2014년 12월 4일 목요일

A Lady's Life in the Rocky 2

A Lady's Life in the Rocky 2

The population, once 6,000, is now about 4,000. It is an ill-arranged

set of frame houses and shanties [7] and rubbish heaps, and offal of

deer and antelope, produce the foulest smells I have smelt for a long

time. Some of the houses are painted a blinding white; others are

unpainted; there is not a bush, or garden, or green thing; it just

straggles out promiscuously on the boundless brown plains, on the

extreme verge of which three toothy peaks are seen. It is utterly

slovenly-looking, and unornamental, abounds in slouching

bar-room-looking characters, and looks a place of low, mean lives.

Below the hotel window freight cars are being perpetually shunted, but

beyond the railroad tracks are nothing but the brown plains, with their

lonely sights--now a solitary horseman at a traveling amble, then a

party of Indians in paint and feathers, but civilized up to the point

of carrying firearms, mounted on sorry ponies, the bundled-up squaws

riding astride on the baggage ponies; then a drove of ridgy-spined,

long-horned cattle, which have been several months eating their way

from Texas, with their escort of four or five much-spurred horsemen, in

peaked hats, blue-hooded coats, and high boots, heavily armed with

revolvers and repeating rifles, and riding small wiry horses. A

solitary wagon, with a white tilt, drawn by eight oxen, is probably

bearing an emigrant and his fortunes to Colorado. On one of the dreary

spaces of the settlement six white-tilted wagons, each with twelve

oxen, are standing on their way to a distant part. Everything suggests

a beyond.


[7] The discovery of gold in the Black Hills has lately given it a

great impetus, and as it is the chief point of departure for the

diggings it is increasing in population and importance. (July, 1879)



September 9.


I have found at the post office here a circular letter of

recommendation from ex-Governor Hunt, procured by Miss Kingsley's

kindness, and another equally valuable one of "authentication" and

recommendation from Mr. Bowles, of the Springfield Republican, whose

name is a household word in all the West. Armed with these, I shall

plunge boldly into Colorado. I am suffering from giddiness and nausea

produced by the bad smells. A "help" here says that there have been

fifty-six deaths from cholera during the last twenty days. Is common

humanity lacking, I wonder, in this region of hard greed? Can it not

be bought by dollars here, like every other commodity, votes included?

Last night I made the acquaintance of a shadowy gentleman from

Wisconsin, far gone in consumption, with a spirited wife and young

baby. He had been ordered to the Plains as a last resource, but was

much worse. Early this morning he crawled to my door, scarcely able to

speak from debility and bleeding from the lungs, begging me to go to

his wife, who, the doctor said was ill of cholera. The child had been

ill all night, and not for love or money could he get any one to do

anything for them, not even to go for the medicine. The lady was blue,

and in great pain from cramp, and the poor unweaned infant was roaring

for the nourishment which had failed. I vainly tried to get hot water

and mustard for a poultice, and though I offered a Negro a dollar to go

for the medicine, he looked at it superciliously, hummed a tune, and

said he must wait for the Pacific train, which was not due for an hour.

Equally in vain I hunted through Cheyenne for a feeding bottle. Not a

maternal heart softened to the helpless mother and starving child, and

my last resource was to dip a piece of sponge in some milk and water,

and try to pacify the creature. I applied Rigollot's leaves, went for

the medicine, saw the popular host--a bachelor--who mentioned a girl

who, after much difficulty, consented to take charge of the baby for

two dollars a day and attend to the mother, and having remained till

she began to amend, I took the cars for Greeley, a settlement on the

Plains, which I had been recommended to make my starting point for the




FORT COLLINS, September 10.


It gave me a strange sensation to embark upon the Plains. Plains,

plains everywhere, plains generally level, but elsewhere rolling in

long undulations, like the waves of a sea which had fallen asleep.

They are covered thinly with buff grass, the withered stalks of

flowers, Spanish bayonet, and a small beehive-shaped cactus. One could

gallop all over them.


They are peopled with large villages of what are called prairie dogs,

because they utter a short, sharp bark, but the dogs are, in reality,

marmots. We passed numbers of villages, which are composed of raised

circular orifices, about eighteen inches in diameter, with sloping

passages leading downwards for five or six feet. Hundreds of these

burrows are placed together. On nearly every rim a small furry

reddish-buff beast sat on his hind legs, looking, so far as head went,

much like a young seal. These creatures were acting as sentinels, and

sunning themselves. As we passed, each gave a warning yelp, shook its

tail, and, with a ludicrous flourish of its hind legs, dived into its

hole. The appearance of hundreds of these creatures, each eighteen

inches long, sitting like dogs begging, with their paws down and all

turned sunwards, is most grotesque. The Wish-ton-Wish has few enemies,

and is a most prolific animal. From its enormous increase and the

energy and extent of its burrowing operations, one can fancy that in

the course of years the prairies will be seriously injured, as it

honeycombs the ground, and renders it unsafe for horses. The burrows

seem usually to be shared by owls, and many of the people insist that a

rattlesnake is also an inmate, but I hope for the sake of the harmless,

cheery little prairie dog, that this unwelcome fellowship is a myth.


After running on a down grade for some time, five distinct ranges of

mountains, one above another, a lurid blue against a lurid sky,

upheaved themselves above the prairie sea. An American railway car,

hot, stuffy and full of chewing, spitting Yankees, was not an ideal way

of approaching this range which had early impressed itself upon my

imagination. Still, it was truly grand, although it was sixty miles

off, and we were looking at it from a platform 5,000 feet in height.

As I write I am only twenty-five miles from them, and they are

gradually gaining possession of me.


I can look at and FEEL nothing else. At five in the afternoon frame

houses and green fields began to appear, the cars drew up, and two of

my fellow passengers and I got out and carried our own luggage through

the deep dust to a small, rough, Western tavern, where with difficulty

we were put up for the night. This settlement is called the Greeley

Temperance Colony, and was founded lately by an industrious class of

emigrants from the East, all total abstainers, and holding advanced

political opinions. They bought and fenced 50,000 acres of land,

constructed an irrigating canal, which distributes its waters on

reasonable terms, have already a population of 3,000, and are the most

prosperous and rising colony in Colorado, being altogether free from

either laziness or crime. Their rich fields are artificially

productive solely; and after seeing regions where Nature gives

spontaneously, one is amazed that people should settle here to be

dependent on irrigating canals, with the risk of having their crops

destroyed by grasshoppers. A clause in the charter of the colony

prohibits the introduction, sale, or consumption of intoxicating

liquor, and I hear that the men of Greeley carry their crusade against

drink even beyond their limits, and have lately sacked three houses

open for the sale of drink near their frontier, pouring the whisky upon

the ground, so that people don't now like to run the risk of bringing

liquor near Greeley, and the temperance influence is spreading over a

very large area. As the men have no bar-rooms to sit in, I observed

that Greeley was asleep at an hour when other places were beginning

their revelries. Nature is niggardly, and living is coarse and rough,

the merest necessaries of hardy life being all that can be thought of

in this stage of existence.


My first experiences of Colorado travel have been rather severe. At

Greeley I got a small upstairs room at first, but gave it up to a

married couple with a child, and then had one downstairs no bigger than

a cabin, with only a canvas partition. It was very hot, and every

place was thick with black flies. The English landlady had just lost

her "help," and was in a great fuss, so that I helped her to get supper

ready. Its chief features were greasiness and black flies. Twenty men

in working clothes fed and went out again, "nobody speaking to nobody."

The landlady introduced me to a Vermont settler who lives in the "Foot

Hills," who was very kind and took a great deal of trouble to get me a

horse. Horses abound, but they are either large American horses, which

are only used for draught, or small, active horses, called broncos,

said to be from a Spanish word, signifying that they can never be

broke. They nearly all "buck," and are described as being more "ugly"

and treacherous than mules. There is only one horse in Greeley "safe

for a woman to ride." I tried an Indian pony by moonlight--such a

moonlight--but found he had tender feet. The kitchen was the only

sitting room, so I shortly went to bed, to be awoke very soon by

crawling creatures apparently in myriads. I struck a light, and found

such swarms of bugs that I gathered myself up on the wooden chairs, and

dozed uneasily till sunrise. Bugs are a great pest in Colorado. They

come out of the earth, infest the wooden walls, and cannot be got rid

of by any amount of cleanliness. Many careful housewives take their

beds to pieces every week and put carbolic acid on them.


It was a glorious, cool morning, and the great range of the Rocky

Mountains looked magnificent. I tried the pony again, but found he

would not do for a long journey; and as my Vermont acquaintance offered

me a seat in his wagon to Fort Collins, twenty-five miles nearer the

Mountains, I threw a few things together and came here with him. We

left Greeley at 10, and arrived here at 4:30, staying an hour for food

on the way. I liked the first half of the drive; but the fierce,

ungoverned, blazing heat of the sun on the whitish earth for the last

half, was terrible even with my white umbrella, which I have not used

since I left New Zealand; it was sickening. Then the eyes have never

anything green to rest upon, except in the river bottoms, where there

is green hay grass. We followed mostly the course of the River

Cache-a-la-Poudre, which rises in the Mountains, and after supplying

Greeley with irrigation, falls into the Platte, which is an affluent of

the Missouri. When once beyond the scattered houses and great ring

fence of the vigorous Greeley colonists, we were on the boundless

prairie. Now and then horsemen passed us, and we met three wagons with

white tilts. Except where the prairie dogs have honeycombed the

ground, you can drive almost anywhere, and the passage of a few wagons

over the same track makes a road. We forded the river, whose course is

marked the whole way by a fringe of small cotton-woods and aspens, and

traveled hour after hour with nothing to see except some dog towns,

with their quaint little sentinels; but the view in front was glorious.

The Alps, from the Lombard Plains, are the finest mountain panorama I

ever saw, but not equal to this; for not only do five high-peaked

giants, each nearly the height of Mont Blanc, lift their dazzling

summits above the lower ranges, but the expanse of mountains is so

vast, and the whole lie in a transparent medium of the richest blue,

not haze--something peculiar to the region. The lack of foreground is

a great artistic fault, and the absence of greenery is melancholy, and

makes me recall sadly the entrancing detail of the Hawaiian Islands.

Once only, the second time we forded the river, the cotton-woods formed

a foreground, and then the loveliness was heavenly. We stopped at a

log house and got a rough dinner of beef and potatoes, and I was amused

at the five men who shared it with us for apologizing to me for being

without th

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