2015년 11월 2일 월요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 39

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 39

around his body; an apron is tied on with the bib
turned down as a Fellow Craft (see page 129), in
which condition he is duly and truly prepared to be
made a Master Mason ; and being thus prepared, the
Junior Deacon leads him to the door as before, upon
wliicn he gives "three loud and distinct knocks/' The
Master in the meantime calls the lodge to order, arid
the Senior Deacon rising to his feet reports :
Senior Deacon: "Worshipful Master, there is an
alarm at the door of the preparation room."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
attend to the alarm and report the cause."
The Senior Deacon taking his rod proceeds to the
door of the preparation room upon which he also gives
three loud and distinct knocks, opens the door and the
following dialogue occurs:
Senior Deacon: "Who comes here?"
Junior Deacon: "Brother James Hunt, who has
been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice,
passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, and now seeks
further light in Masonry by being raised to the sub-
lime degree of Master Mason."
Senior Deacon (looking at candidate) : "Brother
Hunt, i's this of your own free-will and accord?"
Candidate: "It is."
Senior Deacon: "Brother Junior Deacon, is the
candidate worthy and well qualified?"
Junior Deacon: "He is."
Senior Deacon: "Is he duly and truly pre-
Junior Deacon: "He is."
Senior Deacon: "Has he made a suitable pro-
ficiency in the preceding degrees?"
Junior Deacon: "He has." x
Senior Deacon : "Who vouches for this ? "
Junior Deacon: "A brother."
Senior Deacon: "By what further right or bene-
fit does he expect to gain admission?"
Junior Deacon: "By the benefit of the pass"
Senior Deacon: "Has he the pass? 39
Junior Deacon: "He has It not, but I have it for
Senior Deacon: "Give me the pass."
The Junior Deacon approaches nearer to the door
and whispers into the ear of the Senior Deacon the
word Tubal-Cain, and again retires to the side of the
Senior Deacon: "The pass is right; you will
await with patience until the Worshipful Master is
informed of your request and his answer returned."
The Senior Deacon closes the door and returns
to the front of the altar where he reports as follows :
Senior Deacon (making due-guard of Master Ma-
son) "Worshipful Master, the alarm was caused by
Brother James Hunt who has been regularly initiated
as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of Fel-
low Craft and now seeks further light in Masonry by
being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon, is
this of his own free-will and accord?"
Senior Deacon: "It is."
Worshipful Master: "Is the candidate worthy
and well qualified?"
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Is he duly and. truly pre-
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Has he made a suitable?
proficiency in the preceding degrees?"
Senior Deacon: "He has."
Worshipful Master: "Who vouches for this?"
Senior Deacon: "A brother."
Worshipful Master: "By what further right or
benefit does he expect to gain admission ? "
Senior Deacon: "By the benefit of the pass."
Worshipful Master: "Has he the passf }}
Senior Deacon: "He has it not, but I have it for
Worshipful Master: "Give me the pass."
Senior Deacon: "Tubal-Cain" (aloud, and mak-
ing the due-guard).
Worshipful Master: "The pass is right, since
he comes endowed with all these necessary qualifica-
tions, it is my order that he enter this lodge in the
name of the Lord, and be received in due form."
The Senior Deacon being provided with a pair of
compasses, returns to the door which he opens with-
out ceremony, and exclaims:
Senior Deacon (to Junior Deacon) : "It is the
order of the Worshipful Master that the candidate
enter this lodge in the name of the Lord, and be re-
ceive^ in due form."
The Junior Deacon takes the candidate by the
arm and leads him into the lodge-room, halting him
about six or eight feet inside the door, and the Senior
Deacon standing immediately in front of him says :
Senior Deacon: "Brother Hunt, upon your first
admission into a lodge of Masons you were received
on the point of a sharp instrument pressing your naked
* For the origin of this ceremony see the "Master's Carpet,"
pp. 262-267.
left breast. Upon your first admission into a lodge of
Fellow Crafts you were received on the angle of a
square applied to your naked right breast, which at
those times were explained to you. Upon your first
admission into a lodge of Master Masons, I receive
you on the points of the compass extending from your
naked right to left breast which is to teach you that as
the most vital parts of man are contained within the
breasts, so are the most excellent tenets of our insti-
tution contained within the points of the compass,
which are friendship, morality and brotherly love"
He then hands the compass to the Junior Deacon,
and taking the candidate by the right arm, conducts
him three times around the lodge-room, always travel-
ing with the course of the sun that is from the West,
or Senior Warden's station, by way of the North
towards the East, and thence around by way of the
South, and so on to the West again. While the can-
didate is thus being led around, on passing the three
principal stations for the first time that is South,
West and East the Junior Warden gives one loud
rap, the Senior Warden one, and the Master one. On
his second trip around the Junior Warden gives two
raps in quick succession, the Senior Warden two, and
the Master two ; and on being led around for the third
time, each of these officers gives three loud and dis-
tinct raps. It is important to observe that the Junior
Warden in the South always leads off in giving the
raps in all the degrees, followed by the Senior Warden
in the West, and then by the Worshipful Master in
the East.As the candidate is being thus led on his symbolic

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