2015년 8월 6일 목요일

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 24

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 24

Adenoi!... Adenoi!... Begone! Begone! The Devil has sent you here. Tell
them, Nullius, that I do not resurrect the dead. They have come to
mock me! Look, they are both laughing there. Begone! Begone!
_In a low voice, to Sarah._
Go away, Sarah, and lead the woman away. David is not quite ready yet.
_In a whisper._
I will take her to my room. Later you may tell David that she is there.
_To the woman._
Come, woman,--David is not quite ready yet.
_They go out. David, exhausted, sits down in an
arm-chair and lowers his grey head. He reads
something softly._
They have gone, David. Do you hear? They have gone away.
Nullius, did you see? It was a dead child. Moishe.... Yes, yes, Moishe,
a dark little one; we looked at him.... (_Loudly, in despair._) What
shall I do? Teach me, Nullius.
_Listens to what is going on outside the window,
nods his head affirmatively, and advances to David
cautiously, like a conspirator; David waits for
him, with his arms folded as in prayer, a confident
smile on his lips. His back is bent, and he
frequently takes his red kerchief from his pocket,
but does not know what to do with it._
_In a whisper._
We must flee, David, flee!
Yes, yes, Nullius,--we must flee.
I shall hide you in a dark room which no one knows of; when they fall
asleep, tired of waiting and hungry, I shall lead you through the
sleeping people--and will save you.
Yes, yes, save me.
And they will be waiting! In their sleep they will, wait and dream
dreams of great expectations--and you will not be here any longer!
_Nodding his head joyously._
And I shall not be here any longer, Nullius! And I shall have fled
already, Nullius!
And you will not be here any longer! You will have fled! Let them speak
to Heaven then.
_They look at each other and laugh._
_In a friendly tone._
Wait for me, David. I shall go out at once and see whether the house is
still surrounded. They are such madmen!
Yes, yes, look. They are such madmen! Meanwhile I shall prepare myself,
Nullius.... But I ask you, do not leave me here all alone for a long
_Anathema goes out. David goes cautiously on tiptoe
to the window and wants to look out, but he dares
not; he goes to the table and is frightened by the
scattered sheets of paper; he moves cautiously
to the corner where his clothes are. He dresses
hastily, mixing up his clothes. For a long time he
does not know what to do with his beard; suddenly
he pushes it under his coat and hides it with his
Yes, yes. I must hide my beard. All the children know my beard.... But
why did they not tear it out? Yes, yes, my beard.... But what a black
coat! It does not matter, you will hide it. That's the way. Rosa had a
mirror.... But Rosa ran away, and Naum also died, and Sarah--oh, but
why does not Nullius come? Does he not hear how they are shouting?...
_A knock on the door._
Who is there? David Leizer is not here.
It is I, David; let me in.
_Anathema enters._
Well, Nullius,--it is possible to recognize me now, is it not?
Very good, David. But I don't know how we can get out. Sarah has
filled the house with guests: in every room the blind and the maimed
are waiting for you with a pleasant smile; there are also dead people
there, David. Your Sarah is a splendid woman, but she is too much of
a hostess, David, and she intends to build up a fine household on
But she must not do it, Nullius.
Many people are already sleeping at your doors, smiling in their
dreams,--self-confident, lucky people, who have managed to outstrip
the others.... And in the garden and in the yard....
_With fear._
What is there in the yard?...
Not so loud, David. Look and listen.
_He puts out the light in the room and draws aside
the draperies; the windows are lit up with a red
light; it is dark in the room, but David's head,
and the paper on the floor, are tinted a pale
crimson hue._
_Frightened, in a whisper._
Where does this fire come from, Nullius? I am afraid.
_Also in a whisper._
'Tis a cold night, and they have started bonfires. Sarah told them that
they would have to wait a long time yet, so they have taken precautions.
Where did they get the wood?
They broke certain things. Sarah told them that you ordered them to
start bonfires, and they are humbly burning whatever wood they find....And there, David, farther away....  

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