2016년 6월 3일 금요일

In The Levant 35

In The Levant 35

When the day was two thirds spent we had purchased one hundred tiles,
jealously watched the packing of each one, and seen the boxes nailed
and corded. We could not have been more exhausted if we had undergone
an examination for a doctorate of law in a German university. Two boxes,
weighing two hundred pounds each, were hoisted upon the backs of mules
and sent to the French company's station; there does not appear to be a
dray or a burden-cart in Damascus; all freight is carried upon the back
of a mule or a horse, even long logs and whole trunks of trees.
When this transaction was finished, our Greek guide, who had heard me
ask the master of the house for brass trays, told me that a fellow whom
I had noticed hanging about there all the morning had some trays to show
me; in fact, he had at his house "seventeen trays." I thought this a
rich find, for the beautiful antique brasses of Persia are becoming rare
even in Damascus; and, tired as we were, we rode across the city for a
mile to a secluded private house, and were shown into an upper chamber.
What was our surprise to find spread out there the same "seventy-three"
tiles that we had purchased the day before, and which had been whisked
away from us. By "seventeen tray," the guide meant "seventy-three." We
told the honest owner that he was too late; we had already tiles enough
to cover his tomb.
|THE private houses of Damascus are a theme of wonder and admiration
throughout the Orient. In a land in which a moist spot is called a
garden, and a canal bordered by willows a Paradise, the fancy constructs
a palace of the utmost splendor and luxury out of materials which in a
less glowing country would scarcely satisfy moderate notions of comfort
or of ostentation.
But the East is a region of contrasts as well as of luxury, and it is
difficult to say how much of their reputation the celebrated mansions of
Damascus owe to the wretchedness of the ordinary dwellings, and also to
the raggedness of their surroundings. We spent a day in visiting several
of the richest dwellings, and steeping ourselves in the dazzling luxury
they offer.
The exterior of a private house gives no idea of its interior. Sometimes
its plain mud-wall has a solid handsome street-door, and if it is very
old, perhaps a rich Saracenic portal; but usually you slip from the
gutter, lined with mud-walls, called a street, into an alley, crooked,
probably dirty, pass through a stable-yard and enter a small court,
which may be cheered by a tree and a basin of water. Thence you
wind through a narrow passage into a large court, a parallelogram of
tesselated marble, having a fountain in the centre and about it orange
and lemon trees, and roses and vines. The house, two stories high,
is built about this court, upon which all the rooms open without
communicating with each other. Perhaps the building is of marble, and
carved, or it may be highly ornamented with stucco, and painted in gay
colors. If the establishment belongs to a Moslem, it will have beyond
this court a second, larger and finer, with more fountains, trees, and
flowers, and a house more highly decorated. This is the harem, and the
way to it is a crooked alley, so that by no chance can the slaves or
visitors of the master get a glimpse into the apartments of the women.
The first house we visited was of this kind; all the portion the
gentlemen of the party were admitted into was in a state of shabby
decay; its court in disrepair, its rooms void of comfort,--a condition
of things to which we had become well accustomed in everything
Moslem. But the ladies found the court of the harem beautiful, and
its apartments old and very rich in wood-carving and in arabesques,
something like the best old Saracenic houses in Cairo.
The houses of the rich Jews which we saw are built like those of the
Moslems, about a paved court with a fountain, but totally different in
architecture and decoration.
In speaking of a fountain, in or about Damascus, I always mean a basin
into which water is discharged from a spout. If there are any jets or
upspringing fountains, I was not so fortunate as to see them.
In passing through the streets of the Jews' quarter we encountered at
every step beautiful children, not always clean Sunday-school children,
but ravishingly lovely, the handsomest, as to exquisite complexions,
grace of features, and beauty of eyes, that I have ever seen. And
looking out from the open windows of the balconies which hang over the
street were lovely Jewish women, the mothers of the beautiful children,
and the maidens to whom the humble Christian is grateful that they tire
themselves and look out of windows now as they did in the days of the
At the first Jewish house we entered, we were received by the entire
family, old and young, newly married, betrothed, cousins, uncles, and
maiden aunts. They were evidently expecting company about these days,
and not at all averse to exhibiting their gorgeous house and their
rich apparel. Three dumpy, middle-aged women, who would pass for ugly
anywhere, welcomed us at first in the raised recess, or _lewân_, at
one end of the court; we were seated upon the divans, while the women
squatted upon cushions. Then the rest of the family began to appear.
There were the handsome owner of the house, his younger brother just
married, and the wife of the latter, a tall and pretty woman of the
strictly wax-doll order of beauty, with large, swimming eyes. She wore
a short-waisted gown of blue silk, and diamonds, and, strange to say, a
dark wig; it is the fashion at marriage to shave the head and put on
a wig, a most disenchanting performance for a bride. The numerous
children, very pretty and sweet-mannered, came forward and kissed our
hands. The little girls were attired in white short-waisted dresses, and
all, except the very smallest, wore diamonds. One was a bride of twelve
years, whose marriage was to be concluded the next year. She wore an
orange-wreath, her high corsage of white silk sparkled with diamonds,
and she was sweet and engaging in manner, and spoke French prettily.
The girls evidently had on the family diamonds, and I could imagine that
the bazaar of Moses in the city had been stripped to make a holiday for
his daughters. Surely, we never saw such a display out of the Sultan's
treasure-chamber. The head-dress of one of the cousins of the family,
who was recently married, was a pretty hat, the coronal front of which
was a mass of diamonds. We saw this same style of dress in other houses
afterwards, and were permitted to admire other young women who were
literally plastered with these precious stones, in wreaths on the head,
in brooches and necklaces,--masses of dazzling diamonds, which after a
time came to have no more value in our eyes than glass, so common and
cheap did they seem. If a wicked person could persuade one of these
dazzling creatures to elope with him, he would be in possession of
treasure enough to found a college for the conversion of the Jews.
I could not but be struck with the resemblance of one of the plump,
glowing-cheeked young girls, who was set before us for worship, clad in
white silk and inestimable jewels, to the images of the Madonna, decked
with equal affection and lavish wealth, which one sees in the Italian
All the women and children of the family walked about upon wooden
pattens, ingeniously inlaid with ivory or pearl, the two supports of
which raise them about three inches from the ground.
They are confined to the foot by a strap across the ball, but being
otherwise loose, they clatter at every step; of course, graceful walking
on these little stilts is impossible, and the women go about like hens
whose toes have been frozen off. When they step up into the lewân, they
leave their pattens on the marble floor, and sit in their stocking-feet.
Our conversation with this hospitable collection of relations consisted
chiefly in inquiries about their connection with each other, and an
effort on their part to understand our relationship, and to know why we
had not brought our entire families. They were also extremely curious to
know about our houses in America, chiefly, it would seem, to enforce the
contrast between our plainness and their luxury. When we had been
served with coffee and cigarettes, they all rose and showed us about the
The first one, the _salon_, will give an idea of the others. It was a
lofty, but not large room, with a highly painted ceiling, and consisted
of two parts; the first, level with the court and paved with marble, had
a marble basin in the centre supported on carved lions; the other two
thirds of the apartment was raised about a foot, carpeted, and furnished
with chairs of wood, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, stiffly set against
the walls. The chairs were not comfortable to sit in, and they were the
sole furniture. The wainscoting was of marble, in screen-work, and most
elaborately carved. High up, near the ceiling, were windows, double
windows in fact, with a space between like a gallery, so that the
lacelike screen-work was exhibited to the utmost advantage. There was
much gilding and color on the marble, and the whole was costly and
gaudy. The sleeping-rooms, in the second story, were also handsome in
this style, but they were literally all windows, on all sides; the space
between the windows was never more than three or four inches. They are
admirable for light and air, but to enter them is almost like stepping
out of doors. They are all _en suite_, so that it would seem that the
family must retire simultaneously, exchanging the comparative privacy of
the isolated rooms below for the community of these glass apartments.
The _salons_ that we saw in other houses were of the same general style
of the first; some had marble niches in the walls, the arch of which was
supported by slender marble columns, and these recesses, as well as the
walls, were decorated with painting, usually landscapes and cities. The
painting gives you a perfectly accurate idea of the condition of art in
the Orient; it was not only pre-Raphaelite, it was pre-Adamite, worse
than Byzantine, and not so good as Chinese. Money had been freely
lavished in these dwellings, and whatever the Eastern chisel or brush
could do to enrich and ornament them had been done. I was much pleased
by the picture of a city,--it may have been Damascus--freely done upon
the wall. The artist had dotted the plaster with such houses as children
are accustomed to make on a slate, arranging some of them in rows,
and inserting here and there a minaret and a dome. There was not the
slightest attempt at shading or perspective. Yet the owners contemplated
the result with visible satisfaction, and took a simple and undisguised
pleasure in our admiration of the work of art.
"Alas," I said to the delighted Jew connoisseur who had paid for this
picture, "we have nothing like that in our houses in America, not even
in the Capitol at Washington!"
"But your country is new," he replied with amiable consideration; "you
will have of it one day."
In none of these veneered and stuccoed palaces did we find any comfort;

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