2014년 12월 19일 금요일



Ter quater adversi sedit in ore viri.
Ille cadit, mixtosque vomit cum sanguine fumos,
  Et lato moriens pectore plangit humum.
Immolat ex illis taurum tibi, Jupiter, unum
  Victor, et Evandrum ruricolasque vocat,            580
Constituitque sibi, quae Maxima dicitur, aram,
  Hic ubi pars urbis de bove nomen habet.
Nec tacet Evandri mater, prope tempus adesse,
  Hercule quo tellus sit satis usa suo.
At felix vates, ut dis gratissima vixit,             585
  Possidet hunc Jani sic dea mense diem.

Idibus in magni castus Jovis aede sacerdos
  Semimaris flammis viscera libat ovis:
Redditaque est omnis populo provincia nostro,
  Et tuus Augusto nomine dictus avus.                590
Perlege dispositas generosa per atria ceras;
  Contigerunt nulli nomina tanta viro.
Africa victorem de se vocat: alter Isauras,
  Aut Cretum domitas testificatur opes;
Hunc Numidae faciunt, illum Messana superbum;        595
  Ille Numantina traxit ab urbe notam.
Et mortem et nomen Druso Germania fecit.
  Me miserum, virtus quam brevis illa fuit!
Si petat a victis, tot sumat nomina Caesar,
  Quot numero gentes maximus orbis habet.            600
Ex uno quidam celebres, aut torquis ademptae,
  Aut corvi titulos auxiliaris habent.
Magne, tuum nomen rerum mensara tuarum est:
  Sed qui te vicit, nomine major erat.
Nec gradus est ultra Fabios cognominis ullus;        605
  Illa domus meritis Maxima dicta suis.
Sed tamen humanis celebrantur honoribus omnes:
Hic socium summo cum Jove nomen habet.
Sancta vocant _augusta_, patres: _augusta_ vocantur
  Templa sacerdotum rite dicata manu.                610
Hujus et augurium dependet origine verbi,
  Et quodcumque sua Jupiter auget ope.
Augeat imperium nostri ducis, augeat annos:
  Protegat et vestras querna corona fores.
Auspicibusque deis tanti cognominis heres            615
  Omine suscipiat, quo pater, orbis onus.

Respiciet Titan actas ubi tertius Idus,
  Fient Parrhasiae sacra relata deae.
Nam prius Ausonias matres carpenta vehebant:
  --Haec quoque ab Evandri dicta parente reor--      620
Mox honor eripitur, matronaque destinat omnis
  Ingratos nulla prole novare viros;
Neve daret partus, ictu temeraria caeco
  Visceribus crescens excutiebat onus.
Corripuisse patres ausas immitia nuptas,             625
  Jus tamen exemptum restituisse, ferunt.
Binaque nunc pariter Tegeaeae sacra parenti
  Pro pueris fieri virginibusque jubent.
Scortea non illi fas est inferre sacello,
  Ne violent puros exanimata focos.                  630
Si quis amas ritus veteres, assiste precanti:
  Nomina percipies non tibi nota prius,
Porrima placantur Postvertaque, sive sorores,
  Sive fugae comites, Maenali Nympha, tuae.
Altera, quod porro fuerat, cecinisse putatur:        635
  Altera, versurum postmodo quidquid erat.

Candida te niveo posuit lux proxima templo,
  Qua fert sublimes alta Moneta gradus:
Nunc bene prospicies Latiam, Concordia, turbam:
  Nunc te sacratae restituere manus.                 640
Furius antiquum populi superator Etrusci
  Voverat, et voti solverat ante fidem.
Causa, quod a patribus sumptis secesserat armis
  Vulgus, et ipsa suas Roma timebat opes.
Causa recens melior: passos Germania crines          645
  Porrigit auspiciis, dux venerande, tuis.
Inde triumphatae libasti munera gentis,
  Templaque fecisti, quam colis ipse, deae.
Haec tua constituit Genitrix et rebus et ara,
  Sola toro magni digna reperta Jovis.               650
Haec ubi transierint, Capricorne, Phoebe, relicto,
  Per juvenis curres signa gerentis aquam.

Septimus hinc Oriens quum se demiserit undis,
  Fulgebit toto jam Lyra nulla polo.
Sidere ab hoc ignis venienti nocte, Leonis           655
  Qui micat in medio pectore, mersus erit.

Ter quater evolvi signantes tempora fastos,
  Nec Sementiva est ulla reperta dies:
Quum mihi--sensit enim--Lux haec indicitur, inquit
  Musa: quid a fastis non stata sacra petis?         660
Utque dies incerta sacro, sic tempora certa,
  Seminibus jactis est ubi fetus ager.
State coronati plenum ad praesepe juvenci,
  Cum tepido vestrum vere redibit opus.
Rusticus emeritum palo suspendat aratrum:            665
  Omne reformidat frigida vulnus humus.
Villice, da requiem terrae, semente peracta:
  Da requiem, terram qui coluere, viris,
Pagus agat festum; pagum lustrate, coloni,
  Et date paganis annua liba focis.                  670
Placentur matres frugum, Tellusque, Ceresque,
  Farre suo gravidae visceribusque suis.
Officium commune Ceres et Terra tuentur;
  Haec praebet causam frugibus, illa locum.
Consortes operum, per quas correcta vetustas,        675
  Quernaque glans victa est utiliore cibo,
Frugibus immensis avidos satiate colonos,
  Ut capiant cultus praemia digna sui.
Vos date perpetuos teneris sementibus auctus,
  Nec nova per gelidas herba sit usta nives.         680
Quum serimus, coelum ventis aperite serenis;
  Quum latet, aetheria spargite semen aqua;
Neve graves cultis Cerealia dona, cavete,
  Agmine laesuro depopulentur aves.
Vos quoque subjectis, formicae, parcite granis:      685
  Post messem praedae copia major erit.
Interea crescat scabrae robiginis expers,
  Nec vitio coeli palleat aegra seges,
Et neque deficiat macie, neque pinguior sequo
  Divitiis pereat luxuriosa suis;                    690
Et careant loliis oculos vitiantibus agri;
  Nec sterilis culto surgat avena solo.
Triticeos fetus, passuraque farra bis ignem,
  Hordeaque ingenti fenore reddat ager.
Hoc ego pro vobis, hoc vos optate coloni,            695
  Efficiatque ratas utraque diva preces.
Bella diu tenuere viros: erat aptior ensis
  Vomere: cedebat taurus arator equo.
Sarcula cessabant, versique in pila ligones,
  Factaque de rastri pondere cassis erat.            700
Gratia dis domuique tuae! religata catenis
  Jampridem nostro sub pede bella jacent.
Sub juga bos veniat, sub terras semen aratas.
  Pax Cererem nutrit: pacis alumna Ceres.

At quae venturas praecedet sexta Kalendas,           705
  Hac sunt Ledaeis templa dicata deis.
Fratribus illa deis fratres de gente deorum
  Circa Juturnae composuere lacus.

Ipsum nos carmen deducit Pacis ad aram.
  Haec erit a mensis fine secunda dies.              710
Frondibus Actiacis comptos redimita capillos
  Pax ades, et toto mitis in orbe mane.
Dum desunt hostes, desit quoque causa triumphi.
  Tu ducibus bello gloria major eris.
Sola gerat miles, qnibus arma coerceat, arma,        715
  Canteturque fera, nil nisi pompa, tuba,
Horreat aeneadas et primus et ultimus orbis:
  Si qua parum Romam terra timebit, amet.
Tura, sacerdotes, pacalibus addite flammis,
  Albaque percussa victima fronte cadat:             720
Utque domus, quae praestat eam, cum pace perennet,
  Ad pia propensos vota rogate deos.
Sed jam prima mei pars est exacta laboris,
  Cumque suo finem mense libellus habe.

NOTES: (numbers refer to lines)

1. _Tempora_ in Virgil. (Ecl. iii. 42. Geor. i. 257,) is the seasons,
here it denotes the festivals and other remarkable days of the year.--
_Latium_, adj. Latin, _Latius annus_ is the solar year.

2. _Lapsa ortaque signa_. The subject of the poem is the Roman festivals,
and the rising and setting of the constellations. See Introduction, § 1.

3. _Caesar Germ_, son of Drusus Claudius Nero, and nephew of Tiberius, by
whom he was adopted at the desire of Augustus. See Tacit. Annal II. 73.
Suet. Calig. 1-4.--_Pacato vultu_, etc. as if he were a deity.

5. Heinsius and Burmann, following some of the best MSS. read _officii
... In tibi devoto munere_, which gives a good sense. Lenz, Mitscherlich
and Krebs, prefer the present reading.

7, 8. See Introd. § 4.

9. _Vobis_, your family, i.e. the Claudii, or rather the Julii, into
which he had been adopted.

10. _Pater_, Tiberius; _avus_, Augustus, who had adopted Tiberius.

11. Germanicus and his brother, the poet says, will perform actions and
receive honors similar to those of Augustus and Tiberius. Drusus was the
son of Tiberius; and therefore, only the adoptive brother of Germanicus.
--_Pictos_. the Fasti, were like all other books, adorned with various

13. _Aras_. The altars dedicated by Augustus, perhaps the altars raised
to him, Hor. Ep. II. 1. 15. The following line shows the former sense to
be preferable.

15-20. All the terms _annue_, etc. used here, are such as would be
addressed to a deity.--_Laudes_, praiseworthy deeds.--_Tuorum_, like
_vobis_, v. 9.--_Pagina_ for _liber_.--_Movetur_ scil; with awe. He
personifies the book.--_Clario Deo_. There was a celebrated oracle of the
Clarian Apollo, near Colophon, in Asia Minor, which Germanicus himself
once consulted. Tac. Annal. xii. 22.

21, 22. Germanicus had pleaded causes publicly with success, Suet. Cal.
4. Dion. 56. 26.

23-25. He had written Greek comedies, Suet, _ut sup_. He also made a
version of Aratus which is still extant,

26. _Totus annus_, i. e. the whole poem on the year.

27. _Tempora_, the parts of the year, i. e. months and days.--_Cond.
urb_. Romulus.

28. See Introd. § 2.

33, 34. That is ten lunar months.

35, 35. This is putting the effect for the cause, the mourning was for
ten months, because that was the length of the original year.--_Tristia
signa_, the signs of grief, such as avoiding society, wearing mourning,
& c.

37. _Trabeati_, Romulus wore the trabea. Liv. I. 8.

38. _Populis_, i. e. _civibus.--Annua jura daret_, i.e. regulated the
year, v. 27.

40. _Princeps_ head or origin. Venus was the mother of aeneas, Mars the
father of Romulus.

41. See the beginning of Books III and IV.

42. Quinctilis, Sextilis, September, &c.

43. _Nec avitas_, see below II. 19. _et seq_.

45-62. See Introd. § 3.

50. _Qui jam_, &c. a half holiday, the latter part of the day might be
devoted to business.

52. _Honoratus_, as bearing office. It was applied with peculiar
propriety to the Praetor whose edicts were called the _Jus honorarium_.

53. The _Dies comitiales_ on which _cum populo licebat agi_, i. e. laws
might be proposed, &c.--_Septis_ the wooden palings, within which the
people were assembled in the Campus Martius, to pass laws.

54. The Nundinae. Every ninth day the country people came into Rome to
attend the market. By the Hortensian law, these days were made _fasti_ in
order that their rustic disputes might be settled.

55. On all the Kalends the Pontifex Minor and the Regina Sacrorum
sacrificed to Juno who was by some regarded as the moon. For the name
Juno see my Mythology, p. 461.--_Junonis_, Heinsius would read _Junonia_.

56. A sacrifice of a lamb was offered on the Capitol to Jupiter on the
Ides of each month.

57. The Nones were not under the care of any deity.

57-60. The days following the Kalends, Nones and Ides were termed _Atri_,
black or unlucky, as on these days, the Romans had met with their most
memorable defeats at the Cremera, the Allia, and elsewhere. A public
calamity on any particular day of any one month rendered _ater_, that day
in every other month.

61, 62. I say it once for all.

63. For the mythology of Janus, see Mythology, p. 466, _et seq_.

65. _An. tac lab_. denotes the noiseless pace of time.--_Origo_ as the
year began with January.

66. See his figure. Mythology, Plate xii. 4.

67. _Ducibus_, perhaps Tib. and Germ, after the victory gained by the
latter over the Catti and Cherusci, and other German tribes, A.U.C. 770;
it may, however, include Augustus and other generals.

68. Terra ferax, the [Greek: zeidoros arera] of Homer.

69. _Tuis_, Burmann would read _tui_ as it seems awkward to say the
_Patres Jani_ and the Populus Quirini. Quirinus was a name of Janus
(_Janum Quirinum ter clusit_ Suet. Aug. 22.) and Gierig thinks the true
reading might have been _Quirine_. After all it was perhaps the
constraint of the metre that made the poet express himself thus.

70. _Candida templa_, either as being built of marble, or on account of
those who frequented them on festival days, being clad in white. Gierig
inclines to the latter, I should prefer the former sense.

71. _Lin. anim. fav_. [Greek: euphaemeite] by using no words of ill omen
and by admitting no thoughts but what were good.

75. _Odor. ig_. with the frankincense, cinnamon, saffron, &c. which were
burnt on the altars.

76. _Spica Cilissa_, the saffron from Mount Corycus in Cilicia.--
_Spica_, the chives or filaments of the saffron.--_Sonet_, when the
saffron was good it crackled in the fire.

77. _Aurum_, the gilded roof of the temple.

79, 80. _Vest, intact_. with new or white garments, the Roman _toga_ was
white.--_Concolor_, a festal or happy day was metaphorically termed
white.--_Tarp. Arces_, the Capitol. It was the practice ever since A.U.C.
601 for the consuls elect, followed by the people, to go in procession to
the Capitol and offer a sacrifice to Jupiter.

81, 82. The consuls entered on their office on this day.--_Purpura_, the
_toga praetexta_ or _trabea_, worn by magistrates.--_Ebur_, the curule

83. _Rudis operum_, that had never been worked.

84. _Herba Fal_. &c., the land of Falerii in Etruria, whence the animals
for sacrifice were chiefly brought, the water of the Clitumnus, in
Umbria, was supposed to make them white, Virg. G. II. 146.

85. _Arce_, either the Capitol, or the dome of Heaven, see Met. I. 163.
Virg aen. I. 223.

88. _Pop. rer. pol_. the _Romanos rerum dominos_ of Virgil.

89. The poet here commences his enquiry into the mythology of Janus.

90. There was no deity worshipped in Greece whose attributes were the
same as those of Janus. A curious similarity has been traced out between
him and the Ganesa of India.

93. _Tabellis_, his writing-tables.

94. A usual sign of the presence of a Deity.

100. _Ore priore_, his front face. See his image.

101. _Vat. oper. dier_. Poet engaged on the days.

103. _First_ opinion, Janus was the World.

105-110. Compare Met. I. _init_.

113, 114. His back and front figure were the same, a memorial of the time
when the world was in a chaotic state of confusion, all its parts being
alike. This is a very silly explanation.

115. _Second_ opinion, see below v. 135-140.

116. His office of door-keeper (_Janitor_) of heaven and earth.

120. The _cardines_ of heaven, if they are meant, are the cardinal
points, where according to the poetic creed of the Augustan age there
were doors for the gods to go in and out of heaven. Stat. Theb. i. 158,
vii. 35. x. 1. See Mythology, p. 39.

121. He represents Peace and War as persons in the custody of Janus.--
_Placidis_ as being the abode of Peace.

122. _Perpetuas_, long.

125. See Hom. II. v. 749, _et seq_. Mythology p. 150.

127. _Janus a janua_.

127, 128. _Cereale libum_, the _Janual_, a kind of cake offered to Janus.
Festus _sub. voc.--Imponit_ on the altar.--_Far mix. sal_. the _Mola

129, 130. _Patulcius (a pateo)_ the Opener, _Clusius (a claudo)_ the
Shutter; sacrifical names of Janus.

133. _Vis_ i.e. _officium_.

134. From what I have said you already in part perceive it.

137. _Primi tecti_, the first part of the house, i.e. the entrance.

141, 142. The three-faced Hecate, (see her figure Mythology, Plate III.
2.) was placed at the _triviae_, or the point where a road branched off
(like the Greek capital Y) so that a face looked down each road.

149, 150. The poet naturally asks why the year began in the middle of
winter and not in the spring. This gives him an opportunity of
introducing the following lovely description with which compare, Virg. G.
II. 324, _et seq_. Lucret I. 5, _et seq_. and below III. 236 _et seq_.
IV. 87 _et seq_.

153. _Oper. frond_. Heinsius, Burmann and Gierig on the authority of nine
MSS. read _amicitur vitibus_; four MSS. have _amicitur frondibus_ which I
should feel disposed to prefer.

154. _Seminis herba_ appears to be the corn which had been sown and was
now coming up; one MS. reads _graminis_.

157. _Ignota_, the stranger, as the swallow returns in spring.

158. _Lut. fing. opus_. her clay-built nest: _Fingere_ is the proper term
when speaking of pottery any work in clay.

163. _Bruma_, the winter solstice after which the days begin to lenghten.

165-170. It was usual with all classes of the people to practice a little
at their respective trades, or occupations on the Kalends of January by
way of omen and not for payment. Thus the shoe-maker or the fuller did
some little job or another, the peasant some rural work, pleaders
skirmished a little in the forum, &c,--_Delibat_, i.e. _leviter

171-174. The reason is here required and given, why the Romans when about
to sacrifice to any other of the gods, first made offerings to Janus. The
old historian, Fabius Pictor, said it was because Janus first taught to
use spelt (_far_) and wine in sacrifice. Macrobius says because he was
the first who erected temples to the gods in Italy. Others give other
reasons equally unsatisfactory.

175-182. In our own custom of wishing each other a happy new year, &c.
may still be witnessed, the practice of which the poet here asks the
reason. The _bona verba_ were used for the sake of omen.--_Ulla lingua_,
any tongue which then utters a prayer.--_Caducas_, unavailing.

186, 187. The _strenae_ (Fr. _etrennes_) or New Year's gift--_Palma_,
dates, the fruit of the palm, (_caryotae_) covered with gold leaf, were a
part of the _strenae_.--_Carica_ the [Greek: ischas] or dried fig.--
_Cado_, some MSS. read _favo_.

189. _Stipis_, pieces of money were then as now, a part of the New-year's
gift. Augustus himself, as inscriptions shew, did not scruple to receive
money as his _strenae_ on the Kalends of January, See Suet. Aug. 91.

191-218. The praises of ancient simplicity, and censure of the vices of
his own times,--a common place with Ovid and the other poets.

191. _Quam te fallunt_, etc. How little you know the character of your
own times.

193, 194. Such was hardly the case even in the golden age.

_Pris. tem. an_. In the years of the olden time.

199. _Martigena_, Mars-begotten, like _terrigena_, etc.

201. _Angusta aede_, either the temple of Jupiter Feretrius, built by
Romulus on the Capitol, and which was not quite fifteen feet long, or
that built by Numa, or rather any temple of those ancient times.--_Vix
totus stabat_ seems to mean that the statue was in a sitting posture, and
the roof of the temple so low, that it would not admit of its being
placed erect in it.

202. _Fictile fulmen_. The images of the gods at Rome, in those times,
were of baked clay, manufactured in Etruria. Even the four-horse chariot
which was placed on the Capitoline temple, when first built, was of baked
clay. Niebuhr, Rom. Hist. I. 491.

208. _Levis lamina_ is employed to express more strongly the simplicity
of those days, as if the possession of even the smallest quantity of the
precious metals was a crime. Fabricius, when censor, A.U.C. 478, put out
of the senate Cornel. Rufinus, who had been twice consul and dictator,
for having ten pounds weight of wrought silver.

210. Rome would appear to be personified in this place.

212, 213. The union of luxury and avarice, Sallust Cat. 5 and 12. They
vie in gaining what they may consume, in regaining, what they have
consumed, and these very alternations (of avarice and luxury) are the
aliment (or support) of (these) vices.

215, 216. The usual comparison of avarice to the dropsy. See Hor. Carm.
II. 2. 13.

217, 218. _In pret. pret_. a play on words.--_Dat census_, etc. Hor.
Epist. I. 6.

219. _cur sit_. Heinsius, Burmann and Gierig, read _si sit_.--_Quaeris_,
means you will probably ask, or you wish to know, for the poet had not
yet asked the question.--_Ausp. utile_, a good omen.

220. _Aera vestua_, the _stips_ or _as_. was a copper coin. In the old
times, the Romans had none but copper money. See Neibuhr, Rom. Hist. I.
449 _et seq_.

223. _Nos_, we, the gods, or I, Janus.

226. The manners of each time are suited to it, and should be followed.

227. _Munitus_, acc. plur. of the substantive. Five MSS. read _manitis_.

229, 230. The old Roman coin bore on one side the figure of a ship; on
the other, a two-headed Janus.

232. The impression on the old coins was, of course, often effaced by
time and use.

234. _Falcifer_ Saturn. See Mythology, p. 465, Virg. aen. viii. 315 _et

241. The Janiculum on the left, or Tuscan bank of the Tiber. See vv. 245,

242. _Aren. Tib_. the _flavus Tib_. of Horace, Carm. I. 3.--_Radit_, like
_rodet_ and _mordet_, is very appropriately applied to a stream. See Hor.
Carm. I. 22, 8.

243. Virg. aen. viii. 314. Propert, iv. 1. Tibul. II. 5, 25. This contrast
of the former and the present state of the Seven Hills, was a favorite
theme with poets of the Augustan age.--_Incaedua_ uncut, i.e. ancient,
denoting in general a wood, which was an object of religious awe and

245. _Arx_. The dwelling of the princes of the heroic ages was usually on
an eminence, like the castles of the feudal chiefs of the middle ages.

247, 248. In the golden age.

249, 250. See Met. I. 89, _et seq_. 150. Hesiod [Greek: herga] 195.
Mythology, 258-262.

251. Pudor, [Greek: Aidos].

257, 258. The Romans gave the name of _Jani_ to arches, like that of
Templebar, in London, under which people passed from one street into
another. They were always double, people entering by one and going out
the other, every one keeping to the right. Lenz, understands by _Jani_,
in this place, temples of Janus, of which there were three at Rome.--
_Stas_ sacratus_ have a statue. _For. duob_. the fish and the ox-market.
This temple was built by Duilius.

260. _Oebalii_, alluding to the fancied descent of the Sabines, from the
Lacedaemmonians, one of whose ancient kings Oebalus is said to have been.
_Tati_--One MS. reads _Titi_, which Heinsius and Gierig adopted. for this
story, see Met. xiv. 771 _et seq_. and Livy I 11.

261. _Levis custos_ Tarpeia.--_levis_, light-minded.

264. _Arduus clivus_, a steep path.

265. _Portam_, the Palantine gate.--_Saturnia_, Juno.

267. _Tanto numine_ Scil. Juno.

268. _Meae artis_, that is, of openings.

269. He caused streams of hot sulphurous water to gush out of the groung.

274. When after the repulse of the Sabines, the hot waters ceased to
flow, and the place became as it was before.

275, 276. This earliest temple was exceedingly small, containing nothing
but a statue of the god, five feet high. Procopius (de Bell. Goth.)
describes it. _Strue_. The _strues_--was a kind of cake.

277. The well known circumstance of the temple of Janus being open in
time of war, closed in time of peace.

279-281. For what is probably the true reason, see Niebuhr's Roman
History, I. 287, or Mythology, p. 467.

283. _Diversa tuentes_, on account of his two faces.

285, 286. This was A.U.C. 770, when on the vii. Kal. Jun. Germanicus
triumphed over the Catti, the Cherusci, and the Angivarii, Tacit. An. II.
4l.--_Fam. Rhe. aq_. the river, as was usual with the poets, put for the
people who dwelt on its banks, to denote that the Germans now obeyed

287. _Face_, fac.--_Ministros pacis_, Tiberius and Germanicus.

288. May not he (Germ. or Tib.) who has procured this peace for the
empire, break it by resuming arms.

289, 290. The poet now ceases to discourse with Janus, and informs the
reader of what he had found in the Fasti, namely, that two temples had
been consecrated, at different times, on the Kalends of January.

291, 292. A.U.C. 462, in consequence of a plague at Rome, by the
direction of the Sybelline books, an embassy was sent to Epidaurus, and
one of the serpents sacred to Aesculapius was brought to Rome; a temple
was built to the god on the island in the Tiber. See Met. xv. 622--744.
_Ph. n_. _Cor. nat_. Aesculapius. See Mythology, p. 384.

293, 294. _In parte est_, is a sharer in the day and place. The temple of
Jupiter in the island was dedicated by C. Servilius Duumvir, some time
after the second Punic war.

295-310. Being now for the first time about to perform the other part of
his promise, namely, to note the risings and settings of the stars, he
prefaces it by the praises of the astronomers. See Introd. § 1.

299, 300. As the study of astronomy elevates the mind above the
terrestrial abode of men, so it raises, or should raise it, above all
mean and groveling pursuits and ideas.

305. They have brought the distant stars to our eyes. Gierig, following
one MS. for _nostris_, reads _terris_, a reading which Burmann approved,
though he did not adopt it.

307, 308. Alluding to the Alodies, Otus and Ephialtes, Hom. Od. xi.
304-316. Virg. G. I. 280. Hor. Carm. III. 4, 49.

311-314. The cosmic setting of Cancer, on the morning of the 3rd January,
the third before the Nones. See Introd. §. 1.

316. The cosmic rising of Lyra, which was usually attended with rain.

317, 318. On the 9th January was celebrated the festival of Jannus, named
the Agonia or Agonalia, the origin of which name the poet now proceeds to

319-322. One etymon was _ago_, to do, as the _popa_ or officiating
minister of the altar cried _Agone_? Shall I act? before he struck the
victim.--_Agatne_. Four of the best MSS. read _Agone_; they are followed
by Heinsius, Burmann and Gierig.

323, 324. A second from _agor_, because the victims were _led_ to the
altar. Both equally silly.

325. a third; _quasi_ Agnalia from _Agna_.

327, 328. A fourth from the Greek [Greek: agonia, agoniazein]--_In aqua_,
the vessels of water by the altar in which the knives were placed.

329, 330. A fifth from the Greek [Greek: agones] _ludi_.

331. A sixth, which the poet approves, from _Agonia_, an old name for

333, 334. A ram was the victim offered on this day by the Rex Sacrorum.

335, 336. Two trifling etymoligies. The _victima_, he intimates, was
offered after a victory; the _hostia_, in time of peace, when there was
no enemy, _hostibus amotis_. Krebs reads _a motis_: almost all the MSS.
_a domitis_.

337-456. A long digression on the origin and causes of the various
sacrifices offered to the gods.

338. The _Mola salsa_.--_Pura_ because it purifies or keeps from decay.

340. _Hospita navis_, a foreign ship.

343. _Herbis Sabinis_. The _Savin_, called by the Greeks [Greek: brathu].
_Duorum generum est_, says Pliny, _altera tamaraci similis folio, altera

344. A loud crackling of the leaves of the bay or laurel in the fire was
a good omen.

347. This was in the golden age, before animals were slain in honor of
the gods.

349. He now proceeds to explain how the altars came to be stained with
the blood of animals. This was caused chiefly by the anger of the gods,
on account of the mischief which they did.

357. [Greek: Kaen me phagaes epi rizan, omos eti karpophoraeoo Osson
epispeisai soi, trage, Ouomeno], Euenus in Anthol. Gr. T. I. p. 165,

363. _Aristaeus_, the son of Apollo, by the nymph Cyrene. See Virg. G.
iv. 281-558. Mythology, p. 294-296. This tale, after all, gives not the
reason why the ox was offered in sacrifice.

381. Some popular legend probably assigned this silly cause.--_Verbena_,
herbs gathered in a sacred place.

385. _Persis_, Persia.--_Hyperiona_, the Persian Mithras, the presiding
deity of the Sun, identified by the Greeks with their god Helius, also
called Hyperion.

387. _Quod_, because; given by Heinsius from the best MSS. others read
_quaae.--_Trip. Dianae_, identifying her with Hecate. See above, v. 41.--
_Virgine_, Iphigenia.

389. _Sapaeos_, a people of Thrace. Herod, vii. 110. Most MSS. have
Sabaeos, or Saphaeos, but incorrectly.--_Vidi_. When Ovid was going into
exile, at Tomi, A.U.C. 763, he passed through Thrace.

391. _Custodi ruris_, Priapus. This god who was chiefly worshiped at
Lampsacus, was said to be the offspring of Bacchus and Venus. See
Mythology, p. 205.

393. _Festa_, etc. the Trieterides, celebrated once in every three
years.--_Corymbiferi_, Bacchus was frequently represented crowned with
bunches of ivy-berries. Some MSS. read _racemiferi_.--_Celebrabat_,
Heinsius, Burmann and Gierig, read _celebrabas_, on the authority of two

395. _Di cultores Lycaei_. Scil. the Pans and Satyrs, the gods of Arcadia.
Gierig, on the authority of some of the best MSS. reads _Lyaei_. For Pan,
etc. see Mythology, p. 198-205.

398. The Naides and other nymphs.

400. Priapus.

403. _Parce_ is to be joined with _miscendas_.

407. That is, _succincta_.

410. _Vincula nulla_, they were barefoot. It is to be recollected that in
the heroic ages, after which the poets modelled the life of the gods, the
attendants at meals were females.

412. Pan.

414. _Nequitia_, lust.

420. She evinces her haughty contempt of him by her looks.

423. _Ultima_, the most remote.

425. _Animam_, his breath.

426. _Digitis_ scil _pedis_, his toes. A beautiful description of one
stealing on tip-toe.

436. _Omne nemus_, all the gods in the grove.

440. _Hellesp. Deo_. Priapus, the god of Lampsacus, on the Hellespont.

445. _Linguae crimen_. Still ascribing a revengeful character to the
gods, he supposes them to be pleased with the sacrifice of the birds, who
revealed their intentions to mankind.

447. _Dis ut proxima_. Flying high towards heaven. "Ye birds, That
singing up to heaven gate ascend."--Milton.

448. _Penna_, the _Praepetes_; _ore_, the _oscines_, as they were styled
in language of augury.

453. See Liv. v. 47, for this well-known story.

454. _Inachi lauta_. Isis the Egyptian deity, supposed to be the same
with Io, the daughter of the river-god, Inachus. See Met. I. 747, _et
seq_. Mythology, 367.--_Lauta_, dainty, as _lautioribus cibis utens_,
such as the livers of geese. Isis was much worshiped at Rome at this

455. _Deae Nocti_. A cock was sacrificed to Night, as being odious to
her.--_Ales_, like the Greek [Greek: ornis], the _bird_ [Greek: kat

456. _Tepidum diem_, the dawn, warm after the chill of the night.--
_Provocat_, calls forth.

457. The cosmic rising of the Dolphin, on the ninth of January.

459. _Postera lux_, the tenth of January, which, according to the poet,
was the _bruma_, or middle of winter. Columella and Ptolemy place it on
the 4th January, the day before the Nones; Pliny, xviii. 5, makes it the
viii. Kal. Jan. or 25th December.

461. _Aurora_. Heinsius, Burmann and Gierig read _nupta_, on the
authority of seven MSS.

462. The Carmentalia, on the 10th, or III. Id. of January.--_Arcad.
deae_. Carmenta, the mother of Evander; her altar was at the Carmental
gate, at the foot of the Capitol.

463. _Turni soror_, Juturna. See Virg. aen. xii. 134, _et seq_.

464. The temple of Juturna stood in the Campus Martius, by the _Aqua
Virgo_, which Agrippa had brought thither on account of its excellence.

467. _Quae nomen_, etc. Scil. Carmenta.

496, 470. _Orta_, etc. The Arcadians called themselves [Greek:
proselaenous] as having existed before the Moon.--_Tellus_, scil.
_gens_.--_Areade_, Arcas, the son of Jupiter and Callisto. See Met. II.
401, _et seq_. Mythology, p. 387.

471. Evander was the son of Mercury and Carmenta. According to Servius,
on the aeneis, his father was Echemus, and I am inclined to think that
Ovid followed this last genealogy.

473. _aetherios ignes_, the inspiration of the god.

474. _Plena_ may be joined either with _carmina_, or with the nominative
to _dabat_.

475. _Motus_, civil discord.

475. Time verified her predictions.

478. _Parrhasium_, for Arcadian, part for the whole. Evander dwelt at

490. See Met. III. _init_. Mythology, 291.

491. Iason is always a trisyllable. For Tydeus and Jason, see Mythology
under their names.

493. [Greek: Apas men aaer aieto perasimos, Apasa de chthon andri gennaio
patris]. Eurip. frag. Comp. Hor. Carm. II. 9.

494. _Vacuo_, etc. the air.

495. Hor. Carm. II. 10. 15.

498. _Hesperiam tenet_. He reaches Italy, not, as Gierig understands it,
he held his course for Italy.

500. Sailed up against the stream,--_Tuscis_, as flowing by Etruria.

501. There was a place in the Campus Martius, named Terentum, where was
an altar of Dis and Proserpine, at which secular games were celebrated. I
rather incline to think with Gierig, that the _vada Terenti_ was a part
of the river near the Terentum.

502. The abodes of the Aborigines.

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