2015년 11월 2일 월요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 34

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 34

Senior Deacon taking Junior Warden by the right
hand, presses the top of his thumb hard against the
space between the first and second knuckle. (See
page 126.)
The pass grip of a Fellow Craft, or as it is termed
here, the token of a pass, is made as follows :
The Junior Warden takes the candidate by the
right hand as in ordinary hand-shaking, and presses
the top of his thumb hard against the space between
the first and second knuckle joints of the first two
fingers; the candidate also presses his thumb on the
corresponding part of the Junior Warden's hand.
(Sec figure above.)
Junior Warden: "The pass is right, the token
is right; pass on."
Senior Deacon (to candidate, moving on slowly) :
"We shall next arrive at a place representing the inner
door of the middle-chamber which we shall find more
strongly guarded by the Senior Warden in the West.
Let us approach the place/'
About this time they arrive In front of the Senior
Warden's chair, where the Senior Deacon gives two
raps as before, calling the Senior Warden to his
Senior Warden: "Who comes here?"
Senior Deacon: "A Fellow Craft on his way to
the middle chamber, to receive instructions relative
to the wages and jewels of a Fellow Craft."
Senior Warden; "How does he expect to gain
admission ? "
Senior Deacon: "By the grip and word of a Fel-
low Craft."
Senior Warden: "Give me the grip."
Senior Deacon taking Senior Warden by the right
hand presses the top of his thumb hard against the
first knuckle of the second finger (see figure on next
Senior Warden: "What is this?" (pressing his
thumb on the corresponding knuckle of Senior Dea-
con's hand).
Senior Deqcon: "The real grip of a Fellow
Senior Warden: "Has it a name?"
Senior Deacon: "It has."
Senior Warden: "Will you give it to me?"
Senior Deacon: "I did not so receive it, neither
will I so impart it."
Senior Warden: "How will you dispose of it?"
Senior Deacon: "I will letter it with you"
Senior Warden: "Letter and begin."
Senior Deacon: "No, you begin."
Senior Warden: "You must begin."
Senior Deacon: "A."
Senior Warden: "J."
Senior Deacon: "C."
Senior Warden: "H."
Senior Deacon: "I."
Senior Warden: "N."
Senior Deacon: "Ja."
Senior Warden: "Chin." .
Senior Deacon: "Jachin."
Senior Warden: "What does it denote?"
Senior Deacon: "Establishment."
Senior Warden: "How is it represented?"
Senior Deacon: "By the right-hand pilFar at the
entrance of the porch of King Solomon's temple. 7 '
The real grip of a Fellow Craft is given in the
following manner :
The Senior Warden takes the candidate by the
right hand as in ordinary hand-shaking, and presses
the top of his thumb hard on the second knuckle
the candidate presses his thumb against the same
knuckle of the Senior Warden's hand. (See figuie
above.) For the manner of giving the pass grip and
real grip in full, see pages 126-127.
Senior Warden: "The grip is right, the word is
right; pass on."
The Senior Deacon and candidate moving slowly
from the Senior Warden's chair towards the East,
the Senior Deacon says :
Senior Deacon (to candidate) : "You have now
arrived within a representation of the middle chamber,
where you will find the Worshipful Master, who will
give you instructions relative to the wages and jewels
of a Fellow Craft."
The candidate is by this time in front of the Mas-
ter's chair, where he is left standing by the Senior
Deacon who takes his usual seat.
Worshipful Master (rising and addressing candi-
date) : "My brother; you have now arrived within a
representation of the middle chamber of King Solo-
mon's temple, where you will be received and recorded
£s a Fellow Craft. (Turning to Secretary) Brother
Secretary, you will please make the record."
Secretary, pretending to write, answers :
Worshipful Master (to candidate) : "The first
object which most particularly attracted your attention
on your passing hither was a representation of two
brazen pillars, one on the right hand, the other on
your left, which were explained to you by your con-
ductor. After passing the pillars you arrived at a
flight of winding stairs, consisting of three, five and
seven steps, which were also explained to you. After
passing the stairs you arrived at a representation
of the outer door of the middle chamber, which
you found strongly guarded by the Junior Warden in
the South, who demanded of you the pass and token
of the pass of a Fellow Craft. After passing the
outer door, you arrived at the inner door of the middle
chamber, which you found more strongly guarded by
the Senior Warden in the West, who demanded of you
the grip and word of a Fellow Craft. You next ar-
rived within the middle chamber, where you were
received and recorded as a Fellow Craft and are now
entitled to an explanation of the wages and jewels of
a Fellow Craft. The wages of a Fellow Craft are
corn, wine and oil, emblematical of the corn of nour-
ishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy r
denoting plenty, health and peace. The jewels of a
Fellow Craft are the attentive ear, the instructive
tongue, and the faithful breast. (The attentive ear re-
ceives the sound from the instructive tongue, and the
mysteries of Masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful breasts/')* 

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