2015년 8월 6일 목요일

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 12

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 12

What do you want of me?
Return to God that which God has given to you.
Has God given me anything?
Every rouble in your pocket is a knife which you thrust into the heart
of the hungry. Distribute your fortune to the poor, give bread to the
hungry, and you will conquer Death.
No one gave a crust of bread to David when he was hungry. By satisfying
their hunger, will I still the hunger that is in my bones?
In them your own hunger will be stilled.
Shall I get back my health and my strength?
In them you will be strong.
Shall I drive out death, already in my blood, which is as thin as
water, which is already in my veins, that have become hard like
dried-up cords? Shall I recover life?
By their life you will prolong your life. Now you have but one heart,
David,--but then you will have a million hearts.
But I shall die!
No, you will be immortal!
_David retreats in horror._
Your lips have uttered a terrible word. Who are you that you dare
promise immortality? Are not life and death in the hand of God?
God said: Reestablish life through life.
But people are wicked and vicious, and the hungry one is nearer to God
than the well-fed.
Remember Hannah and Benjamin....
Be silent!
Remember Raphael and little Moishe....
Be silent, be silent!
Remember your little birds who died upon the cold branches of winter--
_David cries Utterly._
When the lark sings in the blue sky, will you say to it: "Be silent,
little bird, God does not need your song"--And will you not give a
kernel to it when it is hungry? And will you not cover it upon your
breast when it is cold, that it may feel warm and save its voice for
Spring? Who are you, then, unfortunate man, who has no pity on birds
and who turns children out into the storm? Remember how your little
Moishe died. Remember, David, and say: "The people are vicious, wicked,
and unworthy of my kindness!"
_David bends his knees as under a heavy weight and
lifts his hands, as though warding off from his
head a blow from the sky. He speaks hoarsely._
Adenoi! Adenoi!
_Anathema, with arms folded on his breast, looks at
him in silence._
Mercy! Mercy!
David, the poor are waiting for you. They will go away soon.
No, no!
The poor are always waiting, but they grow tired of waiting and they go
They will not go away from me. Oh, Nullius, Nullius!... Oh, wise
Nullius! Oh, foolish Nullius! Is it possible that you did not
understand that I have long been waiting for the poor and that their
voice is in my ears and in my heart? When wheels are riding along a
dust-covered road, on which rain had just fallen, they think as they
turn and leave a trace: Here we are making a road. But the road was
there before, Nullius, the road was there before!
Call the poor over to me.
Consider, David, whom you are calling.
Do not deceive me, David.
I have never deceived any one, Nullius.
_Resolutely and majestically._
You spoke and I was silent, and I listened; now be silent and listen to
me: I have given my soul not to man but to God, and His power is over
me. And I command you: Call my wife Sarah over here, and my children
Naum and Rosa, and all the people in my household, whoever they may be.
I shall call them.
And call the poor who are waiting for me in the yard. And when you go
out on the street, see whether there are any poor people waiting for
me, and if you see them, call them also. For my lips are burning with
their thirst, their hunger torments my body with insatiable hunger, and
I am hastening to announce to the people my last, unchangeable will.
Your will is upon me.
_Anathema goes to the door. Silence._   

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