2014년 12월 4일 목요일

A Lady's Life in the Rocky 6

A Lady's Life in the Rocky 6

The next morning was gray and sour, but brightened and warmed as the

day went on. After riding twelve miles I got bread and milk for myself

and a feed for Birdie at a large house where there were eight boarders,

each one looking nearer the grave than the other, and on remounting was

directed to leave the main road and diverge through Monument Park, a

ride of twelve miles among fantastic rocks, but I lost my way, and came

to an end of all tracks in a wild canyon. Returning about six miles, I

took another track, and rode about eight miles without seeing a

creature. I then came to strange gorges with wonderful upright rocks

of all shapes and colors, and turning through a gate of rock, came upon

what I knew must be Glen Eyrie, as wild and romantic a glen as

imagination ever pictured. The track then passed down a valley close

under some ghastly peaks, wild, cold, awe-inspiring scenery. After

fording a creek several times, I came upon a decayed-looking cluster of

houses bearing the arrogant name of Colorado City, and two miles

farther on, from the top of one of the Foot Hill ridges, I saw the

bleak-looking scattered houses of the ambitious watering place of

Colorado Springs, the goal of my journey of 150 miles. I got off, put

on a long skirt, and rode sidewise, though the settlement scarcely

looked like a place where any deference to prejudices was necessary. A

queer embryo-looking place it is, out on the bare Plains, yet it is

rising and likely to rise, and has some big hotels much resorted to.

It has a fine view of the mountains, specially of Pike's Peak, but the

celebrated springs are at Manitou, three miles off, in really fine

scenery. To me no place could be more unattractive than Colorado

Springs, from its utter treelessness.


I found the -----s living in a small room which served for parlor,

bedroom, and kitchen, and combined the comforts of all. It is

inhabited also by two prairie dogs, a kitten, and a deerhound. It was

truly homelike. Mrs. ----- walked with me to the boarding-house where

I slept, and we sat some time in the parlor talking with the landlady.

Opposite to me there was a door wide open into a bed room, and on a bed

opposite to the door a very sick-looking young man was half-lying,

half-sitting, fully dressed, supported by another, and a very

sick-looking young man much resembling him passed in and out

occasionally, or leaned on the chimney piece in an attitude of extreme

dejection. Soon the door was half-closed, and some one came to it,

saying rapidly, "Shields, quick, a candle!" and then there were movings

about in the room. All this time the seven or eight people in the room

in which I was were talking, laughing, and playing backgammon, and none

laughed louder than the landlady, who was sitting where she saw that

mysterious door as plainly as I did. All this time, and during the

movings in the room, I saw two large white feet sticking up at the end

of the bed. I watched and watched, hoping those feet would move, but

they did not; and somehow, to my thinking, they grew stiffer and

whiter, and then my horrible suspicion deepened, and while we were

sitting there a human spirit untended and desolate had passed forth

into the night. Then a man came out with a bundle of clothes, and then

the sick young man, groaning and sobbing, and then a third, who said to

me, with some feeling, that the man who had just died was the sick

young man's only brother. And still the landlady laughed and talked,

and afterwards said to me, "It turns the house upside down when they

just come here and die; we shall be half the night laying him out." I

could not sleep for the bitter cold and the sound of the sobs and

groans of the bereaved brother. The next day the landlady, in a

fashionably-made black dress, was bustling about, proud of the

prospective arrival of a handsome coffin. I went into the parlor to

get a needle, and the door of THAT room was open, and children were

running in and out, and the landlady, who was sweeping there, called

cheerily to me to come in for the needle, and there, to my horror, not

even covered with a face cloth, and with the sun blazing in through the

unblinded window, lay that thing of terror, a corpse, on some chairs

which were not even placed straight. It was buried in the afternoon,

and from the looks of the brother, who continued to sob and moan, his

end cannot be far off.


The -----s say that many go to the Springs in the last stage of

consumption, thinking that the Colorado climate will cure them, without

money enough to pay for even the coarsest board. We talked most of

that day, and I equipped myself with arctics and warm gloves for the

mountain tour which has been planned for me, and I gave Birdie the

Sabbath she was entitled to on Tuesday, for I found, on arriving at the

Springs, that the day I crossed the Arkansas Divide was Sunday, though

I did not know it. Several friends of Miss Kingsley called on me; she

is much remembered and beloved. This is not an expensive tour; we cost

about ten shillings a day, and the five days which I have spent en

route from Denver have cost something less than the fare for the few

hours' journey by the cars. There are no real difficulties. It is a

splendid life for health and enjoyment. All my luggage being in a

pack, and my conveyance being a horse, we can go anywhere where we can

get food and shelter.





This is a highly picturesque place, with several springs, still and

effervescing, the virtues of which were well known to the Indians.

Near it are places, the names of which are familiar to every one--the

Garden of the Gods, Glen Eyrie, Pike's Peak, Monument Park, and the Ute

Pass. It has two or three immense hotels, and a few houses

picturesquely situated. It is thronged by thousands of people in the

summer who come to drink the waters, try the camp cure, and make

mountain excursions; but it is all quiet now, and there are only a few

lingerers in this immense hotel. There is a rushing torrent in a

valley, with mountains, covered with snow and rising to a height of

nearly 15,000 feet, overhanging it. It is grand and awful, and has a

strange, solemn beauty like death. And the Snowy Mountains are pierced

by the torrent which has excavated the Ute Pass, by which, to-morrow, I

hope to go into the higher regions. But all may be "lost for want of a

horseshoe nail." One of Birdie's shoes is loose, and not a nail is to

be got here, or can be got till I have ridden for ten miles up the

Pass. Birdie amuses every one with her funny ways. She always follows

me closely, and to-day got quite into a house and pushed the parlor

door open. She walks after me with her head laid on my shoulder,

licking my face and teasing me for sugar, and sometimes, when any one

else takes hold of her, she rears and kicks, and the vicious bronco

soul comes into her eyes. Her face is cunning and pretty, and she

makes a funny, blarneying noise when I go up to her. The men at all

the stables make a fuss with her, and call her "Pet." She gallops up

and down hill, and never stumbles even on the roughest ground, or

requires even a touch with a whip.


The weather is again perfect, with a cloudless sky and a hot sun, and

the snow is all off the plains and lower valleys. After lunch, the

-----s in a buggy, and I on Birdie, left Colorado Springs, crossing the

Mesa, a high hill with a table top, with a view of extraordinary

laminated rocks, LEAVES of rock a bright vermilion color, against a

background of snowy mountains, surmounted by Pike's Peak. Then we

plunged into cavernous Glen Eyrie, with its fantastic needles of

colored rock, and were entertained at General Palmer's "baronial

mansion," a perfect eyrie, the fine hall filled with buffalo, elk, and

deer heads, skins of wild animals, stuffed birds, bear robes, and

numerous Indian and other weapons and trophies. Then through a gate of

huge red rocks, we passed into the valley, called fantastically, Garden

of the Gods, in which, were I a divinity, I certainly would not choose

to dwell. Many places in this neighborhood are also vulgarized by

grotesque names. From this we passed into a ravine, down which the

Fountain River rushed, and there I left my friends with regret, and

rode into this chill and solemn gorge, from which the mountains,

reddening in the sunset, are only seen afar off. I put Birdie up at a

stable, and as there was no place to put myself up but this huge hotel,

I came here to have a last taste of luxury. They charge six dollars a

day in the season, but it is now half-price; and instead of four

hundred fashionable guests there are only fifteen, most of whom are

speaking in the weak, rapid accents of consumption, and are coughing

their hearts out. There are seven medicinal springs. It is strange to

have the luxuries of life in my room. It will be only the fourth night

in Colorado that I have slept on anything better than hay or straw. I

am glad that there are so few inns. As it is, I get a good deal of

insight into the homes and modes of living of the settlers.



BERGENS PARK, October 31.


This cabin was so dark, and I so sleepy last night, that I could not

write; but the frost during the night has been very severe, and I am

detained until the bright, hot sun melts the ice and renders traveling

safe. I left the great Manitou at ten yesterday. Birdie, who was

loose in the stable, came trotting down the middle of it when she saw

me for her sugar and biscuits. No nails could be got, and her shoe was

hanging by two, which doomed me to a foot's pace and the dismal clink

of a loose shoe for three hours. There was not a cloud on the bright

blue sky the whole day, and though it froze hard in the shade, it was

summer heat in the sun. The mineral fountains were sparkling in their

basins and sending up their full perennial jets but the snow-clad,

pine-skirted mountains frowned and darkened over the Ute Pass as I

entered it to ascend it for twenty miles. A narrow pass it is, with

barely room for the torrent and the wagon road which has been blasted

out of its steep sides. All the time I was in sight of the Fountain

River, brighter than any stream, because it tumbles over rose-red

granite, rocky or disintegrated, a truly fair stream, cutting and

forcing its way through hard rocks, under arches of alabaster ice,

through fringes of crystalline ice, thumping with a hollow sound in

cavernous recesses cold and dark, or leaping in foam from heights with

rush and swish; always bright and riotous, never pausing in still pools

to rest, dashing through gates of rock, pine hung, pine bridged, pine

buried; twinkling and laughing in the sunshine, or frowning in "dowie

dens" in the blue pine gloom. And there, for a mile or two in a

sheltered spot, owing to the more southern latitude, the everlasting

northern pine met the trees of other climates. There were dwarf oaks,

willows, hazel, and spruce; the white cedar and the trailing juniper

jostled each other for a precarious foothold; the majestic redwood tree

of the Pacific met the exquisite balsam pine of the Atlantic slopes,

and among them all the pale gold foliage of the large aspen trembled

(as the legend goes) in endless remorse. And above them towered the

toothy peaks of the glittering mountains, rising in pure white against

the sunny blue. Grand! glorious! sublime! but not lovable. I would

give all for the luxurious redundance of one Hilo gulch, or for one day

of those soft dreamy "skies whose very tears are balm."



Bergens Park


Up ever! the road being blasted out of the red rock which often

overhung it, the canyon only from fifteen to twenty feet wide, the

thunder of the Fountain, which is crossed eight times, nearly

deafening. Sometimes the sun struck the road, and then it was

absolutely hot; then one entered unsunned gorges where the snow lay

deep, and the crowded pines made dark twilight, and the river roared

under ice bridges fringed by icicles. At last the Pass opened out upon

a sunlit upland park, where there was a forge, and with Birdie's shoe

put on, and some shoe nails in my purse, I rode on cheerfully, getting

food for us both at a ranch belonging to some very pleasant people,

who, like all Western folk, when they are not taciturn, asked a legion

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