2014년 12월 19일 금요일

The Golden Asse 3

The Golden Asse 3

And when I had spoken these words somewhat gravely, and shewed my selfe
more merry than I was before, the Judges and magistrates departed, and I
reverently tooke my leave of them, and bid them farewell. And behold,
by and by there came one running unto me in haste, and sayd, Sir,
your cousin Byrrhena desireth you to take the paines according to your
promise yester night, to come to supper, for it is ready. But I
greatly fearing to goe any more to her house in the night, said to the
messenger, My friend I pray you tell to my cousine your mistresse, that
I would willingly be at her commandement, but for breaking my troth and
credit. For myne host Milo enforced me to assure him, and compelled
me by the feast of this present day, that I should not depart from his
company, wherefore I pray you to excuse, and to defer my promise to
another time.

And while I was speaking these words, Milo tooke me by the hand, and led
me towards the next Baine: but by the way I went couching under him,
to hide my selfe from the sight of men, because I had ministred such
an occasion of laughter. And when I had washed and wiped my selfe, and
returned home againe, I never remembred any such thing, so greatly was
I abashed at the nodding and pointing of every person. Then went I to
supper with Milo, where God wot we fared but meanly. Wherefore feigning
that my head did ake by reason of my sobbing and weeping all day, I
desired license to depart to my Chamber, and so I went to bed.


How Fotis told to Apuleius, what witchcraft her mistresse did use.

When I was a bed I began to call to minde all the sorrowes and griefes
that I was in the day before, until such time as my love Fotis, having
brought her mistresse to sleepe, came into the chamber, not as shee was
wont to do, for she seemed nothing pleasant neither in countenance nor
talke, but with sowre face and frowning looke, gan speak in this sort,
Verily I confesse that I have been the occasion of all thy trouble this
day, and therewith shee pulled out a whippe from under her apron, and
delivered it unto mee saying, Revenge thyself upon mee mischievous
harlot, or rather slay me.

And thinke you not that I did willingly procure this anguish and sorrow
unto you, I call the gods to witnesse. For I had rather myne owne body
to perish, than that you should receive or sustaine any harme by my
means, but that which I did was by the commandement of another, and
wrought as I thought for some other, but behold the unlucky chance
fortuned on you by my evill occasion.

The I, very curious and desirous to know the matter, answered, In faith
(quoth I), this most pestilent and evill favoured whip which thou hast
brought to scourge thee withal, shal first be broken in a thousand
pieces, than it should touch or hurt thy delicate and dainty skin. But I
pray you tell me how have you been the cause and mean of my trouble and
sorrow? For I dare sweare by the love that I beare unto you, and I will
not be perswaded, though you your selfe should endeavour the same, that
ever you went to trouble or harm me: perhaps sometimes you imagined an
evil thought in your mind, which afterwards you revoked, but that is not
to bee deemed as a crime.

When I had spoken these words, I perceived by Fotis eys being wet with
tears and well nigh closed up that shee had a desire unto pleasure and
specially because shee embraced and kissed me sweetly. And when she was
somewhat restored unto joy shee desired me that shee might first shut
the chamber doore, least by the untemperance of her tongue, in
uttering any unfitting words, there might grow further inconvenience.
Wherewithall shee barred and propped the doore, and came to me againe,
and embracing me lovingly about the neck with both her armes, spake with
a soft voice and said, I doe greatly feare to discover the privities
of this house, and to utter the secret mysteries of my dame. But I have
such confidence in you and in your wisedome, by reason that you are come
of so noble a line, and endowed with so profound sapience, and further
instructed in so many holy and divine things, that you will faithfully
keepe silence, and that whatsoever I shall reveale or declare unto
you, you would close them within the bottome of your heart, and never
discover the same: for I ensure you, the love that I beare unto you,
enforceth mee to utter it. Now shal you know all the estate of our
house, now shal you know the hidden secrets of my mistres, unto whome
the powers of hel do obey, and by whom the celestial planets are
troubled, the gods made weake, and the elements subdued, neither is the
violence of her art in more strength and force, than when she espieth
some comly young man that pleaseth her fancie, as oftentimes it hapneth,
for now she loveth one Boetian a fair and beautiful person, on whom she
employes al her sorcerie and enchantment, and I heard her say with mine
own ears yester night, that if the Sun had not then presently gon downe,
and the night come to minister convenient time to worke her magicall
enticements, she would have brought perpetuall darkness over all the
world her selfe. And you shall know, that when she saw yester night,
this Boetian sitting at the Barbers a polling, when she came from the
Baines shee secretly commanded me to gather up some of the haires of his
head which lay dispersed upon the ground, and to bring it home. Which
when I thought to have done the Barber espied me, and by reason it was
bruited though all the City that we were Witches and Enchantresses,
he cried out and said, Wil you never leave off stealing of young mens
haires? In faith I assure you, unlesse you cease your wicked sorceries,
I will complaine to the Justices. Wherewithall he came angerly towards
me, and tooke away the haire which I had gathered, out of my apron:
which grieved me very much, for I knew my Mistresses manners, that she
would not be contented but beat me cruelly.

Wherefore I intended to runne away, but the remembrance of you put
alwayes the thought out of my minde, and so I came homeward very
sorrowful: but because I would not seeme to come to my mistresse sight
with empty hands, I saw a man shearing of blowne goat skinnes, and the
hayre which he had shorne off was yellow, and much resembled the haire
of the Boetian, and I tooke a good deale thereof, and colouring of the
matter, I brought it to my mistresse. And so when night came, before
your return form supper, she to bring her purpose to passe, went up to
a high Gallery of her house, opening to the East part of the world, and
preparing her selfe according to her accustomed practise, shee gathered
together all substance for fumigations, she brought forth plates of
mettal carved with strange characters, she prepared the bones of such as
were drowned by tempest in the seas, she made ready the members of dead
men, as the nosethrils and fingers, shee set out the lumps of flesh of
such as were hanged, the blood which she had reserved of such as were
slaine and the jaw bones and teeth of willed beasts, then she said
certaine charmes over the haire, and dipped it in divers waters, as in
Wel water, Cow milk, mountain honey, and other liquor. Which when she
had done, she tied and lapped it up together, and with many perfumes
and smells threw it into an hot fire to burn. Then by the great force
of this sorcerie, and the violence of so many confections, those bodies
whose haire was burning in the fire, received humane shape, and felt,
heard and walked: And smelling the sent of their owne haire, came and
rapped at our doores in stead of Boetius. Then you being well tipled,
and deceived by the obscurity of the night, drew out your sword
courageously like furious Ajax, and kild not as he did, whole heard
of beastes, but three blowne skinnes, to the intent that I, after the
slaughter of so many enemies, without effusion of bloud might embrace
and kisse, not an homicide but an Utricide.

Thus when I was pleasantly mocked and taunted by Fotis, I sayd unto her,
verily now may I for this atcheived enterprise be numbered as Hercules,
who by his valiant prowesse performed the twelve notable Labors, as
Gerion with three bodies, and as Cerberus with three heads, for I have
slaine three blown goat skinnes. But to the end that I may pardon thee
of that thing which though hast committed, perform, the thing which
I most earnestly desire of thee, that is, bring me that I may see and
behold when thy mistresse goeth about any Sorcery or enchantment, and
when she prayeth unto the gods: for I am very desirous to learne that
art, and as it seemeth unto mee, thou thy selfe hath some experience in
the same. For this I know and plainly feele, That whereas I have always
yrked and loathed the embrace of Matrones, I am so stricken and subdued
with thy shining eyes, ruddy cheekes, glittering haire, sweet cosses,
and lilly white paps, that I have neither minde to goe home, nor to
depart hence, but esteeme the pleasure which I shall have with thee this
night, above all the joyes of the world. Then (quoth she) O my Lucius,
how willing would I be to fulfil your desire, but by reason shee is
so hated, she getteth her selfe into solitary places, and out of the
presence of every person, when she mindeth to work her enchantments.
Howbeit I regarde more to gratify your request, than I doe esteeme the
danger of my life: and when I see opportunitie and time I will assuredly
bring you word, so that you shal see all her enchantments, but always
upon this condition, that you secretly keepe close such things as are

Thus as we reasoned together the courage of Venus assailed, as well our
desires as our members, and so she unrayed herself and came to bed, and
we passed the night in pastime and dalliance, till as by drowsie and
unlusty sleep I was constrained to lie still.


How Fotis brought Apuleius to see her Mistresse enchant.

On a day Fotis came running to me in great feare, and said that her
mistresse, to work her sorceries on such as shee loved, intended the
night following to transforme her selfe into a bird, and to fly whither
she pleased. Wherefore she willed me privily to prepare my selfe to see
the same. And when midnight came she led me softly into a high chamber,
and bid me look thorow the chink of a doore: where first I saw how shee
put off all her garments, and took out of a certain coffer sundry kindes
of Boxes, of the which she opened one, and tempered the ointment therein
with her fingers, and then rubbed her body therewith from the sole of
the foot to the crowne of the head, and when she had spoken privily with
her selfe, having the candle in her hand, she shaked the parts of her
body, and behold, I perceived a plume of feathers did burgen out, her
nose waxed crooked and hard, her nailes turned into clawes, and so she
became an Owle. Then she cried and screeched like a bird of that kinde,
and willing to proove her force, mooved her selfe from the ground by
little and little, til at last she flew quite away.

Thus by her sorcery shee transformed her body into what shape she would.
Which when I saw I was greatly astonied: and although I was inchanted by
no kind of charme, yet I thought that I seemed not to have the likenesse
of Lucius, for so was I banished from my sences, amazed in madnesse, and
so I dreamed waking, that I felt myne eyes, whether I were asleepe or
no. But when I was come againe to my selfe, I tooke Fotis by the hand,
and moved it to my face and said, I pray thee while occasion doth serve,
that I may have the fruition of the fruits of my desire, and grant me
some of this oyntment. O Fotis I pray thee by thy sweet paps, to make
that in the great flames of my love I may be turned into a bird, so
I will ever hereafter be bound unto you, and obedient to your
commandement. Then said Fotis, Wil you go about to deceive me now, and
inforce me to work my own sorrow? Are you in the mind that you will not
tarry in Thessaly? If you be a bird, where shall I seek you, and when
shall I see you? Then answered I, God forbid that I should commit such
a crime, for though I could fly in the aire as an Eagle or though I were
the messenger of Jupiter, yet would I have recourse to nest with thee:
and I swear by the knot of thy amiable hair, that since the time I first
loved thee, I never fancied any other person: moreover, this commeth to
my minde, that if by the vertue of the oyntment I shall become an Owle,
I will take heed I will come nigh no mans house: for I am not to learn,
how these matrons would handle their lovers, if they knew that they were
transformed into Owles: Moreover, when they are taken in any place they
are nayled upon posts, and so they are worthily rewarded, because it
is thought that they bring evill fortune to the house. But I pray you
(which I had almost forgotten) to tell me by what meanes when I am an
Owle, I shall return to my pristine shape, and become Lucius againe.
Feare not (quoth she) for my mistres hath taught me the way to bring
that to passe, neither thinke you that she did it for any good will and
favour, but to the end that I might help her, and minister some remedy
when she returneth home.

Consider I pray you with your selfe, with what frivolous trifles so
marvellous a thing is wrought: for by Hercules I swear I give her
nothing else save a little Dill and Lawrell leaves, in Well water, the
which she drinketh and washeth her selfe withall. Which when she had
spoken she went into the chamber and took a box out of the coffer,
which I first kissed and embraced, and prayed that I might [have] good
successe in my purpose. And then I put off all my garments, and greedily
thrust my hand into the box, and took out a good deale of oyntment and
rubbed my selfe withall.


How Apuleius thinking to be turned into a Bird, was turned into an Asse,
and how he was led away by Theves.

After that I had well rubbed every part and member of my body, I hovered
with myne armes, and moved my selfe, looking still when I should bee
changed into a Bird as Pamphiles was, and behold neither feathers nor
appearance of feathers did burgen out, but verily my haire did turne
in ruggednesse, and my tender skin waxed tough and hard, my fingers and
toes losing the number of five, changed into hoofes, and out of myne
arse grew a great taile, now my face became monstrous, my nosthrils
wide, my lips hanging downe, and myne eares rugged with haire: neither
could I see any comfort of my transformation, for my members encreased
likewise, and so without all helpe (viewing every part of my poore body)
I perceived that I was no bird, but a plaine Asse.

The I though to blame Fotis, but being deprived as wel of language as
of humane shape, I looked upon her with my hanging lips and watery eyes.
Who as soon as shee espied me in such sort, cried out, Alas poore wretch
that I am, I am utterly cast away. The feare I was in, and my haste hath
beguiled me, but especially the mistaking of the box, hath deceived me.
But it forceth not much, in regard a sooner medicine may be gotten for
this than for any other thing. For if thou couldst get a rose and eat
it, thou shouldst be delivered from the shape of an Asse, and become
my Lucius againe. And would to God I had gathered some garlands this
evening past, according to my custome, then thou shouldst not continue
an Asse one nights space, but in the morning I shall seek some remedy.
Thus Fotis lamented in pittifull sort, but I that was now a perfect
asse, and for Lucius a brute beast, did yet retaine the sence and
understanding of a man. And did devise a good space with my selfe,
whether it were best for me to teare this mischievous and wicked harlot
with my mouth, or to kicke and kill her with my heels. But a better
thought reduced me from so rash a purpose: for I feared lest by the
death of Fotis I should be deprived of all remedy and help. Then shaking
myne head, and dissembling myne ire, and taking my adversity in good
part, I went into the stable to my owne horse, where I found another
asse of Milos, somtime my host, and I did verily think that mine owne
horse (if there were any natural conscience or knowledge in brute
beasts) would take pitty on me, and profer me lodging for that night:
but it chanced far otherwise. For see, my horse and the asse as it were
consented together to work my harm, and fearing lest I should eat up
their provender, would in no wise suffer me to come nigh the manger, but
kicked me with their heels from their meat, which I my self gave them
the night before. Then I being thus handled by them, and driven away,
got me into a corner of the stable, where while I remembred their
uncurtesie, and how on the morrow I should return to Lucius by the help
of a Rose, when as I thought to revenge my selfe of myne owne horse, I
fortuned to espy in the middle of a pillar sustaining the rafters of the
stable the image of the goddesse Hippone, which was garnished and decked
round about with faire and fresh roses: then in hope of present remedy,
I leaped up with my fore feet as high as I could, stretching out my
neck, and with my lips coveting to snatch some roses. But in an evill
houre I did go about that enterprise, for behold the boy to whom I gave
charge of my horse, came presently in, and finding me climbing upon the
pillar, ranne fretting towards me and said, How long shall wee suffer
this wild Asse, that doth not onely eat up his fellowes meat, but also
would spoyl the images of the gods? Why doe I not kill this lame theefe
and weake wretch. And therewithall looking about for some cudgel, hee
espied where lay a fagot of wood, and chusing out a crabbed truncheon
of the biggest hee could finde, did never cease beating of mee poore
wretch, until such time as by great noyse and rumbling, hee heard
the doores of the house burst open, and the neighbours crying in most
lamentable sort, which enforced him being stricken in feare, to fly his
way. And by and by a troupe of theeves entred in, and kept every part
and corner of the house with weapons. And as men resorted to aid and
help them which were within the doores, the theeves resisted and kept
them back, for every man was armed with a sword and target in his hand,
the glimpses whereof did yeeld out such light as if it had bin day. Then
they brake open a great chest with double locks and bolts, wherein was
layd all the treasure of Milo, and ransackt the same: which when they
had done they packed it up and gave every man a portion to carry: but
when they had more than they could beare away, yet were they loth to
leave any behind, but came into the stable, and took us two poore asses
and my horse, and laded us with greater trusses than wee were able to
beare. And when we were out of the house, they followed us with great
staves, and willed one of their fellows to tarry behind, and bring
them tydings what was done concerning the robbery: and so they beat us
forward over great hils out of the way. But I, what with my heavy
burden and long journy, did nothing differ from a dead asse: wherfore I
determined with my self to seek some civil remedy, and by invocation
of the name of the prince of the country to be delivered from so many
miseries: and on a time I passed through a great faire, I came among a
multitude of Greeks, and I thought to call upon the renowned name of the
Emperor and say, O Cesar, and cried out aloud O, but Cesar I could in
no wise pronounce. The Theeves little regarding my crying, did lay me on
and beat my wretched skinne in such sort, that after it was neither apt
nor meet to make Sives or Sarces. Howbeit at last Jupiter administred
to me an unhoped remedy. For when we had passed through many townes
and villages, I fortuned to espy a pleasant garden, wherein beside many
other flowers of delectable hiew, were new and fresh roses: and being
very joyful, and desirous to catch some as I passed by, I drew neerer
and neerer: and while my lips watered upon them, I thought of a better
advice more profitable for me, lest if from an asse I should become a
man, I might fall into the hands of the theeves, and either by suspition
that I were some witch, or for feare that I should utter their theft,
I should be slaine, wherefore I abstained for that time from eating of
Roses, and enduring my present adversity, I did eat hay as other Asses



How Apuleius thinking to eat Roses, was cruelly beaten by a Gardener,
and chased by dogs.

When noone was come, that the broyling heate of the sunne had most
power, we turned into a village to certaine of the theeves acquaintance
and friends, for verily their meeting and embracing together did give
me, poore asse, cause to deeme the same, and they tooke the trusse from
my backe, and gave them part of the Treasure which was in it, and they
seemed to whisper and tell them that it was stollen goods, and after
that we were unladen of our burthens, they let us loose in a medow to
pasture, but myne own horse and Miloes Asse would not suffer me to feed
there with them, but I must seeke my dinner in some other place.

Wherefore I leaped into a garden which was behinde the stable, and being
well nigh perished with hunger, although I could find nothing there
but raw and green fallets, yet I filled my hungry guts therwithall
abundantly, and praying unto all the gods, I looked about in every place
if I could espy any red roses in the gardens by, and my solitary being
alone did put me in good hope, that if I could find any remedy, I should
presently of an Asse be changed into Lucius out of every mans sight. And
while I considered these things, I loked about, and behold I saw a farre
off a shadowed valley adjoyning nigh unto a wood, where amongst divers
other hearbes and pleasant verdures, me thought I saw bright flourishing
Roses of bright damaske colour; and said within my bestaill minde,
Verily that place is the place of Venus and the Graces, where secretly
glistereth the royall hew, of so lively and delectable a floure. Then I
desiring the help of the guide of my good fortune, ranne lustily towards
the wood, insomuch that I felt myself that I was no more an Asse, but a
swift coursing horse: but my agility and quicknes could not prevent the
cruelty of my fortune, for when I came to the place I perceived that
they were no roses, neither tender nor pleasant, neither moystened with
the heavenly drops of dew, nor celestial liquor, which grew out of the
thicket and thornes there. Neither did I perceive that there was any
valley at all, but onely the bank of the river, environed with great
thick trees, which had long branches like unto lawrell, and bearing a
flour without any manner of sent, and the common people call them by the
name of Lawrel roses, which be very poyson to all manner of beasts. Then
was I so intangled with unhappy fortune that I little esteemed mine own
danger, and went willingly to eat of these roses, though I knew them to
be present poyson: and as I drew neere I saw a yong man that seemed
to be the gardener, come upon mee, and when he perceived that I had
devoured all his hearbes in the garden, he came swearing with a great
staffe in his hand, and laid upon me in such sort, that I was well nigh
dead, but I speedily devised some remedy my self, for I lift up my legs
and kicked him with my hinder heels, that I left him lying at the hill
foot wel nigh slain, and so I ran away. Incontinently came out his wife,
who seeing her husband halfe dead, cried and howled in pittifull sort,
and went toward her husband, to the intent that by her lowd cries shee
might purchase to me present destruction. Then all the persons of the
town, moved by her noise came forth, and cried for dogs to teare me
down. Out came a great company of Bandogs and mastifes, more fit to
pul down bears and lions than me, whom when I beheld I thought verily
I should presently die: but I turned myself about, and ranne as fast as
ever I might to the stable from whence I came. Then the men of the towne
called in their dogs, and took me and bound mee to the staple of a post,
and scourged me with a great knotted whip till I was well nigh dead, and
they would undoubtedly have slaine me, had it not come to passe, that
what with the paine of their beating, and the greene hearbes that lay in
my guts, I caught such a laske that I all besprinkled their faces with
my liquid dung, and enforced them to leave off.


How Apuleius was prevented of his purpose, and how the Theeves came to
their den.

Not long after, the theeves laded us againe, but especially me, and
brought us forth of the stable, and when wee had gone a good part of our
journey what with the long way, my great burthen, the beating of staves,
and my worne hooves, I was so weary that I could scantly go. Then I
saw a little before mee a river running with fair water, and I said to
myself, Behold, now I have found a good occasion: for I will fall down
when I come yonder, and surely I will not rise againe, neither with
scourging nor with beating, for I had rather be slaine there presently,
than goe any further.

And the cause why I had determined so to doe was this, I thought that
the theeves when they did see me so feeble and weake that I could not
travell, to the intent they would not stay in their journey, they would
take the burthen from my backe and put it on my fellowes, and so for
my further punishment to leave me as a prey to the wolves and ravening
beasts. But evill fortune prevented so good a consideration; for the
other Asse being of the same purpose that I was of, by feigned and
coloured wearinesse fell downe first, with all his burthen on the ground
as though hee were dead, and he would not rise neither with beating nor
with pricking, nor stand upon his legs, though they pulled him by the
tail, by his legs, and by his eares: which when the theeves beheld, as
without all hope they said one unto another, What should we stand here
so long about a dead or rather a stony asse? let us bee gone: and so
they tooke his burthen, and divided some to mee, and some to my horse.
And then they drew out their swords and cut off his legs, and threw
his body from the point of a hill down into a great valley. Then I
considering with my selfe of the evill fortune of my poore companion,
and purposed now to forget all subtility and deceit, and to play the
good Asse to get my masters favour, for I perceived by their talke that
we were come home well nigh at our journeys end. And after that wee had
passed over a little hill, we came to our appointed place, and when we
were unladen of our burthens, and all things carried in, I tumbled and
wallowed in the dust, to refresh my selfe in stead of water. The thing
and the time compelleth me to make description of the places, and
especially of the den where the theeves did inhabit, I will prove my
wit in what I can doe, and the consider you whether I was an Asse in
judgement and sence, or no. For first there was an exceeding great hill
compassed about with big trees very high, with many turning bottoms full
of sharp stones, whereby it was inaccessible. There was many winding
and hollow vallies, environed with thickets and thornes, and naturally
fortressed round about. From the top of the hill ranne a running water
as cleare as silver, that watered all the valleyes below, that it seemed
like unto a sea inclosed, or a standing floud. Before the denne
where was no hill stood an high tower, and at the foot thereof were
sheep-coats fenced and walled with clay. Before the gate of the house
were pathes made in stead of wals, in such sort that you could easily
judge it to be a very den for theeves, and there was nothing else except
a little coat covered with thatch, wherein the theeves did nightly
accustome to watch by order, as I after perceived. And when they were
all crept into the house, and we were all tied fast with halters at the
dore, they began to chide with an old woman there, crooked with age, who
had the government and rule of all the house, and said, How is it old
witch, old trot, and strumpet, that thou sittest idley all day at home,
and having no regard to our perillous labours, hast provided nothing for
our suppers, but sittest eating and swilling thyself from morning till
night? Then the old woman trembled, and scantly able to speak gan
say, Behold my puissant and faithfull masters, you shall have meat and
pottage enough by and by: here is first store of bread, wine plenty,
filled in cleane rinsed pots, likewise here is hot water prepared to
bathe you.

Which when she had said, they put off all their garments and refreshed
themselves by the fire. And after they were washed and noynted with
oyle, they sate downe at the table garnished with all kind of dainty
meats. They were no sooner sate downe, but in came another company of
yong men more in number than was before, who seemed likewise to bee
Theeves, for they brought in their preyes of gold and silver, Plate,
jewels, and rich robes, and when they had likewise washed, they sate
among the rest, and served one another by order. Then they drank and eat
exceedingly, laughing, crying and making much noyse, that I thought that
I was among the tyrannous and wilde Lapithes, Thebans, and Centaures.
At length one of them more valiant than the rest, spake in this sort, We
verily have manfully conquered the house of Milo of Hippata, and beside
all the riches and treasure which by force we have brought away, we are
all come home safe, and are increased the more by this horse and this
Asse. But you that have roved about in the country of Boetia, have lost
your valiante captaine Lamathus, whose life I more regarded than all the
treasure which you have brought: and therfore the memory of him shall
bee renowned for ever amongst the most noble kings and valiant captains:
but you accustome when you goe abroad, like men with ganders hearts to
creepe through every corner and hole for every trifle. Then one of them
that came last answered, Why are you only ignorant, that the greater the
number is, the sooner they may rob and spoyle the house? And although
the family be dispersed in divers lodgings, yet every man had rather
to defend his own life, than to save the riches of his master: but
when there be but a few theeves, then will they not only rather regard
themselves, but also their substance, how little or great soever it be.
And to the intent you may beleeve me I will shew you an example: wee
were come nothing nigh to Thebes, where is the fountain of our art and
science, but we learned where a rich Chuffe called Chriseros did dwell,
who for fear of offices in the publique wel dissembled his estate,
and lived sole and solitary in a small coat, howbeit replenished with
aboundance of treasure, and went daily in ragged and torn apparel.
Wherefore wee devised with our selves to go to his house and spoyl him
of all his riches. And when night came we drew towards the dore, which
was so strongly closed, that we could neither move it, nor lift it out
of the hooks, and we thought it best not to break it open lest by the
noyse we should raise up to our harm the neighbours by. Then our strong
and valiant captaine Lamathus trusting in his own strength and force,
thrust in his had through a hole in the dore, and thought to pull back
the bolt: but the covetous caitif Chriseros being awake, and making no
noise came softly to the dore and caught his hand and with a great naile
nailed it fast to the post: which when he had done, he ran up to the
high chamber and called every one of his neighbours by name, desiring
them to succour him with all possible speed, for his own house was on
fire. Then every one for fear of his owne danger came running out to aid
him, wherewith we fearing our present peril, knew not what was best to
be don, whether wee should leave our companion there, or yeeld ourselves
to die with him: but we by his consent devised a better way, for we cut
off his arm by the elbow and so let it hang there: then wee bound his
wound with clouts, lest we should be traced by the drops of blood: which
don we took Lamathus and led him away, for fear we would be taken: but
being so nigh pursued that we were in present danger, and that Lamathus
could not keepe our company by reason of faintnesse; and on the other
side perceiving that it was not for his profit to linger behinde, he
spake unto us as a man of singular courage and vertue, desiring us by
much entreaty and prayer and by the puissance of the god Mars, and the
faith of our confederacy, to deliver his body from torment and miserable
captivity: and further he said, How is it possible that so courageous a
Captaine can live without his hand, wherewith he could somtime rob and
slay so many people? I would thinke myself sufficiently happy if I could
be slaine by one of you. But when he saw that we all refused to commit
any such fact, he drew out his sword with his other hand, and after
that he had often kissed it, he drove it clean through his body. Then
we honoured the corps of so puissant a man, and wrapped it in linnen
cloathes and threw it into the sea. So lieth our master Lamathus, buried
and did in the grave of water, and ended his life as I have declared.
But Alcinus, though he were a man of great enterprise, yet could he not
beware by Lamathus, nor voide himselfe from evill fortune, for on a day
when he had entred into an old womans house to rob her, he went up into
a high chamber, where hee should first have strangled her: but he had
more regard to throw down the bags of mony and gold out at a window,
to us that stood under; and when he was so greedy that he would leave
nothing behinde, he went into the old womans bed where she lay asleep,
and would have taken off the coverlet to have thrown downe likewise, but
shee awaked, and kneeling on her knees, desired him in this manner:
O sir I pray you cast not away such torn and ragged clouts into my
neighbours houses, for they are rich enough, and need no such things.
Then Alcinus thinking her words to be true, was brought in beleefe, that
such things as he had throwne out already, and such things as hee should
throw out after, was not fallen downe to his fellowes, but to other mens
houses, wherefore hee went to the window to see, and as hee thought to
behold the places round about, thrusting his body out of the window, the
old woman marked him wel, and came behind him softly, and though shee
had but small strength, yet with sudden force she tooke him by the
heeles and thrust him out headlong, and so he fell upon a marvellous
great stone and burst his ribs, wherby he vomited and spewed great
flakes of blood, and presently died. Then wee threw him to the river
likewise, as we had done Lamathus before.

When we had thus lost two of our companions, we liked not Thebes, but
marched towards the next city called Platea, where we found a man of
great fame called Demochares, that purposed to set forth a great game,
where should be a triall of all kind of weapons: hee was come of a good
house, marvellous rich, liberall, and wel deserved that which he had and
had prepared many showes and pleasures for the Common people, insomuch
that there is no man can either by wit or eloquence shew in words his
worthy preparations: for first he had provided all sorts of armes, hee
greatly delighted in hunting and chasing, he ordained great towers and
Tables to move hither and thither: hee made many places to chase and
encounter in: he had ready a great number of men and wilde beasts, and
many condemned persons were brought from the Judgement place, to try
and fight with those beasts. But amongst so great preparations of noble
price, he bestowed the most part of his patrimony in buying of Beares,
which he nourished to his great cost, and esteemed more than all the
other beasts, which either by chasing hee caught himself, or which he
dearely bought, or which were given him from divers of his friends.

Howbeit for all his sumptuous cost, hee could not be free from the
malitious eyes of envy, for some of them were well nigh dead with too
long tying up, some meagre with the broyling heat of the sunne, some
languished with lying, but all having sundry diseases, were so afflicted
that they died one after another, and there was well nigh none left, in
such sort that you might see them lying in the streets pittiously dead.
And the common people having no other meat to feed on, little regarding
any curiosity, would come forth and fill their bellies with the flesh
of the beares. Then by and by Babulus and I devised a pretty sport, wee
drew one of the greatest of the Beares to our lodging, as though wee
would prepare to eat thereof, where wee flayed of his skinne, and kept
his ungles whole, but we medled not with the head, but cut it off by
the necke, and so let it hang to the skinne. Then we rased off the flesh
from the necke, and cast dust thereon, and set it in the sun to dry.


How Thrasileon was disguised in a Beares skin, and how he was handled.

When the skin was a drying we made merry with the flesh, and then we
devised with our selves, that one of us being more valiant than the rest
both in body and courage (so that he would consent thereto) should
put on the skin, and feigning that he were a Beare, should be led to
Demochares house in the night, by which means we thought to be received
and let in. Many were desirous to play the Beare, but especially one
Thrasileon of a couragious minde would take this enterprise in hand.
Then wee put in into the Beares skin, which him finely in every point,
wee buckled it fast under his belly, and covered the seam with the
haire, that it might not be seen. After this we made little holes
through the bears head, and through his nosthrils and eyes, for
Thrasileon to see out and take wind at, in such sort that he seemed a
very lively and natural beast: when this was don we went into a cave
which we hired for the purpose, and he crept in after like a bear with
a good courage. Thus we began our subtility, and then wee imagined thus,
wee feigned letters as though they came from one Nicanor which dwelt
in the Country of Thracia, which was of great acquaintance with this
Demochares, wherein we wrote, that hee had sent him being his friend,
the first fruits of his coursing and hunting. When night was come, which
was a meet time for our purpose, we brought Thrasileon and our forged
letters and presented them to Demochares. When Demochares beheld
this mighty Beare, and saw the liberality of Nicanor his friend, hee
commanded his servants to deliver unto us x. crowns, having great store
in his coffers. Then (as the novelty of a thing doth accustom to stir
mens minds to behold the same) many persons came on every side to see
this bear: but Thrasileon, lest they should by curious viewing and
prying perceive the truth, ran upon them to put them in feare that they
durst not come nigh. The people said, Verily Demochares is right happy,
in that after the death of so many beasts, hee hath gotten maugre
fortunes head, so goodly a bear. Then Demochares commanded him with all
care to be put in the park with all the other beasts: but immediately
I spake unto him and said, Sir I pray you take heed how you put a beast
tired with the heat of the sun and with long travell, among others which
as I hear say have divers maladies and diseases, let him rather lie in
some open place in your house nie some water, where he may take air and
ease himself, for doe you not know that such kind of beasts do greatly
delight to couch under the shadow of trees and hillocks neer pleasant
wells and waters? Hereby Demochares admonished, and remembring how many
he had before that perished, was contented that we should put the
bear where we would. Moreover we said unto him, that we ourselves were
determined to lie all night neer the Bear, to look unto him, and to give
him meat and drink at his due houre.

Then he answered, Verily masters you need not put yourselves to such
paines, for I have men that serve for nothing but that purpose. So wee
tooke leave of him and departed: and when we were come without the gates
of the town, we perceived before us a great sepulchre standing out of
the highway in a privy and secret place, and thither we went and
opened the mouth thereof, whereas we found the sides covered with the
corruption of man, and the ashes and dust of his long buried body,
wherein we got ourselves to bring our purpose to passe, and having
respect to the dark time of night, according to our custome, when
we thought that every one was asleepe, we went with our weapons and
besieged the house of Demochares round about. Then Thrasileon was ready
at hand, and leaped out of the caverne, and went to kill all such as he
found asleepe: but when he came to the Porter, he opened the gates and
let us in, and then he shewed us a large Counter, wherein we saw the
night before a great aboundance of treasure: which when by violence
we had broke open, I bid every one of my fellows take as much gold and
silver as they could carry away: and beare it to the sepulchre, and
still as they carried away I stood at the gate, watching diligently when
they would returne. The Beare running about the house, to make such of
the family afeared as fortuned to wake and come out. For who is he that
is so puissant and couragious, that at the ougly sight of so great a
monster will not quayle and keep his chamber especially in the night?
But when wee had brought this matter to so good a point, there chanced a
pittifull case, for as I looked for my companions that should come from
the sepulchre, behold there was a Boy of the house that fortuned to
looke out of a window, and espied the Bear running about, and he went
and told all the servants of the house. Whereupon incontinently they
came forth with Torches, Lanthornes, and other lights, that they might
see all the yard over: they came with clubs, speares, naked swords,
Greyhounds, and Mastifes to slay the poore beast. Then I during this
broyle thought to run away, but because I would see Thrasileon fight
with the Dogs, I lay behinde the gate to behold him. And although I
might perceive that he was well nigh dead, yet remembred he his owne
faithfulnes and ours, and valiantly resisted the gaping and ravenous
mouths of the hell hounds, so tooke hee in gree the pagiant which
willingly he tooke in hand himself, and with much adoe tumbled at length
out of the house: but when hee was at liberty abroad yet could he not
save himself, for all the dogs of the Streete joyned themselves to the
greyhounds and mastifes of the house, and came upon him.

Alas what a pittifull sight it was to see our poore Thrasileon thus
environed and compassed with so many dogs that tare and rent him
miserably. Then I impatient of so great a misery, ranne in among the
prease of people, and ayding him with my words as much as I might,
exhorted them all in this manner: O great and extreame mischance, what
a pretious and excellent beast have we lost. But my words did nothing
prevaile, for there came out a tall man with a speare in his hand, that
thrust him cleane through, and afterwards many that stood by drew out
their swords, and so they killed him. But verily our good Captaine
Thrasileon, the honour of our comfort, received his death so patiently,
that he would not bewray the league betweene us, either by crying,
howling, or any other meanes, but being torn with dogs and wounded with
weapons, did yeeld forth a dolefull cry, more like unto a beast than a
man. And taking his present fortune in good part, with courage and glory
enough did finish his life, with such a terror unto the assembly, that
no person was hardy until it was day, as to touch him, though hee were
starke dead: but at last there came a Butcher more valiant than the
rest, who opening the panch of the beast, slit out an hardy and ventrous

In this manner we lost our Captain Thrasileon, but he left not his fame
and honour.

When this was done wee packed up our treasure, which we committed to the
sepulchre to keepe, and got out of the bounds of Platea, thus thinking
with our selves, that there was more fidelity amongst the dead than
amongst the living, by reason that our preyes were so surely kept in the
sepulchre. So being wearied with the weight of our burthens, and well
nigh tyred with long travell, having lost three of our soldiers, we are
come home with these present cheats.

Thus when they had spoken in memory of their slaine companions, they
tooke cups of gold, and sung hymns unto the god mars, and layd them
downe to sleep. Then the old woman gave us fresh barley without measure,
insomuch that my horse fed so abundantly that he might well thinke hee
was at some banquet that day. But I that was accustomed to eat bran
and flower, thought that but a sower kinde of meate. Wherfore espying a
corner where lay loaves of bread for all the house I got me thither and
filled my hungry guts therewith.


How the Theeves stole away a Gentlewoman, and brought her to their den.

When night was come the Theeves awaked and rose up, and when they had
buckled on their weapons, and disguised their faces with visards, they
departed. And yet for all the great sleep that came upon me, I could in
no wise leave eating: and whereas when I was a man I could be contented
with one or two loaves at the most, now my huts were so greedy that
three panniers full would scantly serve me, and while I considered these
things the morning came, and being led to a river, notwithstanding
my Assie shamefastnesse I quencht my thirst. And suddenly after, the
Theeves returned home carefull and heavy, bringing no burthens with
them, no not so much as traffe or baggage, save only a maiden, that
seemed by her habit to be some gentlewoman borne, and the daughter of
some worthy matron of that country, who was so fair and beautiful, that
though I were an Asse, yet I had a great affection for her. The virgin
lamented and tare her hair, and rent her garments, for the great sorrow
she was in; but the theeves brought her within the cave, and assisted
her to comfort in this sort, Weep not fair gentlewoman we pray you, for
be you assured we wil do no outrage or violence to your person: but take
patience a while for our profit, for necessity and poore estate hath
compelled us to do this enterprise: we warrant you that your parents,
although they bee covetous, will be contented to give us a great
quantity of mony to redeeme and ransome you from our hands.

With such and like flattering words they endeavoured to appease the
gentlewoman, howbeit shee would in no case be comforted, but put her
head betwixt her knees, and cried pittiously. Then they called the old
woman, and commaunded her to sit by the maiden, and pacify her dolor
as much as shee might. And they departed away to rob, as they were
accustomed to doe, but the virgin would not asswage her griefes, nor
mitigate her sorrow by any entreaty of the old woman, but howled and
sobbed in such sort, that she made me poore Asse likewise to weepe, and
thus she said, Alas can I poore wench live any longer, that am come of
so good a house, forsaken of my parents, friends, and family, made a
rapine and prey, closed servilely in this stony prison, deprived of all
pleasure, wherein I have been brought up, thrown in danger, ready to be
rent in pieces among so many sturdy theeves and dreadful robbers, can
I (I say) cease from weeping, and live any longer? Thus she cried and
lamented, and after she had wearied herself with sorrow and blubbered
her face with teares, she closed the windowes of her hollow eyes, and
laid her downe to sleepe. And after that she had slept, she rose again
like a furious and mad woman, and beat her breast and comely face more
that she did before.

Then the old woman enquired the causes of her new and sudden
lamentation. To whom sighing in pittifull sort she answered, Alas now I
am utterly undone, now am I out of all hope, O give me a knife to kill
me, or a halter to hang me. Whereat the old [woman] was more angry,
and severely commanded her to tell her the cause of her sorrow, and
why after her sleep, she should renew her dolour and miserable weeping.
What, thinke you (quoth she) to deprive our young men of the price of
your ransome? No, no therefore cease your crying, for the Theeves doe
little esteeme your howling, and if you do not, I will surely burn you
alive. Hereat the maiden was greatly feared, and kissed her hand and
said, O mother take pitty upon me and my wretched fortune, and give me
license a while to speake, for I think I shall not long live, let there
be mercy ripe and franke in thy venerable hoare head, and hear the sum
of my calamity.

There was a comely young man, who for his bounty and grace was beloved
entirely of all the towne, my cousine Germane, and but three years older
than I; we two were nourished and brought up in one house, lay under one
roofe, and in one chamber, and at length by promise of marriage, and by
consent of our parents we were contracted together. The marriage day was
come, the house was garnished with lawrel, and torches were set in
every place in the honour of Hymeneus, my espouse was accompanied by his
parents, kinsfolke, and friends, and made sacrifices in the temples and
publique places. And when my unhappy mother pampered me in her lap, and
decked me like a bride, kissing me sweetly, and making me a parent for
Children, behold there came in a great multitude of theeves armed like
men of warre, with naked swords in their hands, who went not about
to doe any harme, neither to take any thing away, but brake into the
chamber where I was, and violently tooke me out of my mothers armes,
when none of our family would resist for feare.

In this sort was our marriage disturbed, like the marriage of Hyppodame
and Perithous. But behold my good mother, now my unhappy fortune is
renewed and encreased: For I dreamed in my sleepe, that I was pulled out
of our house, out of our chamber, and out of my bed, and that I removed
about in solitary and unknowne places, calling upon the name of my
unfortunate husband, and how that he, as soone as he perceived that he
was taken away, even smelling with perfumes and crowned with garlands,
did trace me by the steppes, desiring the aid of the people to assist
him, in that his wife was violently stollen away, and as he went crying
up and down, one of the theeves mooved with indignation, by reason of
his pursuit, took up a stone that lay at his feet, and threw it at my
husband and killed him. By the terror of which sight, and the feare of
so dreadfull a dreame, I awaked.

Then the old woman rendring out like sighes, began to speake in this
sort: My daughter take a good heart unto you, and bee not afeared at
feigned and strange visions and dreams, for as the visions of the day
are accounted false and untrue, so the visions of the night doe often
change contrary. And to dream of weeping, beating, and killing, is a
token of good luck and prosperous change. Whereas contrary to dreame
of laughing, carnal dalliance, and good cheere, is a signe of sadnesse,
sicknesse, loss of substance, and displeasure. But I will tell thee a
pleasant tale, to put away all thy sorrow, and to revive thy spirits.
And so shee began in this manner.



The most pleasant and delectable tale of the marriage of Cupid and

There was sometimes a certaine King, inhabiting in the West parts,
who had to wife a noble Dame, by whom he had three daughters exceeding
fair: of whom the two elder were of such comly shape and beauty, as
they did excell and pass all other women living, whereby they were
thought worthily to deserve the praise and commendation of every person,
and deservedly to be preferred above the residue of the common sort.
Yet the singular passing beauty and maidenly majesty of the youngest
daughter did so farre surmount and excell then two, as no earthly
creature could by any meanes sufficiently expresse or set out the same.

By reason wherof, after the fame of this excellent maiden was spread
about in every part of the City, the Citisens and strangers there beeing
inwardly pricked by the zealous affection to behold her famous person,
came daily by thousands, hundreths, and scores, to her fathers palace,
who was astonied with admiration of her incomparable beauty, did no less
worship and reverence her with crosses, signes, and tokens, and other
divine adorations, according to the custome of the old used rites and
ceremonies, than if she were the Lady Venus indeed, and shortly after
the fame was spread into the next cities and bordering regions, that the
goddess whom the deep seas had born and brought forth, and the froth of
the waves had nourished, to the intent to show her high magnificencie
and divine power on earth, to such as erst did honour and worship her,
was now conversant among mortall men, or else that the earth and not
the sea, by a new concourse and influence of the celestiall planets,
had budded and yeelded forth a new Venus, endued with the floure of

So daily more and more encreased this opinion, and now is her flying
fame dispersed into the next Island, and well nigh unto every part and
province of the whole world. Wherupon innumerable strangers resorted
from farre Countries, adventuring themselves by long journies on
land and by great perils on water, to behold this glorious virgin. By
occasion wherof such a contempt grew towards the goddesse Venus, that no
person travelled unto the Towne Paphos, nor to the Isle Gyndos, nor
to Cythera to worship her. Her ornaments were throwne out, her temples
defaced, her pillowes and cushions torne, her ceremonies neglected, her
images and Statues uncrowned, and her bare altars unswept, and fowl with
the ashes of old burnt sacrifice. For why, every person honoured and
worshipped this maiden in stead of Venus, and in the morning at her
first comming abroad offered unto her oblations, provided banquets,
called her by the name of Venus, which was not Venus indeed, and in her
honour presented floures and garlands in most reverend fashion.

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