2015년 8월 2일 일요일

Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri 15

Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri 15

What are the general powers of chiefs in council? To explain this, it
will be necessary to describe a council as witnessed by me a few years
since. The camp when I was a visitor consisted of about 110 lodges and
in the neighborhood, say, 10 or 15 miles off were two other camps,
respectively 50 and 60 lodges, all being of the band Gens des Canots.
The council was held in the soldiers’ lodge, where, being a stranger, I
had a right to be, though having nothing to say regarding the question.
This question was, Will we make peace with the Crow Nation? A few days
previous the leading chief had received an intimation through me that
overtures for a peace were made to them by the Crow Nation, and that
the Crow tobacco sent for that purpose was in my possession at any
time the council assembled; also that a deputation of Crow Indians was
at the Fort, who had commissioned me to bear the tobacco with their
request and to await a reply prior to their visiting the camp in person.
To decide this runners were sent immediately to the two camps mentioned
with a message from the chief requesting the attendance of all chiefs,
counsellors, soldiers, and warriors who felt an interest in the affair
in question, who in due time arrived and took up their residence in
the different lodges around about until the hour for business arrived.
When it was ascertained that all or a sufficient number had come the
haranguer or public crier of the camp made the circle of the village,
speaking at the extent of his voice the object of the meeting and
inviting all soldiers, chiefs, and braves or warriors to attend and
hear what their chief would bring before them for their consideration.
This was repeated over and over again in different parts of the camp,
and shortly afterwards they began to assemble in the soldiers’ lodge.
Three skin lodges had been formed into one, making an area 24 feet in
diameter, which could with ease accommodate 60 to 80 persons. On this
occasion about 46 people presented themselves and when the whole had
entered the interior exhibited the form shown in Figure 31.
[Illustration: FIGURE 31.Diagram of a council lodge, representing
the interior of a council lodge in which Mr. Denig met the Assiniboin
leaders to discuss peace overtures made by the Crow Indians to the
Assiniboin at the instigation of Mr. Denig. At a point directly
opposite the doorway Mr. Denig is seated with the proffered tobacco of
the Crow Indians lying in front of him, denoted by 3 parallel marks; at
Mr. Denig’s right sits the leading Assiniboin chief; to his right sit 6
other chiefs and councillors; next are seated 18 so-called “soldiers,”
i. e., official guards of the camp; the next 15 figures are 15 principal
young warriors. The small square figure with a central dot is a small
fire; and the small circlet beside the fire is a flagstaff running up
through the lodge top, flying a United States flag. The calumet pipe
lies in front of the leading chief.]
It was nearly sunset when they had assembled and no feast had been
prepared in this lodge, though after the council was over they were
feasted elsewhere. We have here the represented authority of 220
lodges, for the chiefs are largely connected, having from 10 to 20
or more lodges of their immediate relatives each. The soldiers are
the most respectable heads of families in camp, and the warriors are
the sons and relations of these and others of the camp. If this body
decides on carrying a point who are to object? Those about are also
related to those present and these being the principal leave only
young rabble, very old men, women, and children not represented, all
of whom combined could do nothing against the decision of this body.
We will now proceed with the ceremony. For nearly a half hour the pipe
was passed around in silence, it being filled with their own tobacco
and handed from mouth to mouth, making its circuit on the right-hand,
after which it was laid down by the leading chief and he opened the
meeting by thus stating its object, the words of whom and others were
taken down by us at the time and preserved. It will be necessary to
state here that the Crow Indians had massacred about 30 lodges of this
same band two years previous on the banks of the Yellowstone, yet had
succeeded in making a peace with some of the upper bands of Assiniboin
who had not suffered by them.
The leading chief spoke thus from where he sat:
“My children, I am a mild man. For upward of 20 years I have herded you
together like a band of horses. If it had not been for me, you would
long ago have been scattered like wolves over the prairies. Good men
and wise men are scarce; and, being so, they should be listened to,
loved, and obeyed. My tongue has been worn thin and my teeth loosened
in giving you advice and instruction. I am aware I speak to men as
wise as myself, many braver, but none older or of more experience. I
have called you together to state that our enemies (the Crows) have
sent tobacco, through the medium of the whites at the big fort, to me
and my children, to see if they could smoke it with pleasure, or if it
tasted badly. For my part I am willing to smoke. We are but a handful
of men surrounded by large and powerful nations, all our enemies. Let
us therefore by making a peace reduce this number of foes and increase
our number of friends. I am aware that many here have lost relatives
by these people, so have we by the Gros Ventres, and yet we have peace
with them. If it be to our interest to make peace all old enmities must
be laid aside and forgotten. I am getting old, and have not many more
winters to see, and am tired seeing my children gradually decrease by
incessant war. We are poor in horsesfrom the herds the Crows own we
will replenish. They will pay high and give many horses for peace.
The Crows are good warriors, and the whites say good people and will
keep their word. Whatever is decided upon let it be manly. We are men;
others can speak. I listenI have said.”
This speech was received by a slight response by some of Hoo-o-o-o
and by the majority in silence. After a few minutes’ interval he
was replied to by another chief, the third or fourth from where he
sat. This was a savage, warlike, one-eyed Indian, and his speech was
characteristic. He said: “He differed from all the old chief had said
regarding their enemies. Individually as a man and as their leader he
liked his father, the chief, but he must be growing old and childish to
advise them to take to smoke the tobacco of their enemies, the Crows.
Tell the whites to take it back to them. It stinks, and if smoked
would taste of the blood of our nearest relations. He thought (he
said) his old father (the chief) should make a journey to the banks of
the Yellowstone, and speak to the grinning skulls of 30 lodges of his
children, and hear their answer. Would they laugh? Would they dance?
Would they beg for Crow tobacco or cry for Crow horses? If horses were
wanted in camp, let the young men go to war and steal and take them
as he had doneas he intended to do as long as a Crow Indian had a
horse. What if in the attempt they left their bones to bleach on the
prairie? It would be but dying like men! For his part it always pleased
him to see a young man’s skull; the teeth were sound and beautiful,
appearing to smile and say, ‘I have died when I should and not waited
at home until my teeth were worn to the gums by eating dried meat.’ The
young men (he said) will make warmust have warand, as far as his
influence went, should have war. I have spoken.”
This speech was received with a loud and prolonged grunt of approbation
by more than two-thirds of the assembly.
Other speeches followed on both sides of the question, some long, some
short, until the council became somewhat heated and turbulent; not,
however, interrupting one another, but mixing a good deal of private
invective and satire with the question in their speeches. At a point
of violent debate and personal abuse, two soldiers advanced to the
middle of the lodge and laid two swords crosswise on the ground, which
signal immediately restored order and quiet. The debate was carried on
with spirit for about two hours but it was easily to be perceived long
before it terminated, by their responses and gestures, that the war
faction greatly predominated. The chief, after asking if all had spoken
and receiving an affirmative answer, remarked they could go and eat the
feast that had been prepared for them. The warriors gave a loud yell
and when out commenced singing their war song. We asked the old chief
what was the decision. He said, “It is plain enough; listen to that war
cry.” He then desired me to send the Crow tobacco back without delay
and tell them to leave the fort immediately and go home. A few days
after a large war party started to the Crow village. The morning after
the council’s decision was made known by the haranguer or public crier,
at the break of day, walking through the village and crying it out at
the top of his voice. From the foregoing it will be seen that the chief
only expressed his opinion as the others, yet the large majority or
rather the feeling evinced for war by the leaders of the war parties,
warriors, heads of families, soldiers, and all who could make war, left
none to contend with.
Had the same general exhibition for peace prevailed, the same powers
could make it, or rather force would be unnecessary when a unanimity of
such a body prevailed. Had the parties or feeling been equally manifest
the question would have been laid aside for another time, perhaps
years, and each went to war or remained at home as he pleased.
Most councils have this feature and termination, that is, if the
measure is not at once visibly popular, it is abandoned. This precludes
the necessity of vote and none is taken. Besides, except for camp
regulations, hunting, etc., they are not obliged to decide. Time is
not valuable to them. There is no constituent power in the rest of the
band, whose voices are not asked, nor required, to force a decision,
nor actual power to operate against any measures, that may be decided
upon by their parents, and soldiers of the camp. Wherever force is
necessary, however, to carry out these decisions, as in hunting
regulations, the soldiers are pledged to act in a body to effect it,
even at the risk of their lives. But should the decision be for a peace
and afterwards a war party be raised to go against the nation with
which peace has been made, the soldiers would not use force to prevent
it. They have too much good sense to strike or kill any of their own
people to benefit their enemies, and in this case the peace party being
the most numerous, and consequently the richer, would pay the partisan,
or leader of the party, to remain at home and a collection of horses,
guns, and other property made among them for that purpose, which being
handed the partisan and by him divided among his warriors, stops the
This is done often among them, particularly at this time when “peaces”
have become tolerably general through the Laramie treaty. There are
cases, however, where force is necessary, and the soldiers are brought
to act, which we will shortly mention. To present any idea of their
government so that it can be understood, we must first proceed to
describe the component parts of a large camp, after which it will be
easy to perceive their principles of government. The regulations kept
up in the following description is only in large camps: Smaller ones,
from 10 to 20 lodges, hunt, every man when he pleases, and, as there
are but few persons to feed, they can always have meat in this way; but
where the camp is composed of from 50 to 100 or 200 lodges this is not
the case, as will presently appear.
1. The leading chief.
2. The other chiefs.
3. Chief of the soldiers.
4. Cook of the soldiers’ lodge.
5. The soldiers.
6. The elderly men.
7. The haranguer.
8. The master of the Park.
9. Warriors and hunters.
10. Partisans.[13]
11. Doctors and conjurors.
12. Very old men.
13. Young women.
14. Old women.
15. Middle-aged women.
16. Boys and girls.
17. Very small children.

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