2015년 8월 6일 목요일

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 23

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 23

Yes, yes, Nullius! Of what good is love to man if it is powerless? Of
what good is life if there is no immortality?
Go out and tell this to them,--they will listen to you. They will lift
their voice to Heaven--and we shall hear the answer of Heaven, David!
Tell them the truth and you will stir up the earth.
I am going, Nullius. And I will tell them the truth--I have never lied.
Open the doors, Nullius.
_Anathema quickly throws the door open and
respectfully allows David to pass to the balcony.
David walks slowly, with an air of importance. Then
Anathema closes the door behind David. The noise
suddenly subsides, a deathlike silence sets in, and
David's quivering voice is heard faintly. Anathema
dances about the room in a fit of ecstasy._
Ah! you would not listen to me,--now listen to them. Ah! you forced me
to crawl on my belly like a dog. You would not permit me to glimpse
even through a crevice!... You laughed at me in your silence!... You
tortured me by your motionlessness. Listen, then, and answer, if you
can. It is not the Devil who speaks to you, it is not the son of Dawn
who raises his voice,--it is man, it is your favorite son, your care,
your love, your tenderness, and your proud hope, that is wriggling
under your foot like a worm. Well? You are silent? Lie to him by your
thunder, deceive him with your lightning,--how dares he look into the
heavens? Let him, like Anathema?
The poor, offended Anathema, who is crawling on his belly like a dog....
Let man crawl back again to his dark hole, let him decay in silence,
bury himself in gloom, where unspeakable horror dwells.
_A myriad-voiced sound is heard from outside the
Do you hear?
It is not I. It is they. Six, eight, twenty-correct. It is always
correct with the Devil....
_The door opens and David, horror-stricken, runs
in. A shout is heard behind him. David closes the
door and holds it with his shoulder._
Help, Nullius! They will soon break in--the door is not strong; they
will break it.
What do they say?
They do not believe me, Nullius. They ask for a miracle. But do the
dead also shout?--I saw the dead they have brought here.
Then lie to them, Jew!
_David goes away from, the door and says
mysteriously, with confusion and fear:_
Do you know, Nullius, something is going on within me,--I have
nothing,--but here I went out to them, I saw them and suddenly I felt
that it is not true--I do have something. And I spoke, but I did not
believe it myself; I spoke, and yet I felt that I stood with them and
shouted against myself, and demanded angrily.... With my lips I declare
that I have nothing,'and with my heart I promise them, and with my
eyes I cry out, Yes, yes, yes! What shall I do, Nullius? Tell me, are
you sure that I have nothing?
_Anathema smiles. Sarah's_, _voice is heard behind
the door on the right; a knock at the door._
Let me in, David.
Do not open the door, Nullius.
It is your wife, Sarah.
_He opens the door. Sarah enters, leading by the
hand a pale-faced woman who is carrying something
in her arms._
Forgive me, David. But this woman says that she cannot wait any more.
She says that if you delay any longer, she will not recognize her child
when he is revived. If it is necessary for you to know his name, it is
Moishe, little Moishe. He is a dark little one,--I looked at him.
_Falling down on her knees._
Forgive me, David, for breaking the line and not waiting for my turn.
But there are those who died but a little while ago, while I am
carrying him already three days and three nights on my breast. Perhaps
it is necessary for you to take a look at him? Then I will uncover
him--I am not deceiving you, David.
I have looked at him already, David. She let me hold him awhile. She is
very tired, David.
_David retreats slowly, the palms of his hands
outstretched forward. He moves thus until he
reaches the wall._
Mercy! Mercy!
_Both women wait patiently._
What shall I do? I am fainting, O God! Nullius, tell them that I do not
resurrect the dead!
I implore you, David! Do I ask you to restore life to an old man who
has lived long and who has deserved death for his evil deeds? Do I
not understand whom it is possible to resurrect and whom it is not
possible to resurrect? But perhaps it is hard for you because he is
dead so long. I did not know this,--forgive me. And when he was dying,
I promised him: "Moishe, do not be afraid to die--David, who brings joy
to mankind, will restore your little life to you."
Show him to me.
_Looks at him, shaking his head, and weeps, wiping
his eyes with his red kerchief. Sarah looks at him
confidently, leaning on his shoulder._
How old was he?
Two years, going on the third.
_David turns his tear-stained face to Anathema and
says in a strange voice:_
Shall I make an attempt, perhaps, Nullius?
_Suddenly he bends down and cries hoarsely:_   

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