Dr. Stockmann. I cannot understand how it is that I have only now
acquired a clear conception of what these gentry are, when I had almost
daily before my eyes in this town such an excellent specimen of
them--my brother Peter--slow-witted and hide-bound in prejudice--.
(Laughter, uproar and hisses. MRS. STOCKMANN Sits coughing assiduously.
ASLAKSEN rings his bell violently.)

The Drunken Man (who has got in again). Is it me he is talking about?
My name's Petersen, all right--but devil take me if I--

Angry Voices. Turn out that drunken man! Turn him out. (He is turned
out again.)

Peter Stockmann. Who was that person?

1st Citizen. I don't know who he is, Mr. Mayor.

2nd Citizen. He doesn't belong here.

3rd Citizen. I expect he is a navvy from over at--(the rest is

Aslaksen. He had obviously had too much beer. Proceed, Doctor; but
please strive to be moderate in your language.

Dr. Stockmann. Very well, gentlemen, I will say no more about our
leading men. And if anyone imagines, from what I have just said, that
my object is to attack these people this evening, he is
wrong--absolutely wide of the mark. For I cherish the comforting
conviction that these parasites--all these venerable relics of a dying
school of thought--are most admirably paving the way for their own
extinction; they need no doctor's help to hasten their end. Nor is it
folk of that kind who constitute the most pressing danger to the
community. It is not they who are most instrumental in poisoning the
sources of our moral life and infecting the ground on which we stand.
It is not they who are the most dangerous enemies of truth and freedom amongst us.

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