2015년 8월 6일 목요일

Anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 19

Anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 19

Oh, David, it is very touching: the people are in love with you, even
as a bride is in love with the bridegroom. This wonderful man, who has
come thousands of miles--
Asked me: "Does David Leizer perform miracles?" Well,... I laughed, I
He asked me, too, but to me it was not laughable. The ear of him who
waits is keen,--even the stones seem to sing to him.
Only the footsteps of the blind are short, but their thoughts are long.
_He steps aside and, watches David. It is near
sunset and the earth is in the embrace of shadows.
Abraham Khessin bids David farewell and goes away.
The shopkeepers prepare to close their shops.
Silence and peace._
_Breathing with difficulty._
At last. We have worked quite hard, David--the trumpet alone (_closes
his ears_)--what is that worth? (_Candidly_) My misfortune is that my
ear is keen, unbearably sharp, almost--yes, almost like that of a dog.
If I hear--
I am very tired, Nullius, and I want to rest. I do not feel like seeing
any more people to-day, and you will not be offended, my old friend--
I understand. I will only escort you to your palace.
Yes, yes, to my palace. According to my contract, I am king for six
months more. Come, Sarah,--with you alone I want to pass the remainder
of this great day in peace and joy.
You are not an ordinary man, David. How did you guess my desire?
_They go away towards the pillars. David pauses,
looks back, and says, leaning upon Sarah's
Look, Sarah; this is the place where our life has passed--how sad and
poor it is, Sarah, and it breathes of the homelessness of the desert.
But was not it here, Sarah, that I learned the great truth concerning
the fate of man? I was poor, alone, and near death, a foolish old man,
seeking an answer from the waves. But now people have come--Am I alone
now? Am I poor and near death? Listen to me, Nullius; there is no death
for man. What death is there? What is death? Who was the mournful one
that invented this strange word--Death?--Perhaps it does exist, I do
not know--but I, Nullius--I am immortal.
_As though struck, he lends down, but lifts his
arms upward._
Oh, how terrible it is: I am immortal! Where is the end of the sky?
I have lost it. I am immortal! Oh, the breast of man aches from
immortality, and his joy bums him like a fire. Where is the end of
man?--I am immortal. Adenoi! Adenoi! Blessed be the mysterious name of
Him who has given immortality to man, forever and aye.
The name! The name! Do you know the name? You have deceived me.
_Not listening to him._
I give the spirit of man over to the boundless space of Time. May it
five immortally, in the immortality of fire. May it live immortally in
the immortality of light, which is life. And may darkness stop before
the dwelling of immortal light. I am happy, I am immortal--O my God!
It is a lie! Oh, how long yet will I listen to this foolish man? North
and South, East and West, I am calling you. Quicker, come here, to the
aid of the Devil! Rush over here in four oceans of tears and bury man
in your abyss. Come here! This way!
_No one heeds Anathema's sobs, neither David,
radiant with the ecstasy of immortality, nor Sarah,
nor the other people, who listen attentively to
David. Anathema moves restlessly about, alone,
cursing. A shrill voice is heard; a woman, terribly
painted, rushes in from the road. Her clothes are
torn, and her beautiful face is disfigured. She
screams and sobs and calls wildly._
My God! Where is David, who is distributing his fortune? Two days and
two nights, two days and two nights, I have been looking for him all
over the city, but the houses are silent and the people are laughing.
Tell me, kind people, have you not seen David, who brings joy to the
people? Do not look upon my open bosom--a wicked man tore my clothes
and scratched my face. Oh, do not look upon my open bosom: it never
knew the happiness of feeding innocent lips.
David is here.
_Falling on her knees._
David is here? Oh, have pity on me, people! do not deceive me; I am
blinded by deceit, and falsehoods have made me deaf. Do I hear right?
Is David here?
Yes, there he stands. But you are too late--he has already distributed
all his fortune.
He has already distributed all his fortune. WOMAN.
What are you doing to me, people? Two days and two nights I have been
looking for him--the people deceived me, and now I am too late. I
will die on the way now--I have nowhere else to go.
_Tearfully, flings herself about on the
dust-covered road._
It seems that somebody has come to you, David.
What does this woman wish?
_Without lifting her head._
Are you David, who has brought joy to mankind?
Yes, it is he.
Yes, it is I.
_Without lifting her head._
I do not dare glance at you. You must be like the sun.
_Gently and trustfully._
Oh, David, how long I have been looking for you!... The people kept
deceiving me all the time. They told me that you went away, that you do
not exist at all, and that you never existed. One man said to me that
he was David, and he seemed to be kind, but he treated me like a robber.
Permit me to rest here, at your feet. Like a bird that has crossed the
sea, I am beaten by the rain, I am exhausted by the storms, I am tired to death.

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