But in what manner have our other writers of fiction treated
the difficulties that were thus dealt with by Hawthorne?--Herman
Melville cannot be instanced here; for his only novel or romance, whichever
it be, was also the most impossible of all his books, and really
a terrible example of the enormities which a man of genius may
perpetrate when working in a direction unsuited to him. I refer, of course,
to "Pierre, or the Ambiguities." Oliver Wendell Holmes's two
delightful stories are as favorable examples of what can be done, in the way
of an American novel, by a wise, witty, and learned gentleman, as we
are likely to see. Nevertheless, one cannot avoid the feeling that they
are the work of a man who has achieved success and found recognition
in other ways than by stories, or even poems and essays. The interest,
in either book, centres round one of those physiological phenomena
which impinge so strangely upon the domain of the soul; for the rest,
they are simply accurate and humorous portraitures of local dialects
and peculiarities, and thus afford little assistance in the search for
a universally applicable rule of guidance. Doctor Holmes, I
believe, objects to having the term "medicated" applied to his tales; but
surely the adjective is not reproachful; it indicates one of the most
charming and also, alas! inimitable features of his work.
Bret Harte
is probably as valuable a witness as could be summoned in this case. His
touch is realistic, and yet his imagination is poetic and romantic. He has
discovered something. He has done something both new and good. Within the
space of some fifty pages, he has painted a series of pictures which will
last as long as anything in the fifty thousand pages of Dickens. Taking "The
Outcasts of Poker Flat" as perhaps the most nearly perfect of the tales, as
well as the most truly representative of the writer's powers, let us try to
guess its secret. In the first place, it is very short,--a single episode,
succinctly and eloquently told. The descriptions of scenery and persons are
masterly and memorable. The characters of these persons, their actions, and
the circumstances of their lives, are as rugged, as grotesque, as
terrible, and also as beautiful, as the scenery. Thus an artistic harmony
is established,--the thing which is lacking in so much of our
literature. The story moves swiftly on, through humor, pathos, and tragedy,
to its dramatic close. It is given with perfect literary taste, and naught
in its phases of human nature is either extenuated or set down in
malice. The little narrative can be read in a few minutes, and can never
be forgotten. But it is only an episode; and it is an episode of
an episode,--that of the Californian gold-fever. The story of
the Argonauts is only one story, after all, and these tales of Harte's
are but so many facets of the same gem. They are not, however,
like chapters in a romance; there is no such vital connection between
them as develops a cumulative force. We are no more impressed after
reading half a dozen of them than after the first; they are variations of
the same theme. They discover to us no new truth about human nature;
they only show us certain human beings so placed as to act out their
naked selves,--to be neither influenced nor protected by the rewards
and screens of conventional civilization. The affectation and
insincerity of our daily life make such a spectacle fresh and pleasing to us.
But we enjoy it because of its unexpectedness, its separateness,
its unlikeness to the ordinary course of existence. It is like a
huge, strange, gorgeous flower, an exaggeration and intensification of
such flowers as we know; but a flower without roots, unique, never to
be reproduced. It is fitting that its portrait should be painted;
but, once done, it is done with; we cannot fill our picture-gallery with
it. Carlyle wrote the History of the French Revolution, and Bret Harte
has written the History of the Argonauts; but it is absurd to suppose
that a national literature could be founded on either episode.
though Mr. Harte has not left his fellow-craftsmen anything to gather from
the lode which he opened and exhausted, we may still learn something from his
method. He took things as he found them, and he found them disinclined to
weave themselves into an elaborate and balanced narrative. He recognized the
deficiency of historical perspective, but he saw that what was lost in slowly
growing, culminating power was gained in vivid, instant force. The deeds of
his character could not be represented as the final result
of long-inherited proclivities; but they could appear between their
motive and their consequence, like the draw--aim--fire! of the
Western desperado,--as short, sharp, and conclusive. In other words,
the conditions of American life, as he saw it, justified a short story,
or any number of them, but not a novel; and the fact that he
did afterwards attempt a novel only served to confirm his
original position. I think that the limitation that he discovered is of
much wider application than we are prone to realize. American life has
been, as yet, nothing but a series of episodes, of experiments. There
has been no such thing as a fixed and settled condition of society,
not subject to change itself, and therefore affording a foundation
and contrast to minor or individual vicissitudes. We cannot
write American-grown novels, because a novel is not an episode, nor
an aggregation of episodes; we cannot write romances in the
Hawthorne sense, because, as yet, we do not seem to be clever enough.
Several courses are, however, open to us, and we are pursuing them all.
First, we are writing "short stories," accounts of episodes needing
no historical perspective, and not caring for any; and, so far as one
may judge, we write the best short stories in the world. Secondly, we
may spin out our short stories into long-short stories, just as we
may imagine a baby six feet high; it takes up more room, but is just
as much a baby as one of twelve inches. Thirdly, we may graft our
flower of romance on a European stem, and enjoy ourselves as much as
the European novelists do, and with as clear a conscience. We are
stealing that which enriches us and does not impoverish them. It is silly
and childish to make the boundaries of the America of the mind
coincide with those of the United States. We need not dispute about free
trade and protection here; literature is not commerce, nor is it
politics. America is not a petty nationality, like France, England, and
Germany; but whatever in such nationalities tends toward enlightenment
and freedom is American. Let us not, therefore, confirm ourselves in
a false and ignoble conception of our meaning and mission in the
world. Let us not carry into the temple of the Muse the jealousies,
the prejudice, the ignorance, the selfishness of our "Senate"
and "Representatives," strangely so called! Let us not refuse to
breathe the air of Heaven, lest there be something European or Asian in it.
If we cannot have a national literature in the narrow, geographical
sense of the phrase, it is because our inheritance transcends
all geographical definitions. The great American novel may not be
written this year, or even in this century. Meanwhile, let us not fear to
ride, and ride to death, whatever species of Pegasus we can catch. It can
do us no harm, and it may help us to acquire a firmer seat against
the time when our own, our very own winged steed makes his
Literature is that quality in books which affords delight
and nourishment to the soul. But this is a scientific and skeptical
age, insomuch that one hardly ventures to take for granted that every
reader will know what his soul is. It is not the intellect, though it
gives the intellect light; nor the emotions, though they receive their
warmth from it. It is the most catholic and constant element of human
nature, yet it bears no direct part in the practical affairs of life; it
does not struggle, it does not even suffer; but merely emerges or
retires, glows or congeals, according to the company in which it finds
itself. We might say that the soul is a name for man's innate sympathy
with goodness and truth in the abstract; for no man can have a bad
soul, though his heart may be evil, or his mind depraved, because the
soul's access to the mind or heart has been so obstructed as to leave
the moral consciousness cold and dark. The soul, in other words, is
the only conservative and peacemaker; it affords the only
unalterable ground upon which all men can always meet; it unselfishly
identifies or unites us with our fellows, in contradistinction to the
selfish intellect, which individualizes us and sets each man against
every other. Doubtless, then, the soul is an amiable and
desirable possession, and it would be a pity to deprive it of so
much encouragement as may be compatible with due attention to the
serious business of life. For there are moments, even in the most
active careers, when it seems agreeable to forget competition,
rivalry, jealousy; when it is a rest to think of one's self as a man rather
than a person;--moments when time and place appear impertinent, and
that most profitable which affords least palpable profit. At such seasons,
a man looks inward, or, as the American poet puts it, he loafs and invites
his soul, and then he is at a disadvantage if his soul, in consequence of too
persistent previous neglect, declines to respond to the invitation, and
remains immured in that secret place which, as years pass by, becomes less
and less accessible to so many of us.
When I say that literature
nourishes the soul, I implicitly refuse the title of literature to anything
in books that either directly or indirectly promotes any worldly or practical
use. Of course, what is literature to one man may be anything but literature
to another, or to the same man under different circumstances; Virgil to the
schoolboy, for instance, is a very different thing from the Virgil of the
scholar. But whatever you read with the design of improving yourself in
some profession, or of acquiring information likely to be of advantage
to you in any pursuit or contingency, or of enabling yourself to hold
your own with other readers, or even of rendering yourself that
enviable nondescript, a person of culture,--whatever, in short, is read with
any assignable purpose whatever, is in so far not literature. The Bible
may be literature to Mr. Matthew Arnold, because he reads it for fun;
but to Luther, Calvin, or the pupils of a Sunday-school, it is
essentially something else. Literature is the written communications of the
soul of mankind with itself; it is liable to appear in the most
unexpected places, and in the oddest company; it vanishes when we would grasp
it, and appears when we look not for it. Chairs of literature
are established in the great universities, and it is literature, no
doubt, that the professor discourses; but it ceases to be literature before
it reaches the student's ear; though, again, when the same
students stumble across it in the recesses of their memory ten or twenty
years later, it may have become literature once more. Finally,
literature may, upon occasion, avail a man more than the most thorough
technical information; but it will not be because it supplements or
supplants that information, but because it has so tempered and exalted
his general faculty that whatever he may do is done more clearly
and comprehensively than might otherwise be the case.
Having thus, in
some measure, considered what is literature and what the soul, let us note,
further, that the literature proper to manhood is not proper to childhood,
though the reverse is not--or, at least, never ought to be--true. In
childhood, the soul and the mind act in harmony; the mind has not become
preoccupied or sophisticated by so-called useful knowledge; it responds
obediently to the soul's impulses and intuitions. Children have no morality;
they have not yet descended to the level where morality suggests itself to
them. For morality is the outcome of spiritual pride, the most stubborn
and insidious of all sins; the pride which prompts each of us to
declare himself holier than his fellows, and to support that claim by
parading his docility to the Decalogue. Docility to any set of rules, no
matter of how divine authority, so long as it is inspired by hope of
future good or present advantage, is rather worse than useless: except
our righteousness exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees,--that
is, except it be spontaneous righteousness or morality, and, therefore,
not morality, but unconscious goodness,--we shall in no wise have
benefited either ourselves or others. Children, when left to
themselves, artlessly and innocently act out the nature that is common to
saint and sinner alike; they are selfish, angry, and foolish, because their
state is human; and they are loving, truthful, and sincere, because
their origin is divine. All that pleases or agrees with them is good;
all that opposes or offends them is evil, and this, without any
reference whatever to the moral code in vogue among their elders. But, on
the other hand, children cannot be tempted as we are, because they
suppose that everything is free and possible, and because they are as
yet uncontaminated by the artificial cravings which the
artificial prohibitions incident to our civilization create. Life is to them
a constantly widening circle of things to be had and enjoyed; nor does
it ever occur to them that their desires can conflict with those
of others, or with the laws of the universe. They cannot consciously
do wrong, nor understand that any one else can do so; untoward
accidents may happen, but inanimate nature is just as liable to be
objectionable in this respect as human beings: the stone that trips them up,
the thorn that scratches them, the snow that makes their flesh tingle,
is an object of their resentment in just the same kind and degree as
are the men and women who thwart or injure them. But of duty--that
dreary device to secure future reward by present suffering;
of conscientiousness--that fear of present good for the sake of
future punishment; of remorse--that disavowal of past pleasure for fear of
the sting in its tail; of ambition--that begrudging of all
honorable results that are not effected by one's self; of these, and all
similar politic and arbitrary masks of self-love and pusillanimity, these
poor children know and suspect nothing. Yet their eyes are much keener
than ours, for they see through the surface of nature and perceive
its symbolism; they see the living reality, of which nature is the
veil, and are continually at fault because this veil is not, after all,
the reality,--because it is fixed and unplastic. The "deep mind
of dauntless infancy" is, in fact, the only revelation we have,
except divine revelation itself, of that pure and natural life of man which
we dream of, and liken to heaven; but we, nevertheless, in our
penny-wise, pound-foolish way, insist upon regarding it as ignorance, and do
our best, from the earliest possible moment, to disenchant and dispel
it. We call the outrage education, understanding thereby the process
of exterminating in the child the higher order of faculties and
the intuitions, and substituting for them the external memory,
timidity, self-esteem, and all that armament of petty weapons and defences
which may enable us to get the better of our fellow-creatures in this
world, and receive the reward of our sagacity in the next. The success of
our efforts is pitiably complete; for though the child, if fairly
engaged in single combat, might make a formidable resistance against
the infliction of "lessons," it cannot long withstand our crafty device
of sending it to a place where it sees a score or a hundred of
little victims like itself, all being driven to the same Siberia. The
spirit of emulation is aroused, and lo! away they all scamper, each
straining its utmost to reach the barren goal ahead of all competitors. So do
we make the most ignoble passions of our children our allies in the
unholy task of divesting them of their childhood. And yet, who is not
aware that the best men the world has seen have been those who,
throughout their lives, retained the aroma of childlike simplicity which
they brought with them into existence? Learning--the acquisition of
specific facts--is not wisdom; it is almost incompatible with wisdom;
indeed, unless the mind be powerful enough not only to fuse its facts, but
to vaporize them,--to sublimate them into an impalpable
atmosphere,--they will stand in wisdom's way. Wisdom comes from the pondering
and the application to life of certain truths quite above the sphere of
facts, and of infinitely more moment and less complexity,--truths which
are often found to be in accordance with the spiritual instinct
called intuition, which children possess more fully than grown persons.
The wisdom of our children would often astonish us, if we would
only forbear the attempt to make them knowing, and submissively
accept instruction from them. Through all the imperfection of their
inherited infirmity, we shall ever and anon be conscious of the radiance of
a beautiful, unconscious intelligence, worth more than the smartness
of schools and the cleverness of colleges. But no; we abhor the
very notion of it, and generally succeed in extinguishing it long before
the Three R's are done with.
And yet, by wisely directing the child's
use of the first of the Three, much of the ill effects of the trio and their
offspring might be counteracted. If we believed--if the great mass of people
known as the civilized world did actually and livingly believe--that there
was really anything beyond or above the physical order of nature,
our children's literature, wrongly so called, would not be what it is.
We believe what we can see and touch; we teach them to believe the
same, and, not satisfied with that, we sedulously warn them not to
believe anything else. The child, let us suppose, has heard from
some unauthorized person that there are fairies--little magical creatures
an inch high, up to all manner of delightful feats. He comprehends
the whole matter at half a word, feels that he had known it already,
and half thinks that he sees one or two on his way home. He runs up to
his mother and tells her about it; and has she ever seen fairies? Alas!
His mother tells him that the existence of such a being as a fairy
is impossible. In old times, when the world was very ignorant
and superstitious, they used to ascribe everything that happened
to supernatural agency; even the trifling daily accidents of one's
life, such as tumbling down stairs, or putting the right shoe on the
left foot, were thought or fancied to be the work of some mysterious
power; and since ignorant people are very apt to imagine they see what
they believe [proceeds this mother] instead of only believing what they
see; and since, furthermore, ignorance disposes to exaggeration and thus
to untruth, these people ended by asserting that they saw fairies.
"Now, my child," continues the parent, "it would grieve me to see you
the victim of such folly. Do not read fairy stories. They are not true
to life; they fill your mind with idle notions; they cannot form
your understanding, or aid you to do your work in the world. If you
should happen to fall in with such fables, be careful as you read to bear
in mind that they are pure inventions--pretty, sometimes, perhaps,
but essentially frivolous, if not immoral. You have, however, thanks to
the enlightened enterprise of writers and publishers, an endless
assortment of juvenile books and periodicals which combine legitimate
amusement with sound and trustworthy instruction. Here are stories about
little children, just like yourself, who talk and act just as you do, and
to whom nothing supernatural or outlandish ever happens; and
whose adventures, when you have read them, convey to you some salutary
moral lesson. What more can you want? Yes, very likely 'Grimm's Tales'
and 'The Arabian Nights' may seem more attractive; but in this world
many harmful things put on an inviting guise, which deceives
the inexperienced eye. May my child remember that all is not gold
that glitters, and desire, not what is diverting merely, but what is
useful and ... and conventional!"
Let us admit that, things being as
they are, it is necessary to develop the practical side of the child's
nature, to ground him in moral principles, and to make him comprehend and
fear--nominally God, but really--society. But why, in addition to doing this,
should we strangle the unpractical side of his nature,--the ideal,
imaginative, spiritual side,--the side which alone can determine his value or
worthlessness in eternity? If our minds were visible as our bodies are, we
should behold on every side of us, and in our own private looking-glasses,
such abortions, cripples, and monstrosities as all the slums of Europe
and the East could not parallel. We pretend to make little men and
women out of our children, and we make little dwarfs and hobgoblins out
of them. Moreover, we should not diminish even the practical efficiency
of the coming generation by rejecting their unpractical side. Whether
this boy's worldly destination be to clean a stable or to represent
his country at a foreign court, he will do his work all the better,
instead of worse, for having been allowed freedom of expansion on the
ideal plane. He will do it comprehensively, or as from above
downward, instead of blindly, or as from below upward. To a certain extent,
this position is very generally admitted by instructors nowadays; but
the admission bears little or no fruit. The ideality and imagination
which they have in mind are but a partial and feeble imitation of what
is really signified by those terms. Ideality and imagination
are themselves merely the symptom or expression of the faculty and habit
of spiritual or subjective intuition--a faculty of paramount value
in life, though of late years, in the rush of rational knowledge
and discovery, it has fallen into neglect. But it is by means of
this faculty alone that the great religion of India was
constructed--the most elaborate and seductive of all systems; and although as
a faith Buddhism is also the most treacherous and dangerous attack ever
made upon the immortal welfare of mankind, that circumstance certainly
does not discredit or invalidate the claim to importance of
spiritual intuition itself. It may be objected that spiritual intuition is
a vague term. It undoubtedly belongs to an abstruse region of
psychology; but its meaning for our present purpose is simply the act of
testing questions of the moral consciousness by an inward touchstone of
truth, instead of by external experience or information. That the existence
of such a touchstone should be ridiculed by those who are accustomed
to depend for their belief upon palpable or logical evidence, goes
without saying; but, on the other hand, there need be no collision or
argument on the point, since no question with which intuition is concerned
can ever present itself to persons who pin their faith to the other sort
of demonstration. The reverse of this statement is by no means true;
but it would lead us out of our present path to discuss the
Assuming, however, that intuition is possible, it is evident that
it should exist in children in an extremely pure, if not in its
most potent state; and to deny it opportunity of development might fairly
be called a barbarity. It will hardly be disputed that children are
an important element in society. Without them we should lose the memory
of our youth, and all opportunity for the exercise of unselfish
and disinterested affection. Life would become arid and mechanical to
a degree now scarcely conceivable; chastity and all the human
virtues would cease to exist; marriage would be an aimless and
absurd transaction; and the brotherhood of man, even in the nominal sense
that it now exists, would speedily be abjured. Political economy
and sociology neglect to make children an element in their arguments
and deductions, and no small part of their error is attributable to
that circumstance. But although children still are born, and all the
world acknowledges their paramount moral and social value, the
general tendency of what we are forced to call education at the present day
is to shorten as much as possible the period of childhood. In America
and Germany especially--but more in America than in Germany--children
are urged and stimulated to "grow up" almost before they have
been short-coated. That conceptions of order and discipline should be
early instilled into them is proper enough; but no other order and
discipline seems to be contemplated by educators than the forcing them to
stand and be stuffed full of indigestible and incongruous knowledge,
than which proceeding nothing more disorderly could be devised. It looks
as if we felt the innocence and naturalness of our children to be a
rebuke to us, and wished to do away with it in short order. There is
something in the New Testament about offending the little ones, and the
preferred alternative thereto; and really we are outraging not only the
objective child, but the subjective one also--that in ourselves, namely,
which is innocent and pure, and without which we had better not be at all.
Now I do not mean to say that the only medicine that can cure this malady
is legitimate children's literature; wise parents are also very
useful, though not perhaps so generally available. My present contention
is that the right sort of literature is an agent of great efficiency,
and may be very easily come by. Children derive more genuine enjoyment
and profit from a good book than most grown people are susceptible of:
they see what is described, and themselves enact and perfect the
characters of the story as it goes along.
Nor is it indispensable that
literature of the kind required should forthwith be produced; a great deal,
of admirable quality, is already on hand. There are a few great
poems----Spenser's "Faerie Queene" is one--which no well regulated child
should be without; but poetry in general is not exactly what we want.
Children--healthy children--never have the poetic genius; but they are born
mystics, and they have the sense of humor. The best way to speak to them is
in prose, and the best kind of prose is the symbolic. The hermetic
philosophers of the Middle Ages are probably the authors of some of the best
children's stories extant. In these tales, disguised beneath what is
apparently the simplest and most artless flow of narrative, profound truths
are discussed and explained. The child reads the narrative, and
certainly cannot be accused of comprehending the hidden philosophical
problem; yet that also has its share in charming him. The reason is partly
that true symbolic or figurative writing is the simplest form known
to literature. The simplest, that is to say, in outward form,--it may
be indefinitely abstruse as to its inward contents. Indeed, the very
cause of its formal simplicity is its interior profundity. The principle
of hermetic writing was, as we know, to disguise
philosophical propositions and results under a form of words which should
ostensibly signify some very ordinary and trivial thing. It was a secret
language, in the vocabulary of which material facts are used to
represent spiritual truths. But it differed from ordinary secret language
in this, that not only were the truths represented in the symbols, but
the philosophical development of the truth, in its ramifications,
was completely evolved under the cover of a logically consistent
tale. This, evidently, is a far higher achievement of ingenuity than
merely to string together a series of unrelated parts of speech, which,
on being tested by the "key," shall discover the message or
information really intended. It is, in fact, a practical application of
the philosophical discovery, made by or communicated to the
hermetic philosophers, that every material object in nature answers to
or corresponds with a certain one or group of philosophical truths.
Viewed in this light, the science of symbols or of correspondences ceases
to be an arbitrary device, susceptible of alteration according to
fancy, and avouches itself an essential and consistent relation between
the things of the mind and the things of the senses. There is a
complete mental creation, answering to the material creation, not
continuously evolved from it, but on a different or detached plane. The
sun,--to take an example,--the source of light and heat, and thereby of
physical nature, is in these fables always the symbol of God, of love
and wisdom, by which the spirit of man is created. Light, then, answers
to wisdom, and heat to love. And since all physical substances are
the result of the combined action of light and heat, we may easily
perceive how these hermetic sages were enabled to use every physical object
as a cloak of its corresponding philosophical truth,--with no
other liability to error than might result from the imperfect condition
of their knowledge of physical laws.
To return, however, to the
children, I need scarcely remark that the cause of children's taking so
kindly to hermetic writing is that it is actually a living writing; it is
alive in precisely the same way that nature, or man himself, is alive. Matter
is dead; life organizes and animates it. And all writing is essentially dead
which is a mere transcript of fact, and is not inwardly organized and
vivified by a spiritual significance. Children do not know what it is that
makes a human being smile, move, and talk; but they know that such a
phenomenon is infinitely more interesting than a doll; and they prove it
by themselves supplying the doll with speech and motions out of their
own minds, so as to make it as much like a real person as possible. In
the same way, they do not perceive the philosophical truth which is
the cause of existence of the hermetic fable; but they find that fable
far more juicy and substantial than the ordinary narrative of
every-day facts, because, however fine the surface of the latter may be, it
has, after all, nothing but its surface to recommend it. It has no soul;
it is not alive; and, though they cannot explain why, they feel
the difference between that thin, fixed grimace and the changing smile
of the living countenance.
It would scarcely be practicable, however,
to confine the children's reading to hermetic literature; for not much of it
is extant in its pure state. But it is hardly too much to say that all fairy
stories, and derivations from these, trace their descent from an
hermetic ancestry. They are often unaware of their genealogy; but the sparks
of that primal vitality are in them. The fairy is itself a symbol for
the expression of a more complex and abstract idea; but, once having
come into existence, and being, not a pure symbol, but a hybrid between
the symbol and that for which it stands, it presently began an
independent career of its own. The mediaeval imagination went to work with
it, found it singularly and delightfully plastic to its touch
and requirements, and soon made it the centre of a new and charming
world, in which a whole army of graceful and romantic fancies, which
are always in quest of an arena in which to disport themselves before
the mind, found abundant accommodation and nourishment. The fairy land
of mediaeval Christianity seems to us the most satisfactory of all
fairy lands, probably because it is more in accord with our genius
and prejudices than those of the East; and it fitted in so aptly with
the popular mediaeval ignorance on the subject of natural phenomena,
that it became actually an article of belief with the mass of men,
who trembled at it while they invented it, in the most delicious
imaginable state of enchanted alarm. All this is prime reading for
children; because, though it does not carry an orderly spiritual meaning
within it, it is more spiritual than material, and is constructed
entirely according to the dictates of an exuberant and richly colored,
but, nevertheless, in its own sphere, legitimate imagination. Indeed,
fairy land, though as it were accidentally created, has the same
permanent right to be that Beauty has; it agrees with a genuine aspect of
human nature, albeit one much discountenanced just at present. The sequel
to it, in which romantic human personages are accredited with
fairy-like attributes, as in the "Faerie Queene," already alluded to, is a
step in the wrong direction, but not a step long enough to carry us
altogether outside of the charmed circle. The child's instinct of selection
being vast and cordial,--he will make a grain of true imagination suffuse
and glorify a whole acre of twaddle,---we may with security leave him
in that fantastic society. Moreover, some children being less
imaginative than others, and all children being less imaginative in some
moods and conditions than at other seasons, the elaborate compositions of
Tasso, Cervantes, and the others, though on the boundary line between what
is meat for babes and the other sort of meat, have also their abiding
The "Arabian Nights" introduced us to the domain of the
Oriental imagination, and has done more than all the books of travel in the
East to make us acquainted with the Asiatic character and its
differences from our own. From what has already been said on the subject
of spiritual intuition in relation to these races, one is prepared to
find that all the Eastern literature that has any value is hermetic
writing, and therefore, in so far, proper for children. But the
incorrigible subtlety of the Oriental intellect has vitiated much of
their symbology, and the sentiment of sheer wonder is stimulated rather
than that of orderly imagination. To read the "Arabian Nights" or
the "Bhagavad-Gita" is a sort of dissipation; upon the unhackneyed mind
of the child it leaves a reactionary sense of depression. The life
which it embodies is distorted, over-colored, and exciting; it has not
the serene and balanced power of the Western productions. Moreover,
these books were not written with the grave philosophic purpose that
animated our own hermetic school; it is rather a sort of jugglery practised
with the subject---an exercise of ingenuity and invention for their
own sake. It indicates a lack of the feeling of responsibility on
the writers' part,--a result, doubtless, of the prevailing fatalism
that underlies all their thought. It is not essentially wholesome, in
short; but it is immeasurably superior to the best of the productions
called forth by our modern notions of what should be given to children to
But I can do no more than touch upon this branch of the subject;
nor will it be possible to linger long over the department of our
own literature which came into being with "Robinson Crusoe." No theory
as to children's books would be worth much attention which found
itself obliged to exclude that memorable work. Although it submits in
a certain measure to classification, it is almost _sui generis_; no
book of its kind, approaching it in merit, has ever been written. In
what, then, does its fascination consist? There is certainly nothing
hermetic about it; it is the simplest and most studiously
matter-of-fact narrative of events, comprehensible without the slightest
effort, and having no meaning that is not apparent on the face of it. And
yet children, and grown people also, read it again and again, and
cannot find it uninteresting. I think the phenomenon may largely be due to
the nature of the subject, which is really of primary and
universal interest to mankind. It is the story of the struggle of man with
wild and hostile nature,--in the larger sense an elementary
theme,--his shifts, his failures, his perils, his fears, his hopes, his
successes. The character of Robinson is so artfully generalized or
universalized, and sympathy for him is so powerfully aroused and maintained,
that the reader, especially the child reader, inevitably identifies himself
with him, and feels his emotions and struggles as his own. The ingredient
of suspense is never absent from the story, and the absence of any
plot prevents us from perceiving its artificiality. It is, in fact, a
type of the history of the human race, not on the higher plane, but on
the physical one; the history of man's contest with and final victory
over physical nature. The very simplicity and obviousness of the
details give them grandeur and comprehensiveness: no part of man's
character which his contact with nature can affect or develop is left untried
in Robinson. He manifests in little all historical earthly experiences
of the race; such is the scheme of the book; and its permanence
in literature is due to the sobriety and veracity with which that
scheme is carried out. To speak succinctly, it does for the body what
the hermetic and cognate literature does for the soul; and for the
healthy man, the body is not less important than the soul in its own place
and degree. It is not the work of the Creator, but it is contingent
upon creation.
But poor Robinson has been most unfortunate in his
progeny, which at this day overrun the whole earth, and render it a worse
wilderness than ever was the immortal Crusoe Island. Miss Edgeworth, indeed,
might fairly pose as the most persistently malignant of all sources of
error in the design of children's literature; but it is to be feared that
it was Defoe who first made her aware of the availability of her
own venom. She foisted her prim and narrow moral code upon the
commonplace adventures of a priggish little boy and his companions; and
straightway the whole dreary and disastrous army of sectarians and dogmatists
took up the cry, and have been ringing the lugubrious changes on it
ever since. There is really no estimating the mortal wrong that has
been done to childhood by Maria Edgeworth's "Frank" and "The
Parent's Assistant"; and, for my part, I derive a melancholy joy in
availing myself of this opportunity to express my sense of my personal share
in the injury. I believe that my affection for the human race is
as genuine as the average; but I am sure it would have been greater
had Miss Edgeworth never been born; and were I to come across
any philosophical system whereby I could persuade myself that she
belonged to some other order of beings than the human, I should be
strongly tempted to embrace that system on that ground alone.
what has been advanced in the preceding pages, it does not need that I should
state how earnestly I deprecate the kind of literary food which we are now
furnishing to the coming generation in such sinister abundance. I am sure it
is written and published with good and honorable motives; but at the very
best it can only do no harm. Moreover, however well intentioned, it is bad as
literature; it is poorly conceived and written, and, what is worse, it is
saturated with affectation. For an impression prevails that one needs to talk
down to children;--to keep them constantly reminded that they are
innocent, ignorant little things, whose consuming wish it is to be good and
go to Sunday-school, and who will be all gratitude and docility to
whomsoever provides them with the latest fashion of moral sugarplums;
whereas, so far as my experience and information goes, children are the
most formidable literary critics in the world. Matthew Arnold himself
has not so sure an instinct for what is sound and good in a book as
any intelligent little boy or girl of eight years old. They
judge absolutely; they are hampered by no comparisons or
relative considerations. They cannot give chapter and verse for their
opinion; but about the opinion itself there is no doubt. They have no
theories; they judge in a white light. They have no prejudices nor
traditions; they come straight from the simple source of life. But, on the
other hand, they are readily hocussed and made morbid by improper drugs,
and presently, no doubt, lose their appetite for what is wholesome. Now,
we cannot hope that an army of hermetic philosophers or Mother-Gooses
will arise at need and remedy all abuses; but at least we might refrain
from moralizing and instruction, and, if we can do nothing more,
confine ourselves to plain stories of adventure, say, with no ulterior
object whatever. There still remains the genuine literature of the past
to draw upon; but let us beware, as we would of forgery and perjury,
of serving it up, as has been done too often, medicated and modified
to suit the foolish dogmatism of the moment. Hans Christian Andersen
was the last writer of children's stories, properly so called;
though, considering how well married to his muse he was, it is a wonder as
well as a calamity that he left no descendants.
The producers of modern fiction,
who have acquiesced more or less completely in the theory of art for art's
sake, are not, perhaps, aware that a large class of persons still exist who
hold fiction to be unjustifiable, save in so far as the author has it at
heart not only (or chiefly) to adorn the tale, but also (and first of all) to
point the moral. The novelist, in other words, should so mould the
characters and shape the plot of his imaginary drama as to vindicate the
wisdom and integrity of the Decalogue: if he fail to do this, or if he do
the opposite of this, he deserves not the countenance of virtuous
and God-fearing persons.
Doubtless it should be evident to every sane
and impartial mind, whether orthodox or agnostic, that an art which runs
counter to the designs of God toward the human race, or to the growth of the
sentiment of universal human brotherhood, must sooner or later topple down
from its fantastic and hollow foundation. "Hitch your wagon to a star,"
says Emerson; "do not lie and steal: no god will help." And although,
for the sake of his own private interests of the moment, a man
will occasionally violate the moral law, yet, with mankind at large,
the necessity of vindicating the superior advantages of right over wrong
is acknowledged not only in the interests of civilized society,
but because we feel that, however hostile "goodness" may seem to be to
my or your personal and temporary aims, it still remains the
only wholesome and handsome choice for the race at large: and therefore
do we, as a race, refuse to tolerate--on no matter how plausible
an artistic plea--any view of human life which either
professes indifference to this universal sentiment, or perversely challenges
The true ground of dispute, then, does not lie here. The art which
can stoop to be "procuress to the lords of hell," is art no longer. But,
on the other hand, it would be difficult to point to any great work
of art, generally acknowledged to be such, which explicitly
concerns itself with the vindication of any specific moral doctrine. The
story in which the virtuous are rewarded for their virtue, and the
evil punished for their wickedness, fails, somehow, to enlist our
full sympathy; it falls flatly on the ear of the mind; it does not
stimulate thought. It does not satisfy; we fancy that something still remains
to be said, or, if this be all, then it was hardly worth saying. The
real record of life--its terror, its beauty, its pathos, its depth--seems
to have been missed. We may admit that the tale is in harmony with what
we have been taught ought to happen; but the lessons of our
private experience have not authenticated our moral formulas; we have seen
the evil exalted and the good brought low; and we inevitably desire
that our "fiction" shall tell us, not what ought to happen, but what, as
a matter of fact, does happen. To put this a little differently: we
feel that the God of the orthodox moralist is not the God of human
nature. He is nothing but the moralist himself in a highly sublimated
state, but betraying, in spite of that sublimation, a fatal savor of
human personality. The conviction that any man--George Washington, let
us say--is a morally unexceptionable man, does not in the least
reconcile us to the idea of God being an indefinitely exalted counterpart
of Washington. Such a God would be "most tolerable, and not to
be endured"; and the more exalted he was, the less endurable would he
be. In short, man instinctively refuses to regard the literal
inculcation of the Decalogue as the final word of God to the human race, and
much less to the individuals of that race; and when he finds a
story-teller proceeding upon the contrary assumption, he is apt to put
that story-teller down as either an ass or a humbug.
As for art--if
the reader happen to be competent to form an opinion on that phase of the
matter--he will generally find that the art dwindles in direct proportion as
the moralized deity expatiates; in fact, that they are incompatible. And he
will also confess (if he have the courage of his opinions) that, as between
moralized deity and true art, his choice is heartily and unreservedly for the
I do not apprehend that the above remarks, fairly interpreted,
will encounter serious opposition from either party to the discussion;
and yet, so far as I am aware, neither party has as yet availed himself
of the light which the conclusion throws upon the nature of art itself.
It should be obvious, however, that upon a true definition of art
the whole argument must ultimately hinge: for we can neither deny that
art exists, nor affirm that it can exist inconsistently with a
recognition of a divinely beneficent purpose in creation. It must, therefore,
in some way be an expression or reflection of that purpose. But in
what does the purpose in question essentially consist?
speaking--for it would be impossible within the present limits to attempt a
full analysis of the subject--it may be considered as a gradual and
progressive Purification, not of this or that particular individual in
contradistinction to his fellows, but of human nature as an entirety. The
evil into which all men are born, and of which the Decalogue, or conscience,
makes us aware, is not an evil voluntarily contracted on our part, but is
inevitable to us as the creation of a truly infinite love and wisdom. It is,
in fact, our characteristic nature as animals: and it is only because we are
not only animal, but also and above all human, that we are enabled to
recognize it as evil instead of good. We absolve the cat, the dog, the wolf,
and the lion from any moral responsibility for their deeds, because we feel
them to be deficient in conscience, which, is our own divinely bestowed
gift and privilege, and which has been defined as the spirit of God in
the created nature, seeking to become the creature's own spirit. Now,
the power to correct this evil does not abide in us as individuals,
nor will a literal adherence to the moral law avail to purify any
mother's son of us. Conscience always says "Do not,"--never "Do"; and
obedience to it neither can give us a personal claim on God's favor nor was
it intended to do so: its true function is to keep us innocent, so that
we may not individually obstruct the accomplishment of the divine
ends toward us as a race. Our nature not being the private possession of
any one of us, but the impersonal substratum of us all, it follows that
it cannot be redeemed piecemeal, but only as a whole; and, manifestly,
the only Being capable of effecting such redemption is not Peter, or
Paul, or George Washington, or any other atomic exponent of that nature,
be he who he may; but He alone whose infinitude is the complement of
our finiteness, and whose gradual descent into human nature (figured
in Scripture under the symbol of the Incarnation) is even now
being accomplished--as any one may perceive who reads aright the
progressive enlightenment of conscience and intellect which history, through
many vicissitudes, displays. We find, therefore, that art is,
essentially, the imaginative expression of a divine life in man. Art depends
for its worth and veracity, not upon its adherence to literal fact, but
upon its perception and portrayal of the underlying truth, of which fact
is but the phenomenal and imperfect shadow. And it can have nothing to
do with personal vice or virtue, in the way either of condemning the
one or vindicating the other; it can only treat them as elements in
its picture--as factors in human destiny. For the notion
commonly entertained that the practice of virtue gives us a claim upon
the Divine Exchequer (so to speak), and the habit of acting virtuously
for the sake of maintaining our credit in society, and ensuring
our prosperity in the next world,--in so thinking and acting
we misapprehend the true inwardness of the matter. To cultivate
virtue because its pays, no matter what the sort of coin in which payment
is looked for, is to be the victims of a lamentable delusion. For
such virtue makes each man jealous of his neighbor; whereas the aim
of Providence is to bring about the broadest human fellowship. A
man's physical body separates him from other men; and this fact disposes
him to the error that his nature is also a separate possession, and that
he can only be "good" by denying himself. But the only goodness that
is really good is a spontaneous and impersonal evolution, and this
occurs, not where self-denial has been practised, but only where a man
feels himself to be absolutely on the same level of desert or non-desert
as are the mass of his fellow-creatures. There is no use in obeying
the commandments, unless it be done, not to make one's self more
deserving than another of God's approbation, but out of love for goodness
and truth in themselves, apart from any personal considerations.
The difference between true religion and formal religion is that the
first leads us to abandon all personal claims to salvation, and to care
only for the salvation of humanity as a whole; whereas the latter
stimulates is to practise outward self-denial, in order that our real self
may be exalted. Such self-denial results not in humility, but in
spiritual pride.
In no other way than this, it seems to me, can art
and morality be brought into harmony. Art bears witness to the presence in us
of something purer and loftier than anything of which we can
be individually conscious. Its complete expression we call
inspiration; and he who is the subject of the inspiration can account no
better than any one else for the result which art accomplishes through him.
The perfect poem is found, not made; the mind which utters it did
not invent it. Art takes all nature and all knowledge for her province;
but she does not leave it as she found it; by the divine necessity that
is upon her, she breathes a soul into her materials, and organizes
chaos into form. But never, under any circumstances, does she deign
to minister to our selfish personal hope or greed. She shows us how
to love our neighbor, never ourselves. Shakspeare, Homer,
Phidias, Raphael, were no Pharisees--at least in so far as they were
artists; nor did any one ever find in their works any countenance for
that inhuman assumption--"I am holier than thou!" In the world's
darkest hours, art has sometimes stood as the sole witness of the nobler
life that was in eclipse. Civilizations arise and vanish; forms of
religion hold sway and are forgotten; learning and science advance and
gather strength; but true art was as great and as beautiful three
thousand years ago as it is to-day. We are prone to confound the man with
the artist, and to suppose that he is artistic by possession
and inheritance, instead of exclusively by dint of what he does. No
artist worthy the name ever dreams of putting himself into his work, but
only what is infinitely distinct from and other than himself. It is not
the poet who brings forth the poem, but the poem that begets the poet;
it makes him, educates him, creates in him the poetic faculty. Those
whom we call great men, the heroes of history, are but the organs of
great crises and opportunities: as Emerson has said, they are the
most indebted men. In themselves they are not great; there is no
ratio between their achievements and them. Our judgment is misled; we do
not discriminate between the divine purpose and the human instrument.
When we listen to Napoleon fretting his soul away at Elba, or to
Carlyle wrangling with his wife at Chelsea, we are shocked at the
discrepancy between the lofty public performance and the petty
domestic shortcoming. Yet we do wrong to blame them; the nature of which
they are examples is the same nature that is shared also by the publican and
the sinner. |
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