2014년 12월 4일 목요일

Unbeaten Tracks in Japan 13

Unbeaten Tracks in Japan 13

At a house in the scrub a number of men were drinking sake with

much uproar, and a superb-looking Aino came out, staggered a few

yards, and then fell backwards among the weeds, a picture of

debasement. I forgot to tell you that before I left Biratori, I

inveighed to the assembled Ainos against the practice and

consequences of sake-drinking, and was met with the reply, "We must

drink to the gods, or we shall die;" but Pipichari said, "You say

that which is good; let us give sake to the gods, but not drink

it," for which bold speech he was severely rebuked by Benri.


Mombets is a stormily-situated and most wretched cluster of twenty-

seven decayed houses, some of them Aino, and some Japanese. The

fish-oil and seaweed fishing trades are in brisk operation there

now for a short time, and a number of Aino and Japanese strangers

are employed. The boats could not get out because of the surf, and

there was a drunken debauch. The whole place smelt of sake. Tipsy

men were staggering about and falling flat on their backs, to lie

there like dogs till they were sober,--Aino women were vainly

endeavouring to drag their drunken lords home, and men of both

races were reduced to a beastly equality. I went to the yadoya

where I intended to spend Sunday, but, besides being very dirty and

forlorn, it was the very centre of the sake traffic, and in its

open space there were men in all stages of riotous and stupid

intoxication. It was a sad scene, yet one to be matched in a

hundred places in Scotland every Saturday afternoon. I am told by

the Kocho here that an Aino can drink four or five times as much as

a Japanese without being tipsy, so for each tipsy Aino there had

been an outlay of 6s. or 7s., for sake is 8d. a cup here!


I had some tea and eggs in the daidokoro, and altered my plans

altogether on finding that if I proceeded farther round the east

coast, as I intended, I should run the risk of several days'

detention on the banks of numerous "bad rivers" if rain came on, by

which I should run the risk of breaking my promise to deliver Ito

to Mr. Maries by a given day. I do not surrender this project,

however, without an equivalent, for I intend to add 100 miles to my

journey, by taking an almost disused track round Volcano Bay, and

visiting the coast Ainos of a very primitive region. Ito is very

much opposed to this, thinking that he has made a sufficient

sacrifice of personal comfort at Biratori, and plies me with

stories, such as that there are "many bad rivers to cross," that

the track is so worn as to be impassable, that there are no

yadoyas, and that at the Government offices we shall neither get

rice nor eggs! An old man who has turned back unable to get horses

is made responsible for these stories. The machinations are very

amusing. Ito was much smitten with the daughter of the house-

master at Mororan, and left some things in her keeping, and the

desire to see her again is at the bottom of his opposition to the

other route.


Monday.--The horse could not or would not carry me farther than

Mombets, so, sending the baggage on, I walked through the oak wood,

and enjoyed its silent solitude, in spite of the sad reflections

upon the enslavement of the Ainos to sake. I spent yesterday

quietly in my old quarters, with a fearful storm of wind and rain

outside. Pipichari appeared at noon, nominally to bring news of

the sick woman, who is recovering, and to have his nearly healed

foot bandaged again, but really to bring me a knife sheath which he

has carved for me. He lay on the mat in the corner of my room most

of the afternoon, and I got a great many more words from him. The

house-master, who is the Kocho of Sarufuto, paid me a courteous

visit, and in the evening sent to say that he would be very glad of

some medicine, for he was "very ill and going to have fever." He

had caught a bad cold and sore throat, had bad pains in his limbs,

and was bemoaning himself ruefully. To pacify his wife, who was

very sorry for him, I gave him some "Cockle's Pills" and the

trapper's remedy of "a pint of hot water with a pinch of cayenne

pepper," and left him moaning and bundled up under a pile of

futons, in a nearly hermetically sealed room, with a hibachi of

charcoal vitiating the air. This morning when I went and inquired

after him in a properly concerned tone, his wife told me very

gleefully that he was quite well and had gone out, and had left 25

sen for some more of the medicines that I had given him, so with

great gravity I put up some of Duncan and Flockhart's most pungent

cayenne pepper, and showed her how much to use. She was not

content, however, without some of the "Cockles," a single box of

which has performed six of those "miraculous cures" which rejoice

the hearts and fill the pockets of patent medicine makers!


I. L. B.








A Welcome Gift--Recent Changes--Volcanic Phenomena--Interesting

Tufa Cones--Semi-strangulation--A Fall into a Bear-trap--The

Shiraoi Ainos--Horsebreaking and Cruelty.



September 2.


After the storm of Sunday, Monday was a grey, still, tender day,

and the ranges of wooded hills were bathed in the richest indigo

colouring. A canter of seventeen miles among the damask roses on a

very rough horse only took me to Yubets, whose indescribable

loneliness fascinated me into spending a night there again, and

encountering a wild clatter of wind and rain; and another canter of

seven miles the next morning took me to Tomakomai, where I rejoined

my kuruma, and after a long delay, three trotting Ainos took me to

Shiraoi, where the "clear shining after rain," and the mountains

against a lemon-coloured sky, were extremely beautiful; but the

Pacific was as unrestful as a guilty thing, and its crash and

clamour and the severe cold fatigued me so much that I did not

pursue my journey the next day, and had the pleasure of a flying

visit from Mr. Von Siebold and Count Diesbach, who bestowed a

chicken upon me.


I like Shiraoi very much, and if I were stronger would certainly

make it a basis for exploring a part of the interior, in which

there is much to reward the explorer. Obviously the changes in

this part of Yezo have been comparatively recent, and the energy of

the force which has produced them is not yet extinct. The land has

gained from the sea along the whole of this part of the coast to

the extent of two or three miles, the old beach with its bays and

headlands being a marked feature of the landscape. This new

formation appears to be a vast bed of pumice, covered by a thin

layer of vegetable mould, which cannot be more than fifty years

old. This pumice fell during the eruption of the volcano of

Tarumai, which is very near Shiraoi, and is also brought down in

large quantities from the interior hills and valleys by the

numerous rivers, besides being washed up by the sea. At the last

eruption pumice fell over this region of Yezo to a medium depth of

3 feet 6 inches. In nearly all the rivers good sections of the

formation may be seen in their deeply-cleft banks, broad, light-

coloured bands of pumice, with a few inches of rich, black,

vegetable soil above, and several feet of black sea-sand below.

During a freshet which occurred the first night I was at Shiraoi, a

single stream covered a piece of land with pumice to the depth of

nine inches, being the wash from the hills of the interior, in a

course of less than fifteen miles.


Looking inland, the volcano of Tarumai, with a bare grey top and a

blasted forest on its sides, occupies the right of the picture. To

the left and inland are mountains within mountains, tumbled

together in most picturesque confusion, densely covered with forest

and cleft by magnificent ravines, here and there opening out into

narrow valleys. The whole of the interior is jungle penetrable for

a few miles by shallow and rapid rivers, and by nearly smothered

trails made by the Ainos in search of game. The general lie of the

country made me very anxious to find out whether a much-broken

ridge lying among the mountains is or is not a series of tufa cones

of ancient date; and, applying for a good horse and Aino guide on

horseback, I left Ito to amuse himself, and spent much of a most

splendid day in investigations and in attempting to get round the

back of the volcano and up its inland side. There is a great deal

to see and learn there. Oh that I had strength! After hours of

most tedious and exhausting work I reached a point where there were

several great fissures emitting smoke and steam, with occasional

subterranean detonations. These were on the side of a small, flank

crack which was smoking heavily. There was light pumice

everywhere, but nothing like recent lava or scoriae. One fissure

was completely lined with exquisite, acicular crystals of sulphur,

which perished with a touch. Lower down there were two hot springs

with a deposit of sulphur round their margins, and bubbles of gas,

which, from its strong, garlicky smell, I suppose to be

sulphuretted hydrogen. Farther progress in that direction was

impossible without a force of pioneers. I put my arm down several

deep crevices which were at an altitude of only about 500 feet, and

had to withdraw it at once, owing to the great heat, in which some

beautiful specimens of tropical ferns were growing. At the same

height I came to a hot spring--hot enough to burst one of my

thermometers, which was graduated above the boiling point of

Fahrenheit; and tying up an egg in a pocket-handkerchief and

holding it by a stick in the water, it was hard boiled in 8.5

minutes. The water evaporated without leaving a trace of deposit

on the handkerchief, and there was no crust round its margin. It

boiled and bubbled with great force.


Three hours more of exhausting toil, which almost knocked up the

horses, brought us to the apparent ridge, and I was delighted to

find that it consisted of a lateral range of tufa cones, which I

estimate as being from 200 to 350, or even 400 feet high. They are

densely covered with trees of considerable age, and a rich deposit

of mould; but their conical form is still admirably defined. An

hour of very severe work, and energetic use of the knife on the

part of the Aino, took me to the top of one of these through a mass

of entangled and gigantic vegetation, and I was amply repaid by

finding a deep, well-defined crateriform cavity of great depth,

with its sides richly clothed with vegetation, closely resembling

some of the old cones in the island of Kauai. This cone is

partially girdled by a stream, which in one place has cut through a

bank of both red and black volcanic ash. All the usual phenomena

of volcanic regions are probably to be met with north of Shiraoi,

and I hope they will at some future time be made the object of

careful investigation.


In spite of the desperate and almost overwhelming fatigue, I have

enjoyed few things more than that "exploring expedition." If the

Japanese have no one to talk to they croon hideous discords to

themselves, and it was a relief to leave Ito behind and get away

with an Aino, who was at once silent, trustworthy, and faithful.

Two bright rivers bubbling over beds of red pebbles run down to

Shiraoi out of the back country, and my directions, which were

translated to the Aino, were to follow up one of these and go into

the mountains in the direction of one I pointed out till I said

"Shiraoi." It was one of those exquisite mornings which are seen

sometimes in the Scotch Highlands before rain, with intense

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