2014년 10월 23일 목요일

Boy Wanted 2

Boy Wanted 2

The Chinese tell of one of their countrymen, a student, who,
disheartened by the difficulties in his way, threw down his book in
despair, when, seeing a woman rubbing a crowbar on a stone, he inquired
the reason, and was told that she wanted a needle, and thought she
would rub down the crowbar till she got it small enough. Provoked by
this example of patience to "try again," he resumed his studies, and
became one of the foremost scholars of the empire.

[Sidenote: There never was so much room for the best as there is

After more than ten years of wandering through the unexplored depths
of the primeval forests of America in the study of birds and animals,
Audubon determined to publish the results of his painstaking energy.
He went to Philadelphia with a portfolio of two hundred sheets, filled
with colored delineations of about one thousand birds, drawn life-size.
Being obliged to leave the city before making final arrangements as to
their disposition, he placed his drawings in the warehouse of a friend.
On his return in a few weeks he found to his utter dismay that the
precious fruits of his wanderings had been utterly destroyed by rats.
The shock threw him into a fever of several weeks' duration, but with
returning health his native energy came back, and taking up his gun and
game-bag, his pencils and drawing-book, he went forward to the forests
as gaily as if nothing had happened. He set to work again, pleased with
the thought that he might now make better drawings than he had done
before, and in three years his portfolio was refilled.

[Sidenote: A healthful hunger for a great idea is the beauty and
blessedness of life.--JEAN INGELOW.]

[Sidenote: A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.--LAMB.]

[Sidenote: There is no real life but cheerful life.--ADDISON.]

When Carlyle had finished the first volume of his "French Revolution"
he lent the manuscript to a friend to read. A maid, finding what
she supposed to be a bundle of waste paper on the parlor floor used
it to light the kitchen fire. Without spending any time in uttering
lamentations, the author set to work and triumphantly reproduced the
book in the form in which it now appears.

[Sidenote: A man is rich in proportion to the things he can afford to
let alone.--THOREAU.]

[Sidenote: There is one thing in this world better than making a
living, and that is making a life.--RUSSELL.]

"How hard I worked at that tremendous shorthand, and all improvement
appertaining to it! I will only add to what I have already written of
perseverance at this time of my life, and of a patient and continuous
energy which then began to be matured within me, and which I know to
be the strong point of my character, if it have any strength at all,
that there, on looking back, I find the source of my success." Such is
Charles Dickens's testimony to the value of sticking to it.

[Sidenote: A man must be one of two things; either a reed shaken by the
wind, or a wind to shake the reeds.--HANDFORD.]

One of the clever characters created by the pen of George Horace
Lorimer says: "Life isn't a spurt, but a long, steady climb. You can't
run far up hill without stopping to sit down. Some men do a day's work,
and then spend six lolling around admiring it. They rush at a thing
with a whoop and use up all their wind in that. And when they've rested
and got it back, they whoop again and start off in a new direction."

[Sidenote: There is nothing at all in life except what we put

Says the poet, James Whitcomb Riley, "For twenty years I tried to get
into one magazine; back came my manuscripts eternally. I kept on. In
the twentieth year that magazine accepted one of my articles."

[Sidenote: He is, in my opinion, the noblest who has raised himself by
his own merit to a higher station.--CICERO.]

The eminent essayist, William Mathews, tells us: "The restless, uneasy,
discontented spirit which sends a mechanic from the East to the South,
the Rocky Mountains, or California, renders continuous application
anywhere irksome to him, and so he goes wandering about the world, a
half-civilized Arab, getting the confidence of nobody, and almost sure
to die insolvent."

[Sidenote: A page digested is better than a volume hurriedly

The boys who stick to it, and the men who stick to it, are the ones who
achieve results. It does not pay to scatter one's energies. If a man
cannot succeed at one thing he is even less likely to succeed at many
things. Just here would be a good place, I think, to tell how Johnny's
father taught him


[Sidenote: He that can have patience can have what he will.--FRANKLIN.]

    One day, in huckleberry-time, when little Johnny Wales
    And half-a-dozen other boys were starting with their pails
    To gather berries, Johnny's pa, in talking with him, said
    That he could tell him how to pick so he'd come out ahead.
    "First find your bush," said Johnny's pa, "and then stick to it till
    You've picked it clean. Let those go chasing all about who will
    In search of better bushes, but it's picking tells, my son;
    To look at fifty bushes doesn't count like picking one."

[Sidenote: Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.--PLATO.]

[Sidenote: A man who dares waste an hour of time has not discovered the
value of time.--DARWIN.]

    And Johnny did as he was told, and, sure enough, he found
    By sticking to his bush while all the others chased around
    In search of better picking, it was as his father said;
    For while the others looked, he worked, and thus came out ahead.
    And Johnny recollected this when he became a man,
    And first of all he laid him out a well-determined plan;
    So, while the brilliant triflers failed with all their brains and
    Wise, steady-going Johnny won by "sticking to his bush."




[Sidenote: There is nothing impossible to him who will try.--ALEXANDER.]

If you just get a chance?

Oh, certainly, it would be unfair for us grown-ups to expect you, a
mere inexperienced youth, to win without giving you a fair opportunity.

But what is a fair opportunity?

[Sidenote: The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest

Opinions regarding what is best for the making of a boy differ greatly.
Some assert that a child born with a silver spoon in its mouth is not
likely to breathe as deeply and develop as well as one that is born
without any such hindrance to full respiration.

[Sidenote: He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds

Kind parents, a good home training, a chance to go to school,
influential friends, good health, and some one to stand between you and
the hard knocks of the world all serve to make a boy's surroundings
truly enviable. Under such conditions any boy ought to win. Yet some
boys have won without these advantages.

[Sidenote: The two noblest things are sweetness and light.--SWIFT.]

[Sidenote: The wise prove, and the foolish confess, by their conduct,
that a life of employment is the only life worth leading.--PALEY.]

[Sidenote: The world belongs to the energetic.--EMERSON.]

[Sidenote: He who hurts others injures himself; he who helps others
advances his own interests.--BUDDHA.]

[Sidenote: He that sips of many arts drinks of none.--FULLER.]

[Sidenote: There is a higher law than the constitution.--WILLIAM H.

Abraham Lincoln was born of very poor parents in a very crude cabin.
Some years later the family passed through a long, cold, Indiana
winter with no shelter but a shed built of poles, open on one side to
the frosts and snows. Even when a cabin took the place of this rude
"camp" it was left several years, we are told, without floor, doors or
windows. His biographers inform us that here in the primeval forest
Abraham Lincoln spent his boyhood. His bed of leaves was raised from
the ground by poles, resting upon one side in the interstices of the
logs of which the hut was built, and upon the other in crotches of
sticks driven into the earth. The skins of animals afforded almost the
only covering allowed this truly miserable family. Their food was of
the simplest and coarsest variety and very scarce. Here Mrs. Lincoln
died when Abraham was nine years old, and her lifeless form was placed
in a rude coffin which Abraham's father made with his own hands. The
grave was dug in a cleared space in the forest and there Nancy Hanks
Lincoln was buried. Many months passed before it was practicable to
secure a preacher who, when he came, gathered the family about him in
the woods and spoke a few words over the mound of sod. When fame had
come, Mr. Lincoln used to say that he never attended school for more
than six months in all his life--in no spirit of boastfulness, however,
like many a self-made American, but with a regret that was deeply
felt. While a boy he worked out his sums on the logs and clapboards of
the little cabin, evincing the fondness for mathematics that remained
with him through life. But even amid his dark isolation some light
found its way to his slowly expanding mind. He got hold of a copy of
"Aesop's Fables," read "Robinson Crusoe" and borrowed Weems's "Life of
Washington," filling his mind with the story of that noble character.
One night after he had climbed up the pegs, which served as a ladder to
reach his cot, which in the more finished condition of the cabin had
been placed in the attic, he hid the book under the rafters. The rain
which came in before morning soaked the leaves so that he was compelled
to go to the farmer from whom he had borrowed the book and offer to
make good the loss. That unphilanthropic neighbor exacted as its price
three days' work in the corn-field, and at the end of that time the
damaged volume came into the youthful Abraham's absolute possession. It
was a long way from those rude surroundings to the presidential chair
in the White House at Washington, but "with malice toward none, with
charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the
right," he made the journey to the glory of himself and the American

[Sidenote: He that has no cross will have no crown.--QUARLES.]

What a fine demonstration of the power and efficacy of self-help! It is
quite enough to convince any boy that there is no difficulty he cannot
overcome when once he has formed an invincible partnership between


[Sidenote: A strenuous soul hates a cheap success.--EMERSON.]

    Myself and I close friends have been
      Since 'way back where we started.
    We two, amid life's thick and thin,
      Have labored single-hearted.
    In every season, wet or dry,
      Or fair or stormy weather,
    We've joined our hands, myself and I,
      And just worked on together.

[Sidenote: All that is great in man comes through work, and civilization
is its product.--SMILES.]

    Though many friends have been as kind
      And loving as a brother,
    Myself and I have come to find
      Our best friends in each other,
    For while to us obscure and small
      May seem the tasks they bend to,
    We've learned our fellow-men have all
      They and themselves can tend to.

[Sidenote: Ability and necessity dwell near each other.--PYTHAGORAS.]

    Myself and I, and we alone,
      You and yourself, good neighbor,
    Each in his self-determined zone
      Must find his field of labor.
    That prize which men have called "success"
      Has joy nor pleasure in it
    To satisfy the soul unless
      Myself and I shall win it.

[Sidenote: The only amaranthine flower is virtue.--COWPER.]

Dr. Arnold, whose long experience with youth at Rugby gave weight to
his opinion, declared that "the difference between one boy and another
consists not so much in talent as in energy." "The longer I live,"
says Sir Thomas Buxton, another student of human character, "the more
certain I am that the great difference between men, between the great
and the insignificant, is energy, invincible determination, an honest
purpose once fixed, and then death or victory. This quality will do
anything in the world; and no talents, no circumstances, will make a
two-legged creature a man without it."

[Sidenote: The secret of success is constancy to

Says an old Latin proverb: "Opportunity has hair in front, but is bald
behind. Seize him by the forelock."

[Sidenote: The only knowledge that a man has is the knowledge he can

[Sidenote: What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a
human soul.--ADDISON.]

[Sidenote: There is a sufficient recompense in the very consciousness
of a noble deed.--CICERO.]

When Thomas A. Edison went out into the world to make his way, he had
received only two months' regular schooling, but his mother had early
impressed upon his mind the thought that he must atone for his lack of
school training by developing a taste for reading. His biographers tell
us that the "Penny Encyclopedia" and Ure's "History of the Sciences"
were in his hands at a time when most boys, having become acquainted
with stories of adventure, look for mystery in every bush and resolve
to become pirates and Indian fighters. There are many stories of his
early acuteness. One relates how when a boy of twelve or fourteen he
was employed in selling papers on a railroad train in Michigan, and
upon receiving advance news of a battle of the Rebellion fought at
that time he secured fifteen hundred papers on credit, telegraphed
the headlines to the stations along the route, and sold his wares at
a premium. It was after this exploit that he conceived the idea of
starting a daily paper of his own. Securing some old type from the
"Detroit Free Press," he set up his establishment in a car and began
the publication of the "Grand Trunk Herald," the first newspaper
ever published on a train. He also installed in the car a laboratory
for making experiments in chemistry, and both his newspaper and his
experiments flourished until one unlucky day when he set fire to the
car with phosphorus. This was too much for the conductor who promptly
threw the young editor and scientist with all his belongings out on
the station platform, and in addition boxed his ears so roughly as
to cause him to be ever after partly deaf. But misfortune could not
dampen his ardor. His lack of schooling was more than atoned for by
his grit, ambition and studious habits. With the possession of these
qualities and the disposition to make the most of spare moments, this
famous physicist, chemist, mechanician, and inventor has done more for
himself, and more for humanity and the advancement of civilization than
any of the college-bred workers in industrial sciences during the last

[Sidenote: The only failure a man ought to fear is failure in cleaving
to the purpose he sees to be best.--GEORGE ELIOT.]

[Sidenote: The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for
his opportunity when it comes.--DISRAELI.]

[Sidenote: He needs no tears who lived a noble life.--FITZ JAMES

"Yesterday's successes belong to yesterday with all of yesterday's
defeats and sorrows," says a present day philosopher. "The day is
here! The time is now!"


[Sidenote: I don't think much of a man who is not wiser to-day than he
was yesterday.--ABRAHAM LINCOLN.]

    "If I'd 'a' been born," says Sy Slocum to me,
      "In some other far-away clime,
    Or if I could 'a' had my existence," says he,
      "In some other long-ago time,
    I know I'd 'a' flourished in pretty fine style
      And set folks a-talkin', I 'low,
    But what troubles me is there's nothin' worth while
      A-doin' right here and just now."

[Sidenote: Hurry not only spoils work, but spoils life also.--LUBBOCK.]

    "Them folks that can dwell in a country," says Sy,
      "Where they don't have no winter nor storm,
    And the weather ain't ready to freeze 'em or fry,
      By gettin' too cold or too warm,
    Have got all the time that they want to sit down
      And think out a project so great
    That it's just about certain to win 'em renown
      And bring 'em success while they wait."

[Sidenote: I cannot hear what you say for listening to what you

    Says Sy, "Folks a-livin' here ages ago,
      Before all the chances had flown
    For makin' a hit, wouldn't stand any show
      To-day at a-holdin' their own.
    Good times will come back to our planet, I 'low,
      When I've faded out of the scene;
    But it hurts me to think that right here and just now
      Is a sorry betwixt and between."

    At that I got tired a-hearin' Sy spout,
      And says I, "Sy, you like to enthuse
    Regardin' the marvelous work you'd turn out
      If you stood in some other man's shoes;
    But while all your 'might-'a'-been' praises you sing,
      It's worth while recallin' as how
    That no man on earth ever does the first thing
      That he can't do right here and just now!"

[Sidenote: Honest labor wears a lovely face.--DECKER.]

Jean Paul Richter, who suffered greatly from poverty, said that he
would not have been rich for worlds.

"I began life with a sixpence," said Girard, "and believe that a man's
best capital is his industry."

[Sidenote: I am a part of all that I have seen.--TENNYSON.]

Thomas Ball, the sculptor, whose fine statues ornament the parks and
squares of Boston, used as a lad to sweep out the halls of the Boston
Museum. Horace Greeley, journalist and orator, was the son of a poor
New Hampshire farmer and for years earned his living by typesetting.
Thorwaldsen, the great Danish sculptor, was the son of humble Icelandic
fisher-folk, but by study and perseverance he became one of the
greatest of modern sculptors. In the Copenhagen museum alone are six
hundred examples of his art.

[Sidenote: If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not

Benjamin Franklin, philosopher and statesman, was the son of a
tallow-chandler, and was the fifteenth child in a family of seventeen
children. This would seem to go far toward proving that it is no
misfortune to be born into a home of many brothers and sisters. Lord
Tennyson, too, was the third child in a family of eleven children,
all born within a period of thirteen years. They formed a joyous,
lively household, amusements being agreeably mingled with their daily
tasks. They were all handsome and gifted, with marked personal traits
and imaginative temperaments. They were very fond of reading and
story-telling. At least four of the boys--Frederick, Charles, Alfred,
and Edward--were given to verse-writing.

[Sidenote: A thing is never too often repeated which is never
sufficiently learned.--SENECA.]

[Sidenote: Any man may commit a mistake, but none but a fool will
continue in it.--CICERO.]

John Bunyan, author of "Pilgrim's Progress," which is said to have
obtained a larger circulation than any other book in English except the
Bible, was a tinker. Linnaeus, the great Swedish botanist, and most
influential naturalist of the eighteenth century, was a shoemaker's

[Sidenote: As a matter of fact, a man's first duty is to mind his own

George Stephenson, the English engineer and inventor, was in his youth
a stoker in a colliery, learning to read and write at a workingmen's
evening school. Sir Richard Arkwright, inventor of the spinning-jenny,
and founder of the great cotton industries of England, never saw the
inside of a school-house until after he was twenty years of age, having
long served as a barber's assistant.

[Sidenote: Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of

John Jacob Astor began life as a peddler in the streets of New York,
where his descendants now own real estate worth hundreds of millions.

[Sidenote: Civility costs nothing and buys everything.--LADY MONTAGUE.]

Shakespeare in his youth was a wool-carder.

[Sidenote: Cheerful looks make every dish a feast.--MASSINGER.]

Thousands of other examples might be mentioned to show that lowly
birth is no barrier to lofty attainment. It has been truly said that
genius ignores all social barriers and springs forth wherever heaven
has dropped the seed. The grandest characters known in art, literature,
and the useful inventions, have illustrated the axiom that "brave deeds
are the ancestors of brave men," and, as Ballou has told us, "it would
almost appear that an element of hardship is necessary to the effective
development of true genius. Indeed, when we come to the highest
achievements of the greatest minds, it seems that they were not limited
by race, condition of life, or the circumstances of their age."

[Sidenote: Character, good or bad, has a tendency to perpetuate

So we see that it is something within the boy rather than conditions
about him that is to determine what he is to become. A boy with a good
mind with which to think and a determination to do, is pretty sure of
doing something worth while. The whole world knows that so much depends
on whether or not the boy cultivates a determination to


[Sidenote: Do not hang a dismal picture on your wall, and do not deal
with sables and glooms in your conversations.--EMERSON.]

    Say "I will!" and then stick to it--
    That's the only way to do it.
    Don't build up a while and then
    Tear the whole thing down again.
    Fix the goal you wish to gain,
    Then go at it heart and brain,
    And, though clouds shut out the blue,
    Do not dim your purpose true
        With your sighing.
    Stand erect, and, like a man,
    Know "They can who think they can!"
        Keep a-trying.

[Sidenote: Pray for a short memory as to all unkindnesses--SPURGEON.]

[Sidenote: Do to-day thy nearest duty.--GOETHE.]

    Had Columbus, half seas o'er,
    Turned back to his native shore,
    Men would not, to-day, proclaim
    Round the world his deathless name.
    So must we sail on with him
    Past horizons far and dim,
    Till at last we own the prize
    That belongs to him who tries
        With faith undying;
    Own the prize that all may win
    Who, with hope, through thick and thin
        Keep a-trying.




[Sidenote: If you will not hear reason, she will surely rap your

Learn to do, without overdoing. Too much striving for success is as bad
as too little.

Bishop Hall says: "Moderation is the silken string running through the
pearl chain of all virtues."

[Sidenote: The only true conquests--those which awaken no regrets--are
those obtained over our ignorance.--NAPOLEON.]

"You have too much respect upon the world," Shakespeare tells us. "They
lose it that do buy it with much care."

Do not cram books into your head until you crowd pleasant thinking out
of it.

A moderately informed man standing firmly on his two good legs is a
much superior man to the wise professor who is unable to leave his bed.

[Sidenote: The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise
high with the occasion.--ABRAHAM LINCOLN.]

"What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose
his own soul?" And what does it profit him if he shall become a
multi-millionaire and lose his health of mind or body?

Success that costs more than it is worth is failure.

[Sidenote: If you want to be missed by your friends, be useful.--ROBERT
E. LEE.]

Make haste slowly. Be ambitious but not foolish.

Learn a few things and learn them well. He who grasps much holds
little. Upon investigating the fund of information possessed by a great
many young persons it has been found that the matter with it is the

Herbert Spencer says the brains of precocious children cease to develop
after a certain age, like a plant that fails to flower.

[Sidenote: The man of grit carries in his presence a power which spares
him the necessity of resenting insult.--WHIPPLE.]

"Those unhappy children who are forced to rise too early in their
classes are conceited all the forenoon of their lives and stupid all
the afternoon," says Professor Huxley. "The keenness and vitality
which should have been stored up for the sharp struggle of practical
existence have been washed out of them by precocious mental debauchery,
by book-gluttony and lesson-bibbing. Their faculties are worn out by
the strain put upon their callow brains, and they are demoralized by
worthless, childish triumphs before the real tasks of life begin."

[Sidenote: If you would create something you must be

Carlyle's words upon this subject are worth remembering: "The richer
a nature, the harder and slower its development. Two boys were once
members of a class in the Edinburgh Grammar School: John, ever trim,
precise, and a dux; Walter, ever slovenly, confused, and a dolt. In
due time John became Baillie John, of Hunter Square, and Walter became
Sir Walter Scott, of the universe. The quickest and completest of all
vegetables is the cabbage."

[Sidenote: Manners must adorn knowledge and smooth its way through the

[Sidenote: Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous

We all know that there is a happy medium between too much preciseness
and slovenliness; between laziness and an unwarranted degree of mental
activity; between ignorance and an intellect ground to an edge too fine
to carve its way through a hard world.

[Sidenote: The least error should humble, but we should never permit
even the greatest to discourage us.--BISHOP POTTER.]

"It is now generally conceded on all hands," says Professor Mathews,
"that the mind has no right to build itself up at the expense of the
body; that it is no more justifiable in abandoning itself without
restraint to its cravings, than the body in yielding itself to sensual
indulgence. The acute stimulants, the mental drams, that produce this
unnatural activity or overgrowth of the intellect, are as contrary
to nature, and as hurtful to the man, as the coarser stimulants that
unduly excite the body. The mind, it has been well said, should
be a good, strong, healthy feeder, but not a glutton. When unduly
stimulated, it wears out the mechanism of the body, like friction upon
a machine not lubricated, and the growing weakness of the physical
frame nullifies the power it incloses."

[Sidenote: The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued

The foundations for a splendid working constitution are laid during

You are laying yours now.

[Sidenote: Men are born with two eyes, but with one tongue, in order
that they may see twice as much as they say.--COLTON.]

Is it to be a good, firm, durable foundation that will stand through
all the years to come? Or is it being built of faulty material and in
a manner so careless that in the by and by when, at great pains and
expense you have built your life structure upon it, you will find it
untenable or so unstable that it will require a great share of your
time and attention to keep it patched up so that you can continue to
dwell within it?

[Sidenote: The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and to
possess the aptitude and perseverance to attain it.--GOETHE.]

Are you playing and working with moderation or are you so thoughtless
that you sometimes, in a single hour, inflict wrongs upon your health
and your constitution, the sorry effects of which you cannot overcome
during your lifetime?

It may be possible that you are studying too hard at school.

[Sidenote: Method is the hinge of business, and there is no method
without order and punctuality.--HANNAH MORE.]

I know that there are many who will smile at the suggestion that the
average American schoolboy sticks too closely to his books, but I am
sure that such is frequently the case.

[Sidenote: The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use

Sometimes the boy's parents and teachers are eager to have their boy
"show off" to the best advantage possible. They urge him, crowd him,
compel him to develop as rapidly as he can. In their eagerness to
secure results they employ the formulas that require the least possible
time for completing the important task of


[Sidenote: The elect are those who will, and the non-elect are those
who won't.--BEECHER.]

    Hurry the baby as fast as you can,
    Hurry him, worry him, make him a man.
    Off with his baby-clothes, get him in pants,
    Feed him on brain-foods and make him advance.
    Hustle him, soon as he's able to walk,
    Into a grammar school; cram him with talk.
    Fill his poor head full of figures and facts,
    Keep on a-jamming them in till it cracks.
    Once boys grew up at a rational rate,
    Now we develop a man while you wait.
    Rush him through college, compel him to grab
    Of every known subject a dip and a dab.
    Get him in business and after the cash
    All by the time he can grow a mustache.
    Let him forget he was ever a boy,
    Make gold his god and its jingle his joy.
    Keep him a-hustling and clear out of breath,
    Until he wins--Nervous Prostration and Death!

[Sidenote: Much talent is often lost for want of a little
courage.--GEORGE ELIOT.]

A sorry picture, isn't it? No doubt it sets forth, in an extreme
manner, the evils that arise from crowding a child into boyhood, and a
boy into manhood; still, no one who observes carefully will doubt that
such wrongs are constantly being committed by hundreds of ambitious
parents and well-meaning teachers.

[Sidenote: The crowning fortune of a man is to be born with a bias to
some pursuit, which finds him in employment and happiness.--EMERSON.]

Yet, I think you have little to fear along the lines of over-study. You
must train your mind to grapple with tasks while you are young, for
if you do not begin now you may not, later on, be able to summon that
concentration of thought that is necessary for winning success along
any line of endeavor.

"Difficulties are the best stimulant. Trouble is a tonic," says one of
our wise essayists.

[Sidenote: No one is useless in the world who lightens the burden of it
for any one else.--CHARLES DICKENS.]

"He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our
skill, our antagonist is our helper," says Edmund Burke. "This conflict
with difficulty makes us acquainted with our object, and compels
us to consider it in all its relations. It will not suffer us to be

[Sidenote: The fewer the words the better the prayer.--LUTHER.]

    Life is a grind; a sorry few
      Are blunted in their aim,
    And some are sharpened, keen and true,
      And carve their way to fame.

"Don't take too much advice--keep at the helm and steer your own ship,"
says Noah Porter. All of which is very good advice.

[Sidenote: Next to excellence is the appreciation of it.--THACKERAY.]

The boy that the world wants most is the one who will think for himself
at the same time he is hearing words of wisdom from others. A boy who
tried to follow all the advice given him would probably find himself
unable to do anything at all. Everyone and everything seems eager to
give him the short cut to fortune, as I have endeavored to set forth in
a bit of nonsense rhyme which I call the secret of


[Sidenote: The great are only great because we are on our knees; let us
rise up.--PROUDHON.]

    "How shall I win success in life?" the young man asked, whereat:
    "Have push," replied the Button; "And a purr-puss" said the Cat.
    "Find out the work you're sooted for," the Chimney-Sweeper said,
    Just as the Match and Pin remarked: "And never lose your head."

    "Aspire to grater, finer things," the Nutmeg cried. The Hoe
    Said: "Don't fly off the handle," and the Snail remarked: "Go slow."
    "Be deaf to all that's told you," said the Adder. "'Mid the strife
    I've found it best," remarked the Heart, "to beat my way through

[Sidenote: Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition is that
of good books.--COLTON.]

    "Select some proper task and then stick to it," said the Glue.
    "Look pleasant," said the Camera; "And tied-y," said the Shoe.
    "Have nerve!" exclaimed the Tooth. The Hill remarked; "Put up a
    "And keep cool," said the Ice, whereat the young man cried:

[Sidenote: Never suffer youth to be an excuse for inadequacy, nor age
and fame to be an excuse for indolence.--HAYDON.]

The right-minded boy will be thoughtful but not so much absorbed that
he is unable to take in the educative, uplifting sunshine all about him.

[Sidenote: The greatest man is he who chooses with the most invincible

Sharpen your wits as the woodman must sharpen his axe, but counsel
moderation. The woodman who would stay at the stone and grind his axe
all away in attempting to put a razor edge on it would be deemed very

[Sidenote: Self-conquest is the greatest of all victories.--PLATO.]

Of course you will be, you must be thoughtful, for as Ruskin says:
"In general I have no patience with people who talk about 'the
thoughtlessness of youth' indulgently. I had infinitely rather hear
of the thoughtlessness of old age, and the indulgence of that. When
a man has done his work, and nothing can in any way be materially
altered in his fate, let him forget his toil, and jest with his fate,
if he will, but what excuse can you find for wilfulness of thought at
the very time when every crisis of fortune hangs on your decision? A
youth thoughtless, when all the happiness of his home forever depends
on the chances or the passions of an hour! A youth thoughtless, when
the career of all his days depends on the opportunity of a moment!
A youth thoughtless, when his every action is a foundation-stone of
future conduct, and every imagination a fountain of life or death! Be
thoughtless in any after years, rather than now, though, indeed, there
is only one place where a man may be nobly thoughtless, his death-bed.
Nothing should ever be left to be done there."

[Sidenote: Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears, while
the used key is always bright.--FRANKLIN.]

[Sidenote: My liveliest delight was in having conquered

But whatever else we may forget, let us remember that it is not work,
but overwork that kills. Exercise gained through good, wholesome work
is the greatest life-preserver man has yet discovered.

[Sidenote: The great hope of society is in the individual

"I always find something to keep me busy," said Peter Cooper in
explaining how he had preserved so well his strength of mind and body,
"and to be doing something is the best medicine one can take."

[Sidenote: No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very

The ones who live the longest and best lives are the cheerful workers,
those who find a good excuse for liking the task that comes to their
hands. The greatest joy and the truest success do not come to the
idler, nor the one who overworks, nor yet to the one who does things by
fits and starts, but to

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