2015년 9월 3일 목요일

The Letters of Gracchus on the East India Question 5

The Letters of Gracchus on the East India Question 5

At an early period of the present discussion, Ministers appear to have
entertained the same maxim, of confining the import trade from India to
the Port of London. They were afterwards led, by a full exposition of
all the various interests which remonstrated against that close
restriction, to deem it just and expedient to propose (and wise and
politic for the East India Company to consent), that _such of the
principal out-ports as possessed the means whereby smuggling could best
be guarded against_, should participate with London in the import trade
from India; reserving exclusively to London, the whole of the trade
from China. This alteration of their original plan was suggested by
them to the Court of Directors, not as a relaxation of the _existing
privileges_ of the Company (which was the nature of Mr. Dundas's
proposition in 1800), but as a qualification to take place under _a new
When Mr. Dundas suggested to the Directors the new principle, of
admitting Indian-built ships as the vehicle for carrying on the private
trade, he was not treating with them concerning _the renewal_ of their
Charter; for they had then an _unexpired term of fourteen years_, in the
privileges conferred upon them by the Act of 1793. His proposition, as
has been just observed, went to _a relaxation_ of an important part of
those _subsisting privileges_; for which he sought to gain their
acquiescence; and as his opinion was decided and avowed, "that the
ostensible form of Government for India, with all its consequent detail
of patronage, must remain as it now is, and that the monopoly of that
trade ought properly to continue in the hands of the East India
Company;" it was prudent and seasonable in him to dwell upon that point.
Have not the Ministers of the present day evinced the same opinion? Have
they not proposed, to leave the patronage of India, and the exclusive
profits of the China Trade, with the Company? Does not the China Trade
ensure the employment of all the large ships in the service of the
Company; together with the continued engagement, in that line of
service, of the Commanders and Officers of those ships; and also, of
every other description of person now connected with that (_the
largest_) branch of the Company's concerns? Have not Ministers proposed
to confine the private trade with India to ships of four hundred tons
and upwards; thereby leaving to the owners of such of the smaller ships
now in the service of the Company, as by possibility may not be required
for their commerce, the advantage (which establishment in any line of
business must always give) of finding employment from those who, under
the proposed extension, may engage in that trade? Have not Ministers, in
proposing that the _Government_ of India should continue to be
administered through the organ of the Company, proposed to them the
continuance of the peculiar and great benefit, of carrying on their
_commerce_ by means of _the revenue_ of that Government? Whereas, the
private adventurers must trade upon their own capitals, or at an heavy
charge of interest.
How is it, then, that we hear so much of the loss which our Navy must
sustain, from the large ships of the Company being withdrawn from the
Eastern Trade; of the distress to which the Commanders and Officers, and
the numerous classes of artificers and others connected with those
ships, are to be exposed? Why are we told, that the East India Docks
will be left empty, and the Proprietors be reduced to apply to
Parliament for an indemnification? Can it possibly happen, that all
these calamities, so heavily denounced, should arise out of a permission
to be granted to private ships, returning from India, to proceed to
_certain ports to be designated_; more advantageously situated for their
trade than the Port of London? A permission, which the Directors
themselves are of opinion will not long be made use of to any great
extent; for they have told us, that the adventurers in those private
ships will be disappointed in their speculations; and they have adverted
to the mass of individual loss, which must ensue from the delusion, as
furnishing a strong argument, why Government ought not to yield to the
importunity of the Merchants of the out-ports.
From all that has been stated, it would appear, that instead of the
exaggerated picture of distress, which the advocates for a close
monopoly to the Port of London have represented as the necessary
consequence of relieving commerce from its present restrictions, we
ought to entertain a well-founded expectation; that _every class and
description of persons_, who now find employment in the Indian Trade,
will continue to have their industry called into action in the same line
of employment, and even to a greater extent, in some instances, than is
now experienced. For, unless the _union of interests_, which has so
recently taken place between the City of London and the East India
Company, should have the effect of preventing all competition between
the Merchants of London (formerly so eager to participate in the trade
with India), and the Merchants of the out-ports; it cannot fail to
happen, from the spirit of enterprise which has uniformly distinguished
the Metropolis, that the Port of London, _to which the whole India Trade
would be generally open_, will furnish its full proportion of the new
adventurers; and thus amply fill up that void, which the East India
Company affirm would be created in the Port of London, by diverting so
much of the Indian Trade to the out-ports: more especially, as all the
houses of Indian agency, which have been formed since the Act of 1793,
are established within the Metropolis.
Since this is the just prospect, which the adoption of the conditions
proposed by Government as the terms for the renewal of the Company's
Charter, opens to our view; since the share which the London Merchants
may take in the enlargement of the trade, would not fail to supply
employment for all that industry, which the Court of Directors assert
will be interrupted and suspended; while, at the same time, the
extension of that advantage will create new sources of industry in
various parts of the kingdom, without impairing or diminishing that of
London; whose will be the awful responsibility, if, by an obstinate
rejection of terms capable of yielding consequences so extensively
beneficial to the community, the Charter of the Company should not be
renewed; and if the disastrous effect should in consequence be produced,
in London and its vicinity, of "a suspended industry, interrupted
employment," and all the train of sufferings and calamities which has
been drawn out? Who will be chargeable, before the country, with "the
loss and waste of establishments which have cost upwards of a million
sterling--of shipping, to the amount of many millions--of a numerous and
respectable class of warehouse-keepers, clerks, and superior servants,
joined to three thousand labourers, and their families--of tradesmen of
various descriptions, who have incurred a very great expense for the
conduct of their business?" Who will be chargeable, in fact, with all
this destruction? Will it be the Government, who desire the East India
Company _to keep their Indian Empire, and their exclusive China trade_?
Or will it be the Conductors of the East India Company, who shall suffer
this great machine suddenly to stop its action, _because their limited
exclusive privileges are not made perpetual_?
_Friday, January 22, 1813._
Gracchus is charged, by some of the champions of the East India Company,
with error and a want of candour, because he has represented the
Directors to have maintained, that opening the import trade from India
to the out-ports of the kingdom, involves a question of the last
importance to the British Empire in India, and to the British
Constitution at home; and those writers affirm, that the Directors do
not deduce the danger of those great interests from the question of the
out-port trade, but from the question of disturbing the present system
of administering the Government of India.
Yet he can discover, neither error nor want of candour in his statement.
If those advocates will take the pains to follow the whole argument of
the Directors, on the present occasion, throughout, they must be
sensible, that his statement cannot be controverted. The Directors,
indeed, avoid expressing their proposition in the fair and distinct form
in which it is here drawn out; yet such is the proposition in effect.
For, if the whole of it be reduced into a form of syllogism, it is no
other than this:--
"Whatever shall cause the subversion of the present system of
Indian Government, will cause danger to the Empire and
"But, pressing the extension of _an import trade from India to the
out-ports_, will cause the subversion of the present system of
Indian Government.
"Therefore, _pressing the extension of an import trade to the
out-ports, will cause danger to the Empire and Constitution_."
If we question the _minor_ proposition, and ask, Why, pressing an import
trade for the out-ports, should necessarily cause the subversion of the
existing system of Indian Government? the answer of the Directors is
already given:--Because they _will not_ continue to carry on that
Government, if an import trade from India should be granted to the
out-ports. Thus, the original statement is demonstrably established; and
all the logic of the City cannot overturn it.
The Directors must permit the words "_will not_;" for, with the record
of the East India Company's history before us, it is impossible to say
they _cannot_. In proof of this assertion, let us take a review of that
history, and let us examine, what evil resulted to the Company, _during
the period that the import trade from India_ WAS ACTUALLY _extended to
the out-ports of Great Britain_.
When the first, or London East India Company, had incurred the
forfeiture of their Charter in 1693, by the non-payment of a stipulated
sum of money, their privileges were immediately restored to them, and
confirmed by letters patent, granted by King William III. upon this
express ground:--"Considering how highly it imports the honour and
welfare of this our kingdom, and our subjects thereof, that a trade and
traffic to the East Indies should be continued; and being well satisfied
that the same may be of great and public advantage; and being also
desirous to render the same, as much as in us lies, _more national,
general, and extensive, than hitherto it hath been_," &c.
This principle, of promoting a more national, general, and extensive
trade to India than had subsisted under the then existing Company's
exclusive Charter, gave rise to _a new measure_ in the year 1698, in an

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