2016년 6월 3일 금요일

In The Levant 41

In The Levant 41

We walked on out of the town to the most considerable church in the
place, newly built by the Roman Catholics. There is attached to it
a Franciscan convent, a neat establishment with a garden; and the
hospitable monks, when they knew we were Americans, insisted upon
entertaining us; the contributions for their church had largely come
from America, they said, and they seemed to regard us as among the
number of their benefactors. This Christian charity expressed itself
also in some bunches of roses, which the brothers plucked for our
ladies. One cannot but suspect and respect that timid sentiment the monk
retains for the sex whose faces he flies from, which he expresses in the
care of flowers; the blushing rose seems to be the pure and only link
between the monk and womankind; he may cultivate it without sin, and
offer it to the chance visitor without scandal.
The day was lovely, but the sun had intense power, and in default of
donkeys we took a private carriage into the country to visit the church
of St. George, at which the _fête_ day of that saint was celebrated by a
fair, and a concourse of peasants. Our carriage was a four-wheeled cart,
a sort of hay-wagon, drawn by two steers, and driven by a Greek boy in
an embroidered jacket. The Franciscans lent us chairs for the cart; the
resplendent kawass marched ahead; Abd-el-Atti hung his legs over the
tail of the cart in an attitude of dejection; and we moved on, but so
slowly that my English friend, Mr. Edward Rae, was able to sketch us,
and the Cyprians could enjoy the spectacle.
The country lay bare and blinking under the sun; save here and there a
palm or a bunch of cypresses, this part of the island has not a tree or
a large shrub. The view of the town and the sea with its boats, as we
went inland, was peculiar, not anything real, but a skeleton picture;
the sky and sea were indigo blue. We found a crowd of peasants at the
church of St. George, which has a dirty interior, like all the Greek
churches. The Greeks, as well as the other Orientals, know how to mingle
devotion with the profits of trade, and while there were rows of booths
outside, and traffic went on briskly, the church was thronged with men
and women who bought tapers for offerings, and kissed with fervor the
holy relics which were exposed. The articles for sale at the booths and
stands were chiefly eatables and the coarsest sort of merchandise. The
only specialty of native manufacture was rude but pleasant-sounding
little bells, which are sometimes strung upon the necks of donkeys. But
so fond are these simple people of musical noise, that these bells
are attached to the handles of sickles also. The barley was already
dead-ripe in the fields, and many of the peasants at the fair brought
their sickles with them. They were, both men and women, a good-humored,
primitive sort of people, certainly not a handsome race, but picturesque
in appearance; both sexes affect high colors, and the bright petticoats
of the women matched the gay jackets of their husbands and lovers.
We do not know what was the ancient standard of beauty in Cyprus; it
may have been no higher than it is now, and perhaps the swains at this
_fête_ of St. George would turn from any other type of female charms as
uninviting. The Cyprian or Paphian Venus could not have been a beauty
according to our notions.
The images of her which General di Cesnola found in her temple all have
a long and sharp nose. These images are Phoenician, and were made six
hundred to a thousand years before the Christian era, at the time that
wonderful people occupied this fertile island. It is an interesting
fact, and an extraordinary instance of the persistence of nature in
perpetuating a type, that all the women of Cyprus to-day--who are,
with scarcely any exception, ugly--have exactly the nose of the ancient
Paphian Venus, that is to say, the nose of the Phoenician women whose
husbands and lovers sailed the Mediterranean as long ago as the siege of
It was off the southern coast of this island, near Paphos, that Venus
Aphrodite, born of the foam, is fabled to have risen from the sea. The
anniversary of her birth is still perpetuated by an annual fête on the
11th of August,--a rite having its foundation in nature, that has proved
to be stronger than religious instruction or prejudice. Originally,
these fêtes were the scenes of a too literal worship of Venus, and even
now the Cyprian maiden thinks that her chance of matrimony is increased
by her attendance at this annual fair. Upon that day all the young
people go upon the sea in small boats, and, until recently, it used
to be the custom to dip a virgin into the water in remembrance of the
mystic birth of Venus. That ceremony is still partially maintained;
instead of sousing the maiden in the sea, her companions spatter the
representative of the goddess with salt water,--immersion has given way
here also to sprinkling.
The lively curiosity of the world has been of late years turned to
Cyprus as the theatre of some of the most important and extensive
archaeological discoveries of this century; discoveries unique, and
illustrative of the manners and religion of a race, once the most
civilized in the Levant, of which only the slightest monuments had
hitherto been discovered; discoveries which supply the lost link between
Egyptian and Grecian art. These splendid results, which by a stroke of
good fortune confer some credit upon the American nation, are wholly
due to the scholarship, patient industry, address, and enthusiasm of one
man. To those who are familiar with the magnificent Cesnola Collection,
which is the chief attraction of the Metropolitan Museum of New York, I
need make no apology for devoting a few paragraphs to the antiquities of
Cyprus and their explorer.
Cyprus was the coveted prize of all the conquerors of the Orient
in turn. The fair island, with an area not so large as the State of
Connecticut, owns in its unequal surface the extremes of the temperate
climate; snow lies during the greater part of the year upon its
mountains, which attain an altitude of over seven thousand feet, and
the palm spreads its fan-leaves along the southern coast and in the warm
plains; irregular in shape, it has an extreme length of over one hundred
and forty miles, and an average breadth of about forty miles, and its
deeply indented coast gives an extraordinarily long shore-line and
offers the facilities of harbors for the most active commerce.
The maritime Phoenicians early discovered its advantages, and in the
seventeenth century b. c., or a little later, a colony from Sidon
settled at Citium; and in time these Yankees of the Levant occupied
all the southern portion of the island with their busy ports and royal
cities. There is a tradition that Teucer, after the Trojan war, founded
the city of Salamis on the east coast. But however this may be, and
whatever may be the exact date of the advent of the Sidonians upon the
island, it is tolerably certain that they were in possession about the
year 1600 b.c., when the navy of Thotmes III., the greatest conqueror
and statesman in the long line of Pharaohs, visited Cyprus and collected
tribute. The Egyptians were never sailors, and the fleet of Thotmes III.
was no doubt composed of Phoenician ships manned by Phoenician sailors.
He was already in possession of the whole of Syria, the Phoenicians were
his tributaries and allies, their ships alone sailed the Grecian
seas and carried the products of Egypt and of Asia to the Pelasgic
populations. The Phoenician supremacy, established by Sidon in Cyprus,
was maintained by Tyre; and it was not seriously subverted until 708
b. c., when the Assyrian ravager of Syria, Sargon, sent a fleet and
conquered Cyprus. He set up a _stele_ in Citium, commemorating his
exploit, which has been preserved and is now in the museum at Berlin.
Two centuries later the island owned the Persians as masters, and was
comprised in the fifth satrapy of Darius. It became a part of the empire
of the Macedonian Alexander after his conquest of Asia Minor, and was
again an Egyptian province under the Ptolemies, until the Roman eagles
swooped down upon it. Coins are not seldom found that tell the story of
these occupations. Those bearing the head of Ptolemy Physcon, Euergetes
VII., found at Paphos and undoubtedly struck there, witness the
residence on the island of that licentious and literary tyrant, whom a
popular outburst had banished from Alexandria. Another with the head
of Vespasian, and on the obverse an outline of the temple of Venus at
Paphos, attests the Roman hospitality to the gods and religious rites of
all their conquered provinces.
Upon the breaking up of the Roman world, Cyprus fell to the Greek
Empire, and for centuries maintained under its ducal governors a sort of
independent life, enjoying as much prosperity as was possible under the
almost uniform imbecility and corruption of the Byzantine rule. We have
already spoken of its transfer to the Lusignans by Richard Cour de Lion;
and again a romantic chapter was added to its history by the reign of
Queen Catharine Cornaro, who gave her kingdom to the Venetian republic.
Since its final conquest by the Turks in 1571, Cyprus has interested the
world only by its sufferings; for Turkish history here, as elsewhere, is
little but a record of exactions, rapine, and massacre.
From time to time during the present century efforts have been made
by individuals and by learned societies to explore the antiquities of
Cyprus; but although many interesting discoveries were made, yet the
field was comparatively virgin when General di Cesnola was appointed
American consul in 1866. Here and there a _stele_, or some fragments of
pottery, or the remains of a temple, had been unearthed by chance or by
superficial search, but the few objects discovered served only to pique
curiosity. For one reason or another, the efforts made to establish the
site of ancient cities had been abandoned, the expeditions sent out by
France had been comparatively barren of results, and it seemed as if
the traces of the occupation of the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the
Assyrians, the Persians, and the Romans were irrecoverably concealed.
General L. P. di Cesnola, the explorer of Cyprus, is of a noble
Piedmontese family; he received a military and classical education at
Turin; identified with the party of Italian unity, his sympathies were
naturally excited by the contest in America; he offered his sword to our
government, and served with distinction in the war for the Union. At
its close he was appointed consul at Cyprus, a position of no
pecuniary attraction, but I presume that the new consul had in view the
explorations which have given his name such honorable celebrity in both
The difficulties of his undertaking were many. He had to encounter at
every step the jealousy of the Turkish government, and the fanaticism
and superstition of the occupants of the soil. Archaeological researches
are not easy in the East under the most favorable circumstances, and in
places where the traces of ancient habitations are visible above ground,
and ancient sites are known; but in Cyprus no ruins exist in sight to
aid the explorer, and, with the exception of one or two localities, no
names of ancient places are known to the present generation. But the
consul was convinced that the great powers which had from age to age
held Cyprus must have left some traces of their occupation, and that
intelligent search would discover the ruins of the prosperous cities
described by Strabo and mentioned by the geographer Ptolemy. Without
other guides than the descriptions of these and other ancient writers,

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