2015년 8월 3일 월요일

Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri 59

Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri 59

Buffalo (wo-ta-cha) |
{ bull | Ta-tun-gah.
{ cow | Petai.
Antelope | Tah-to-ka-nah.
Elk | Opoñ.
Deer | Tah-chah.
Bear | Wah-ghuñ-kseecha.
Wolf | Shuñkto-ka-chah.[32]
Foxes { red | Shunga shanah.
{ gray | To-kah-nah.
Porcupine | Pah-hee.
Badger | Kho-kah.
Skunk | Man-gah.
Rabbit | Mushtinchanah.
Hare | Mushtincha ska.
Ermine | E-toonka sun.
Otter | Petun.
Mink | E-koo-sa.
Beaver | Chap-pah.
Muskrat | Sink-pai.
Glutton | Me-nag-gzshe.
Lynx | Ega-mo´.
Mouse | Pees-pees-anah.
Ground squirrel | Tah-she-ho-tah.
Water turtle | Kai-ah.
Terrapin | Pat-kah-shah.
Horns of elk in the velvet. | Tah-hai.
Horse | Shungatun-gah.
Mule | Sho-shonah.
Dog | Shunka.
Snake (not eaten except by Cree). |
[32] Literally, the other kind of dog.
Crow | Ah-ah-nah.
Raven | Con-ghai.
Magpie | Eh-hat-ta-ta-na.
Owl | He-hun.
Duck | Pah-hon-tah.
Goose | Man-ghah.
Crane | Pai-hun.
Pelican | Mid-dai-ghah.
Small bird of any sort. | Sit-kap-pe-nah.
Eagles are not eaten. |
Glands of the neck.
Bull’s pizzle.
Horns, hoofs, and hair.
Every other part, inside and out, is eaten, even to the hide.
Sugar is made from the sap of the maple. Wild rice is gathered by the
Cree and Chippewa on Red River and the adjacent lakes, but not by
the upper Missouri tribes. In times of great scarcity old bones are
collected by the nations of whom we write, pounded, and the grease
extracted by boiling, and eaten together with any of the foregoing
roots or berries that can be found. But these sad times always happen
when the snow is deep, the ground frozen, and they can not be found.
Then those who have not laid up a stock of some of these roots the
previous summer are driven to the necessity of killing and eating their
horses and dogs, which being exhausted and nothing more to be found
they are compelled to eat human flesh.[33]
[33] We have only witnessed one season in 21 years where they were
driven to this necessity.
In the materials of their clothing, as far as the cold climate will
admit, articles of European manufacture have been substituted for
their skins, but there being no fabric as yet introduced equal to or
even approaching the durability and warmth of the buffalo skin, all
hunters and travelers in the winter season must be clothed with the
latter to preserve life or prevent mutilation by frost. Still in the
summer season these are laid aside, being full of vermin and saturated
with grease and dirt, and the Indian steps proudly around in his
calico shirt, blanket, and cloth pantaloons. Their hair also, formerly
tangled and matted, has been unraveled by the use of different kinds
of combs, and the livestock, which found “a living and a home there,”
has, by these instruments, been torn from their comfortable abode, thus
rendering useless their original method of disposing of these vermin,
viz., extracting them with their fingers and masticating them in turn
for revenge.
Most of the clothing used by these tribes is made of skins of their
own procuring and dressing, the process of which has already met with
attention. They have different dresses for different seasons, also
various costumes for war, dancing, and other public occasions, some of
which have been described. In the summer seasons, when comparatively
idle, the clothing traded from the whites is preferred on account
of its superior texture and color, but in their usual occupations,
in winter, at war, in the chase, or any public ceremonies among
themselves, very few articles of dress thus obtained are seen, if we
except some blankets, undercoats, scarlet cloth, and ornaments. Their
own dresses of skins fancifully arranged, adorned with feathers, beads,
shells, and porcupine quills, are much more highly prized by them than
any article of dress of European manufacture introduced by the traders.
We will now detail a few of the most common or everyday dresses among
them, in different seasons, male and female, estimating the cost of
each in buffalo robes at $3 each, their value in this country.
NO. 1
A buffalo robe, thin hair, or a dressed cowskin
robe on the back 1 robe
Dressed deer or antelope skin leggings 1 robe
Cloth breech flap and moccasins ½ robe
2½ robes at $3=$7.50
NO. 2
A scarlet blanket 4 robes
Beads worked in same 10 robes
Deerskin shirt and leggings fringed and garnished
with beads and porcupine quills 5 robes
Breech flap of scarlet cloth and moccasin 1 robe
Necklace of bear’s claws 5 robes
Moccasins and handkerchief for the head 1 robe
26 robes at $3=$78.00
NO. 3
White blanket 3 robes
Calico shirt 1 robe
Neckerchief and cloth breech flap 1 robe
Cottonade pantaloons 1 robe
Muskrat cap 1 robe
Moccasins 0 robe
7 robes at $3=$21.00
NO. 4
White blanket 3 robes
Blanket capot 3 robes
Skin leggings, plain antelope skin 1 robe
Breechcloth and moccasins ½ robe
7½ robes at $3=$22.50
NO. 5
Scarlet or Hudson Bay blanket 4 robes
Beads worked on same 10 robes
Scarlet laced chief’s coat 6 robes
Black fur hat and three cock feathers 2 robes
Silver hatband and plate 2 robes
1 pair silver arm bands 2 robes
Scarlet cloth leggings and hawk bells 1 robe
Black silk handkerchief and cloth breech flap 1 robe
Silver gorget, ear wheels and hair pipe 2 robes
Moccasins garnished with beads ½ robe
30½ robes at $3=$91.50
Hunter’s winter dress of the Plains
NO. 7
Buffalo robe coat, hair inside 1 robe
Buffalo robe over it 1 robe
Skin cap and mittens, hair inside ½ robe
Blanket breech flap, robe, moccasins, belt knife,
and fire apparatus ½ robe
Dressed cowskin leggings }
1 pair snowshoes } ½ robe
3½ robes at $3=$10.50
NO. 2
White blanket coat with hood 3 robes
White blanket over it 3 robes
Flannel or calico shirt 1 robe
Blanket leggings 1 robe
Soled rope moccasins }
Blanket breech flap } 1 robe
Skin mittens, hair inside }
9 robes at $3=$27.00

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