2014년 12월 3일 수요일

Unbeaten Tracks in Japan 7

Unbeaten Tracks in Japan 7

July 18.--I have had so much pain and fever from stings and bites

that last night I was glad to consult a Japanese doctor from

Shinjo. Ito, who looks twice as big as usual when he has to do any

"grand" interpreting, and always puts on silk hakama in honour of

it, came in with a middle-aged man dressed entirely in silk, who

prostrated himself three times on the ground, and then sat down on

his heels. Ito in many words explained my calamities, and Dr.

Nosoki then asked to see my "honourable hand," which he examined

carefully, and then my "honourable foot." He felt my pulse and

looked at my eyes with a magnifying glass, and with much sucking in

of his breath--a sign of good breeding and politeness--informed me

that I had much fever, which I knew before; then that I must rest,

which I also knew; then he lighted his pipe and contemplated me.

Then he felt my pulse and looked at my eyes again, then felt the

swelling from the hornet bite, and said it was much inflamed, of

which I was painfully aware, and then clapped his hands three

times. At this signal a coolie appeared, carrying a handsome black

lacquer chest with the same crest in gold upon it as Dr. Nosoki

wore in white on his haori. This contained a medicine chest of

fine gold lacquer, fitted up with shelves, drawers, bottles, etc.

He compounded a lotion first, with which he bandaged my hand and

arm rather skilfully, telling me to pour the lotion over the

bandage at intervals till the pain abated. The whole was covered

with oiled paper, which answers the purpose of oiled silk. He then

compounded a febrifuge, which, as it is purely vegetable, I have

not hesitated to take, and told me to drink it in hot water, and to

avoid sake for a day or two!


I asked him what his fee was, and, after many bows and much

spluttering and sucking in of his breath, he asked if I should

think half a yen too much, and when I presented him with a yen, and

told him with a good deal of profound bowing on my part that I was

exceedingly glad to obtain his services, his gratitude quite

abashed me by its immensity.


Dr. Nosoki is one of the old-fashioned practitioners, whose medical

knowledge has been handed down from father to son, and who holds

out, as probably most of his patients do, against European methods

and drugs. A strong prejudice against surgical operations,

specially amputations, exists throughout Japan. With regard to the

latter, people think that, as they came into the world complete, so

they are bound to go out of it, and in many places a surgeon would

hardly be able to buy at any price the privilege of cutting off an



Except from books these older men know nothing of the mechanism of

the human body, as dissection is unknown to native science. Dr.

Nosoki told me that he relies mainly on the application of the moxa

and on acupuncture in the treatment of acute diseases, and in

chronic maladies on friction, medicinal baths, certain animal and

vegetable medicines, and certain kinds of food. The use of leeches

and blisters is unknown to him, and he regards mineral drugs with

obvious suspicion. He has heard of chloroform, but has never seen

it used, and considers that in maternity it must necessarily be

fatal either to mother or child. He asked me (and I have twice

before been asked the same question) whether it is not by its use

that we endeavour to keep down our redundant population! He has

great faith in ginseng, and in rhinoceros horn, and in the powdered

liver of some animal, which, from the description, I understood to

be a tiger--all specifics of the Chinese school of medicines. Dr.

Nosoki showed me a small box of "unicorn's" horn, which he said was

worth more than its weight in gold! As my arm improved

coincidently with the application of his lotion, I am bound to give

him the credit of the cure.


I invited him to dinner, and two tables were produced covered with

different dishes, of which he ate heartily, showing most singular

dexterity with his chopsticks in removing the flesh of small, bony

fish. It is proper to show appreciation of a repast by noisy

gulpings, and much gurgling and drawing in of the breath.

Etiquette rigidly prescribes these performances, which are most

distressing to a European, and my guest nearly upset my gravity by



The host and the kocho, or chief man of the village, paid me a

formal visit in the evening, and Ito, en grande tenue, exerted

himself immensely on the occasion. They were much surprised at my

not smoking, and supposed me to be under a vow! They asked me many

questions about our customs and Government, but frequently reverted

to tobacco.


I. L. B.








The Effect of a Chicken--Poor Fare--Slow Travelling--Objects of

Interest--Kak'ke--The Fatal Close--A Great Fire--Security of the



SHINGOJI, July 21.


Very early in the morning, after my long talk with the Kocho of

Kanayama, Ito wakened me by saying, "You'll be able for a long

day's journey to-day, as you had a chicken yesterday," and under

this chicken's marvellous influence we got away at 6.45, only to

verify the proverb, "The more haste the worse speed." Unsolicited

by me the Kocho sent round the village to forbid the people from

assembling, so I got away in peace with a pack-horse and one

runner. It was a terrible road, with two severe mountain-passes to

cross, and I not only had to walk nearly the whole way, but to help

the man with the kuruma up some of the steepest places. Halting at

the exquisitely situated village of Nosoki, we got one horse, and

walked by a mountain road along the head-waters of the Omono to

Innai. I wish I could convey to you any idea of the beauty and

wildness of that mountain route, of the surprises on the way, of

views, of the violent deluges of rain which turned rivulets into

torrents, and of the hardships and difficulties of the day; the

scanty fare of sun-dried rice dough and sour yellow rasps, and the

depth of the mire through which we waded! We crossed the Shione

and Sakatsu passes, and in twelve hours accomplished fifteen miles!

Everywhere we were told that we should never get through the

country by the way we are going.


The women still wear trousers, but with a long garment tucked into

them instead of a short one, and the men wear a cotton combination

of breastplate and apron, either without anything else, or over

their kimonos. The descent to Innai under an avenue of

cryptomeria, and the village itself, shut in with the rushing

Omono, are very beautiful.


The yadoya at Innai was a remarkably cheerful one, but my room was

entirely fusuma and shoji, and people were peeping in the whole

time. It is not only a foreigner and his strange ways which

attract attention in these remote districts, but, in my case, my

india-rubber bath, air-pillow, and, above all, my white mosquito

net. Their nets are all of a heavy green canvas, and they admire

mine so much, that I can give no more acceptable present on leaving

than a piece of it to twist in with the hair. There were six

engineers in the next room who are surveying the passes which I had

crossed, in order to see if they could be tunnelled, in which case

kurumas might go all the way from Tokiyo to Kubota on the Sea of

Japan, and, with a small additional outlay, carts also.


In the two villages of Upper and Lower Innai there has been an

outbreak of a malady much dreaded by the Japanese, called kak'ke,

which, in the last seven months, has carried off 100 persons out of

a population of about 1500, and the local doctors have been aided

by two sent from the Medical School at Kubota. I don't know a

European name for it; the Japanese name signifies an affection of

the legs. Its first symptoms are a loss of strength in the legs,

"looseness in the knees," cramps in the calves, swelling, and

numbness. This, Dr. Anderson, who has studied kak'ke in more than

1100 cases in Tokiyo, calls the sub-acute form. The chronic is a

slow, numbing, and wasting malady, which, if unchecked, results in

death from paralysis and exhaustion in from six months to three

years. The third, or acute form, Dr. Anderson describes thus.

After remarking that the grave symptoms set in quite unexpectedly,

and go on rapidly increasing, he says:- "The patient now can lie

down no longer; he sits up in bed and tosses restlessly from one

position to another, and, with wrinkled brow, staring and anxious

eyes, dusky skin, blue, parted lips, dilated nostrils, throbbing

neck, and labouring chest, presents a picture of the most terrible

distress that the worst of diseases can inflict. There is no

intermission even for a moment, and the physician, here almost

powerless, can do little more than note the failing pulse and

falling temperature, and wait for the moment when the brain,

paralysed by the carbonised blood, shall become insensible, and

allow the dying man to pass his last moments in merciful

unconsciousness." {15}


The next morning, after riding nine miles through a quagmire, under

grand avenues of cryptomeria, and noticing with regret that the

telegraph poles ceased, we reached Yusowa, a town of 7000 people,

in which, had it not been for provoking delays, I should have slept

instead of at Innai, and found that a fire a few hours previously

had destroyed seventy houses, including the yadoya at which I

should have lodged. We had to wait two hours for horses, as all

were engaged in moving property and people. The ground where the

houses had stood was absolutely bare of everything but fine black

ash, among which the kuras stood blackened, and, in some instances,

slightly cracked, but in all unharmed. Already skeletons of new

houses were rising. No life had been lost except that of a tipsy

man, but I should probably have lost everything but my money.




LETTER XX--(Continued)




Lunch in Public--A Grotesque Accident--Police Inquiries--Man or

Woman?--A Melancholy Stare--A Vicious Horse--An Ill-favoured Town--

A Disappointment--A Torii.


Yusowa is a specially objectionable-looking place. I took my

lunch--a wretched meal of a tasteless white curd made from beans,

with some condensed milk added to it--in a yard, and the people

crowded in hundreds to the gate, and those behind, being unable to

see me, got ladders and climbed on the adjacent roofs, where they

remained till one of the roofs gave way with a loud crash, and

precipitated about fifty men, women, and children into the room

below, which fortunately was vacant. Nobody screamed--a noteworthy

fact--and the casualties were only a few bruises. Four policemen

then appeared and demanded my passport, as if I were responsible

for the accident, and failing, like all others, to read a

particular word upon it, they asked me what I was travelling for,

and on being told "to learn about the country," they asked if I was

making a map! Having satisfied their curiosity they disappeared,

and the crowd surged up again in fuller force. The Transport Agent

begged them to go away, but they said they might never see such a

sight again! One old peasant said he would go away if he were told

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