2015년 9월 18일 금요일

The Master of Stair 2

The Master of Stair 2

With a fierce cry the Highlander was plunging through the mist after
him; the sound guided him; he ran forward swiftly, maddened by that
slash on the cheek, striving to cleave aside the blinding fog.
All at once he heard it coming again, saw the brown horse looming
toward him, and made a wild dash at the reins. But it swept past him.
He thought he heard the rider say something or give a little cry.
The mist began to lighten, grow thinner; he saw the rider ahead and ran
after him with his dirk undrawn. His strength was almost a match for
the horse which was evidently very jaded and weary; his rider looked
back and urged him faster, but the Macdonald was gaining.
It was clear enough now for him to see who he was pursuing. A slender
figure in a scarlet roquelaure with the collar turned up to his ears,
his beaver and feather hanging limp with the rain; both his dress and
his horse were of the lowlands. The Macdonald’s eyes glowed at the
sight of the Saxon; he was too stung to care that he had missed his men
in the pursuit. He came on at a run, silently. The horseman had gained
rising ground and stood outlined against the sky.
The mist changed to a drizzling rain: they were able to see each other
distinctly; the tired horse stumbled and stopped, the rider wheeled him
round and drew up, facing the Highlander. In the vast gloomy scene he
was the only spot of color on his smooth bright chestnut horse with the
glittering harness, with his vivid red coat and the long draggled brown
feather hanging on his shoulders.
The Macdonald stopped a pace or two away from him that he might see who
this Saxon could be, sitting very still and calm, with his head
liftedhaughtily, it seemed. Then he cried out and fell back a step.
It was a woman who looked down at him from the brown horse: a proud,
still woman’s face that showed in the high collar.
She calmly viewed his utter amazement, sitting utterly motionless, very
After a second she spoke; slowly, in Gaelic.
“What do you want with me?”
Her voice sounded thin and unnatural coming through the vast open
space; she broke her words with a cough and shuddered as if she was
very cold.
The Macdonald had stood motionless, eagerly surveying her; when she
spoke he came toward her slowly, with the caution and curiosity of a
wild animal scenting the unknown.
She too looked at him, but covertly, and her face expressed no interest
as her eyes dwelt on his magnificent figure and torn and faded clothes;
she waited for him without a movement or a word.
As he came to her saddle bow he pulled off his bonnet and stood erect
in the straight rain, his frank blue eyes on her face.
“My name is Ronald,” he said, “and I am a prince of the Macdonalds of
The horsewoman coughed and shivered again before she answered; she had
noted the half-sullen, half-proud defiance of his bearing and replied
to that:
“Why do you speak so?” she said. “You give your speech a turn of
He came still closer and laid his hand on her fallen reins.
“I thought you were a Campbell,” he said, and watched for the effect of
the loathed name on her; there was none; she merely shook her head.
“I am a stranger,” she answered. “I came with my kinsfolk on a mere
family affair
His face lightened.
“I saw them through the mist,” he said.
She looked round her.
“And now the mist hath gone and I am utterly lost.” She shivered.
Suddenly she glanced down at him; he was very young, of a giant’s make;
his square cut fresh face, tanned the color of ripe corn, looked up at
her; his clear eyes were very steady under the rough brown hair; she
gave a slow faint smile.
“Are you too lost?” she asked.
“It were not possible for me to lose my way to Glencoe,” he answered.
“But I have missed my men.”
He was still studying her with a frank absorbed curiosity; she pushed
her heavy rain-soaked hat a little off her face and at sight of her
red-blonde hair, he cried out, fiercely:
“Ye _are_ a Campbell!”
Her face expressed a cold surprise.
“I am Helen Fraser,” she said quietly, “and no kin to the Clan of
It would have been difficult to disbelieve her unconcern; Macdonald
hesitated, not knowing what to do.
“Will you put me on my way?” she asked as a probe to his silence. “I am
wet and coldand most utterly lost.”
At the note in her voice all his Highland hospitality woke.
“Will you come to Glencoe?” he asked simply.
She shook her head. “I must find my people,” she said resolutely. “Tell
me the waythey ride in the direction of Glenorchy.”
Macdonald’s eyes flashed.
“Jock Campbell’s castleyou go there!” he cried.
“I go that waynot there,” she answered, “but to Loch Awe.”
He was appeased again. “Glenorchy is three miles from here,” he said.
“And Glencoe some tenas you are a woman I will go with you to find
your people.”
She made no show of either gratitude or refusal. “I shall die of cold,”
she said impatiently. “Take the bridle and lead the way.”
The drizzle had settled into a steady downpour; the sky was a merciless
even gray; the distant hills wreathed with heavy rain clouds, the
gloomy rocks about them running with water.
Macdonald took the horse’s head in silence and led him across the
squelching heather. They were at the top of the ravine; the country
before them was broken and utterly wild, but he had no fear of losing
his way while he had the use of his eyes. The woman shuddered closer
into her coat. “Put me on the road to Glenorchy,” she said. “My people
will be looking for me.”
“Would you not be afraid alone, Helen Fraser?” he asked.
“No,” she answered quietly.
“Are you friendly with the Clan of Campbell?” he said, “for you must
cross their lands.”
“I know nothing of them,” came the tired voice from the great collar.
“ButI sayI am not afraid.”
He was silent again; he knew little or nothing of the distant Clan of
Frasers, he marveled at the dress and refined appearance of this woman:
he had never seen any but the Campbell’s women in this Lowland habit.
Neither spoke as they wound through the rocks and heather; he at the
horse’s head, heedless of the cold and rain; she huddled on the saddle,
shivering under it.
She spoke at last so suddenly that he turned with a start.
“Who are those?” she said.
He looked in the direction her gloved hand pointed.
From the branch of a great fir-tree two men were dangling, the rain
dripping forlornly from their soaked clothes and the fair hair that
fell over their dead faces.
“Campbells,” answered Macdonald. “Would there were more than two.”
She turned her gaze from the dead men; her face was utterly unmoved.
“How you hate these Campbells, Macdonald of Glencoe,” she said
He was bewildered by her note of wonder, turned it over in his mind and
could think of nothing to say but:
“I am a prince of the Macdonalds.”
“God fend me from these feuds!” she cried. “My people live at peace.”
“They would not, Helen Fraser, if they were two hundred men alone in
the country of the Campbells.” He looked at her over his shoulder, his
color risen. “To one side of us we have MacCallum More himselfto the
other Jock Campbell of Breadalbane and his vassals swarm in their
hundredsbut we do no homagebecause there has been no Campbell yet
dare enter Glencoe.”
He had stopped with the force of his words and his fierce eyes measured
her narrowly.
She gave her slow smile:
“Wellgo on,” she said. “I have no call to be the Campbells’ friend.”

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