2015년 11월 26일 목요일

On Sulphonfluoresceïn and some of its Derivatives 2

On Sulphonfluoresceïn and some of its Derivatives 2

┌─ ┌─
CH_{3} CH_{3}
1. C_{6}H_{3} SO_{3} + HNaSO_{3} = C_{6}H_{3}SO_{2}ONa
└─ └─
2. C_{6}H_{3} SO_{2}ONa + HNaSO_{3} + H_{2}O
└─ ┌─
= C_{6}H_{3} SO_{2}ONa + HNaSO_{4}.
To the hot solution an excess of conc. HCl is added when the
hydrazine compound separates in a few moments in lustrous yellow
scales which completely fill the solution. On the addition of the HCl
a large amount of SO_{2} is given off from the excess of HNaSO_{3} and
the solution becomes deep red. When the hydrazine has separated the
mother liquor is again yellow.
The reaction is represented as follows:
C_{6}H_{6}SO_{2}ONa + HCl + H_{2}O
= C_{6}H_{3}SO_{2}OH + H_{2}SO_{4} + NaCl
The yield of hydrazine when both the diazo and the NaHSO_{3} are
freshly prepared is practically quantitative.
The hydrazine thus prepared was treated with a hot 10% solution of
copper sulphate till a permanent blue color was obtained in the
solution. Nitrogen is evolved and the copper sulphate is reduced to
cuprous oxide which is precipitated as a red powder. The reaction is
as follows.
C_{6}H_{3}SO_{2}OH + 2CuSO_{4} + H_{2}O
= C_{6}H_{4}CH_{3} + Cu_{2}O + N_{2} + 2H_{2}SO_{4}
Chalk was added to the solution to precipitate the H_{2}SO_{4} and
form a calcium salt of toluene-o-sulphonic acid. From this the
sodium salt was made by adding a slight excess of Na_{2}SO_{3} and
evaporating to dryness. The salt is very soluble being deliquescent
in the air while the corresponding potassium salt is not. From 1538
gr. of para-nitro-toluene, 655 gr. of toluene ortho-sodium sulphonate
were obtained.
Having thus obtained the toluene ortho-sulphonic acid the next
step in the problem was to find a convenient method for converting
this into ortho-sulph-benzoic acid. Two ways present themselves
for accomplishing this end. (1) direct oxidation of this salt and
(2) conversion into benzoic sulphinide from which the acid may be
obtained. Both of these methods were tried.
Oxidation of toluene-o-sodium sulphonate.
The sodium salt of toluene-o-sulphonic acid is oxidized to
ortho-sulphobenzoic acid with considerable difficulty by KMnO_{4} in
neutral solution.
Thus two experiments showed that the oxidation was not complete after
24 hours boiling with excess of permanganate. If the solution be made
alkaline however, the oxidation is completed in a few hours, yet the
greatest difficulty still remains in the separation of the free acid
from the products of oxidation in the solution. If HCl be added to
the solution the acid salt
is formed and this has nearly the same solubility as the KCl also
present. A better method therefore is to add a slight excess of
H_{2}SO_{4} and evaporate nearly to dryness. In this way are formed
sulphates and the free acid presumably. The mixture is heated with
alcohol (95%) which extracts the acid leaving the greater part of
the manganese salts. This extract is evaporated and reextracted
with alcohol. To this solution BaCO_{3} is added to precipitate the
H_{2}SO_{4} and form the Barium salt of the o-sulphobenzoic acid. The
solution is filtered from the BaSO_{4} and just enough H_{2}SO_{4}
is added to exactly precipitate the barium. The solution should
thus contain only the free acid sought, which crystallizes out on
evaporating to a small volume. While the method is theoretically
possible it presents so many difficulties that it is practically
useless. The yield is extremely small; only enough acid being
obtained in this way to show that it was possible.
Formation of Sulphinide from toluene-o-sodium sulphonate.
The second method for obtaining free o-sulphobenzoic acid from
toluene-ortho-sulphonic acid is by the conversion of the latter first
into benzoic sulphinide and then into the free acid. The sulphinide
was made essentially as described by Remsen (Am. Ch. Jour. Vol. I.
p. 428) with a few changes in the details as follows.
The salt C_{6}H_{4}CH_{3} finely pulverized and in portions
of from 10 to 50 gr. was placed in a Florence flask; an equivalent
quantity of PCl_{5} added; An inverted condenser was then attached
and the flask shaken. The action takes place at once and involves
sufficient heat to distill off the oxychloride formed in the
reaction. This being returned to the flask by the condenser furnishes
a liquid medium in which the reaction takes place more readily and
completely than when it is not present. It is best to cool the flask
at first and afterwards heat gently on the water bath. The reaction
which takes place may be represented as follows.
┌─ ┌─
CH_{3} CH_{3}
C_{6}H_{4}SO_{2}ONa + PCl_{5} = C_{6}H_{4}SO_{2}Cl + POCl_{3} + NaCl.
└─ └─
On the addition of water the chloride separates as a light yellow
oil. This is washed with water and concentrated aqueous ammonia
added, which forms toluene-o-sulphonamide thus.
CH_{3} CH_{3}
╱ ╱
C_{6}H_{4} + NH_{3} = C_{6}H_{4} + HCl.
╲ ╲
SO_{2}Cl SO_{2}NH_{2}
The reaction is accompanied by a slight evolution of heat and the
formation, apparently, of an intermediate product having a yellowish
color, which passes over on longer standing into the white amide.
After standing several hours the excess of ammonia was driven off
by very gentle heating on the water bath. If the heat is too high
a large amount of a tarry product is formed and the yield of amide
is correspondingly small. In any case some of this tarry product is
formed. When nearly all the ammonia had been driven off the mass was
boiled with water which dissolves everything except the tar. The
hot solution was filtered through charcoal and on cooling the amide
separated in white feathery crystals which melt at 155°-156°.
The amide thus obtained was oxidized as described by Remsen (loc. cit.)
with potassium permanganate in neutral solution. The proportions are
10 gr amide. 40 gr KMnO_{4} and 1 L. water. The oxidation was usually
effected in from four to six hours.
To obtain the sulphinide from this solution after oxidation, the
latter, after filtration from the precipitated oxides of manganese,
was slightly acidified with HCl and evaporated to about one fourth
its original volume. On the addition of concentrated HCl to this
solution, the sulphinide separated out in white or slightly yellowish
feather shaped crystals melting at 212° and having the characteristic
intensely sweet taste.
Formation of Sulphinide from Toluene by means
of the chlorsulphonic acid reaction.
Before passing on to the methods used for converting the sulphinide
into free acid another method should be described by which
the former was obtained in larger quantities and much more easily
than by the one above described.
Beckurts and Otto (Ber. XI. 2061) found that by treatment of toluene
with sulphuryl hydroxy-chloride or chlorsulphonic acid, ClSO_{2}OH,
both o- and p- and as they supposed also m-toluene sulphonchlorides
were formed together with the corresponding sulphonic acid.
Claesson and Wallin (Ber. XII. p. 1848) repeated the work reaching
practically the same results and finally Noyes (Am. Ch. Jour. Vol.
VIII. p. 176) employed the reaction as a convenient method for
obtaining toluene o-sulphon-chloride.
Chlorsulphonic acid is made by passing dry HCl over solid sulphuric
acid so long as it continues to be absorbed. Since no solid sulphuric
acid was at hand, ordinary fuming Nordhausen acid was taken and
from one of two equal portions the SO_{3} was driven over into
the other. HCl was passed into the latter and the resulting
chlorsulphonic acid distilled off at about 156°.
This was placed in a flask, provided with a drop funnel and exit
tube, in portions of 150 gr. and to each portion 60 gr. of toluene
was added, very slowly, with constant shaking, the temperature
being kept near 10°. The action is violent and if any toluene is
allowed to collect on the surface of the liquid it is apt to produce
disastrous results. Large quantities of HCl are given off and the
liquid in the flask assumes a brown color. When all the toluene has
been added, it is poured into a large quantity of ice water, when
the sulphon-chlorides separate out, the ortho- as a heavy oil and
the para- as a white crystalline solid. After allowing to stand some
time in order that as much of the para-chloride might crystallize as
possible the ortho- was drawn off and subjected to a freezing
temperature for several hours. By this means more of the p-chloride
was removed and the operation was replicated as long as any crystals
continued to form, generally two or three times. In this way the
greater part of the para- may be removed, though some still remains
dissolved in the liquid chloride, which cannot be removed by repeated freezings.

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