2014년 12월 4일 목요일

A Lady's Life in the Rocky 5

A Lady's Life in the Rocky 5

I tried a horse, mended my clothes, reduced my pack to a weight of

twelve pounds, and was all ready for an early start, when before

daylight I was wakened by Evans's cheery voice at my door. "I say,

Miss B., we've got to drive wild cattle to-day; I wish you'd lend a

hand, there's not enough of us; I'll give you a good horse; one day

won't make much difference." So we've been driving cattle all day,

riding about twenty miles, and fording the Big Thompson about as many

times. Evans flatters me by saying that I am "as much use as another

man"; more than one of our party, I hope, who always avoided the "ugly"



[16] In justice to Evans, I must mention here that every cent of the

money was ultimately paid, that the horse was perfection, and that the

arrangement turned out a most advantageous one for me.



October 12.


I am still here, helping in the kitchen, driving cattle, and riding

four or five times a day. Evans detains me each morning by saying,

"Here's lots of horses for you to try," and after trying five or six a

day, I do not find one to my liking. Today, as I was cantering a tall

well-bred one round the lake, he threw the bridle off by a toss of his

head, leaving me with the reins in my hands; one bucked, and two have

tender feet, and tumbled down. Such are some of our little varieties.

Still I hope to get off on my tour in a day or two, so at least as to

be able to compare Estes Park with some of the better-known parts of



You would be amused if you could see our cabin just now. There are

nine men in the room and three women. For want of seats most of the

men are lying on the floor; all are smoking, and the blithe young

French Canadian who plays so beautifully, and catches about fifty

speckled trout for each meal, is playing the harmonium with a pipe in

his mouth. Three men who have camped in Black Canyon for a week are

lying like dogs on the floor. They are all over six feet high,

immovably solemn, neither smiling at the general hilarity, nor at the

absurd changes which are being rung on the harmonium. They may be

described as clothed only in boots, for their clothes are torn to rags.

They stare vacantly. They have neither seen a woman nor slept under a

roof for six months. Negro songs are being sung, and before that

"Yankee Doodle" was played immediately after "Rule Britannia," and it

made every one but the strangers laugh, it sounded so foolish and mean.

The colder weather is bringing the beasts down from the heights. I

heard both wolves and the mountain lion as I crossed to my cabin last



I. L. B.







"Please Ma'ams"--A desperado--A cattle hunt--The muster--A mad cow--A

snowstorm--Snowed up--Birdie--The Plains--A prairie schooner--Denver--A

find--Plum Creek--"Being agreeable"--Snowbound--The grey mare.




This afternoon, as I was reading in my cabin, little Sam Edwards ran

in, saying, "Mountain Jim wants to speak to you." This brought to my

mind images of infinite worry, gauche servants, "please Ma'am,"

contretemps, and the habit growing out of our elaborate and uselessly

conventional life of magnifying the importance of similar trifles.

Then "things" came up, with the tyranny they exercise. I REALLY need

nothing more than this log cabin offers. But elsewhere one must have a

house and servants, and burdens and worries--not that one may be

hospitable and comfortable, but for the "thick clay" in the shape of

"things" which one has accumulated. My log house takes me about five

minutes to "do," and you could eat off the floor, and it needs no lock,

as it contains nothing worth stealing.


But "Mountain Jim" was waiting while I made these reflections to ask us

to take a ride; and he, Mr. and Mrs. Dewy, and I, had a delightful

stroll through colored foliage, and then, when they were fatigued, I

changed my horse for his beautiful mare, and we galloped and raced in

the beautiful twilight, in the intoxicating frosty air. Mrs. Dewy

wishes you could have seen us as we galloped down the pass, the

fearful-looking ruffian on my heavy wagon horse, and I on his bare

wooden saddle, from which beaver, mink, and marten tails, and pieces of

skin, were hanging raggedly, with one spur, and feet not in the

stirrups, the mare looking so aristocratic and I so beggarly! Mr.

Nugent is what is called "splendid company." With a sort of breezy

mountain recklessness in everything, he passes remarkably acute

judgments on men and events; on women also. He has pathos, poetry, and

humor, an intense love of nature, strong vanity in certain directions,

an obvious desire to act and speak in character, and sustain his

reputation as a desperado, a considerable acquaintance with literature,

a wonderful verbal memory, opinions on every person and subject, a

chivalrous respect for women in his manner, which makes it all the more

amusing when he suddenly turns round upon one with some graceful

raillery, a great power of fascination, and a singular love of

children. The children of this house run to him, and when he sits down

they climb on his broad shoulders and play with his curls. They say in

the house that "no one who has been here thinks any one worth speaking

to after Jim," but I think that this is probably an opinion which time

would alter. Somehow, he is kept always before the public of Colorado,

for one can hardly take up a newspaper without finding a paragraph

about him, a contribution by him, or a fragment of his biography.

Ruffian as he looks, the first word he speaks--to a lady, at

least--places him on a level with educated gentlemen, and his

conversation is brilliant, and full of the light and fitfulness of

genius. Yet, on the whole, he is a most painful spectacle. His

magnificent head shows so plainly the better possibilities which might

have been his. His life, in spite of a certain dazzle which belongs to

it, is a ruined and wasted one, and one asks what of good can the

future have in store for one who has for so long chosen evil?[17]


[17] September of the next year answered the question by laying him

down in a dishonored grave, with a rifle bullet in his brain.



Shall I ever get away? We were to have had a grand cattle hunt

yesterday, beginning at 6:30, but the horses were all lost. Often out

of fifty horses all that are worth anything are marauding, and a day is

lost in hunting for them in the canyons. However, before daylight this

morning Evans called through my door, "Miss Bird, I say we've got to

drive cattle fifteen miles, I wish you'd lend a hand; there's not

enough of us; I'll give you a good horse."


The scene of the drive is at a height of 7,500 feet, watered by two

rapid rivers. On all sides mountains rise to an altitude of from

11,000 to 15,000 feet, their skirts shaggy with pitch-pine forests, and

scarred by deep canyons, wooded and boulder strewn, opening upon the

mountain pasture previously mentioned. Two thousand head of half-wild

Texan cattle are scattered in herds throughout the canyons, living on

more or less suspicious terms with grizzly and brown bears, mountain

lions, elk, mountain sheep, spotted deer, wolves, lynxes, wild cats,

beavers, minks, skunks, chipmunks, eagles, rattlesnakes, and all the

other two-legged, four-legged, vertebrate, and invertebrate inhabitants

of this lonely and romantic region. On the whole, they show a tendency

rather to the habits of wild than of domestic cattle. They march to

water in Indian file, with the bulls leading, and when threatened, take

strategic advantage of ridgy ground, slinking warily along in the

hollows, the bulls acting as sentinels, and bringing up the rear in

case of an attack from dogs. Cows have to be regularly broken in for

milking, being as wild as buffaloes in their unbroken state; but, owing

to the comparative dryness of the grasses, and the system of allowing

the calf to have the milk during the daytime, a dairy of 200 cows does

not produce as much butter as a Devonshire dairy of fifty. Some

"necessary" cruelty is involved in the stockman's business, however

humane he may be. The system is one of terrorism, and from the time

that the calf is bullied into the branding pen, and the hot iron burns

into his shrinking flesh, to the day when the fatted ox is driven down

from his boundless pastures to be slaughtered in Chicago, "the fear and

dread of man" are upon him.


The herds are apt to penetrate the savage canyons which come down from

the Snowy Range, when they incur a risk of being snowed up and starved,

and it is necessary now and then to hunt them out and drive them down

to the "park." On this occasion, the whole were driven down for a

muster, and for the purpose of branding the calves.


After a 6:30 breakfast this morning, we started, the party being

composed of my host, a hunter from the Snowy Range, two stockmen from

the Plains, one of whom rode a violent buck-jumper, and was said by his

comrade to be the "best rider in North Americay," and myself. We were

all mounted on Mexican saddles, rode, as the custom is, with light

snaffle bridles, leather guards over our feet, and broad wooden

stirrups, and each carried his lunch in a pouch slung on the lassoing

horn of his saddle. Four big, badly-trained dogs accompanied us. It

was a ride of nearly thirty miles, and of many hours, one of the most

splendid I ever took. We never got off our horses except to tighten

the girths, we ate our lunch with our bridles knotted over saddle

horns, started over the level at full gallops, leapt over trunks of

trees, dashed madly down hillsides rugged with rocks or strewn with

great stones, forded deep, rapid streams, saw lovely lakes and views of

surpassing magnificence, startled a herd of elk with uncouth heads and

in the chase, which for some time was unsuccessful, rode to the very

base of Long's Peak, over 14,000 feet high, where the bright waters of

one of the affluents of the Platte burst from the eternal snows through

a canyon of indescribable majesty. The sun was hot, but at a height of

over 8,000 feet the air was crisp and frosty, and the enjoyment of

riding a good horse under such exhilarating circumstances was extreme.

In one wild part of the ride we had to come down a steep hill, thickly

wooded with pitch pines, to leap over the fallen timber, and steer

between the dead and living trees to avoid being "snagged," or bringing

down a heavy dead branch by an unwary touch.


Emerging from this, we caught sight of a thousand Texan cattle feeding

in a valley below. The leaders scented us, and, taking fright, began

to move off in the direction of the open "park," while we were about a

mile from and above them. "Head them off, boys!" our leader shouted;

"all aboard; hark away!" and with something of the "High, tally-ho in

the morning!" away we all went at a hard gallop down-hill. I could not

hold my excited animal; down-hill, up-hill, leaping over rocks and

timber, faster every moment the pace grew, and still the leader

shouted, "Go it, boys!" and the horses dashed on at racing speed,

passing and repassing each other, till my small but beautiful bay was

keeping pace with the immense strides of the great buck-jumper ridden

by "the finest rider in North Americay," and I was dizzied and

breathless by the pace at which we were going. A shorter time than it

takes to tell it brought us close to and abreast of the surge of

cattle. The bovine waves were a grand sight: huge bulls, shaped like

buffaloes, bellowed and roared, and with great oxen and cows with

yearling calves, galloped like racers, and we galloped alongside of

them, and shortly headed them and in no time were placed as sentinels

across the mouth of the valley. It seemed like infantry awaiting the

shock of cavalry as we stood as still as our excited horses would

allow. I almost quailed as the surge came on, but whe

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