2015년 11월 25일 수요일

the three imposters 7

the three imposters 7

§ 4.
In this manner prejudice was changed into superstition. It was rooted
in such a way that the most ignorant people believed themselves
capable of explaining the doctrine of final causes, as if they had
an entire knowledge of them.--Thus, instead of proving that Nature
did nothing in vain, they imagined that God and Nature thought after
the manner of men. Experience taught them that an infinite number
of calamities disturbed the pleasures of life--storms, earthquakes,
plagues, hunger, thirst, &c. They attributed all these evils to
divine wrath, and believed that the Deity was irritated against
mankind for their offences; nor could the daily occurring examples
which prove that good and evil happen alike to the just and unjust,
disabuse them of their prejudices. This error prevailed, because they
found it easier to remain in their natural ignorance, than to divest
themselves of notions established for so many ages; and to adopt
something in their stead, having at least the appearance of truth.
§ 5.
This prejudice conducted them straightway to another, which was, that
all the judgments of God were incomprehensible; and that consequently
they were beyond the cognizance of truth, and above the strength of
human reason; a mistake which would have existed at the present day,
if mathematical knowledge, natural philosophy, and other sciences
had not extinguished it.
§ 6.
There is no necessity for a long dissertation to prove that nature
never aims at any definite end, and that all these final causes are
only human fictions. It is sufficient to show that this doctrine
deprives the Deity of all the perfections which have been attributed
to him; and this we will endeavor to do.
If God acts for an end, either for himself or for any other being, he
desires that which he does not possess; and it must be granted from
these premises that, as there was a time when God had no object for
which to act, he wished to have one; that is to say, that he stood in
need of something. But not to overlook anything which may strengthen
the arguments of those who maintain the opposite opinion, suppose,
for a moment, that a stone detached from a battlement fell upon an
individual and killed him; it proves, say our opponents, that this
stone fell for the purpose of killing this person, because it could not
so have happened unless God had wished it. If we reply that it was the
wind which caused its fall at the time when the unfortunate individual
was passing, they demand at once, how it happened that he was passing
exactly at the time when the wind brought down the stone. We answer,
that he was on his way to dine with a friend who had invited him;
they wish to know why his friend had invited him on that day rather
than on any other. They put in this manner an infinitude of absurd
questions to force you to confess that the will of God alone (which
is the refuge of the ignorant) was the real cause of the fall of
this stone. When they examine the structure of the human body, they
fall into ecstacies; but because they are ignorant of the causes of
those effects which appear to them so marvellous, they conclude that
it must be a supernatural effect, when the causes which are known to
us account for it. This is the reason why the man who wishes deeply
to examine the works of creation, and like a true philosopher to
penetrate into their natural causes, irrespective of those prejudices
which ignorance has created, is branded as an infidel, or speedily
clamoured down by the malice of those whom the vulgar acknowledge as
the interpreters of Nature and of the Gods. These mercenary spirits
are well aware that the ignorance which holds the people in wonderment,
is that which gives them bread, and upholds their credit.
§ 7.
Men being thus imbued with the ridiculous opinion that every thing
which they behold is created for themselves, have made it a point
of religion to engross every thing, and to judge of its value by the
profit which it brings. Accordingly they have invented notions which
do them service in explaining the nature of things, and enable them
to judge of good and evil, order and disorder, heat and cold, beauty
and ugliness, &c. which are by no means what they imagine. Because
they are able to frame their ideas in this way, they think that they
are in a position to judge of praise and blame; of good and evil. They
call that good which respects their divine worship, and turns to their
own profit; and that which does neither the one nor the other they
denominate evil; and because the ignorant are incapable of judging,
and have no conception of any thing save through the medium of their
imagination, which they mistake for judgment, they tell us that
nothing can be learned from nature, and forthwith invent a particular
arrangement of the world. In short they think that matters are ill or
well constituted according to the facility or the difficulty which they
have in conceiving of them when presented to them through the medium
of their senses. People are best pleased with what gives least fatigue
to the brain. These individuals have wisely resolved to prefer order
to confusion, as if order were any thing else than a pure fiction of
the imagination. Thus to say that the Deity has made every thing with
order, is to pretend that it is in favour of the human imagination
that he has created the world in a manner the most easy for it to form
a conception of;--or, which is the same thing, that they know with
certainty all the relations and all the designs of whatever exists;
an assertion too absurd to merit any serious refutation.
§ 8.
With respect to their other opinions, they are purely the result of
this same imagination, having no basis in reality, and being only
different modifications of which that faculty is susceptible. Thus,
when the impressions made upon the nervous system through the medium
of the eyes are agreeable, they pronounce that the objects viewed
are beautiful. Smells are good or bad; tastes are sweet or bitter,
things touched are hard or soft, according as the sensation produced
is unpleasant or otherwise--as scents, and tastes, and contact, and
sounds affect the system. Following up these ideas, men have believed
that the Deity is pleased with melody, while others have believed that
all the movements of the celestial bodies were one harmonious concert;
a proof, that these men are persuaded that things are really such as
they conceive them to be, or that the world is entirely ideal.--It
is not to be wondered at therefore, if we scarcely ever meet with
two individuals of the same opinion: indeed some make it their boast
to doubt of every thing; for, although all men have a similar bodily
conformation, and resemble each other in many respects, there are still
as many respects in which they differ. Accordingly it must follow,
that what pleases this party displeases that; and what appears good
to one man appears evil to another.--We must conclude therefore,
that their various opinions must be attributed to their different
organizations and the diversity of their co-existences--that reason
has little connection with them; and in short, that their conceptions
of the material world are the decided results of imagination.
§ 9.
It is therefore evident, that all the reasonings which the generality
of mankind are accustomed to employ when they set themselves to
explain what nature is, are only their own modes of imagining that
which is most uncalculated to make good their own position. They give
names to their ideas, as if they existed in any other quarter than in
their own prejudiced brain; but instead of calling them mere chimeras,
they designate them Beings. There is extremely little difficulty in
refuting the arguments grounded on such opinions.
If it is true, as they advance, that the universe is nothing more
than an emanation from, or simply a necessary consequence to,
the Divine nature, whence spring those imperfections and defaults
which we perceive in it? This objection is easily answered. It is
impossible for men to judge of the perfection or imperfection of any
Being, without a thorough knowledge of his nature and essence [28],
and it is a strange abuse of terms to assert that any thing is more
or less perfect according as it pleases or displeases, or as it is
useful or noxious to human nature. To terminate the argument with
those who demand why God has not created all men good and happy, it
is sufficient to state that every thing is necessarily what it is;
and that, in nature there is no imperfection, since all flows from
the necessity of things.
§ 10.
This being established, if it is asked, "What then is God?" I answer
that the word imports that universal Being "in whom," as St. Paul says,
"we live, and move, and have our being. [29]" This opinion conveys
no unworthy notions of the Divinity, for if all things are in God,
all things must necessarily flow from his essence, and consequently be
of such essence as he himself; for it is impossible to conceive that
beings entirely material should be maintained and comprehended in a
Being who is not so. This opinion is not new. Tertullian, one of the
most learned of the Christian fathers, maintained in his discourse
against Appelles, that whatever is not corporeal is nothing; and in
that against Praxeas that every Existence is a body. He adds, "who
will deny that God is a body, although God is a Spirit [30]?" It is
of importance to observe that this doctrine was not condemned in any
of the four first OEcumenical or General Councils of the Christian
Church. [31]
§ 11.
These ideas are clear and simple, and the only ones which an unbiased
mind can form of God. However, there are few contented with this
simplicity. A gross people accustomed to the gratification of their
senses, have conceived that God resembles the kings of the earth. That
pomp and splendor which surround the latter have dazzled them so much,
that to uproot the idea that God has no resemblance whatever to earthly
sovereigns, would be to deprive them of the hope of meeting celestial
courtiers, and of enjoying in their company, the same pleasures
which they had tasted at regal courts; it would take from them the
only consolation which keeps them from despair amidst the miseries of
this life. They assert that G 

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