2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 16

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 16

"No man should ever enter upon any great or
important undertaking, without first invoking the bless-
ing of Deity, you will therefore kneel and attend
The figure on the next page is a correct representa-
tion of the Lodge and candidate during this ceremony.
The Master then gives three raps, removes his hat,
and repeats the following
"Vouchsafe thine aid, Almighty Father of the
universe, to this, our present convention, and grant
that this candidate for Masonry may so dedicate and
devote his life to Thy service, that he may become a
true and faithful brother among us. Endue him with
a competency of Thy divine wisdom, that by the influ-
ence of the pure principles of our Order, he may be
better enabled to display the beauties of Brotherly
Love, Relief and Truth, to the honor of holy
name. Amen."
Candidate kneeling in Mock Worship.
Brethren respond, "So mote it be."
The Master, then resuming his hat, approaches the
candidate, still kneeling, and placing his right hand
upon his head, as represented on the next page, de-
mands :
Worshipful Master: "Mr. Hunt, in whom do
you put your trust ? "
Candidate: "In God."
Worshipful M aster: "Give me your right hand.
Your trust being in God, your faith is well founded.
Arise! follow your conductor, and fear no danger."
Cook's Standard Monitor, 1903, p. 9.
(Helping the candidate to his feet.) The Master then
retires to his seat in the East, gives one rap, and the
Lodge is seated.
The Senior Deacon again taking the candidate
by the right arm, as represented in the annexed figure,
next page, conducts him slowly once around the Lodge-
room, and as they pass the stations of the Master and
Wardens, each of these officers gives one loud rap with
his gavel, the Junior Warden giving the first one,
and the candidate being blindfolded, these raps often
startle him considerably.
The following Psalm is also read or repeated
while he is being led around, and the reading is so
timed that it is finished just as the Deacon and candi-
date, having made one circuit of the Lodge, arrive
at the Junior Warden's station:
"Behold how good and how pleasant it is for
brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the
precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon
the beard, even unto Aaron's beard, that went down
to the skirts of his garments, as the dew of Hermon^
and as the dew that descended upon the mountains
of Zion; for there the Lord commanded his blessing,
even life forevermore."*
On the next page is correctly represented the jour-
ney of the candidate around the Lodge in the Entered
* "Standard Monitor/' Cook, 1903, p. 9.
Apprentice degree. Starting at the point A, where he
has been kneeling for a mock prayer, the Senior Dea-
con conducts him around by way of the East to the
South, thence to the West, and so by way of the East
to the South again, stopping at the point B.*
Having arrived at the South, the Deacon gives
one rap with his rod on the floor, and the Junior
Warden, rising to his feet, demands :
Junior Warden: "Who comes here?"
Senior Deacon: "Dr. James^Hunt, who has long
been in darkness, and now seeks to be brought to
light, and to receive a part in the rights and benefits
of this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedi-
cated to the Saints John, as all brothers and fellows
have done before/'
Junior Warden: "Dr. Hunt, is this of your own
free will and accord?"
Candidate: "It is."
Junior Warden: "Bro. Senior Deacon, is the
candidate worthy arid well qualified?"
Senior Deacon: "He is/*
Junior Deacon : "Is he duly and truly prepared ? "
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Junior Deacon: "Is he of lawful age, and prop-
erly vouched for?"*
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Junior Deacon: "Who vouches for this?"
Senior Deacon: "A brother."
Junior Deacon: "By what further rights and
benefits does he expect to gain this favor ? "
Senior Deacon: "By being a man, free born, of
good report, and well recommended."
Junior Warden: "It is well. You will con-
* For the origin of thia rite, eee "Maater*s Carpet," pp. 269»
duct the candidate to the Senior Warden in the West
for further examination."
He is now conducted to the West, and the Sen-
ior Deacon again giving three raps with his rod, the
Senior Warden rises, gives one rap, and the very same
questions are asked, and like answers returned,! as at
the South, after which, the Senior Warden replies :
Senior Warden: "It is well. You will conduct
the candidate to the Worshipful Master in the East
for further examination/'
Being led to tne East, the Deacon again raps
one, and th^ Master, without rising, demands :
Worshipful Master: "Who comes here?"
Senior Deacon: "Rev. Dr. James Hunt, who
has long been in darkness, and now seeks to be brought
to light, and to receive a part in the rights and bene- .
fits of this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God arid
dedicated to the Saints John, as all brothers and fel-
lows have done before."Worshipful Master: "Mr. Hunt, is this of your own free will and accord ? " 

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