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Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries 1

Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries 1

Albrecht Durer's Records [letters/memoirs] of Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries




Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) was probably the greatest
graphical artist of the Northern Renaissance.  He is the
first to have elevated the self-portrait to a high art form,
and was known for his fascination with animals, which form
the subjects of many of his graphical works.  He reveled in
portraying men of learning and/or high stature as well as
peasants, believing that portraits of the latter could be as
instructive as those of the former.  His marriage to his
wife Agnes was childless and banal, apparently because Durer
was too preoccupied with intellectual matters to be much
interested in romantic pursuits.

In the letters below, this unusually modern thinker
demonstrates his noble, righteous utilitarian personal
philosophy, and meticulously records his personal and travel
expenses, while journeying throughout Venice and various
other European cities and divided German states.  Numerous
kings and laypeople sought to meet and host him, since he
was renowned and loved as a painter while still alive. He
comments on Martin Luther, Erasmus of Rotterdam and
painting, and demonstrates his curious, inquiring nature. He
also describes his visit to Zeeland to see a beached whale,
which washed away before he got there; but during this
visit, Durer may have caught the disease from which he may
have died several years later.  Like Rembrandt, he enjoyed
collecting things, and demonstrates this in his letters.



Whatever one's final estimate of his art, Durer's
personality is at once so imposing and so attractive, and
has been so endeared to us by familiarity, that something of
this personal attachment has been transferred to our
aesthetic judgment.  The letters from Venice and the Diary
of his journey in the Netherlands, which form the contents
of this volume, are indeed the singularly fortunate means
for this pleasant intercourse with the man himself. They
reveal Durer as one of the distinctively modern men of the
Renaissance: intensely, but not arrogantly, conscious of his
own personality; accepting with a pleasant ease the
universal admiration of his genius-a personal admiration,
too, of an altogether modern kind; careful of his fame as
one who foresaw its immortality. They show him as having,
though in a far less degree, something of Leonardo da
Vinci's scientific interest, certainly as possessing a
quick, though naive curiosity about the world and a quite
modern freedom from superstition. It is clear that his
dominating and yet kindly personality, no less than his
physical beauty and distinction, made him the center of
interest wherever he went. His easy and humorous good-
fellowship, of which the letters to Pirkheimer are eloquent,
won for him the admiring friendship of the best men of his

To all these characteristics we must add a deep and sincere
religious feeling, which led him to side with the leaders of
the Reformation, a feeling which comes out in his passionate
sense of loss when he thinks that Luther is about to be put
to death, and causes him to write a stirring letter to
Erasmus, urging him to continue the work of reform. For all
that, there is no trace in him of either Protestantism or
Puritanism. He was perhaps fortunate--certainly as an artist
he was fortunate--to live at a time when the line of
cleavage between the reformers and the Church was not yet so
marked as to compel a decisive action.



Agnes: Durer's wife
Wilibald Pirkheimer: Durer's best friend
Wolgemut: The master painter to whom Durer began formal
training as an apprentice.  Later, Durer painted a richly
detailed self-portrait of him.
Giovanni Bellini: Famous Renaissance painter and
contemporary of Durer.
Jan van Eyk: Famous Renaissance painter.
Imhof: Hans Imhof, the elder, at Nuremberg; the younger
Imhof was in Venice.
Schott: Kunz Schott, an enemy of the town of Nuremberg.
Weisweber: A Nuremberg general.



Marcelli: A Venetian coin worth 10 soldi.
Stiver: A Netherlandish coin worth about 80 pfennigs.
Philip's: A Netherlandish coin worth rather less than a
Rhenish florin.
Crown: A Netherlandish coin worth 6.35 marks.
Noble: The Rosennobel = 8 marks, 20 pfennigs.  The Flemish
noble = 9 marks, 90 pfennigs.
Blanke: A silver coin = 2 stivers.
Angel: An English coin = 2 florins, 2 stivers Netherlandish.



Venice, 6th January, 1506

To the Honourable and wise Wilibald Pirkheimer, in

My dear Master, To you and all yours, many happy good New
Years. My willing service to you, dear Herr Pirkheimer. Know
that I am in good health; may God send you better even than
that. Now as to what you commissioned me, namely, to buy a
few pearls and precious stones, you must know that I can
find nothing good enough or worth the money: everything is
snapped up by the Germans.

Those who go about on the Riva always expect four times the
value for anything, for they are the falsest knaves that
live there. No one expects to get an honest service of them.
For that reason some good people warned me to be on my guard
against them. They told me that they cheat both man and
beast, and that you could buy better things for less money
at Frankfort than at Venice.

As for the books which I was to order for you, Imhof has
already seen to it, but if you are in need of anything else,
let me know, and I shall do it for you with all zeal.  And
would to God that I could do you some real good service. I
should gladly accomplish it, since I know how much you do
for me.

And I beg of you be patient with my debt, for I think
oftener of it than you do. As soon as God helps me to get
home I will pay you honourably, with many thanks; for I have
to paint a picture for the Germans, for which they are
giving me 110 Rhenish gulden, which will not cost me as much
as five. I shall have finished laying and scraping the
ground-work in eight days, then I shall at once begin to
paint, and if God will, it shall be in its place for the
altar a month after Easter.

[Editor note: This refers to the [altarpiece called the]
"Madonna of the Rose Garlands," painted for the chapel of S.
Bartolommeo, the burial-place of the German colony. About
the year 1600 it was bought for a high price by the Emperor
Rudolf II, who is said to have had it carried [over the
Alps] by four men all the way to Prague to avoid the risk of
damage in transport. [It suffered serious water damage
during the Thirty Years' War of 1618-1648, and many parts of
it had to be repainted to replace much of the original paint
that was lost, but] it still remains one of the most
important [and lavishly colored] of all Durer's works.]

The money I hope, if God will, to put by; and from that I
will pay you: for I think that I need not send my mother and
wife any money at present; I left 10 florins with my mother
when I came away; she has since got 9 or 10 florins by
selling works of art. Dratzieher has paid her 12 florins,
and I have sent her 9 florins by Sebastian Imhof, of which
she has to pay Pfinzing and Gartner 7 florins for rent. I
gave my wife 12 florins and she got 13 more at Frankfort,
making all together 25 florins, so I don't think she will be
in any need, and if she does want anything, her brother will
have to help her, until I come home, when I will repay him
honourably. Herewith let me commend myself to you.

Given at Venice on the day of the Holy Three Kings
(Epiphany), the year 1506.  Greet for me Stephen Paumgartner
and my other good friends who ask after me.

--Albrecht Durer

7th February, 1506

First my willing service to you, dear Master.  If it is well
with you, I am as whole-heartedly glad as I should be for
myself. I wrote to you recently. I hope the letter reached
you. In the meantime my mother has written to me, chiding me
for not writing to you, and has given me to understand that
you are displeased with me because I do not write to you;
and that I must excuse myself to you fully. And she is much
worried about it, as is her wont. Now I do not know what
excuse to make, except that I am lazy about writing and that
you have not been at home. But as soon as I knew that you
were at home or were coming home, I wrote to you at once; I
also specially charged Castel (Fugger) to convey my service
to you. Therefore I most humbly beg you to forgive me, for I
have no other friend on earth but you; but I do not believe
you are angry with me, for I hold you as no other than a

How I wish you were here at Venice, there are so many good
fellows among the Italians who seek my company more and more
every day--which is very gratifying to me--men of sense, and
scholarly, good lute-players, and pipers, connoisseurs in
painting, men of much noble sentiment and honest virtue, and
they show me much honour and friendship. On the other hand,
there are also amongst them the most faithless, lying,
thievish rascals; such as I scarcely believed could exist on
earth; and yet if one did not know them, one would think
that they were the nicest men on earth. I cannot help
laughing to myself when they talk to me: they know that
their villainy is well known, but that does not bother them.

I have many good friends among the Italians who warn me not
to eat and drink with their painters, for many of them are
my enemies and copy my work in the churches and wherever
they can find it; afterwards they criticize it and claim
that it is not done in the antique style and say it is no
good, but Giambellin (Giovanni Bellini) has praised me
highly to many gentlemen. He would willingly have something
of mine, and came himself to me and asked me to do something
for him, and said that he would pay well for it, and
everyone tells me what an upright man he is, so that I am
really friendly with him. He is very old and yet he is the
best painter of all.

[Editor's note: The character of Bellini agrees with all we
know of him. Camerarius tells an amusing story of the two
artists, to the effect that Bellini once asked Durer for one
of the brushes with which he painted hairs. Durer produced
several quite ordinary brushes and offered them to Bellini.
Bellini replied that he did not mean those, but some brush
with the hairs divided which would enable him to draw a
number of fine parallel lines such as Durer did. Durer
assured him that he used no special kind, and proceeded to
draw a number of long wavy lines like tresses with such
absolute regularity and parallelism that Bellini declared
that nothing but seeing it done would have convinced him
that such a feat of skill was possible.]

And the thing which pleased me so well eleven years ago
pleases me no longer, and if I had not seen it myself, I
would not have believed anyone who told me. And you must
know too that there are many better painters here than
Master Jacob (Jacopo de Barbari), though Antonio Kolb would
take an oath that there was no better painter on earth than
Jacob. Others sneer at him and say if he were any good, he
would stay here. I have only today begun the sketch of my
picture, for my hands are so scabby that I could not work,
but I have cured them.

And now be lenient with me and do not get angry so quickly,
but be gentile like me. You will not learn from me, I do not
know why. My dear, I should like to know whether any of your
loves is dead--that one close by the water, for instance, or
the one like [drawing of a flower] or [drawing of a brush]
or [drawing of a running dog]'s girl so that you might get
another in her stead.

Given at Venice at the ninth hour of the night on Saturday
after Candlemas in the year 1506.  [Editor's note: Reckoning
from sunset, at this season [this] would be about 2:30 a.m.]
Give my service to Stephen Paumgartner and to Masters Hans
Harsdorfer and Volkamer.

--Albrecht Durer

28th February, 1506

First my willing service to you, dear Herr Pirkheimer. If
things go well with you, then I am indeed glad. Know, too,
that by the grace of God I am doing well and working fast.
Still I do not expect to have finished before Whitsuntide.
I have sold all my pictures except one. For two I got 24
ducats, and the other three I gave for these three rings,
which were valued in the exchange as worth 24 ducats, but I
have shown them to some good friends and they say they are
only worth 22, and as you wrote to me to buy you some
jewels, I thought that I would send you the rings by Franz
Imhof. Show them to people who understand them, and if you
like them, keep them for what they are worth. In case you do
not want them, send them back by the next messenger, for
here at Venice a man who helped to make the exchange will
give me 12 ducats for the emerald and 10 ducats for the ruby
and diamond, so that I need not lose more than 2 ducats.

I wish you had occasion to come here, I know the time would
pass quickly, for there are so many nice men here, real
artists. And I have such a crowd of foreigners (Italians)
about me that I am forced sometimes to shut myself up, and
the gentlemen all wish me well, but few of the painters.

Dear Master, Andreas Kunhofer sends you his service and
means to write to you by the next courier. Herewith let me
be commended to you, and I also commend my mother to you. I
am wondering greatly why she has not written to me for so
long, and as for my wife, I begin to think that I have lost
her, and I am surprised too that you do not write to me, but
I have read the letter which you wrote to Sebastian Imhof
about me. Please give the two enclosed letters to my mother,
and have patience, I pray, till God brings me home, when I
will honourably repay you. My greetings to Stephen
Pirkheimer and other good friends, and let me know if any of
your loves are dead. Read this according to the sense: I am

Given in Venice, the Sunday before Whitsunday, the year

--Albrecht Durer

[p.s.] Tomorrow it is good to confess.

8th March, 1506

First my willing service to you, dear Herr Pirkheimer. I
send you herewith a ring with a sapphire about which you
wrote so urgently. I could not send it sooner, for the past
two days I have been running around to all the German and
Italian goldsmiths that are in all Venice with a good
assistant whom I hired: and we made comparisons, but were
unable to match this one at the price, and only after much
entreaty could I get it for 18 ducats 4 marcelli from a man
who was wearing it on his own hand and who let me have it as
a favour, as I gave him to understand that I wanted it for
myself. And as soon as I had bought it a German goldsmith
wanted to give me 3 ducats more for it than I paid, so I
hope that you will like it. Everybody says that it is a good
stone, and that in Germany it would be worth about 50
florins; however, you will know whether they tell truth or
lies. I understand nothing about it. I had first of all
bought an amethyst for 12 ducats from a man whom I thought
was a good friend, but he deceived me, for it was not worth
7; but the matter was arranged between us by some good
fellows: I will give him back the stone and make him a
present of a dish of fish. I was glad to do so and took my
money back quickly. As my good friend values the ring, the
stone is not worth much more than 10 Rhenish florins, whilst
the gold of the ring weighs about up to 5 florins, so that I
have not gone beyond the limit set me, as you wrote "from 15
to 20 florins." But the other stone I have not yet been able
to buy, for 10 one finds them rarely in pairs; but I will do
all I can about it. They say here that such trumpery fool's
work is to be had cheaper in Germany, especially now at the
Frankfurt Fair. For the Italians take such stuff abroad, and
they laugh at me, especially about the jacinth cross, when I
speak of 2 ducats, so write quickly and tell me what I am to
do. I have heard of a good diamond ornament in a certain
place, but I do not yet know what it will cost. I shall buy
it for you until you write again, for emeralds are as dear
as anything I have seen in all my days. It is easy enough
for anyone to get a small amethyst if he thinks it worth 20
or 25 ducats.

It really seems to me you must have taken a mistress; only
beware you don't get a master.  But you are wise enough
about your own affairs.

Dear Pirkheimer, Andreas Kunhofer sends you his service. He
intends in the meantime to write to you, and he prays you if
necessary to explain for him to the Council why he does not
stay at Padua; he says there is nothing there for him to
learn. Don't be angry I pray you with me for not sending all
the stones on this occasion, for I could not get them all
ready. My friends tell me that you should have the stone set
with a new foil and it will look twice as good again, for
the ring is old, and the foil spoiled. And I beg you too to
tell my mother to write me soon and have good care of
herself. Herewith I commend myself to you.

Given at Venice on the second Sunday in Lent, 1506.

--Albrecht Durer

[p.s.] Greetings to your loves.

2nd April, 1506

First my willing service to you, dear  Sir.

I received a letter from you on the Thursday before Palm
Sunday, together with the emerald ring, and went immediately
to the man from whom I got the rings. He will give me back
my money for it, although it is a thing that he does not
like to do; however, he has given me his word and he must
hold to that. Do you know that the jewelers buy emeralds
abroad and sell them here at a profit? But my friends tell
me that the other two rings are well worth 6 ducats apiece,
for they say that they are fine and clear and contain no
flaws. And they say that instead of taking them to the
valuer you should enquire for such rings as they can show
you and then compare them and see whether they are like
them; and if when I got them by exchange I had been willing
to lose 2 ducats on the three rings, Bernard Holzbeck, who
was present at the transaction, would have bought them of
me. I have since sent you a sapphire ring by Franz Imhof, I
hope it has reached you. I think I made a good bargain at
that place, for they offered to buy it of me at a profit on
the spot. But I shall find out from you, for you know that I
understand nothing about such things and am forced to trust
those who advise me.

The painters here you must know are very unfriendly to me.
They have summoned me three times before the magistrates,
and I have had to pay 4 florins to their School. You must
know too that I might have gained much money if I had not
undertaken to make the painting for the Germans, for there
is a great deal of work in it and I cannot well finish it
before Whitsuntide; yet they only pay me 85 ducats for it.
[Editor's note: Bellini at this time received 100 ducats for
a large picture].  That, you know, will go in living
expenses, and then I have bought some things, and have sent
some money away, so that I have not much in hand now; but I
have made up my mind not to leave here until God enables me
to repay you with thanks and to have too florins over
besides. I should easily earn this if I had not got to do
the German picture, for, except the painters, everyone
wishes me well.

Please tell my mother to speak to Wolgemut about my brother,
and to ask him whether he can give him work until I get
back, or whether he can find employment with others.
[Editor's note: Durer's brother was Hans Durer, who was
fifteen at this date.  He became a painter of second-rate
ability, and afterwards helped Albrecht in the decoration of
the Emperor Maximilian's prayer book].  I should like to
have brought him with me to Venice, which would have been
useful both to me and to him and he would have learned the
language, but she was afraid that the sky would fall on him.
I pray you keep an eye on him: women are no use for that.
Tell the boy, as you can so well, to be studious and
independent till I come, and not to rely on his mother, for
I cannot do everything although I shall do my best. If it
were only for myself, I should not starve; but to provide
for so many is too hard for me, and nobody is throwing money

Now I commend myself to you, and tell my mother to be ready
to sell at the Crown Fair. I am expecting my wife to come
home, and have written to her too about everything. I shall
not purchase the diamond ornament until you write.  I do not
think I shall be able to return home before next Autumn.
What I earn for the picture which was to have been ready by
Whitsuntide will all be gone in living expenses and
payments. But what I gain afterwards I hope to save.  If you
think it right, say nothing of this and I shall keep putting
it off from day to day and writing as though I was just
coming. Indeed I am quite irresolute; I do not know myself
what I shall do.

Write to me again soon.

Given on Thursday before Palm Sunday in the year 1506.

--Albrecht Durer

[p.s.] Your servant

23rd April, 1506

First my willing service to you, dear Sir. I wonder why you
do not write to me to say how you like the sapphire ring
which Hans Imhof has sent you by the messenger Schon from
Augsburg. I do not know whether it has reached you or not. I
have been to Hans Imhof and enquired, and he says that he
knows no reason why it should not have reached you, and
there is a letter with it which I wrote to you, and the
stone is done up in a sealed packet and has the same size as
is drawn here, for 1 drew it in my note-book.  I managed to
get it only after hard bargaining.  The stone is clear and
fine, and my friends say it is very good for the money I
gave for it.  It weighs about 3 florins Rhenish, and I gave
for it 18 ducats and 4 marzelle, and if it should be lost I
should be half mad, for it has been valued at quite twice
what I gave for it. There were people who would have given
me more for it the moment I had bought it. So, dear Herr
Pirkheimer, tell Hans Imhof to enquire of the messenger what
he has done with the letter and packet. The messenger was
sent off by Hans Imhof the younger on the 11th March.

Now may God keep you, and let me commend my mother to you.
Tell her to take my brother to Wolgemut that he may work and
not be idle.

Ever your servant.

Read by the sense. I am in a hurry, for I have seven letters
to write, part written. I am sorry for Herr Lorenz. Greet
him and Stephen Paumgartner.

Given at Venice in the year 1506, on St. Mark's Day.

Write me an answer soon, for I shall have no rest till I
hear. Andreas Kunhofer is deadly ill as I have just heard.

--Albrecht Durer

28th August, 1506

To the first greatest man in the world; your servant and
slave, Albert Durer, sends salutation to his magnificent
Master Wilibaldo Pirkamer. By my faith, I hear gladly and
with great pleasure of your health and great honour, and I
marvel how it is possible for a man like you to stand
against so many, tyrants, bullies, and soldiers. Not
otherwise than by the grace of God. When I read your letter
about this strange abuse it gave me great fright; I thought
it was a serious matter. But I warrant you frighten even
Schott's men, for you look wild enough, especially on holy
days with your skipping gait! But it is very improper for
such a soldier to smear himself with civet. You want to be a
regular silk tail, and you think that if only you manage to
please the girls, it is all right. If you were only as
taking a fellow as I am, I should not be so provoked. You
have so many loves that it would take you a month and more
to visit each.

However, let me thank you for having arranged my affairs so
satisfactorily with my wife. I know there is no lack of
wisdom in you. If only you were as gentle as I am, you would
have all the virtues. Thank you, too, for everything you are
doing for me, if only you would not bother me about the
rings. If they do not please you, break off their heads and
throw them in the privy, as Peter Weisweber says.

What do you mean by setting me to such dirty work, I have
become a gentiluomo at Venice. I have heard that you can
make lovely rhymes; you would be a find for our fiddlers
here. They play so beautifully that they weep over their own
music. Would God that our Rechenmeister girl could hear
them, she would cry too. At your command I will again lay
aside my anger and behave even better than usual.

But I cannot get away from here in two months, for I have
not enough money yet to start myself off, as I have written
to you before; and so I pray you if my mother comes to you
for a loan, let her have 10 florins till God helps me out.
Then I will scrupulously repay you the whole.

With this I am sending you the glass things by the
messenger. And as for the two carpets, Anthon Kolb will help
me to buy the most beautiful, the broadest, and the
cheapest. As soon as I have them I'll give them to Imhof the
younger to pack off to you. I shall also look after the
crane's feathers. I have not been able to find any as yet.
But of swan's feathers for writing with there are plenty.
How would it do if you stuck them on your hats in the

A book printer of whom I enquired tells me that he knows of
no Greek books that have been brought out recently, but any
that he comes across he will acquaint me with that I may
write to you about them.

And please inform me what sort of paper you want me to buy,
for I know of no finer quality than we get at home.

As to the Historical pieces, I see nothing extraordinary in
what the Italians make that would be especially useful for
your work. It is always the same thing. You yourself know
more than they paint. I have sent you a letter recently by
the messenger Kannengiesser. Also I should like to know how
you are managing with Kunz Imhof.

Herewith let me commend myself to you. Give my willing
service to our prior. Tell him to pray God for me that I may
be protected, and especially from the French sickness, for
there is nothing I fear more now and nearly everyone has it.
Many men are quite eaten up and die of it. And greet Stephen
Paumgartner and Herr Lorenz and those who kindly ask after

Given at Venice on the 18th August, 1506

--Albrecht Durer

Noricus civis

P.S. Lest I forget, Andreas is here and sends you his
service. He is not yet strong, and is in want of money. His
long illness and debts have eaten up everything he had. I
have myself lent him 8 ducats, but don't tell anyone, in
case it should come back to him. He might think I told you
in bad faith. You must know, too, that he behaves himself so
honourably that everyone wishes him well. I have a mind, if
the King comes to Italy, to go with him to Rome.

8th September, 1506

Most learned, approved, wise, master of many languages, keen
to detect all uttered lies, and quick to recognize real
truth, honourable, Herr Wilibald Pirkheimer, your humble
servant, Albrecht Durer, wishes you all health, great and
worthy honour, with the devil as much of such nonsense as
you like.

I will wager that for this you too would think me an orator
of a hundred headings. A chamber must have more than four
corners which is to contain gods of memory. I will not addle
my pate with it. I will recommend it to you, but I believe
that however many chambers there may be in the head, you
would have a little bit in each of them. The Margrave would
not grant a long enough audience. A hundred headings and to
each head say a hundred words: that takes 9 days, 7 hours,
52 minutes, not counting the sighs, which I have not yet
reckoned; but you could not get through the whole in one go:
it would draw itself out like some dotard's speech.

I have taken every trouble about the carpets, but I cannot
find any wide ones; they are all narrow and long. However, I
still look out for them every day, and so does Anthon Kolb.

I gave your respects to Bernhard Hirschvogel and he sent you
his service. He is full of sorrow for the death of his son,
the nicest boy that I have ever seen. I can't get any of
your fool's feathers. Oh, if you were only here, how you
would admire these fine Italian soldiers! How often I think
of you! Would God that you and Kuntz Kamerer could see them!
They have scythe-shaped lances with 218 points; if they only
touch a man with them he dies, for they are all poisoned.
Heigho! but I can do it well, I'll be an Italian soldier.
The Venetians are collecting many men; so is the Pope and
the King of France. What will come of it I don't know, for
people scoff at our King a great deal.

Wish Stephen Paumgartner much happiness from me. I can't
wonder at his having taken a taken wife. My greeting to
Borsch, Herr Lorenz, and our fair friend, as well as to your
Rechenmeister girl, and thank your Club for its greeting;
says it's a dirty one. I sent you olive-wood from Venice to
Augsburg, where I let it stay, a full ten hundred weight.
But it says it won't wait, hence the stink.

My picture [the self-portrait Durer painted?], you must
know, says it would give a ducat for you to see it. It is
well painted and finely coloured. I have got much praise but
little profit by it. I could have easily earned 200 ducats
in the time, and I have had to decline big commissions in
order to come home.

I have shut up all the painters, who used to say that I was
good at engraving, but that in painting I didn't know how to
handle my colours. Now they all say they never saw better

My French mantle greets you, and so does my Italian coat. It
seems to me that you smell of gallantry. I can scent it from
here; and they say here, that when you go courting, you
pretend to be no more than 25 years old.  Oh, yes!  Multiply
that and I`ll believe it. My friend, there `s a devil of a
lot of Italians here who are just like you. I don't know how
it is!

The Doge and the Patriarch have seen my picture.  Herewith
let me commend myself as your servant. I really must sleep,
for it's striking seven at night, and I have already written
to the Prior of the Augustines, to my father-in-law, to
Mistress Dietrich, and to my wife, and they are all sheets
cram full. So I have had to hurry over this. Read according
to the sense. You would do it better if you were writing to
princes. Many good nights to you, and days too. Given at
Venice on Our Lady's Day in September.

You needn't lend my wife and mother anything.  They have got
money enough.

--Albert Durer

23 Sept. 1506

Your letter telling me of the overflowing praise that you
received from princes and nobles gave me great allegrezza.
[Editor's note: Allegrezza means "joy;" in Venetian in
original].  You must have changed completely to have become
so gentle; I must do likewise when I meet you again. Know
also that my picture is finished, likewise another quadro,
[Editor's note: quadro is Venetian for "painting"] the like
of which I never made before. And as you are so pleased with
yourself, let me tell you now that there is no better
Madonna picture in all the land, for all the painters praise
it as the nobles do you. They say that they have never seen
a nobler, more charming painting.

The oil for which you wrote I am sending by Kannengiesser.
And burnt glass that I sent you by Farber--tell me if it
reached you safely. As for the carpets, I have not bought
any yet, for I cannot find any square ones. They are all
narrow and long. If you would like any of these, I will
willingly buy them; let me know about it.

Know also that in four weeks at the latest I shall be
finished here, for I have to paint first some portraits that
I have promised, and in order that I may get home soon, I
have refused, since my picture was finished, orders for more
than 2,000 ducats; all my neighbours know of this.

Now let me commend myself to you. I had much more to write,
but the messenger is ready to start: besides, I hope, if God
will, to be with you again soon and to learn new wisdom from
you. Bernhard Holzbeck told me great things of you, but I
believe that he did so because you have become his brother-
in-law. But nothing makes me more angry than to hear anyone
say that you are handsome, for then I should have to be
ugly; that would make me mad.

The other day I found a gray hair on my head, which was
produced by sheer misery and annoyance. I think I am fated
to have evil days. My French mantle and the doublet and the
brown coat send you a hearty greeting. But I should like to
see what your drinking club can do that you hold yourself so

Given the year 1506 on Wednesday after St. Matthew's

--Albrecht Durer

About the 13th October, 1506

Once I know that you are aware of my devotion to your
service, there is no need to write about it; but so much the
more necessary is it for me to tell you of the great delight
it gives me to hear of the high honour and fame that you
have attained to by your manly wisdom and learned skill.
This is the more to be wondered at, for seldom or never can
the like be found in a young body; but it comes to you by
the special grace of God, as it does to me. How pleased we
both feel when we think well of ourselves, I with my
picture, and you con vostra [with your] learning! When
anyone praises us we hold up our head and believe him, yet
perhaps he is only some false flatterer who is making fun of
us, so don't credit anyone who praises you, for you have no
notion how unmannerly you are.

I can readily portray you to myself standing before the
Margrave and making pretty speeches.  You carry on just as
though you were making love to the Rosentaler girl, cringing

It did not escape me, when you wrote the last letter, you
were full of amorous thoughts. You ought to be ashamed of
yourself, for making yourself out so good looking when you
are so old. Your flirting is like a big shaggy dog playing
with a little kitten. If you were only as nice and sleek as
I am, I might understand it; but when I get to be a
burgomaster I will shame you with the Luginsland [Editor's
note: this was a Nuremberg prison], as you do the pious
Zamener and me. I will have you shut up there for once with
the Rechenmeister, Rosentaler, Gartner, Schlitz, and Por
girls, and many others whom for shortness I will not name.
They must deal with you.  They ask after me more than after
you, however, for you yourself write that both girls and
ladies ask after me--that is a sign of my virtue! But if God
brings me home again safely, I do not know how I shall get
along with you with your great wisdom: but I `m glad on
account of your virtue and good nature; and your dogs will
be the better for it, for you will not beat them lame any
more. But if you are so highly respected at home, you will
not dare to be seen speaking with a poor painter in the
streets, it would be a great disgrace, con poltrone di

Oh, dear Herr Pirkheimer, this very minute, while I was
writing to you in good humour, the fire alarm sounded and
six houses over by Peter Pender's are burned, and woolen
cloth of mine, for which I paid only yesterday 8 ducats, is
burned; so I too am in trouble. There are often fire alarms

As for your plea that I should come home quickly, I will
come just as soon as I can; but I must first gain money for
my expenses. I have paid out about 100 ducats for colours
and other things, and I have ordered two carpets which I
shall pay for tomorrow; but I could not get them cheaply. I
will pack them up with my linen.

As for your previous comment that I should come home soon or
else you would give my wife a "washing," you are not
permitted to do so, since you would ride her to death.

Know, too, that I decided to learn dancing and went twice to
the school, for which I had to pay the master a ducat. No
one could get me to go there again. To learn dancing, I
should have had to pay away all that I have earned, and at
the end I should have known nothing about it.

As for the glass, the messenger Farber will bring it to you.
I cannot find out anywhere that they are printing any new
Greek books. I will pack up a ream of your paper for you. I
thought Keppler had more like it; but I have not been able
to get the feathers you wanted, and so I bought white ones
instead. If I find the green ones, I will buy some and bring them with me.

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