2015년 8월 26일 수요일

The Profligate 2

The Profligate 2

“It is a good and soothfast saw;
Half-roasted never will be raw;
No dough is dried once more to meal,
No crock new-shapen by the wheel;
You can’t turn curds to milk again,
Nor Now, by wishing, back to Then;
And having tasted stolen honey,
You can’t buy innocence for money.”
_London; Furnival’s Inn_;
Mr. MURRAY’S _Room at_ Messrs. CHEAL & MURRAY’S.
_Florence; On the Road to Fiesole; The Loggia of the Villa
_The same place._
_London; The Old White Hart Hotel, Holborn_;
Mr. MURRAY’S _Sitting-Room_.
The Incidental Song with Guitar Accompaniment, sung by Mr. AVON SAXON,
has been kindly composed by SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN.
Probably few who were present on this occasion will need to be reminded
of the impression made upon the audience by the new play, or of the
plaudits with which it was greeted. The success that attended the
initial representation was echoed for the most part in the chorus of
criticism. On all sides the new play was greeted with warm words of
welcome, even when these words were qualified by serious critical
strictures; the pessimists regarded it at least as an oasis in the
desert of our modern drama, while the optimists hailed it as the herald
of a bright new era of English dramatic literature. The various voices
of criticism were, in fact, unanimous for once in regarding this as an
artistic event of quite unusual importance, even while they were raised
to question certain psychological and ethical elements of the play in
relation to actual human experience.
It does not come within my province here to discuss the several points
of controversy, the various critical objections urged against the
play, but merely to recall them as a matter of theatrical history. So
be it remembered that the central motive of the story was condemned
as being fantastically strained, for the simple reason that at this
end of the nineteenth century the mental condition of Leslie Brudenell
was inconceivable, the position therefore being untenable from the
point of view of real life. It was further urged that any right-minded
young wife would have submissively accepted the situation in the true
wisdom of modern cynicism, or that Dunstan Renshaw would have turned
round upon her and with brutal frankness revealed to her that her
disillusioning was only the common experience of all wives, and that
she must bow to the inevitable and make no fuss. It was laid down
as law moreover that, as a leopard cannot change its spots, so can
no man who has once lived evilly be influenced to a better, a purer
life; that profligate once, profligate he must remain for evermore.
Then Hugh Murray, the serious-minded, lofty-natured lawyer, who can
never restrain his tongue when he sees wrong-doing, but can be nobly,
piteously silent when he must bury his love deep down in his lonely
life until it nearly breaks the heart of him--he was found by certain
critics to be impossibly unreal and even comic. It was discovered, too,
that the office of Messrs. Cheal and Murray was in Furnival’s Inn,
Fairyland--that such proceedings as were witnessed in that office could
never have been possible in Holborn.
Those who made all these discoveries charged “The Profligate” on this
score or that with being untrue to nature or false to art. Yet Mr.
Pinero, in essaying to deal dramatically with a moral problem in a
manner which, while neither cynical nor commonplace, should still be
in touch with human sympathy and possible experience, appears to have
deliberately set himself to conceive a group of characters, natural yet
not ordinary, which should embody his ideals, and with a sufficient
sense of actuality evolve the tragic recoil of sin, the dramatic
pathos of innocence in contact with the irony of life, the exquisite
influence of purity. Whether Mr. Pinero succeeded in carrying out his
idea or not, even the severest of his critics could not deny this
play respectful consideration. “A real play at last,” cried one; “a
faulty play with one faultless act,” was another’s summing-up after his
first enthusiasm had cooled in the refrigerator of time; while yet a
third recorded that “no original English play produced on our stage
for many a day has stirred its audience so deeply at the time of its
representation, or has sent them home with so much to think over, to
discuss and to remember.”
“The Profligate” was performed eighty-six consecutive times at the
Garrick Theatre with considerable success, and, as I believe some
impression to the contrary prevails, I may be pardoned for adding,
with results very satisfactory to Mr. Hare’s treasury. The season
coming to an end on July 27, the Garrick closed, and Mr. Hare took
“The Profligate” on a brief provincial tour. At the Prince of Wales’s
Theatre, Birmingham, on September 2, it was received with extraordinary
enthusiasm, the local critics poured forth eulogy upon eulogy, and
for the next five nights the house was crammed. From Birmingham the
play went to Manchester, where it was produced at the Theatre Royal,
on September 9, and performed there nine times. But the Manchester
critics, though respectful in their attitude, were sparing in their
praise. They complained that Mr. Pinero was neither Dumas nor Augior,
compared him with Georges Ohnet, and found fault with his metaphors.
And the playgoers of Cottonopolis were depressed, and bestowed such
scant favour upon the play that Mr. Hare determined to occupy the
last three nights of his engagement with a mirthful adaptation of
“Les Surprises du Divorce,” and the Manchester folk then attended the
theatre in their numbers, and laughed, and were happy again.
A triumph, however, was in store for “The Profligate” at Liverpool.
On September 23, and during the rest of the week, it was given at the
Shakespeare Theatre, and press and public alike greeted Mr. Pinero’s
play with acclaim. Then Mr. Hare returned to town with his company,
and reopened the Garrick with “The Profligate” on Wednesday, October
2. Again was criticism busy with the play, and the praise of some had
cooled, and the praise of others had warmed, but the original “run”
of the play had been interrupted in the midst of its prosperity,
Mr. Hare had resigned his part to an actor of less influence and
distinction, and after forty-five more performances it was thought
politic to withdraw the play. The notable fact remains, however, that
while theatrical audiences were still being encouraged to expect “comic
relief” and melodramatic sensation, a serious English drama, which made
no concession to either, had been performed one hundred and fifty-three
times within a few months, with profit to author and to manager.
But although “The Profligate” had been withdrawn from the boards of the
theatre, its influence was still active. It commanded a hearing beyond
the footlights, even on the platform of the Literary and Scientific
Institute. Mr. Pinero was invited by the committee of the Birkbeck
Institution to read his play there, and this he did on the evening of
May 16th, 1890, with such marked success that he has since been invited
to repeat the reading at many of the leading institutions in the
But the theatrical career of “The Profligate” was to take a wider
range. The voice of the British dramatist was to be heard in the land
of the foreigner; but it spoke in the necessarily mimetic tones of
adaptation, and the tongue was Dutch. “The Profligate,” bearing the
title of “De Losbol,” was produced in Amsterdam on November 30, 1889,
under the personal supervision of Mr. J. T. Grein, at the Municipal
Theatre, which has since been burnt down. Only a partial success is to
be recorded, the play having enjoyed but a brief career, as it did also
at the Hague, where the production took place at the Royal Theatre.
The Dutch critics were for the most part patronising and lukewarm,
patronising because the play was English, lukewarm because the author
had not treated his theme after the cynical and pessimistic methods of
certain modern French writers. But one of the most prominent critics of
Holland was fain to admit, in the _Algemeen Handelsblad_ of Amsterdam,
that “viewed from an English standpoint, ‘The Profligate’ may certainly
be called a remarkable drama,” and that “it is a legitimate play
with a properly worked-out plot, although it contains a good deal of
coincidence, and shows a want of spirit in the dialogue.”
“The Profligate” is next heard of in Germany, where “The Magistrate”
and “Sweet Lavender” already enjoyed popularity; but there the voice of
the author was almost lost in the falsetto tones of the adapter. Dr.
Oscar Blumenthal, a well-known German _littérateur_ and the popular
director of the Lessing Theatre in Berlin, undertook to introduce
Mr. Pinero’s play to German playgoers. But Dr. Blumenthal has won
reputation as a wit and a humorist, and any work from his pen must make
his audience laugh before everything; so he appears to have adopted
very drastic measures in preparing “The Profligate” for the German
theatre. He has in fact transformed a serious drama of English life
into a frivolous comedy of Parisian manners; innocence is turned into
intrigue, the betrayed maiden becomes the scheming adventuress, the
play terminates with a laugh, and it is called “Falsche Heilige”--which
may be translated as “False Saints.” But the result is popular success.
The first performance took place on Friday, February 13, of th 

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