2015년 8월 6일 목요일

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 25

anathema A Tragedy in Seven Scenes 25

_In despair._
What is it, Nullius? What else can there be, there yonder?...
I do not know, David. But from the upper window, which was wide open,
I heard something like the roaring of the ocean when the rocks tremble
with pain from the beating of the breakers; it was as though the
roaring of brass trumpets that I heard, David,--they are shouting to
the sky and to you, and they are calling you.... Do you hear?
_In the muffled noise and chaos of sounds, ring out
the sounds: Da-vid! Da-vid! Da-vid!_
I hear my name. Who is calling? What do they want?
I don't know. Perhaps they want to crown you as their king.
You, David Leizer. Perhaps they are bringing you might and power--and
the power of performing miracles--do you not want perhaps to become a
God, David? Look and listen.
_He throws the windows wide open. The sounds of
the voices calling "Da-vid, Da-vid, Da-vid!"
grow louder and are mingled with the blowing of
_David at first moves to the wall, then he slowly
advances to the window. He straightens himself,
looks out of the window, and pushing Anathema
aside, outstretches his arms to the poor of the
Come this way! Come here! To me! I am here! I am with you!
What? You are calling them? You--are--calling--them? Bethink yourself,
Be silent! you do not understand me! We are all human beings and we
shall go together.
And we shall go together! Come here, brethren, come! Look,
Nullius,--they have lifted their heads, they are looking, they hear me.
This way! this way!
Will you perform miracles?
Be silent--you are a stranger. You speak as an enemy of God and
mankind. You know neither pity nor compassion. We are tired, we are
exhausted,--even the dead have grown tired of waiting. Come here--and
we shall go together. This way!
_Looking at David._
Are not the blind showing the way to them?
Who needs eyesight if not the blind? This way, blind!
Are not the lame making the road and swallowing the dust there?
Who needs the road if not the lame? This way, maimed!
Are they not carrying the dead on the stretchers, swaying with measured
steps? Look, David, and dare to say: "Come this way, to me. I am he who
resurrects the dead!"
You know no love, Nullius.
"I am he who restores sight to the blind"--
_Loudly, through the window._
This way! Nations of the earth, seeking God,--come together, at the
feet of David--he is here!
Not so loud.
Eh, this way! Suffering mothers,--fathers who have lost their reason in
grief,--brothers and sisters who devour one another in the convulsions
of hunger--come this way, to David, who has brought joy to mankind!
_Seizing him by the shoulder._
You have lost your mind, Nullius. They may hear you and may break into
the house.... What are you doing, Nullius? Be more cautious.
David is calling you!
_Dragging him away from the window forcibly._
Be silent! I'll choke you if you utter another word. You dog!
_Releasing himself._
You are as foolish as a human being. When I call you to flee from here,
you curse me. When I call you to love--you want to choke me.
_With contempt._
Oh, do not ruin me, Nullius. Oh, forgive me if I have angered you,
foolish old man that I am, with a memory that fails me. But I cannot--I
cannot perform any miracles!
Let us flee from here.
Yes, yes, let us flee.
But where? Where do you want to lead me, Nullius? Is there a place on
earth where God is not present?
I shall lead you to God.
No, I don't want to go to Him. What will God tell me? And what shall I
answer Him? Be considerate, Nullius. Can I say anything in answer to
God now?
I shall lead you to the desert. We shall leave here these wicked and
vicious people, who are seized with the itch of suffering and who break
down posts and fences like hogs that scratch themselves.
But they are human beings, Nullius.
Renounce them, and, pure, stand up in the desert before the face
of God. Let the rock be your bed, let the howling jackal become
your friend, let only the sky and the sand hear the penitent moans
of David--not a single stain of another's sin shall come upon the
pure snow of his soul. He who remains with lepers becomes a leper
himself--only in solitude will you see God. To the desert, David, to the desert!  

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