2015년 8월 7일 금요일

Montezuma Castle National Monument 3

Montezuma Castle National Monument 3

Clothing included garments woven from cultivated cotton and a variety of
bands, sandals, and other apparel made from yucca and other wild plants;
animal skins also were utilized. Ornaments and ceremonial paraphernalia
were made from such materials as turquoise, animal bones, imported sea
shells, and brightly colored bird feathers.
Implements and utensils found in the houses of these people include such
objects as stone metates and manos for grinding corn, hammers, knives,
drills, bone awls and needles, baskets, and many ornaments of shell and
turquoise, often carved in bird and animal forms.
Items missing from the pre-Spanish Indian culture include metals,
livestock, wheeled vehicles, and writing.
Life in the Sinagua pueblos of the Verde, though lacking the variety
found in a modern city, had more of natural beauty and simplicity. Like
any other people, the Sinagua would not have selected this spot for
their homes if the necessities of their everyday life had not been
present. In this region, their needs were filled by a good water supply,
bottomlands for farming, wild berries and edible shrubs, game for meat,
and materials for buildings, pottery, and tools.
In addition, they had one thing which most Indians in Arizona had to
travel great distances to obtaina large deposit of salt. This they
mined a few miles southwest of present-day Camp Verde where their
collapsed tunnels can be traced even today. Occasionally the handle of a
stone pick may still be seen projecting from a collapsed tunnel. Many
bits of matting and unburned torches that the Indians apparently used
for lighting their tunnels have been recovered. In 1928 several
well-preserved Indian bodies were removed from one of these mines where
they had been trapped when one of the tunnels caved in.
The Sinagua also were fortunate in having a deposit of a red rock called
argillite not too far away. From this material they fashioned stone
pendants, beads, earrings, and other ornaments with which they adorned
To satisfy their vanity further, the Indians imported luxuries not
available in this area. Bracelets, pendants, beads, rings, and inlay
made from shell were acquired by trade with tribes to the south who
obtained the shell from the Gulf of California. The Sinagua also
bartered for turquoise pendants, earrings, beads, and inlay pieces from
other groups. Probably their greatest trade was in pottery. These
Sinagua Indians rarely decorated their pottery, and judging by the
quantity of painted pieces recovered from their sites, they engaged in
lively trade for the wares of their northeastern neighbors. One might
say that they imported their “china” in quantity.
Through a study of this pottery we find that from about 1150 to 1250,
decorated pieces were obtained from the Indians in the north, near
modern Flagstaff. Some of this pottery the Sinagua retraded to the
Hohokam around present-day Phoenix. (How many of us today would be
successful in taking dishes over a distance of 200 miles on foot without
breaking a goodly portion?) After 1250, due to depopulation east of the
Flagstaff area, the people of the Verde Valley obtained decorated
pottery from the region farther east, around modern Winslow; and also,
farther north, from the present Hopi Indian reservation area.
The trade possibilities of the Sinagua were almost unlimited. They were
located between the large Hohokam settlements of southern Arizona and
the widespread pueblos of northern Arizona. Natural routes of travel
along streams led them into both areas, and they had salt, argillite,
and cotton to offer in exchange.
Despite the importance of trade, which was primarily for luxury items,
the Sinagua Indians were basically farmers and depended mainly on food
they raised themselves. In Montezuma Castle, American pioneers found
corncobs in abundance and sometimes the remains of beans and squash.
There were also numerous corn-grinding stones or metates, made from
basaltic boulders carried into the area by flood waters in Beaver Creek.
Roughly rectangular, the stones measure about 14 by 18 inches, and are 6
to 8 inches thick. Corn was ground by rubbing a smaller stone (mano)
back and forth on the metate. This process gradually wore a trough down
into the metate.
[Illustration: _Montezuma Castle artifacts including piece of gourd
with carved handle, squash, cotton bolls, spindle, and corn._]
[Illustration: _Jars, metates and manos, and fireplace as found in
excavated ruin at cliff base west of Montezuma Castle._]
The people also were gatherers and hunters to some extent. Remains of
hackberries, mesquite beans, black walnuts, and sego-lily bulbs have
been found in the cliff dwellings. Mescal or agave (sometimes called
century plant) was used. Small wads or “quids” of fiber from this plant
have been found; they were chewed by the Indians to extract the sweet
Although identifiable animal bones from Montezuma Castle and nearby
dwellings are rare, they have been found in other pueblos in the valley.
From a site about 10 miles away, bones of elk, mule deer, antelope,
bear, rabbit, turtle, and fish have been recovered.
Some food for winter use must have been held in storage. Probably the
Castle dwellers, like the modern Hopis, stacked mature corn on the cob
across the end of a room like cordwood. Strings of squash, cut into
rings and dried in the sun, were probably strung from the roof in an
out-of-the-way corner. Meat was undoubtedly preserved in a similar
fashionby drying rather than smoking or salting it. Perhaps the stores
of food and the seed held for the next spring’s planting were sought by
neighboring pueblos where crops may have failed. As pointed out earlier,
food shortages could have provided one of the principal reasons for
intervillage warfare, especially after 1300 when the area became
Cooking fires were kindled by the friction of a wooden spindle rotated
in a hearth stick until enough heat was generated to ignite tinder.
Perhaps some family in Montezuma Castle was responsible for maintaining
a perpetual fire from which embers could be carried to other households.
This is not so strange when we recall that only 100 years ago pioneer
neighbors sometimes called on each other to borrow a coal of fire.
These Sinagua Indians were artisans who manufactured pottery, and stone
and shell ornaments. Their pottery was a reddish-brown ware (so colored
from minerals in the native clay) and it was usually undecorated, though
sometimes painted red. Sand was used as a tempering or binding agent.
They made pottery bowls, cooking pots, and water jarssome of the latter
of 3- or 4-gallon capacity. In refuse dumps near the dwellings,
archeologists have found quantities of broken potteryit is principally
through a study of these dumps that the chronology of Indian occupation
in this area is revealed.
Pottery was made from clay found in the region. After the clay was
pulverized, the correct amounts of water and tempering materials were
added. There were no potter’s wheels, so the vessels were shaped by
hand. The Sinagua accomplished this with the aid of a stone “anvil” held
inside the pot and a wooden paddle used against the outside. Finishing
was usually done by rubbing the surface perfectly smooth with a
polishing stone or pebble dipped in water. Although some Indian pottery
has a high polish, none of it carries a true, over-all glaze.
Modern Indians, in firing their pottery, usually burn animal dung for
fuel, but the pre-Columbian Indians used vegetable material, possibly
juniper wood. Several pieces of pottery might be stacked together so
that all would be evenly exposed to the heat of the fire. Large pieces
of broken pottery were used to protect the new pieces from direct
contact with the flames. The firing process required several hours, with
time allowed for the pottery to cool slowly.
Stone and shell ornaments are examples of other crafts, and some
beautiful specimens have been found. The shells came from the Pacific
Ocean or the Gulf of California and are believed to have been imported
through trade with neighboring tribes. Prehistoric trade routes, over
which specific types of shells were distributed, extended from the Gulfs
of Mexico and California to north-central New Mexico and from the
Pacific Ocean to southern Utah.
The shell was worked in various ways. The tips were ground from olivella
shells which were then strung on sinew and worn as beads. Larger shells
were sometimes covered with a mosaic of turquoise and colored stones.
The turquoise was mined with stone tools, and by the time it was removed
from its matrix, cut, and polished, it represented a considerable
investment of labor. Argillite found in the Verde River region was also
mined. Lac, an insect secretion found on creosote bushes, was sometimes
used to cement the turquoise and argillite to the shell base.
The Sinagua also excelled in the art of weaving. They wove sandals,
baskets, mats, and cotton fabrics. Some of the latter exhibit lace-like
open work while other pieces are tightly woven resembling modern canvas.
Cotton was raised here, near the fields of corn, and woven by the
Sinagua into the finished articles. A few cotton bolls with lint and
seeds have been found in the dwellings.
Instead of spinning wheels, the Indians used a wooden spindle about the
thickness of a lead pencil and perhaps 18 inches long. About 5 or 6
inches from one end there was a disc- or sphere-shaped counterweight
made from a piece of wood or pottery. Corded cotton was spun into yarn
by feeding it onto the end of the spindle as it was twirled between the
thumb and fingers, or, between the hand and the thigh as the spinner sat
on the ground.
Among the modern Indians of the Southwest, the most and the best weaving
is done by the Navajo, an Apache people who learned weaving only a few
hundred years ago from the Pueblos. Modern Navajo weaving is done by the
women. Weaving among modern Pueblos, notably the Hopi, is done by men;
and ancient weaving of pre-Spanish Pueblos may have been men’s work
[Illustration: _Bird-shaped ornament of turquoise mosaic on
[Illustration: _Pre-Columbian weaving with openwork design._]
[Illustration: _Child burial in floor of third-story room in
Montezuma Castle._]
Most weaving required the use of a loom, a rectangular vertical
framework somewhat larger than the size of the finished product. Proper
tension on vertical (warp) threads was maintained by lashing at the ends
of the loom. Black and white patterns were known, and some red was used.
The museum at Montezuma Castle exhibits some of the finest examples of
prehistoric Pueblo Indian weaving.
The Sinagua Indians in the Verde Valley apparently had no formal
cemeteries. Children were often buried near the dwellings or under the
floor. We learn from modern Pueblo Indians that some prefer to bury a
child near the home. This comes from the belief that the child’s spirit
will remain until the death of the mother and can then be guided safely
to the hereafter; or, that it will return in the person of the next baby
to be born in the family. Occasional child burials were found in wall
cavities in the pueblo ruin at Tuzigoot National Monument. Tuzigoot is a
few miles northwest of Montezuma Castle and was occupied during the same general period.

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