2015년 11월 9일 월요일

The Choice Humorous Works, Ludicrous Adventures 19

The Choice Humorous Works, Ludicrous Adventures 19

I did not go upon dick after heaten, but I heard them talk of seeing
a great many boys about in the water; one was a boy with a horse, and
another a boy with the bacon on his head. One of the first they saw,
they said was the last, which seemed nonsense to me. However, they
said there was several Spaniards a swimming near the pacquet, so I
would not let my young ones go up.
To be sure, what phibbs travellers do tell--we was a talking of the
great exhibition of the gurney to London by steam, when a gentleman
told us, looking as grave as a gudge, that he and his father had
made the Rickulvers in an hour and a quarter, after leaving the Noah
light that day week: of course I said nothing--but I was certain
as I was of being alive and living, that neither the gentleman nor
his father had anything to do with making the Rickulvers, which I
myself saw three and twenty years ago--and to make them in an hour
and a quarter! However, everybody seemed to believe him--I only
asked what profession he was of, and they told me he was imminent in
the Tayloring line. That settled it--"Two tailors," as the French
says--the very highdea of their talking of making the Rickulvers just
as they would a pair of pantaloons--and them they could not make in
an hour and a quarter, binding, button-holes and all, I'm sure.
When we got into smooth water, I went upstairs to see Noah's light,
and there I saw the ark, with the lantern, and I believe Noah himself
a walking up and down the dick. I asked one of the sailors if the men
which was walking was never changed, and he said, every four hours;
but that the man we saw, had been there ever since the flood--which
convinced me. We saw from this, Sheerness with a river, which is
Midway between Margate and town, and is called so.
I was very glad when the water was smooth, for I hate the big bellows
a rolin, and so I told the gentleman in the airy cap which turns
the wheel about--and he said we should have found it much ruffer if
we had not come overland. This puzzled me, because I thought we was
coming by sea all the time I was below, it bumped me about so--but
he persisted in what he said, and moreover said something very
disrespectful of the people of the place we had left, which he called
the Margate flats. Everything seemed to clear up as we proceeded;
we had Lee church on our wether bow, as the gentleman told me--the
waters were called Hopes, and the sands were blithe--and we was all
golly and uncommon hungary--so down we went to wait till the dinner
came, which was some nice bile mutton and turnips with caper sauce,
which occupied me all the way from a little above Tilbury Furt to
Erin, which looks just as green as Mr. More, the pote, says it is.
At Gravesend we took in a gentleman, who gave us an account of the
Grand Signior having sent out a fireman against the Roosians, which
was a gettin beat by the Turkeys--however, as we was to go ashore
at Grinnage, we had no time for pollyticks, having in course to
look up the bundles and ban-boxes. Lavy went by land, on account of
her child, and her misfortunes was greater than ores, for she left
her black silk riddykel in the coch, containing the best part of a
bottle of O de Goalong, a salmon-coloured neck handkycher, and a
pair of nice yellow tan gloves--her brother went all the way to the
Bare coach office in Pickadilly the next morning, but could hear no
tidings on 'em.
When we come opposite the Horsespittle at Grinnage, we got into a
boat and landed just by the Ship, which smelt of frying fish as
ousel. I think if I had not committed an indiscretion with the bile
leg of mutton, we should have been tempted to stop and have some
stoodells and whatasujet--as it was, we got into our domstic, a
carriage so called, and proceeded by Peckham and Cammerwell home.
I shall write again soon.--I am to be presented to the Quin of
Portingal--the Countess of Itabagpipes was known to some of Fulmer's
cousins in the brass heel country, which is the reason she wishes
me to lend her my counting-house and purtection; so, one day next
week I shall go in by the Stockwell stage, and visit the Court in
Arlington-street. As for Jennyfluxion, I hope her Majesty will excuse
me, for though poor Chunee, I remember, used to do it at Exeter
Change, if I was once to get down upon my kneeses I am quite sure I
never could git up again--but I shall communicate in a private billy
with Lady Bagpipes on the subject.
Lavy desires her best love--Fulmer is as proud as a Pig-hog of his
little gull, and my unmarried ones quite as unspohastickated as
ever--there _was_ a gentleman at Margate did give the youngest a
sort of tittilation of the heart, and she had only two helps of beef
and one plate of soup at dinner for three days in consequence of
her tinder felings, but he went off in the _Ramona_ the morning it
carried passengers greatass, and so did my girl's infection for him,
and the next day she sung "I've been roaming," and took to her vitals
just as if nothing had happened.--Adjou.
January 25, 1829.
DEAR B.,--I write to you on a bizziness of some consequence to me--I
have been applied to by some of the first jenny asses of the day to
colic my lettuce into one volume, and publish them: so I spoke to my
sun in law Fulmer, who has offered to hedit them, and put notes to
them, which I at first thought meant setting them to mewsick, which I
by no means wanted, although he offered to do it grateass. He has now
explained his meanun, and I am going to get Mr. Golburn to print them
in a doodecimus book, with a prefass and portrait, to be done from a
Minotaur by Causeway, which is reckoned the himmige of me when I was
a gull, and for wich Mr. Ram. paid Mr. Causeway, (quite a Minotaur of
a man himself,) fifty jinnies.
You know I never rot to anybody but you, although some impotent
parsons have dared to call themselves the hawthurs of my lettus.
There is one of them squarecap fellows belonging to the Magdalen at
Hauksfut--which they say lives upon Ices--he says he rot some of
them, and one at Eating College says _he_ helped me, and another,
a bare blockhead whose name I never heard afore, goes about and
says _he_ rot 'em for me. He had better mind his tye pigs, and
adjustments, and dews and surplices, I can tell him, for all his
tong runs so glebe; for I never sot eye on him, nor he on me, as I
nose of--however, I am dissolved upon publishing them out and out.
Mr. Golburn wants them to come out in sheets, but I dont think that
quite _come ill fo_.
There is a moneyment of two old gentlemen who were my Aunt's sisters,
in a church in Lincumshire, done by Mr. Ruebellyache the great
Sculpture, which was admired by the late Mr. Noddlecums, whose
life has been published by his Taylor, and which cuts him up, sure
enough--I should like to have the view of this family Muzzleheum
in the book, if I could get it done in the new fashioned style of
Lithotomy, because it shoes all the harms of our family, Lions
sergeants, and the Lions parsons, and the Lions ramping, with the
shiverings and mullets, and argents, and oars, and sables, and gulls,
and all that, which we bore ever since William the Conqueror came
over with Quin Mary, of hoom, no doubt, you have read.
My Mr. Ramsbottom's family, although very good, is not connected with
that of the Hempee for Winsor, which family is eyely respectable
in their whey, and quite sillybratted for bruin the bear, wich is
so patternized in the neighbrood. Mr. Fulmer says, my dear Mr.
Ram is quite a different ramification, but he thinks if you would
just reckumend us to the Biblepole (I think he calls Mr. Goulburn)
he could make three volums out of my letters, what letters I have
received, his own notes, and all the notes the gals has got by way
of orthographs, and a dairy, which my dear Mr. Ram kept till the day
before he did.
I took my two eldest unmarried, the other day, to Mr. Devil's in
the Strand, to be felt--they call him Mr. De Feel, but he spells it
Deville, and calls _himself_ Mr. De Huile--he is a Hoyl-man and a
great proffessor of what is called _Free-knowledgey_[17]--he shewed
us the head of Sterne, which wrote many books, and also that of Sir
Eyes-ache Newton, the great astrologer--he says I have the largest
number one he ever saw, and when I cum away he sneered, and bid me
take care of number one, as if everybody didn't do that without _his_
telling.--He wanted to put a plaster on my head, and smear my face
with some of his lampile, and stick squills up my nose, and take what
he called a cast of my Hosfrontis--but I would not have none of his
manoovers with me, and I was very well pleased when I found myself
out of the shop.
Only think, Mr. B., of Lord Angelseye coming home--he is left tenant
of the castle no longer. Mr. Fulmer says he is like a hair which
gives up doubling when it takes to turning. I am quite sorry to think
what a state he must be in. Miss Biffin, or Billy Bowldish, the
corpulent gentleman who used to bump himself along the streets in a
band-box, an't nothing to compare with him. His Lordship told the
people of Ireland that he had left his _heart_ with _them_. Fulmer
says, before he said _that_, he must have lost his _head_, and I seed
one of his _legs_ buried at Whataloo--of course, after that, the only
thing left for him was to pack up his _trunk_, and come home; but
pollyticks I seldom tuches, only I _does_ like plain dealing.
Will you please to let me here from you, for you are a sad idol
corryspondent--you promises to rite, and never dus, which is very
disapinting. However, you must rite to give us leaf to print the
Ramsbottom Papers, which has been redressed to you--give me your
opinion about the minotaur and the muzzleum, and believe me, dear B.,
Your's, truly and sincere,
All our curcle join in kind regards--we have all got colds, and
guittars, and quinces, and roomatez--but we can expectorate nothing
less this cold wether.
Gravesend, April 2, 1829.
MY DEAR B.,--I have taken a trumpery residence hear for the seeson
for the health of my therd gull, which is frequently effected with
a goose. I send you up a copy of the Gravesend Guide, which will
explain all the booty of the place, and all its convenences; the
passage in the steemboat is cheap and agreble, and we run up and down
every two or three tims in the weak.
Oh, B. B., I have got a krow to plock with you--I cannot make out
what makes you such a stench Protestant; poor dear Mr. Ram never
could bear Poppery, but I am afraid he was a biggoat at bottom,
for the mounsheer which marred my second, tells me that it is a
sweat religion, and that you can always get ablution for paying for it--which is very pleasant.

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