2014년 12월 19일 금요일



Images in sweet guise
  Carven shall move him never,
Where is Love amid empty eyes?
  Gone, gone for ever!

(_His dreams and his suffering; but the War that he made caused greater
and wider suffering._)

But a shape that is a dream, 'mid the phantoms of the night,
Cometh near, full of tears, bringing vain vain delight:
For in vain when, desiring, he can feel the joy's breath
--Nevermore! Nevermore!--from his arms it vanisheth,
    On wings down the pathways of sleep.

In the mid castle hall, on the hearthstone of the Kings,
These griefs there be, and griefs passing these,
But in each man's dwelling of the host that sailed the seas,
A sad woman waits; she has thoughts of many things,
    And patience in her heart lieth deep.

Knoweth she them she sent,
  Knoweth she? Lo, returning,
Comes in stead of the man that went
  Armour and dust of burning.

(_The return of the funeral urns; the murmurs of the People._)

And the gold-changer, Ares, who changeth quick for dead,
Who poiseth his scale in the striving of the spears,
Back from Troy sendeth dust, heavy dust, wet with tears,
Sendeth ashes with men's names in his urns neatly spread.
And they weep over the men, and they praise them one by one,
How this was a wise fighter, and this nobly-slain--
    "Fighting to win back another's wife!"
Till a murmur is begun,
  And there steals an angry pain
    Against Kings too forward in the strife.

      There by Ilion's gate
        Many a soldier sleepeth,
      Young men beautiful; fast in hate
        Troy her conqueror keepeth.

(_For the Shedder of Blood is in great peril, and not unmarked by God. May
I never be a Sacker of Cities!_)

But the rumour of the People, it is heavy, it is chill;
And tho' no curse be spoken, like a curse doth it brood;
And my heart waits some tiding which the dark holdeth still,
For of God not unmarked is the shedder of much blood.
And who conquers beyond right ... Lo, the life of man decays;
  There be Watchers dim his light in the wasting of the years;
    He falls, he is forgotten, and hope dies.
There is peril in the praise
  Over-praised that he hears;
    For the thunder it is hurled from God's eyes.

      Glory that breedeth strife,
        Pride of the Sacker of Cities;
      Yea, and the conquered captive's life,
        Spare me, O God of Pities!


--The fire of good tidings it hath sped the city through,
But who knows if a god mocketh? Or who knows if all be true?
    'Twere the fashion of a child,
    Or a brain dream-beguiled,
    To be kindled by the first
    Torch's message as it burst,
And thereafter, as it dies, to die too.

--'Tis like a woman's sceptre, to ordain
Welcome to joy before the end is plain!

--Too lightly opened are a woman's ears;
Her fence downtrod by many trespassers,
  And quickly crossed; but quickly lost
The burden of a woman's hopes or fears.

[_Here a break occurs in the action, like the descent of the curtain in a
modern theatre. A space of some days is assumed to have passed and we find
the Elders again assembled_.


Soon surely shall we read the message right;
Were fire and beacon-call and lamps of light
True speakers, or but happy lights, that seem
And are not, like sweet voices in a dream.
I see a Herald yonder by the shore,
Shadowed with olive sprays. And from his sore
Rent raiment cries a witness from afar,
Dry Dust, born brother to the Mire of war,
That mute he comes not, neither through the smoke
Of mountain forests shall his tale be spoke;
But either shouting for a joyful day,
Or else.... But other thoughts I cast away.
As good hath dawned, may good shine on, we pray!

--And whoso for this City prayeth aught
  Else, let him reap the harvest of his thought!

  [_Enter the_ HERALD, _running. His garments are torn and war-stained. He
falls upon his knees and kisses the Earth, and salutes each Altar in


Land of my fathers! Argos! Am I here ...
Home, home at this tenth shining of the year,
And all Hope's anchors broken save this one!
For scarcely dared I dream, here in mine own
Argos at last to fold me to my rest....
But now--All Hail, O Earth! O Sunlight blest!
And Zeus Most High!
    [_Checking himself as he sees the altar of Apollo._
                  And thou, O Pythian Lord;
No more on us be thy swift arrows poured!
Beside Scamander well we learned how true
Thy hate is. Oh, as thou art Healer too,
Heal us! As thou art Saviour of the Lost,
Save also us, Apollo, being so tossed
With tempest! ... All ye Daemons of the Pale!
And Hermes! Hermes, mine own guardian, hail!
Herald beloved, to whom all heralds bow....
Ye Blessed Dead that sent us, receive now
In love your children whom the spear hath spared.
  O House of Kings, O roof-tree thrice-endeared,
O solemn thrones! O gods that face the sun!
Now, now, if ever in the days foregone,
After these many years, with eyes that burn,
Give hail and glory to your King's return!
For Agamemnon cometh! A great light
Cometh to men and gods out of the night.
  Grand greeting give him--aye, it need be grand--
Who, God's avenging mattock in his hand,
Hath wrecked Troy's towers and digged her soil beneath,
Till her gods' houses, they are things of death;
Her altars waste, and blasted every seed
Whence life might rise! So perfect is his deed,
So dire the yoke on Ilion he hath cast,
The first Atreides, King of Kings at last,
And happy among men! To whom we give
Honour most high above all things that live.
  For Paris nor his guilty land can score
The deed they wrought above the pain they bore.
"Spoiler and thief," he heard God's judgement pass;
Whereby he lost his plunder, and like grass
Mowed down his father's house and all his land;
And Troy pays twofold for the sin she planned.


Be glad, thou Herald of the Greek from Troy!


So glad, I am ready, if God will, to die!


Did love of this land work thee such distress?


The tears stand in mine eyes for happiness.


Sweet sorrow was it, then, that on you fell.


How sweet? I cannot read thy parable.


To pine again for them that loved you true.


Did ye then pine for us, as we for you?


The whole land's heart was dark, and groaned for thee.


Dark? For what cause? Why should such darkness be?


Silence in wrong is our best medicine here.


Your kings were gone. What others need you fear?


'Tis past! Like thee now, I could gladly die.


Even so! 'Tis past, and all is victory.
And, for our life in those long years, there were
Doubtless some grievous days, and some were fair.
Who but a god goes woundless all his way?....
  Oh, could I tell the sick toil of the day,
The evil nights, scant decks ill-blanketed;
The rage and cursing when our daily bread
Came not! And then on land 'twas worse than all.
Our quarters close beneath the enemy's wall;
And rain--and from the ground the river dew--Wet,
always wet! Into our clothes it grew,
Plague-like, and bred foul beasts in every hair.
  Would I could tell how ghastly midwinter
Stole down from Ida till the birds dropped dead!
Or the still heat, when on his noonday bed
The breathless blue sea sank without a wave!....
  Why think of it? They are past and in the grave,
All those long troubles. For I think the slain
Care little if they sleep or rise again;
And we, the living, wherefore should we ache
With counting all our lost ones, till we wake
The old malignant fortunes? If Good-bye
Comes from their side, Why, let them go, say I.
Surely for us, who live, good doth prevail
Unchallenged, with no wavering of the scale;
Wherefore we vaunt unto these shining skies,
As wide o'er sea and land our glory flies:
"By men of Argolis who conquered Troy,
These spoils, a memory and an ancient joy,
Are nailed in the gods' houses throughout Greece."
Which whoso readeth shall with praise increase
Our land, our kings, and God's grace manifold
Which made these marvels be.--My tale is told.


Indeed thou conquerest me. Men say, the light
In old men's eyes yet serves to learn aright.
But Clytemnestra and the House should hear
These tidings first, though I their health may share.

  [_During the last words_ CLYTEMNESTRA _has entered from the Palace_.


Long since I lifted up my voice in joy,
When the first messenger from flaming Troy
Spake through the dark of sack and overthrow.
And mockers chid me: "Because beacons show
On the hills, must Troy be fallen? Quickly born
Are women's hopes!" Aye, many did me scorn;
Yet gave I sacrifice; and by my word
Through all the city our woman's cry was heard,
Lifted in blessing round the seats of God,
And slumbrous incense o'er the altars glowed
In fragrance.
              And for thee, what need to tell
Thy further tale? My lord himself shall well
Instruct me. Yet, to give my lord and king
All reverent greeting at his homecoming--
What dearer dawn on woman's eyes can flame
Than this, which casteth wide her gate to acclaim
The husband whom God leadeth safe from war?--
Go, bear my lord this prayer: That fast and far
He haste him to this town which loves his name;
And in his castle may he find the same
Wife that he left, a watchdog of the hall,
True to one voice and fierce to others all;
A body and soul unchanged, no seal of his
Broke in the waiting years.--No thought of ease
Nor joy from other men hath touched my soul,
Nor shall touch, until bronze be dyed like wool.
  A boast so faithful and so plain, I wot,
Spoke by a royal Queen doth shame her not.



Let thine ear mark her message. 'Tis of fair
Seeming, and craves a clear interpreter....
But, Herald, I would ask thee; tell me true
Of Menelaus. Shall he come with you,
Our land's beloved crown, untouched of ill?


I know not how to speak false words of weal
For friends to reap thereof a harvest true.


Canst speak of truth with comfort joined? Those two
Once parted, 'tis a gulf not lightly crossed.


Your king is vanished from the Achaian host,
He and his ship! Such comfort have I brought.


Sailed he alone from Troy? Or was he caught
By storms in the midst of you, and swept away?


Thou hast hit the truth; good marksman, as men say!
And long to suffer is but brief to tell.


How ran the sailors' talk? Did there prevail
One rumour, showing him alive or dead?


None knoweth, none hath tiding, save the head
Of Helios, ward and watcher of the world.


Then tell us of the storm. How, when God hurled
His anger, did it rise? How did it die?


It likes me not, a day of presage high
With dolorous tongue to stain. Those twain, I vow,
Stand best apart. When one with shuddering brow,
From armies lost, back beareth to his home
Word that the terror of her prayers is come;
One wound in her great heart, and many a fate
For many a home of men cast out to sate
The two-fold scourge that worketh Ares' lust,
Spear crossed with spear, dust wed with bloody dust;
Who walketh laden with such weight of wrong,
Why, let him, if he will, uplift the song
That is Hell's triumph. But to come as I
Am now come, laden with deliverance high,
Home to a land of peace and laughing eyes,
And mar all with that fury of the skies
Which made our Greeks curse God--how should this be?
  Two enemies most ancient, Fire and Sea,
A sudden friendship swore, and proved their plight
By war on us poor sailors through that night
Of misery, when the horror of the wave
Towered over us, and winds from Strymon drave
Hull against hull, till good ships, by the horn
Of the mad whirlwind gored and overborne,
One here, one there, 'mid rain and blinding spray,
Like sheep by a devil herded, passed away.
And when the blessed Sun upraised his head,
We saw the Aegean waste a-foam with dead,
Dead men, dead ships, and spars disasterful.
Howbeit for us, our one unwounded hull
Out of that wrath was stolen or begged free
By some good spirit--sure no man was he!--
Who guided clear our helm; and on till now
Hath Saviour Fortune throned her on the prow.
No surge to mar our mooring, and no floor
Of rock to tear us when we made for shore.
Till, fled from that sea-hell, with the clear sun
Above us and all trust in fortune gone,
We drove like sheep about our brain the thoughts
Of that lost army, broken and scourged with knouts
Of evil. And, methinks, if there is breath
In them, they talk of us as gone to death--
How else?--and so say we of them! For thee,
Since Menelaus thy first care must be,
If by some word of Zeus, who wills not yet
To leave the old house for ever desolate,
Some ray of sunlight on a far-off sea
Lights him, yet green and living ... we may see
His ship some day in the harbour!--'Twas the word
Of truth ye asked me for, and truth ye have heard!

  [_Exit_ HERALD. _The_ CHORUS _take position for the Third Stasimon_.


(_Surely there was mystic meaning in the name_ HELENA, _meaning which was
fulfilled when she fled to Troy._)

  Who was He who found for thee
  That name, truthful utterly--
Was it One beyond our vision
Moving sure in pre-decision
  Of man's doom his mystic lips?--
  Calling thee, the Battle-wed,
  Thee, the Strife-encompassed,
HELEN? Yea, in fate's derision,
  Hell in cities, Hell in ships,
Hell in hearts of men they knew her,
  When the dim and delicate fold
  Of her curtains backward rolled,
And to sea, to sea, she threw her
  In the West Wind's giant hold;
And with spear and sword behind her
  Came the hunters in a flood,
Down the oarblade's viewless trail
Tracking, till in Simois' vale
Through the leaves they crept to find her,
  A Wrath, a seed of blood.

(_The Trojans welcomed her with triumph and praised Alexander till at last
their song changed and they saw another meaning in Alexander's name

  So the Name to Ilion came
  On God's thought-fulfilling flame,
She a vengeance and a token
Of the unfaith to bread broken,
  Of the hearth of God betrayed,
    Against them whose voices swelled
    Glorying in the prize they held
And the Spoiler's vaunt outspoken
  And the song his brethren made
'Mid the bridal torches burning;
  Till, behold, the ancient City
Of King Priam turned, and turning
Took a new song for her learning,
  A song changed and full of pity,
  With the cry of a lost nation;
    And she changed the bridegroom's name:
  Called him Paris Ghastly-wed;
  For her sons were with the dead,
  And her life one lamentation,
    'Mid blood and burning flame.

(_Like a lion's whelp reared as a pet and turning afterwards to a great
beast of prey,_)

  Lo, once there was a herdsman reared
    In his own house, so stories tell,
  A lion's whelp, a milk-fed thing
  And soft in life's first opening
  Among the sucklings of the herd;
    The happy children loved him well,
  And old men smiled, and oft, they say,
  In men's arms, like a babe, he lay,
Bright-eyed, and toward the hand that teased him
  Eagerly fawning for food or play.

  Then on a day outflashed the sudden
    Rage of the lion brood of yore;
  He paid his debt to them that fed
  With wrack of herds and carnage red,
  Yea, wrought him a great feast unbidden,
    Till all the house-ways ran with gore;
  A sight the thralls fled weeping from,
    A great red slayer, beard a-foam,
High-priest of some blood-cursed altar
  God had uplifted against that home.

(_So was it with Helen in Troy._)

  And how shall I call the thing that came
    At the first hour to Ilion city?
  Call it a dream of peace untold,
  A secret joy in a mist of gold,
  A woman's eye that was soft, like flame,
    A flower which ate a man's heart with pity.

But she swerved aside and wrought to her kiss a bitter ending,
And a wrath was on her harbouring, a wrath upon her friending,
When to Priam and his sons she fled quickly o'er the deep,
With the god to whom she sinned for her watcher on the wind,
A death-bride, whom brides long shall weep.

(_Men say that Good Fortune wakes the envy of God; not so; Good Fortune
may be innocent, and then there is no vengeance_.)

  A grey word liveth, from the morn
    Of old time among mortals spoken,
  That man's Wealth waxen full shall fall
  Not childless, but get sons withal;
  And ever of great bliss is born
     A tear unstanched and a heart broken.

But I hold my thought alone and by others unbeguiled;
'Tis the deed that is unholy shall have issue, child on child,
Sin on sin, like his begetters; and they shall be as they were.

But the man who walketh straight, and the house thereof, tho' Fate
  Exalt him, the children shall be fair.

_(It is Sin, it is Pride and Ruthlessness, that beget children
like themselves till Justice is fulfilled upon them.)_

But Old Sin loves, when comes the hour again,
   To bring forth New,
Which laugheth lusty amid the tears of men;
Yea, and Unruth, his comrade, wherewith none
May plead nor strive, which dareth on and on,
  Knowing not fear nor any holy thing;
Two fires of darkness in a house, born true,
  Like to their ancient spring.

But Justice shineth in a house low-wrought
  With smoke-stained wall,
And honoureth him who filleth his own lot;
But the unclean hand upon the golden stair
With eyes averse she flieth, seeking where
  Things innocent are; and, recking not the power
Of wealth by man misgloried, guideth all
  To her own destined hour.

  [_Here amid a great procession enter_ AGAMEMNON _on a Chariot. Behind
him on another Chariot is_ CASSANDRA. _The_ CHORUS _approach and make
obeisance. Some of_ AGAMEMNON'S _men have on their shields a White Horse,
some a Lion. Their arms are rich and partly barbaric_.


All hail, O King! Hail, Atreus' Son!
Sacker of Cities! Ilion's bane!
With what high word shall I greet thee again,
How give thee worship, and neither outrun
The point of pleasure, nor stint too soon?
For many will cling. To fair seeming
The faster because they have sinned erewhile;
And a man may sigh with never a sting
Of grief in his heart, and a man may smile
With eyes unlit and a lip that strains.
But the wise Shepherd knoweth his sheep,
   And his eyes pierce deep
The faith like water that fawns and feigns.

But I hide nothing, O King. That day
When in quest of Helen our battle array
Hurled forth, thy name upon my heart's scroll
Was deep in letters of discord writ;
   And the ship of thy soul,
Ill-helmed and blindly steered was it,
Pursuing ever, through men that die,
One wild heart that was fain to fly.
   But on this new day,
From the deep of my thought and in love, I say
  "Sweet is a grief well ended;"
And in time's flow Thou wilt learn and know
   The true from the false,
Of them that were left to guard the walls
  Of thine empty Hall unfriended.

  [_During the above_ CLYTEMNESTRA _has appeared on the Palace steps, with
a train of Attendants, to receive her Husband_.


To Argos and the gods of Argolis
All hail, who share with me the glory of this
Home-coming and the vengeance I did wreak
On Priam's City! Yea, though none should speak,
The great gods heard our cause, and in one mood
Uprising, in the urn of bitter blood,
That men should shriek and die and towers should burn,
Cast their great vote; while over Mercy's urn
Hope waved her empty hands and nothing fell.
   Even now in smoke that City tells her tale;
The wrack-wind liveth, and where Ilion died
The reek of the old fatness of her pride
From hot and writhing ashes rolls afar.
   For which let thanks, wide as our glories are,
Be uplifted; seeing the Beast of Argos hath
Round Ilion's towers piled high his fence of wrath
And, for one woman ravished, wrecked by force
A City. Lo, the leap of the wild Horse
in darkness when the Pleiades were dead;
A mailed multitude, a Lion unfed,
Which leapt the tower and lapt the blood of Kings!

  Lo, to the Gods I make these thanksgivings.
But for thy words: I marked them, and I mind
Their meaning, and my voice shall be behind
Thine. For not many men, the proverb saith,
Can love a friend whom fortune prospereth
Unenvying; and about the envious brain
Cold poison clings, and doubles all the pain
Life brings him. His own woundings he must nurse,
And feels another's gladness like a curse.

  Well can I speak. I know the mirrored glass
Called friendship, and the shadow shapes that pass
And feign them a King's friends. I have known but one--
Odysseus, him we trapped against his own
Will!--who once harnessed bore his yoke right well ...
Be he alive or dead of whom I tell
The tale. And for the rest, touching our state
And gods, we will assemble in debate
A concourse of all Argos, taking sure
Counsel, that what is well now may endure
Well, and if aught needs healing medicine, still
By cutting and by fire, with all good will,
I will essay to avert the after-wrack
Such sickness breeds.

                      Aye, Heaven hath led me back;
And on this hearth where still my fire doth burn
I will go pay to heaven my due return,
Which guides me here, which saved me far away.
  O Victory, now mine own, be mine alway!

  [CLYTEMNESTRA, _at the head of her retinue, steps forward. She controls
her suspense with difficulty but gradually gains courage as she proceeds._


Ye Elders, Council of the Argive name
Here present, I will no more hold it shame
To lay my passion bare before men's eyes.
There comes a time to a woman when fear dies
For ever. None hath taught me. None could tell,
Save me, the weight of years intolerable
I lived while this man lay at Ilion.
That any woman thus should sit alone
In a half-empty house, with no man near,
Makes her half-blind with dread! And in her ear
Alway some voice of wrath; now messengers
Of evil; now not so; then others worse,
Crying calamity against mine and me.
  Oh, had he half the wounds that variously
Came rumoured home, his flesh must be a net,
All holes from heel to crown! And if he met
As many deaths as I met tales thereon,
Is he some monstrous thing, some Geryon
Three-souled, that will not die, till o'er his head,
Three robes of earth be piled, to hold him dead?
  Aye, many a time my heart broke, and the noose
Of death had got me; but they cut me loose.
It was those voices alway in mine ear.

  For that, too, young Orestes is not here
Beside me, as were meet, seeing he above
All else doth hold the surety of our love;
Let not thy heart be troubled. It fell thus:
Our loving spear-friend took him, Strophius
The Phocian, who forewarned me of annoy
Two-fronted, thine own peril under Troy,
And ours here, if the rebel multitude
Should cast the Council down. It is men's mood
Alway, to spurn the fallen. So spake he,
And sure no guile was in him.

                              But for me,
The old stormy rivers of my grief are dead
Now at the spring; not one tear left unshed.
Mine eyes are sick with vigil, endlessly
Weeping the beacon-piles that watched for thee
For ever answerless. And did I dream,
A gnat's thin whirr would start me, like a scream
Of battle, and show me thee by terrors swept,
Crowding, too many for the time I slept.

  From all which stress delivered and free-souled,
I greet my lord: O watchdog of the fold,
O forestay sure that fails not in the squall,
O strong-based pillar of a towering hall;
O single son to a father age-ridden;
O land unhoped for seen by shipwrecked men;
Sunshine more beautiful when storms are fled;
Spring of quick water in a desert dead ....
How sweet to be set free from any chain!

These be my words to greet him home again.
No god shall grudge them. Surely I and thou
Have suffered in time past enough! And now
Dismount, O head with love and glory crowned,
From this high car; yet plant not on bare ground
Thy foot, great King, the foot that trampled Troy.
  Ho, bondmaids, up! Forget not your employ,
A floor of crimson broideries to spread
For the King's path. Let all the ground be red
Where those feet pass; and Justice, dark of yore,
Home light him to the hearth he looks not for!
  What followeth next, our sleepless care shall see
Ordered as God's good pleasure may decree.

  [_The attendants spread tapestries of crimson and gold from the Chariot
to the Door of the Palace._ AGAMEMNON _does not move_.


Daughter of Leda, watcher of my fold,
In sooth thy welcome, grave and amply told,
Fitteth mine absent years. Though it had been
Seemlier, methinks, some other, not my Queen,
Had spoke these honours. For the rest, I say,
Seek not to make me soft in woman's way;
Cry not thy praise to me wide-mouthed, nor fling
Thy body down, as to some barbarous king.
Nor yet with broidered hangings strew my path,
To awake the unseen ire. 'Tis God that hath
Such worship; and for mortal man to press
Rude feet upon this broidered loveliness ...
I vow there is danger in it. Let my road
Be honoured, surely; but as man, not god.
Rugs for the feet and yonder broidered pall ...
The names ring diverse!... Aye, and not to fall
Suddenly blind is of all gifts the best
God giveth, for I reckon no man blest
Ere to the utmost goal his race be run.
  So be it; and if, as this day I have done,
I shall do always, then I fear no ill.


Tell me but this, nowise against thy will ...


My will, be sure, shall falter not nor fade.


Was this a vow in some great peril made?


Enough! I have spoke my purpose, fixed and plain.


Were Priam the conqueror ... Think, would he refrain?


Oh, stores of broideries would be trampled then!


Lord, care not for the cavillings of men!


The murmur of a people hath strange weight.


Who feareth envy, feareth to be great.


'Tis graceless when a woman strives to lead.


When a great conqueror yields, 'tis grace indeed,


So in this war thou must my conqueror be?


Yield! With good will to yield is victory!


Well, if I needs must ... Be it as thou hast said!
  Quick! Loose me these bound slaves on which I tread,
And while I walk yon wonders of the sea
God grant no eye of wrath be cast on me
From far!

  [_The Attendants untie his shoes_.

          For even now it likes me not
To waste mine house, thus marring underfoot
The pride thereof, and wondrous broideries
Bought in far seas with silver. But of these
Enough.--And mark, I charge thee, this princess
Of Ilion; tend her with all gentleness.
God's eye doth see, and loveth from afar,
The merciful conqueror. For no slave of war
Is slave by his own will. She is the prize
And chosen flower of Ilion's treasuries,
Set by the soldiers' gift to follow me.
  Now therefore, seeing I am constrained by thee
And do thy will, I walk in conqueror's guise
Beneath my Gate, trampling sea-crimson dyes.

  [_As he dismounts and sets foot on the Tapestries_ CLYTEMNESTRA'S _women
utter again their Cry of Triumph. The people bow or kneel as he passes._


There is the sea--its caverns who shall drain?--
Breeding of many a purple-fish the stain
Surpassing silver, ever fresh renewed,
For robes of kings. And we, by right indued,
Possess our fill thereof. Thy house, O King,
Knoweth no stint, nor lack of anything.
  What trampling of rich raiment, had the cry
So sounded in the domes of prophesy,
Would I have vowed these years, as price to pay
For this dear life in peril far away!
Where the root is, the leafage cometh soon
To clothe an house, and spread its leafy boon
Against the burning star; and, thou being come,
Thou, on the midmost hearthstone of thy home,
Oh, warmth in winter leapeth to thy sign.
And when God's summer melteth into wine
The green grape, on that house shall coolness fall
Where the true man, the master, walks his hall.

  Zeus, Zeus! True Master, let my prayers be true!
And, oh, forget not that thou art willed to do!

  [_She follows_ AGAMEMNON _into the Palace. The retinues of both King and
Queen go in after them._ CASSANDRA _remains_.


  What is this that evermore,                         [_Strophe 1._
  A cold terror at the door
Of this bosom presage-haunted,
  Pale as death hovereth?
While a song unhired, unwanted,
By some inward prophet chanted,
  Speaks the secret at its core;
  And to cast it from my blood
  Like a dream not understood
  No sweet-spoken Courage now
  Sitteth at my heart's dear prow.

  Yet I know that manifold
  Days, like sand, have waxen old

Since the day those shoreward-thrown
  Cables flapped and line on line
Standing forth for Ilion
  The long galleys took the brine

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