2014년 12월 24일 수요일

Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia 20

Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia 20

"But, sire, everywhere you play your part with masterly skill, and the
world, which is your audience, applauds your majesty," exclaimed Talma.

"Oh, it would not be safe to hiss me," said Napoleon, putting on his
gloves, and taking the riding-whip which Constant handed to him.

Accompanied by a brilliant suite, the emperor left Erfurt, and took the
road to Weimar, whence the Emperor Alexander was to come. French troops
lined the way, and behind them was a vast and motley crowd of peasants,
who had come from all parts to witness the cavalcade. Napoleon did not
hear the enthusiastic shouts of the soldiers, but he noticed the silence
of the people, who stared at him with the curiosity with which they
would have stared at any other unusual spectacle. He bent his head and
rode on, absorbed in reflection; the bridle hung loose in his hand, but
his white charger was accustomed to this carelessness, and galloped
forward, proud of his melancholy rider.

Duroc rode up. "Sire," he said, "I believe that is the Emperor

Napoleon quickly raised his head, and turned his keen eyes in the
direction the grand marshal had pointed out. An open barouche, in which
a single person sat, was approaching, accompanied by a few horsemen.
Napoleon waited. The carriage drew nearer, and the person seated in it
was recognized by his uniform and the _grand cordon_ of the Legion of

"It is he--the Emperor Alexander!" exclaimed Napoleon, and rode forward
at a gallop, followed by his marshals and generals. The carriage of the
Russian emperor also moved more rapidly, and when both were near each
other they suddenly halted. Napoleon dismounted; and Alexander, not
waiting for the carriage door to be opened, jumped over it. The two
monarchs rushed toward each other with open arms, and the soldiers made
the welkin ring with "Long live Napoleon! Long live Alexander!"

Napoleon, disengaging himself from the arms of his friend, saluted the
Grand-duke Constantine. A horse was brought to the Emperor Alexander,
and as he was about to mount he looked in surprise at the splendid
animal, as well as at its equipment. "Why," he said, "this looks exactly
as though I were going to take a ride on my favorite charger in St.
Petersburg. It is precisely of similar color and trappings."

"That proves that the drawings which Caulaincourt sent me were pretty
correct," said Napoleon, smiling.

"Ah, then it is another attention of yours," exclaimed Alexander,
affectionately pressing the hand of his friend. "Your majesty is bent on
infatuating me. I feel perfectly at home on this horse."

"Ah, that is exactly what I wished," said Napoleon; "I sincerely desired
that your majesty should feel at home while with me. Well, if it please
you, let us ride to Erfurt."

"Very well," said Alexander, vaulting gracefully into the saddle, and
offering his hand to Napoleon, on whose right he was riding. The
emperors, chatting gayly, rode on to Erfurt. Behind them was the
Grand-duke Constantine, between King Jerome of Westphalia, and Murat,
Grand-duke of Berg. Then followed the suite of the marshals and
generals, and the procession was closed by the carriage of old
Romanzoff, Alexander's minister of state. Enthusiastic cheers resounded
along the whole road, and now Napoleon, with a serene bow, saluted the
multitude. Amid the peals of bells, the booming of cannon, and the
cheers of the soldiers and the populace, the two emperors made their
entry, halting in front of the hotel. Napoleon alighted first to welcome
his guest, and conduct him to the rooms prepared for his reception.

Late on the same day Napoleon received a letter from his Minister
Champagny. It contained only the following words: "Sire, I have held the
first conference with Romanzoff. It will be very difficult to persuade
this stubborn man that a piece of meat on the Danube is as good as the
cat's tongue, for which the old gentleman is as clamorous as a hungry
child for its dinner."

Napoleon took a pen and affixed the following words: "I have also held
the first conference with the Emperor Alexander. There will be no change
in my plans. Moldavia and Wallachia as an indemnity for the 'cat's
tongue!' We must succeed!" He then folded and sealed the letter, which
he immediately sent back to his minister.



While the illumination, with which the good people of the French city
had celebrated the arrival of the two emperors, was in full blaze on the
principal thoroughfares, only a single dim light was to be seen in a
small building situated on the corner of one of the more quiet streets.
The other windows of this house were dark, and all was silent as though
no living beings were dwelling in it. From time to time, a
closely-veiled man appeared in the neighborhood, and, after glancing at
the light in the upper window, uttered a strange cry. A second light
was soon moving to and fro, and disappearing again. The man approached
and knocked repeatedly at the door, which opened and admitted him.
Twelve men had entered. The light was extinguished; the door bolted on
the inside, and profound silence reigned in the building.

The French police had devoted their whole attention to the principal
streets of the city, and to the vast crowds that followed the emperors,
who, accompanied by kings and princes, proceeded to admire the
illumination. There were no eyes for this small, dark house in an
obscure alley--no ears to listen to what was going on within. The twelve
men who had entered in so mysterious a manner, had assembled in a large
back room. They had whispered the password into the ear of the
door-keeper, and were at once admitted.

The windows of this room were covered with heavy black curtains, which
prevented sound, as well as light, from penetrating to the outside.
Thirteen candlesticks were fixed at equal distances in the plain white
walls. The man who had entered first approached the first candlestick
and lighted the two tapers. He who came next did the same with the next
candlestick, and the others followed their example. At this moment the
tapers on twelve candlesticks wore burning; and only the thirteenth,
which contained six tapers, had not yet been lighted. Around the long
table standing in the middle of the room, twelve grave and silent men
were sitting on cane-chairs, the high backs of which were carved in a
peculiar, old-fashioned style; these men were closely wrapped in black
cloaks, the capes of which concealed their heads, and their faces were
covered with black half-masks, which they had put on immediately after
entering the house. At the upper end of the table stood a black
easy-chair, which was alone unoccupied. The flashing eyes peering from
the capes were directed to this chair; no word was spoken; a breath was
almost audible in the motionless assembly. Suddenly a narrow, secret
door opened in the opposite wall, and a tall man, dressed and veiled
like the others, made his appearance.

The assembly remained as before, and seemed to take no notice of the
new-comer. The latter quickly walked to the thirteenth candlestick, and
lighted its tapers. The others immediately rose from their seats and
bowed deeply. "The president!" they murmured. "We greet him who has
called us--we greet the president!" He nodded, and then went to the
upper end of the table. Before sitting down, he opened a little the
black cloak enveloping his whole form, and the others beheld a heavy
silver chain adorning his breast, and to which was fastened a locket,
decorated with diamonds. In the middle of it a skull was to be seen, and
under it the inscription of "Liberty or Death!" As soon as the rest
beheld this, they also opened their cloaks. Each of them wore a similar
chain, locket, and inscription.

"Resume your seats, brethren," said the president, sitting down in the
easy-chair. He then said in a loud, solemn voice, "The hour has come for
us to act. Germany has called us, and, as obedient sons, we come!
Germany, our beloved mother, is here in our midst, although we do not
see her. She stands with veiled head and tearful eyes before her
children, and asks us to give her an account of what we have done and
accomplished. Brethren, are we ready?"

"We are!" all exclaimed, simultaneously.

"When we parted three months ago, my brethren," added the president, "we
resolved to meet here to-day. I see that all have remained faithful to
their oath. Not one is absent. No taper is unlit--the seats are
occupied. Germania, that knows who are hers, and how to call them by
their names, although they veil their heads,--Germania thanks you for
your fidelity. She awaits our report. Let us speak! He who arrived first
will commence."

One at the lower end of the table rose and bowed respectfully. "I
arrived first," he said.

"You have the floor, then, my brother," said the president.

"Make your report. Where have you been? What connections did you
establish? What hopes do you bring?"

"I was in Northern Germany," he replied; "for that was the order which I
drew from the urn when we met here three months ago. In the envelope
which I received, I found a paper containing the words: 'Ferdinand von
Schill at Kolberg.' The first lines of a song were affixed to this
address. I repaired immediately to Kolberg, and found Major von Schill
engaged in equipping and drilling the second regiment of Brandenburg
hussars, of which the king has appointed him commander. The regiment
consists of the four brave companies of cavalry with which Lieutenant
von Schill undertook his bold and successful raids."

"And did you deliver your credentials to the major, my brother?"

"I did. He received me with a joyful salutation, and sends his greeting
and fraternal kiss to the 'patriots.' He said to me: 'We pursue with
zeal and courage the purpose which we have sworn to accomplish. Go to
the brethren--tell them that they may count on me and my men, and on
the people, who are gradually being inspired with the true spirit, and
who will rise when the alarm is sounded. When the time comes, the whole
of Germany will rise to a man, break her chains, and expel the tyrant.
Let us prepare for this hour, in the North and South, in the East and
West, that the whole country may be armed at the first battle-cry of
freedom! Let us work and toil, keeping each other well informed of our
progress. We must all act on one and the same day!'"

"Did you hear the words and greetings of brave Schill, brethren?" asked
the president.

"We heard, and engraved them on our heart."

"It is now the turn of the brother who arrived next," said the
president. "Make your report."

"Soul-stirring hopes! and I wish you joy of our prospects," said he who
had now risen. "At our last meeting I drew from the urn the order to go
to Berlin and Konigsberg. I was there! Oh, brethren, the days of freedom
are near! In Berlin, I was introduced by one of our friends to a circle
of patriots, who, like us, have formed a secret society for the purpose
of promoting the welfare of the fatherland, and of ushering in the day
of freedom. Those patriots are in communication with men sharing their
sentiments throughout the whole of Northern Germany; committees are
organized everywhere to instruct the people, to disseminate patriotic
views, and to gain adherents to the great league of the defenders of the
fatherland. Secret depots of arms are being established in every city.
The central committee, sitting in Berlin, have taken upon themselves the
task of watching the French troops, their numbers, location, and
strength; of ascertaining the disposition of the people in the
provinces, and of transmitting the results of their observations to the
branches of their league, as well as to the other patriotic societies.
Henceforth we shall also receive those reports, if one of our brethren
will call for them in Berlin.

"Thence, well provided with recommendations by the committee, I repaired
to Konigsberg. From what I saw there I derived much consolation and hope
for the future of the country. The spirit of freedom is fermenting, and
high-minded men have erected at Konigsberg an altar on which they intend
to kindle the sacred fire, that it may melt our chains. The name of this
altar is the 'Tugendbund.'[39] Noble and illustrious men are at the head
of this league; a prince is its president; Stein, the great minister, is
its protector; brave General Blucher, Gneisenau, the distinguished
officer--in short, the most eminent and popular men of Prussia are
members. King Frederick William has approved its by-laws; Queen Louisa
is enthusiastically in favor of its patriotic efforts. It does not
intend to enter upon a violent struggle, but will prepare the people by
its words and example for better days. It intends to increase the moral
energy of the nation, that it may also rise in its physical strength,
and be able to cope with the invaders. This league, my brethren,
purposes to propagate patriotism, courage, attachment to the sovereign
and the constitution, love of virtue, art, science, and literature. It
intends to cultivate the minds and hearts of the people, that they may
shrink from no sacrifice for the welfare of the country. My brethren,
the 'Tugendbund' is the head and heart of us all; we shall one day be
its arm and sword, and translate its teachings into heroic deeds. It
sends its greetings to the brethren, admonishing us never to cease
working and toiling, and to maintain a close connection with it, as well
as with all our friends, until the great day of deliverance dawns upon
us. But I do not bring greetings from that league alone. I have seen
also the 'Knights of Louisa,'[40] and received their fraternal kiss.
Brave Major von Nostitz, formerly an intimate friend and adjutant of
Prince Louis Ferdinand, is their president, and the noble queen has
permitted them the use of her name as a token of her sympathy. As a
further expression of her approval, she has presented the president with
a silver chain, and all the members of the order wear, as their regalia,
a silver chain and a locket with the queen's portrait. The 'Tugendbund'
and the 'Knights of Louisa' send greetings to the brethren, and will
unite with them in struggling for the same holy cause. They await our
messengers, and will inform us of every thing that is done by them, as
well as receive information from us concerning our own efforts."

[Footnote 39: The celebrated "League of Virtue."] [Footnote 40: Die

"Your report is highly gratifying," said the president, after a pause.
"Deliverance will soon come, and true Germans will be prepared for it.
We will now listen to the third brother."

"I was in Westphalia, and bring cheering tidings to the patriotic
brethren," said the third brother. "The chains are still clanking in
unfortunate Westphalia, but the men are as undaunted as ever. Noble
Chevalier von Dornberg sends his greeting. He admonishes us to toil, and
to be prepared. We shall have ready our swords and our strong arms.
Thousands of noble and faithful Hessians belong to this league. The
honest minds of the people cannot see what right the Corsican emperor
had to expel their legitimate ruler, and to place an Italian clown on
his throne. Intense indignation at the foreign yoke is prevailing
throughout Hessia and Westphalia, and every patriot rallies around
Dornberg waiting for the signal to expel the oppressor. United with us,
Dornberg sends his messengers and receives ours."

"Let the fourth brother make his report," said the president.

"I come from Bavaria, and bring greetings from the society of
'Concordists,' founded by Chevalier von Lang. This society is straining
every nerve to bring about the liberation of the country; it is, like
our league, preparing the people for their freedom. It is ready to enter
into relationship with us."

"And what brings the fifth of the brethren?"

"I bring fraternal kisses from the Rhine, where Jahn, the bold German,
is organizing the legion of the 'Black Knights.' I bring also greetings
from the chivalrous Duke of Brunswick. The 'Corps of Vengeance,' with
skulls on their black helmets, are rallying around the prince, who, with
fiery zeal, is preparing for the day when he will avenge the despair and
death of his father. The 'Black Knights' and the 'Corps of Vengeance'
send us greetings, and are ready to toil with us for the deliverance of
our country, and the overthrow of the tyrant."

The president requested the sixth brother to take the floor, and he too
stated that he had established connections with leagues having the same
common object. The other six made similar statements. Everywhere in
Germany they had found patriots, the same hatred of a foreign yoke, and
the most ardent longing for freedom.

When the twelfth brother had concluded his report, the president arose.
"Brethren," he said, encouragingly, "our night begins to brighten--the
day is breaking. Let us, therefore, be vigilant, active, and undaunted.
Gather around you the circles of the faithful; initiate and arm them;
teach them to be ready for the battle-cry, that they may rise and fight,
all for one, and one for all. Set out again on your travels; establish
new societies, and join, in a genuine spirit of brotherly love, such as
are already in operation. Work for the honor and liberty of Germany.
Thousands already belong to us, and you will still enlist thousands
more; that, when the trumpet sounds, the brethren may reenforce the army
of German liberty, not with a battalion, but with legions of warriors.
We have come hither to-day from all parts of Germany; we know not each
other's names, nor have we ever seen each other's faces; yet no one has
proved recreant. Go, then, again into the world, and pursue your sacred
mission. Three months hence we will again meet at this house at the same
hour, and confer as to what ought to be done. Bring the urn, and draw
your duties for the next three months."

The man who had last arrived rose and walked to the opposite wall, at
which the president pointed, as he said, "Press the golden button which
you see fixed in the wall."

The conspirator obeyed, and immediately a small door opened, revealing a
black urn, which he handed to the president, who said, "Come hither,
brethren, and draw your lots."

The twelve men rose successively and stepped to the urn, from which each
drew a small folded paper, and, approaching the light, immediately
learned his mission by opening the lot; as soon as he had read its
contents, he burned it, extinguished his tapers, and withdrew, without
word, glance, or gesture. Nine had already left. Only four candlesticks
remained lighted--three of the conspirators, besides the president, were
still in the room. Each of these three men stood near the burning
tapers, and looked in grave silence at the open paper in his hand.

"Why are you here still, brethren?" asked the president.

"My order says that I am to remain here," answered the man to whom the
president addressed himself.

"My order says the same," exclaimed the second brother.

"Mine is the same," said the third.

"Come hither and listen to me, brethren," commanded the president. "What
is the motto of our league?"

"'Liberty or death!'" exclaimed the three men, simultaneously. "Our
fortunes, our lives, our blood, for Germany! If need be, death for the
attainment of liberty, whether it be on the field of battle, in a
dungeon, or on the scaffold!"

"Or on the scaffold!" echoed the president. "Do you remember, brethren,
that, when we met for the first time, I told you Germany might stand in
need of a Mutius Scaevola, and require him to assassinate Porsenna? Do
you remember that we all swore, if the day should come to imitate that
ancient patriot?"

"We do."

"That day has come," said the president, solemnly. "Germany requires a
Mutius Scaevola, to kill Porsenna, and, if he should miss him, to suffer
as stoically as the Roman youth. Enough German blood has been shed.
Thousands of our brethren would still have to die, if we meet the tyrant
in open combat. We must do this, if we cannot get rid of him in any
other way. But before resorting to it, before permitting Germany to be
again devastated by revolution and war, we will try another way, the
course pursued by the Roman. When the tyrant is dead, Germany will be
free and happy, and the exultation of his countrymen will console the
conscience of him whom the world will call an assassin."

"That is true," said the three conspirators.

"Yes," responded the president. "There are four of us here. Two shall
avenge Germany. It is necessary that two should undertake the task, for
if one should be unsuccessful, the other may not."

"But there are only three of us here," said one of the disguised men.

"No," replied the president, "there are four; I am the fourth. You must
not prevent me from participating in a deed requiring intrepid courage,
and which cannot but involve incalculable dangers. I insist on taking
part in it."

"But the league stands in need of your services. What would become of us
if you should draw the lot, and, in carrying out the plan, fail and be

"In that case, brethren, you will announce on the day of the next
meeting, when the chair remains unoccupied, that the president has died
in the cause, and you will elect another chief. But, a truce to further
objections! Let us draw lots. Here are two white and two black balls
which I put into the urn. Those who draw the black balls will leave
together, and jointly concert a plan for the death of the tyrant. The
blow must be struck in the course of a week, while he is still in this

"It must be," echoed the three, in solemn tones.

"But let us swear not to attempt any life but his--that no innocent
blood be shed--that the dagger or the pistol be aimed at him alone. Let
us swear not to undertake any thing that might endanger others!"

"We do so swear, for to destroy any but the tyrant would be murder. Now
let us extinguish all the lights save one, and simultaneously draw a
ball from the urn."

"Lift up your hands and let us see the balls!" said the president. There
was a white ball in his own hand. "It was not God's will. He did not
choose me," he said, with a sigh.

"He has chosen us," said the two who held black balls. They grasped each
other's hands, and their eyes seemed to read each other's thoughts. He
who had drawn the other white ball inclined his head and left the room.

"We go together; our ways do not separate," said the two who had drawn
the black balls, and walked arm in arm toward the door.

The president gazed after them until they had disappeared. Extinguishing
the last taper, he groped cautiously along until he reached the door,
and stepping out into a corridor, hastened across it to the landing of a
staircase, at the foot of which a small dim lamp was burning. Before
descending, he took off the mask that had covered his face, and the
cloak in which he had been wrapped, and, rolling them into a bundle, he
concealed it in a drawer fixed under the first step of the staircase,
and which was visible only to initiated eyes. In the flickering light of
the lamp the beholder might have discerned his tall, slender form, and
youthful countenance, whose manly expression contrasted with his long
golden hair. He hastened down-stairs, and crossed the hall into the
street. The noise had ceased, and nearly all the lights had burnt out.
As he turned a corner rapidly, he was attracted by a transparency. The
inscription, in large letters on a crimson ground, read: "_Gab's jetzt
noch einen Gottersohn, so ware es Napoleon_!"[41]

[Footnote 41: "If there were now a son of the gods, he would be

A flash of anger burst from the youth's eyes, and he raised his clinched
fist menacingly. "You miserable dogs," he said, in a low voice, "when
the true Germans come, you will hide yourselves in the dust!" He walked
rapidly until he reached a small house at the lower end of the street,
and softly entering, glided across the hall, cautiously ascended the
staircase, halted in front of a door up-stairs, and gently rapped. It
opened immediately, and a young woman of surpassing beauty appeared on
the threshold. "Oh, Frederick, is it really you?" she whispered,
embracing him. "You are mine again, beloved Frederick! You did not draw
the fatal lot! Heaven refused the sacrifice which you were ready to

"It is so, Anna," said the young man. "But why do you weep, dearest? You
were formerly so courageous, and approved my determination to engage in
that desperate enterprise!"

She clasped her hands, lifting her large black eyes to heaven. "Abraham
was ready to sacrifice his son," she said, "but when his offering was
not accepted, he was thankful. Thus I also thank and praise God at this

"Yes," said the young man, gloomily, "He rejected my offering, and for
the present I am free. I come to take leave of you, beloved Anna; I must
depart this very night."

"You are going to leave me!" she exclaimed in dismay. "Ah, you have
deceived me, then--you have drawn the fatal lot! You come to bid me
farewell, because you are to perpetrate the terrible deed!"

"No, Anna. I swear to you by our love I am free! I did not draw the lot.
But I must go to Leipsic. My mission here has been accomplished, and I
must be about my business. The president of the patriotic brethren must
descend from his exalted position, and once more become a poor
insignificant merchant. But I know, and predict it, Anna, there will be
a day when Germany will choose me to deliver her from the tyrant. A
presentiment tells me that the two who have drawn the black balls to-day
will not succeed. Their hands trembled when they held up the balls, and
I saw that they started when they perceived them to be black. Yes, they
will fail; but I shall not! It is reserved for me; a shout of joy will
resound throughout the country, and the people will exclaim, 'We are
delivered from the tyrant; Germany is free, and the name of our
deliverer is Frederick Staps!'"



Festivities were succeeded by festivities, amusements by amusements, and
these days of Erfurt glided by in friendship, pleasure, and love.
Napoleon was the host. It was he who received the Emperor of Russia, the
kings, the dukes, and the princes, with their legions of courtiers and
cavaliers, and treated all the members of these different petty courts
with imperial munificence. In return there were universal manifestations
of homage and devotion. The kings and princes every morning attended his
levee. He arranged the entertainments that were to take place, and
designated those who were to participate in them. All bowed to him, even
the Emperor Alexander himself. The most cordial feeling prevailed
between the two emperors. They were always seen arm in arm, like two
loving youths, jealous of every minute that separated them. At the
dinner-table, at the theatre, at the balls and concerts, they always
came together into the proud society that awaited them. At dinner,
Napoleon, playing the polite and obliging host, always had Alexander
placed at his right. At the theatre, directly behind the orchestra, were
two gilded easy-chairs on a small platform, and the two emperors were
enthroned on them near each other; on the floor behind this stood four
small arm-chairs, occupied by the Kings of Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Saxony,
and Westphalia; and in the rear, on common chairs, sat the dukes,
princes, counts, and the large array of cavaliers and courtiers. The
queens and princesses were seated in the proscenium-boxes on both sides
of the stage, and the ladies of the _haute-volee_ in their rich toilets
and wealth of jewelry filled the first tier.

Napoleon kept the promise he had made to Talma: that celebrated actor
played before a pit of kings, and it was, perhaps, this fact, or the
expectant face of Napoleon, whose eyes were on him, or the presence of
Alexander, who was never weary of praising him--it was probably all this
that enkindled the actor's enthusiasm. Never before had Talma played
more effectively--never before had he assumed such a dignity for
enthroned greatness, or better studied its bearing in adversity. His
expression of hatred, love, and grief, in his impersonations, were never
more famous than in these gala-days of Erfurt. A sort of inspiration
pervaded the great artist, and his enthusiasm infected the spectators,
especially Alexander, who was carried away by Talma's passion in the
representation of "Oedipus." When the actor exclaimed, "The friendship
of a great man is a boon of the gods!" the Russian emperor bent over
Napoleon, and seizing his hand pressed it against his breast. A murmur
of applause was heard; all appeared astonished at this public
demonstration; even Oedipus on the stage seemed to be impressed, and his
voice trembled. Napoleon alone remained grave and calm, not a feature
changed or betrayed the satisfaction that his heart could not but feel
at this moment; he thanked Alexander only by a glance, and his attention
seemed to be again directed to the stage.

Late at night Napoleon found, as usual, a letter from his minister
Champagny. "Old Romanzoff insists on the prompt fulfilment of the
promises of Tilsit," wrote the minister. "Constantinople--nothing but
Constantinople--seems to the stubborn Russian an equivalent for Spain. I
believe the peremptory orders only of his master will subdue this

"Ah," murmured Napoleon, crumpling the paper in his hand, "I must put a
stop to this. We must arrive at a definite result. I shall utter the
decisive word to-morrow!"

On the following morning the kings and princes appeared in vain in the
anteroom of the Emperor Napoleon to attend his levee. He had risen at an
unusually early hour, and, allured by the sunny autumnal morning,
visited his friend Alexander, who had just risen when Napoleon,
unannounced, entered with a smiling face.

"Ah," exclaimed Alexander, rushing toward him with a cry of exultation,
and embracing him affectionately, "sire, I dreamed of you all night; you
were here at my side, while I was sleeping, and all seemed bright, but
when I opened my eyes and did not see you, the room appeared dark,
although the sun was shining. But now you are here, and my dreams are

Napoleon's face suddenly turned gloomy, and the smile disappeared from
his lips. "I also had a dream," he said, gravely. "It seemed to me as
though I lay on a bed of flowers, and two stars were twinkling above me,
and as they came nearer I saw that they were not stars, but bright eyes
beaming in a manly face, and looking at me with tenderness. I was
fascinated. I raised myself as if borne on angel-wings, and stretched
out my arms toward the approaching form. Suddenly I uttered a scream;
the friend had been changed into a wolf that rushed toward me, and
fixing his eyes on mine, tore my breast and fed upon my heart. Oh, I was
in horrible pain--not imaginary but real--for I screamed so loudly that
Constant, my _valet de chambre_, hastened from the adjoining room and
awakened me. Even now that I think of it I tremble, and sadness fills my
soul." He bent his head on his breast, and, folding his hands behind
him, paced the room slowly.

Alexander looked smilingly at him, but approaching, said: "Sire, why
this melancholy? In truth, when looking at you, one might think, my
august friend, that you believed in dreams."

"I do," exclaimed Napoleon, quickly raising his head. "Dreams are
revelations from on high! Had Julius Cæsar believed in his dreams, and
in the prophecies of the astrologers, he would not have fallen by the
daggers of assassins."

"But how will your majesty interpret the dream that tormented you last
night?" asked Alexander.

Napoleon bent a strange look on his frank countenance. "Alexander," he
said, in a low voice, "could you ever transform yourself into a wolf,
and tear out my heart?"

"I, Napoleon, I?" ejaculated Alexander, starting back in dismay. "Your
majesty, then, does not believe in my friendship, in the profound
admiration for you that fills my soul? All I have said and done has then
been in vain! Instead of having won your esteem, your majesty distrusts
me, and believes the follies of the imagination in sleep rather than the
protestations of reason, interest, and friendship!"

"No, no," said Napoleon, affectionately, and almost touched by the
profound grief depicted in Alexander's countenance, "I believe that your
majesty returns a little the love I feel for you. I believe in your
noble heart, in spite of all dreams."

"And I swear to your majesty that you may believe in me," exclaimed
Alexander. "My whole policy, the new course upon which I have entered,
will prove to you, more convincingly than words, sire, that I am most
anxious to establish a firm alliance between Russia and France; oh,
believe me, sire, I gladly acknowledge you as my superior; all
promptings of jealousy are extinct in my heart; and when, in the face of
the enormous territorial aggrandizements of Franco, I desire an
enlargement of Russia, too, I do so not for my sake, but in order to
satisfy my people, that they may bear more patiently your operations in
Spain. For my part, I approve all you have done in that country. King
Charles and his son Ferdinand have abundantly deserved their present
fate by their incapacity and baseness, and I do not pity them. But one
must comprehend the system of the great Napoleon as clearly and
thoroughly as I do, to be able to pass over the great catastrophes which
your majesty has caused the world to witness. My people, and, above all,
my nobility, have not yet progressed so far as that, and hence the
attention of the Russians should be turned to important changes in the
Orient that they may look more indifferently at what you are undertaking
in the Occident. As for myself, I am your most faithful friend, and I
have proved it to your majesty by becoming the enemy of your enemies. In
accordance with your wishes, I have declared war against England, and
shall probably soon have to do the same against Austria, for I shall
require her in the most energetic manner to explain why she is secretly
arming; and, if her explanations should not be satisfactory, draw the
sword against her. Then, I suppose, your majesty will believe in my

"Oh, I believe in it now," exclaimed Napoleon, pressing the proffered
hand of Alexander. "For this friendship is my hope. United, we shall be
able to carry out the grand schemes which we formed at Tilsit. Striding
across the world, we shall lay it at our feet, and one day there will be
only two thrones; but in the beginning we must proceed carefully. It
took the Creator six days to make the world, and each day, most likely,
comprehended a vast number of our years. We shall create our world in
six years, and then we shall look at it, and pronounce it 'very good.'
But caution is indispensable, for our empires labor under many burdens.
You are waging war in Finland, and I am doing so in Spain. Prudence
advises us not to increase these embarrassments by seeking at this
moment for Russia an aggrandizement which would fill the world with
astonishment, and reecho like a war-cry throughout Europe. Let the
dissolution of Turkey and her annexation to Russia be the keystone of
our creation, the last work of the sixth day. Let us erect the new
empires on solid foundations, which all the storms of this world may not

"When Constantinople is mine, I shall not be afraid," exclaimed
Alexander, ardently.

"Constantinople belongs to the sixth day of creation," said Napoleon,
"but we are only at the second. Tilsit was the first, Erfurt is the

"And on the second day you take from me what you promised on the first?"
asked Alexander, whose brow was losing its serenity.

"No, I only want to secure it to you," said Napoleon--"to give a firm
base to the edifice of our future. If your majesty should take
possession of Turkey to-day, one-half of Europe would arm to-morrow to
take it from you, and at this moment Russia is unable to brave so many
enemies. Austria would rise against you, for, whatever offers you might
make, she would prefer war to a partition of Turkey. England would see
her commerce endangered, and enter into the contest from calculations of
self-interest. Besides, Turkey herself would wage war with the
fanaticism of her menaced nationality. Where are the armies which your
majesty could oppose to the united forces of England, Austria, and
Turkey? It is true, you have an army on the Danube, sufficiently strong
to oppose Turkey, but too weak if the whole nation should rise. Your
principal army is in Finland, and you have no troops to war against
Austria. I alone, therefore--for, as a matter of course, I shall remain
your faithful ally--I should have to struggle with Austria, England,
Spain, and, perhaps, with the whole of Germany. To be sure, I might do
so, for I have sufficient power to cope with all my enemies. But would
it be wise to enter at once into enterprises so vast? And what for? To
pursue a chimerical project which, how grand so ever it may be, is not
attainable at this time."

"Alas!" sighed Alexander, "I see that your majesty is right, and that
mountain difficulties rise between me and my cherished project! I shall
have to return empty-handed to my ancestors, and when Peter the Great
asks me, 'What have you done to fulfil my will? Where are the provinces
that you have added to my empire?' I must hang my head in confusion and
say that--"

"No," exclaimed Napoleon, in a loud and solemn voice; "you will proudly
raise your head and reply: 'Look at Russia! I have made her great at
home and abroad. I have given to my people civilization and culture, and
added to my empire new provinces which promote its greatness and power
more substantially than Constantinople itself would have done. The
possession of that city is a dream. I have annexed to my country real
provinces.' That is what you will reply to your great ancestor, sire,
provided you go to him before having arrived at your sixth day of

Alexander was speechless for a moment, as if fascinated by Napoleon's
countenance, beaming with energy and determination.

"What provinces does your majesty allude to?" he asked, dreamily.

"They lie at the feet of Russia, and seem only to wait for your majesty
to pick them up. Moldavia and Wallachia you will present as new crown
jewels to your empire. They are substantial realities in place of
visionary wishes; solid possessions far more important than

"That is true," exclaimed Alexander. "I have myself thought so for a
long time, but I dare not avow it, because I was afraid your majesty
would not agree with me."

"France knows no envy," said the emperor, "and Napoleon loves his friend
Alexander; he will gladly grant to him what he desires, and what is
attainable. Take Moldavia and Wallachia, sire!"

"You grant them to me," exclaimed Alexander, "and it is no empty
promise, but a definite and immutable agreement?"

"I say, sire, take them at once, and woe to those who would dare touch
your new possessions!"

"I thank you, sire," Alexander said. "You have given me a proof of your
friendship to-day, and old Romanzoff will have to acknowledge that he is
wrong in thinking that you only intended to amuse us with idle promises.
Ah, he is a hard head, and I believe your Minister Champagny cannot get
along with him very well."

"That is so," exclaimed Napoleon, laughing, and Alexander joined
heartily in his mirth.

"He will now demand guaranties," said Alexander, still laughing. "He is
so distrustful that he believes in no words, though from heaven. My old
Romanzoff believes only in black and white."

"We will so guarantee Moldavia to him," said Napoleon.

"Oh, not for my sake," exclaimed Alexander, carelessly. "Your majesty's
word is amply sufficient for me; let Romanzoff and Champagny quarrel
about the formalities."

"I will come to the assistance of poor Champagny," said Napoleon, "if
your majesty, in return, will be kind enough to make stubborn Romanzoff
somewhat more tractable. You have already occupied these provinces; it
will, therefore, be easy for you to annex them. France will give her
consent by a formal treaty, and not only engage to recognize this
annexation so far as she herself is concerned, but also to compel
Turkey, Austria, and England, to acknowledge it. Your majesty,
therefore, will break the armistice with Turkey, and advance your army
to the foot of the Balkan, then to Adrianople, and, if need be, to
Constantinople, in order to wrest these territories from the Porte. In
case Austria should intervene, we shall both declare war against her. As
for England, we are already at war with her. It will only be necessary
for me to give her a bloody defeat in Spain to render her insensible to
any enterprises we may enter into on the continent. All this we
stipulate not only verbally, but in writing. Will that satisfy your

"Me? I am satisfied with your majesty's word," exclaimed Alexander.

"Well, then," said Napoleon, with a smile, "the question is: Will your
minister be satisfied?"

"Of course, he will; and, moreover, I shall command him to raise no
further objections. Let Champagny and Romanzoff draw up the treaty; it
will then be merely necessary for us to sign it, and the whole matter is
settled. Our friendship will have been rendered more intimate and
lasting by new bonds, which nothing in the world will be able to

"As to our other plans," said Napoleon, "we shall never lose sight of
them. Every day we draw nearer to their fulfilment. There is yet a vast
future before us in which to accomplish our purposes with regard to the
Orient, and to remodel its political affairs. Romanzoff is aged, and
hence, impatient to enjoy what he desires. But you are young: you can

"Romanzoff is a Russian of the old school," said Alexander, smiling. "He
has passions and inclinations from which I am free. I attach a higher
value to civilizing than enlarging my empire. Hence, I desire the
provinces of the Danube more for my nation than for myself. I shall be
able to wait patiently until our plans can be carried into effect. But
you, my noble friend, you ought to enjoy in tranquillity the great
things which you have accomplished, and no longer expose yourself to the
danger of war. Have you not obtained glory and power enough? Alexander
and Cæsar gained no more laurels than you! Be happy, and let us leave
the execution of our projects to the future."

"Yes, let us do so," replied Napoleon. "I am also longing for repose. I
am tired of conquest; it has charms for me no longer, and battle-fields
seem to me what they are--the graveyards of brave men prematurely taken
from their country and their families. No more war! Peace with the whole
world, made more desirable by the friendship of Alexander!" He offered
his hand with that smile which no one could withstand. "Oh!" he
continued, "I am so happy at having at length arrived at an
understanding with you, and strengthened our alliance, that I wish your
majesty had some desire that I might grant, and which it would be
difficult for me to fulfil. Is there nothing at all that you could
demand of me?"

"Yes, sire, there is," responded Alexander, "and I have both a wish and
a prayer to address your majesty. Sire, my ally, the poor King of
Prussia, and his noble consort, are still living in exile. I saw them,
with your consent, on passing through Konigsberg, and confess that I
promised to intercede for them, and procure an alleviation of their
unfortunate condition."

"An alleviation of their unfortunate condition!" exclaimed Napoleon,
frowning. "Do they not owe their present fate entirely to themselves?
Why do they not pay punctually the contributions which I have imposed
upon them?"

"Sire, because they cannot! Prussia, exhausted, and reduced to one-half
of her former territory, is unable to pay war contributions amounting to
one hundred and fifty millions of dollars, in the short space of two
years, and to feed, besides, a French army of forty thousand men. Your
majesty ought to be magnanimous, and restore at least a semblance of
independence to my poor ally, by putting an end to the occupation."

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