2015년 4월 1일 수요일

Grettir the Outlaw 12

Grettir the Outlaw 12

Now it so happened that at a rich farm in the Ramsfirth-dale lived a
well-to-do, and very strong man, called Thorbiornthat is, Thor’s
Bearnicknamed Oxmain. He had ridden that day over Burfell-heath, with
a party, and was now returning. As he came along he heard shouts and the
clashing of arms, so he quickened his pace, and presently came in sight
of the fighters. He at once ordered his men to dash in between the
combatants. But by this time the passions of those engaged were so
furious that they would not be separated. Grettir sweeping his
long-sword about him strode forward, and the men of Kormak fell back
before him. Down went two of those who were with Kormak, and one servant
of Atli, Grettir’s brother, was killed.
Then Thorbiorn Oxmain raised his great voice and roared out, that he and
his party would take sides against the first man who dealt another blow.
Grettir saw that it would hardly do if Thorbiorn Oxmain brought all his
force against him, so he gave up the battle; but they did not part till
every one of those engaged was wounded, and two were killed on one side,
and one on the other. Grettir was ill pleased that the affray had ended
in this manner, and he felt resentment against Oxmain for his
interference. Unfortunately, Oxmain’s brother, who went by the name of
the Slow-coach, made fun of the matter, and laughed about Grettir
sneaking away from the fight directly he saw that he was getting the
worst of it. Whatever he said was reported at Biarg, and, as may well
be imagined, did not improve Grettir’s temper, or liking for Oxmain and
Slow-coach. Nothing further occurred between him and Kormak, probably
he and Kormak were content with the trial of strength that had taken
place, and were disinclined to renew a profitless contest.
Atli took no notice of the loss of his house-churl; he desired peace,
and not a stirring afresh of the fires of discord. To his peaceable
behaviour it was doubtless due that the quarrel with Kormak came to an
end. But the vexation felt by Grettir against Oxmain for his
meddlesomeness, and against Slow-coach for his gibes, rankled in his
_Audun’s PedigreeHis relation to GrettirGrettir’s-heavesIn
WillowdaleThe Place called TongueA very strange Tale_
Grettir remained through the autumn at Biarg, after the skirmish at the
Neck, till September, and then he thought he would ride away east and
see Audun again, with whom he had had that little ruffle that was almost
a quarrel, and which was fortunately interrupted by the entrance of
Bard. Audun was a cousin, though not a near one, and Grettir had no
desire that any bad blood should exist between kinsfolk. Audun belonged
to what was called the Madpate family; for it had had in it at least two
who had been so odd in their ways that folk said they were not quite
right in their minds. The relationship will easily be understood by a
look at the pedigree. It will be remembered that old Onund Treefoot,
who had settled in Iceland, had to wife secondly Thordis, an Icelandic
woman, and his son by her was Thorgrim Grizzlepate, and this Thorgrim
bought the estate and house of Biarg about the year 935. Onund Treefoot
died in or about 920, and then his widow Thordis married again a man
called Audun Skokull, and they had a son who was called Asgeir, who
settled in Willowdale, and either went off his head or proved so queer
in his ways that folks called him Madpate. This Madpate married and had
a son Audun, and a daughter Thurid who married away west into a very
good family; and she had a son called Thorstein Kuggson, of whom we
shall hear more presently. Audun of Willowdale’s son was Madpate the
Second, and the lad Audun who wrestled with Grettir and burst the bottle
of curds was the son of this Madpate the Second. Consequently the
relationship to Grettir was through Grettir’s great-grandmother, and
Audun belonged to a generation younger than that of Grettir, because
Grettir was the son of Asmund’s old age. Moreover, Asmund’s father
Thorgrim had married somewhat late in life, whereas all the Madpate
family had dashed into marriage at a very early age. Thus it came about
that Grettir’s great-grandmother was Audun’s great-great-grandmother,
and that, nevertheless, Audun was somewhat older than Grettir.
Grettir rode straight up over the hill behind his house. Now this hill
like the Neck, already described, is rather curious, for on it are a
number of rocks that have been deposited by glaciers, and not only so,
but they have been dragged along by ice, scratching the rocks over which
they were driven forward, and so these beds of rock are rubbed and
scored with lines made by the stones forced over them by ice. Above
Biarg there is one large stone that has scratched a deep furrow in the
bed of rock and then has stopped at the end of the furrow it had itself
scored. This remarkable phenomenon tells us of a time when the whole of
the centre of Iceland was covered with glaciers, like the centre of
Greenland now. These glaciers slided down the slopes of the hills, and
were thrust along to the sea, where they broke off and floated away as
Nowadays folk in Iceland do not understand these odd stones perched in
queer places, which were deposited by the ancient glaciers, and they
call them Grettir-taks or Grettir’s-heaves. So the farmer at Biarg told
me that the curious stone at the end of the furrow in the bed of rock on
top of the hill was a Grettir-tak; it had been rubbed along the rock and
left where it stands by Grettir. But I knew better. I knew that it was
put there by an ancient glacier ages before Grettir was born, and before
Iceland was discovered by the Norsemen. I have no doubt that in
Grettir’s time this stone was said to have been put there by some troll.
Afterwards, when people ceased to believe in trolls, they said it was
put there by Grettir.
Grettir’s ride led him by a pretty little blue lake that lies folded in
between high hills and has a stream flowing from it into a very large
lake near Hop. But he did not follow the stream down; he crossed
another hill, not very steep and high, and reached his cousin’s house at
Audun stead in Willowdale. Now this valley took its name from the woods
of willows that grew in it when first settled, but at the present day
none remain; all have in course of time been burnt for fuel, and except
for scanty grass the Willowdale is very dreary-looking. We may be sure
that Iceland presented a much more smiling and green appearance eight
hundred or a thousand years ago than it does at present.
When Grettir came to Willowdale, Audun received him in a friendly
manner, and Grettir made him a present of a handsome axe he had. He
remained with him some little while, and they talked over old tales of
Onund Treefoot and his doings, and every shadow of rivalry and anger
disappeared, so that they parted at length in the best of tempers and as
true and affectionate cousins.
Audun would have desired to keep Grettir there longer, but Grettir would
not stay. He desired to get on to the head of Waterdale, where lived an
uncle of his called Jokull, his mother’s brother, at a place called
So he rode away over the moor, and reached Tongue. Here a stream comes
rushing through a gorge in a series of waterfalls, and meets another
stream that comes down a valley called the Valley of Shadows further
Tongue is so called because it lies on a grassy slope exactly in the
tongue of land between these two streams. There is now a good farm
there and a church, and there I stayed a few days. At the back of
Tongue the hill rises rapidly to a fell called Tongue-heath. This hill
was covered with snow when Grettir arrived. This uncle Jokull was glad
to see him.
He was a rough and violent man, very big and strong; and it was clear to
everyone that his nephew took after his mother’s family more than his
father’s, for there was a strong likeness both in build and face and in
character between Jokull and Grettir.
He received Grettir heartily in his rough, blunt way, and bade him stay
there as long as he liked. Jokull had been a seafaring man, and had made
much by his merchant trips. He would probably have been a richer and
more respected man had he not been so violent and overbearing and ready
to pick quarrels.
Now Grettir had not been at Tongue three days before he heard a very
strange tale. Jokull’s mouth was full of it, and with good reason, for
the events had taken place not an hour’s ride distant. It was a tale
about the nearest farm in the Valley of Shadows, a farm called
Thorhall’s-stead, which was reported to be haunted; and so serious had
affairs become there that no servants would remain, and the farmer and
his family had been driven from house and home by the hauntings last
winter, and had come and lodged with Jokull at Tongue, and he had
entertained them for some two or three months. Now this was not a case
of mere fancy and fantastic fear. It was something very real and very
marvellous. But it is a long story, and must be consigned to another
_A Turning-point in Grettir’s LifeThe Farm in the ValleyThe
haunted Sheep-walksA strange-looking Fellow"Here is my
Hand"Glam keeps FaithGlam is missingFollowing the Red
TrackThe Ghost of GlamGlam’s SuccessorThorgaut is
MissingFrom Bad to WorseFate of the old Serving-manThorhall’s
PerplexityGrettir offers Aid_
We have come now to an incident which formed a turning-point in
Grettir’s life. It is a very mysterious and inexplicable story, not one
that can be put aside as we have that of his fight in the tomb with Karr
the Old. This is a story even more gruesome. It relates to an event
that so shook Grettir’s nerves that he never after could endure to be
alone in the dark, and would risk all kinds of dangers to escape
solitude. How much of truth lies under this strange narrative we cannot
now say, but that something really did take place is certain from the
effect it had on Grettir ever after.
The richest valley for grass in all this quarter of Iceland, and the
most peopled, is the Waterdale. On the east rises a mountain ridge of
precipitous basaltic cliffs, down which leap waterfalls from the snows
above. The river that flows through this valley is fed by two main
streams that unite at the farm called Tongue. The stream on the east
rises a long way inland in a mass of lava, and flows through a valley so
narrow and so gloomy that it goes by the name of the Valley of Shadows.
The high ranges of moor and waste to the south shut off the southern
sun, and the lofty banks of mountain to east and west so close it in that it gets no sun morning or evening.

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