2015년 9월 21일 월요일

The Master of Stair 41

The Master of Stair 41

She stopped as though she had put her whole energy into her words and
it had suddenly gone out like a sinking flame; she put her fingers to
her lips and stared at him over them.
“It is a great chance for you,” she said very faintly.
“A chance?” repeated the Master of Stair.
“Of atonement,” said Delia, and her wild brown eyes flashed such a
glance of proud misery that he almost winced.
He was fingering with a lazy hand the wreaths that crowned the faun on
the marble beside him; he dropped his glance and again there came over
his face that curious __EXPRESSION__ of contained sullenness and defiance.
Delia waited in the center of the room; she could not look at him; her
gaze traveled to the long windows and the cheerless prospect of bare
trees without.
“Sir John Dalrymple,” she said at last. “Will you do the merciful
He lifted his head; his face was flushed, his eyebrows drawn together.
“I will not be a perfect fool,” he said haughtily. “All they who were
in this plot shall pay for it as certainly
“As you shall pay for what you do, Sir John,” she interrupted. “As
their crimes of loyalty and courage in a losing cause shall be
punishedso shall lying treachery and false-heartedness and hard
cruelty be repaid” she laughed suddenly. “You in the judgment
seatyou!” she cried, with her hand to her side.
“YesI,” he said imperiously. “When your Jacobites can mount it let
them judge memeanwhileI think he who can hold the sword wields the
swordas I shall do.”
She turned from him.
“I have no more to say,” she said.
“Nor I,” he answered.
With her hand still at her side she crossed to the door; there she
stopped and turned to face him.
“I was wrong,” she said steadily. “I have something more to saythere
are those whom I can save without asking your mercy, the mercy that you
have not, Sir John.”
He looked at her over his shoulder.
“By to-night,” continued Delia, “all London will know that you plan to
massacre the Macdonalds of Glencoe.”
The Master of Stair swung round.
“It shall also be known,” said Delia, with a terrible composure, “that
the Macdonalds took the oath and that you and your allies suppress the
knowledge that you may not be cheated of your bloody scheme.”
The Master of Stair flushed darkly and put his hands to his black
velvet cravat as if he would have torn it in rage.
“Who told you that?” he exclaimed fiercely.
“Does it matter?” she answered. “I know, and all England shall know.
And you will not dare to touch themnot even you.”
“Who told you,” he repeated thickly. “What spies have I about my
affairs? Who told you?”
Delia laid her hand on the door.
“You can arrest us all,” she said quietly. “You can go to the furthest
limits of your law, use your foully-won triumph, but you cannot prevent
this truth from circling London.”
“Is this charity toward those savages orrevenge?” he demanded hotly.
“Pity for them or hate of me?”
“Call it what you will,” she answered quietly. “Nothing can stop me.
Nay, you can arrest me now, but you cannot close my mouth, nor can you
put me in any prison so close that this truth shall not escapeto the
very footstool of your Prince, who for shame must hear me
“Now, if I knew who told you” said the Master of Stair, “who played
this trick on me.” He clenched his hand tightly against the marble
Delia opened the door; it seemed as if she was to go without another
“Stop,” cried the Master of Stair.
She paused, holding the door ajar, and looked back.
“Who is the dearer to you,” asked Sir John, “your Jacobite friends or
these Macdonalds?”
She stared in a slow horror.
“I give you your choice,” pursued the Master of Stair. “The Macdonalds
did not take the oath before the appointed timeyet they took it. If
you and your friends will keep this knowledge secretif you will
neither warn the Highlanders nor rouse the Jacobitesthen I will burn
those papers I hold.”
The door slipped from Delia’s fingers; she moved back and lifted a
colorless face. “What is the punishment you have for the Macdonalds?”
she asked faintly, “what are you going to do with them?”
“Extirpate them,” he answered, “the whole race of them. Now chooseyour
friends or them.”
Delia put her hand to her forehead in a listless weary manner as if the
life had died within her.
“Soyou bargain, Sir John,” she said. “And II have no choice between a
duty and a sentimentgive me my friends.”
“It is a high price,” he answered with a sudden smile. “Those papers
against your silence.”
“Burn themburn them,” cried Delia. “Let me see them burnt.”
He laughed.
“Why, I shall keep them,” he answered, “and if you speak I shall send
them to His Majestybut while you are silent you are safeyou have my
word for that.”
“Your word!” she echoed, “your word!”
“It is as good as that of other men,” he said, “at least you must take
itor if notwellspeak and the papers go to the King.”
He turned on his heel abruptly as if suddenly weary of the situation
and crossed the room to an inner door which he swept through without a
backward look, and closed heavily behind him.
Delia came slowly from her place to where he had stood; slowly she drew
her right glove off and with her bare hand timidly touched the marble
chimneypiece; then her fingers fell to the spot where his had rested
and she caressed the wreathed faun lightly. Her face was flushed and
enthralled; fierce suppressed sobs rose in her throat; she stooped at
last and set her lips to the cold marble, rested her cheek against it
an instant, then drew herself erect, scarlet with shame.
She picked up her glove, her muff, and went from the room, slowly down
the gloomy magnificent stairs and out into the cold waning afternoon.
The Master of Stair, waiting her coming, watched her from an upper
It was beginning to snow and he noticed how she struggled in the teeth
of the driving wind as she passed round the square; she was the only
soul abroad on foot.
As he looked at her, one of his violent impulses seized him to tear to
pieces those papers she asked for and scatter them after her; had he
had them there upon him he would have turned and cast them into the
fire; scheming and intrigue were hateful to him; he wanted the
straightforward action; to crush the Jacobites high-handedly, not hold
a terror over a woman’s head.
And the generous action would not in this instance be very costly; as
she had said he had his spies on all the ringleaders. Berwick was
powerless without his French army and Louis would never send an army
till he obtained those letters that would never reach him; the men who
had signed those documents would be too frightened by their loss to
sign others, certainly he could afford to forego a mere vengeance. He
proceeded to act at once on his impulse; he went to the Viscount who had the papers, and demanded them.   

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