2015년 9월 17일 목요일

The Alhambra 54

The Alhambra 54

In the latter part of my sojourn in the Alhambra, I made frequent
descents into the Jesuit’s Library of the University; and relished more
and more the old Spanish chronicles, which I found there bound in
parchment. I delight in those quaint histories which treat of the times
when the Moslems maintained a foothold in the Peninsula. With all their
bigotry and occasional intolerance, they are full of noble acts and
generous sentiments, and have a high, spicy, Oriental flavor, not to be
found in other records of the times, which were merely European. In
fact, Spain, even at the present day, is a country apart; severed in
history, habits, manners, and modes of thinking, from all the rest of
Europe. It is a romantic country; but its romance has none of the
sentimentality of modern European romance; it is chiefly derived from
the brilliant regions of the East, and from the high-minded school of
Saracenic chivalry.
The Arab invasion and conquest brought a higher civilization, and a
nobler style of thinking, into Gothic Spain. The Arabs were a
quick-witted, sagacious, proud-spirited, and poetical people, and were
imbued with Oriental science and literature. Wherever they established a
seat of power, it became a rallying-place for the learned and
ingenious; and they softened and refined the people whom they conquered.
By degrees, occupancy seemed to give them an hereditary right to their
foothold in the land; they ceased to be looked upon as invaders, and
were regarded as rival neighbors. The Peninsula, broken up into a
variety of states, both Christian and Moslem, became, for centuries, a
great campaigning-ground, where the art of war seemed to be the
principal business of man, and was carried to the highest pitch of
romantic chivalry. The original ground of hostility, a difference of
faith, gradually lost its rancor. Neighboring states, of opposite
creeds, were occasionally linked together in alliances, offensive and
defensive; so that the cross and crescent were to be seen side by side,
fighting against some common enemy. In times of peace, too, the noble
youth of either faith resorted to the same cities, Christian or Moslem,
to school themselves in military science. Even in the temporary truces
of sanguinary wars, the warriors who had recently striven together in
the deadly conflicts of the field, laid aside their animosity, met at
tournaments, jousts, and other military festivities, and exchanged the
courtesies of gentle and generous spirits. Thus the opposite races
became frequently mingled together in peaceful intercourse, or if any
rivalry took place, it was in those high courtesies and nobler acts,
which bespeak the accomplished cavalier. Warriors, of opposite creeds,
became ambitious of transcending each other in magnanimity as well as
valor. Indeed, the chivalric virtues were refined upon to a degree
sometimes fastidious and constrained, but at other times inexpressibly
noble and affecting. The annals of the times teem with illustrious
instances of high-wrought courtesy, romantic generosity, lofty
disinterestedness, and punctilious honor, that warm the very soul to
read them. These have furnished themes for national plays and poems, or
have been celebrated in those all-pervading ballads, which are as the
life-breath of the people, and thus have continued to exercise an
influence on the national character, which centuries of vicissitude and
decline have not been able to destroy; so that, with all their faults,
and they are many, the Spaniards, even at the present day, are, on many
points, the most high-minded and proud-spirited people of Europe. It is
true, the romance of feeling derived from the sources I have mentioned,
has, like all other romance, its affectations and extremes. It renders
the Spaniard at times pompous and grandiloquent; prone to carry the
“pundonor,” or point of honor, beyond the bounds of sober sense and
sound morality; disposed, in the midst of poverty, to affect the “grande
caballero,” and to look down with sovereign disdain upon “arts
mechanical,” and all the gainful pursuits of plebeian life; but this
very inflation of spirit, while it fills his brain with vapors, lifts
him above a thousand meannesses; and though it often keeps him in
indigence, ever protects him from vulgarity.
In the present day, when popular literature is running into the low
levels of life, and luxuriating on the vices and follies of mankind; and
when the universal pursuit of gain is trampling down the early growth of
poetic feeling, and wearing out the verdure of the soul, I question
whether it would not be of service for the reader occasionally to turn
to these records of prouder times and loftier modes of thinking; and to
steep himself to the very lips in old Spanish romance.
With these preliminary suggestions, the fruit of a morning’s reading and
rumination in the old Jesuit’s Library of the University, I will give
him a legend in point, drawn forth from one of the venerable chronicles
alluded to.
In the cloisters of the ancient Benedictine convent of San Domingo, at
Silos, in Castile, are the mouldering yet magnificent monuments of the
once powerful and chivalrous family of Hinojosa. Among these reclines
the marble figure of a knight, in complete armor, with the hands pressed
together, as if in prayer. On one side of his tomb is sculptured in
relief a band of Christian cavaliers, capturing a cavalcade of male and
female Moors; on the other side, the same cavaliers are represented
kneeling before an altar. The tomb, like most of the neighboring
monuments, is almost in ruins, and the sculpture is nearly
unintelligible, excepting to the keen eye of the antiquary. The story
connected with the sepulchre, however, is still preserved in the old
Spanish chronicles, and is to the following purport.
* * * * *
In old times, several hundred years ago, there was a noble Castilian
cavalier, named Don Munio Sancho de Hinojosa, lord of a border castle,
which had stood the brunt of many a Moorish foray. He had seventy
horsemen as his household troops, all of the ancient Castilian proof;
stark warriors, hard riders, and men of iron; with these he scoured the
Moorish lands, and made his name terrible throughout the borders. His
castle-hall was covered with banners, cimeters, and Moslem helms, the
trophies of his prowess. Don Munio was, moreover, a keen huntsman; and
rejoiced in hounds of all kinds, steeds for the chase, and hawks for the
towering sport of falconry. When not engaged in warfare his delight was
to beat up the neighboring forests; and scarcely ever did he ride forth
without hound and horn, a boar-spear in his hand, or a hawk upon his
fist, and an attendant train of huntsmen.
His wife, Doña Maria Palacin, was of a gentle and timid nature, little
fitted to be the spouse of so hardy and adventurous a knight; and many a
tear did the poor lady shed, when he sallied forth upon his daring
enterprises, and many a prayer did she offer up for his safety.
As this doughty cavalier was one day hunting, he stationed himself in a
thicket, on the borders of a green glade of the forest, and dispersed
his followers to rouse the game, and drive it toward his stand. He had
not been here long, when a cavalcade of Moors, of both sexes, came
prankling over the forest-lawn. They were unarmed, and magnificently
dressed in robes of tissue and embroidery, rich shawls of India,
bracelets and anklets of gold, and jewels that sparkled in the sun.
At the head of this gay cavalcade rode a youthful cavalier, superior to
the rest in dignity and loftiness of demeanor, and in splendor of
attire: beside him was a damsel, whose veil, blown aside by the breeze,
displayed a face of surpassing beauty, and eyes cast down in maiden
modesty, yet beaming with tenderness and joy.
Don Munio thanked his stars for sending him such a prize, and exulted at
the thought of bearing home to his wife the glittering spoils of these
infidels. Putting his hunting-horn to his lips, he gave a blast that
rung through the forest. His huntsmen came running from all quarters,
and the astonished Moors were surrounded and made captives.
The beautiful Moor wrung her hands in despair, and her female attendants
uttered the most piercing cries. The young Moorish cavalier alone
retained self-possession. He inquired the name of the Christian knight
who commanded this troop of horsemen. When told that it was Don Munio
Sancho de Hinojosa, his countenance lighted up. Approaching that
cavalier, and kissing his hand, “Don Munio Sancho,” said he, “I have
heard of your fame as a true and valiant knight, terrible in arms, but
schooled in the noble virtues of chivalry. Such do I trust to find you.
In me you behold Abadil, son of a Moorish alcayde. I am on the way to
celebrate my nuptials with this lady; chance has thrown us in your
power, but I confide in your magnanimity. Take all our treasure and
jewels; demand what ransom you think proper for our persons, but suffer
us not to be insulted nor dishonored.”
When the good knight heard this appeal, and beheld the beauty of the
youthful pair, his heart was touched with tenderness and courtesy. “God
forbid,” said he, “that I should disturb such happy nuptials. My
prisoners in troth shall ye be for fifteen days, and immured within my
castle, where I claim, as conqueror, the right of celebrating your
So saying, he dispatched one of his fleetest horsemen in advance, to
notify Doña Maria Palacin of the coming of this bridal party; while he
and his huntsmen escorted the cavalcade, not as captors, but as a guard
of honor. As they drew near to the castle, the banners were hung out,
and the trumpets sounded from the battlements; and on their nearer
approach, the drawbridge was lowered, and Doña Maria came forth to meet
them, attended by her ladies and knights, her pages and her minstrels.
She took the young bride, Allifra, in her arms, kissed her with the
tenderness of a sister, and conducted her into the castle. In the mean
time, Don Munio sent forth missives in every direction, and had viands
and dainties of all kinds collected from the country round; and the
wedding of the Moorish lovers was celebrated with all possible state and
festivity. For fifteen days the castle was given up to joy and revelry.
There were tiltings and jousts at the ring, and bull-fights, and
banquets, and dances to the sound of minstrelsy. When the fifteen days
were at an end, he made the bride and bridegroom magnificent presents,
and conducted them and their attendants safely beyond the borders. Such,
in old times, were the courtesy and generosity of a Spanish cavalier.
Several years after this event, the king of Castile summoned his nobles
to assist him in a campaign against the Moors. Don Munio Sancho was
among the first to answer to the call, with seventy horsemen, all stanch
and well-tried warriors. His wife, Doña Maria, hung about his neck.
“Alas, my lord!” exclaimed she, “how often wilt thou tempt thy fate, and
when will thy thirst for glory be appeased!”

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