2015년 11월 26일 목요일

On Sulphonfluoresceïn and some of its Derivatives 3

On Sulphonfluoresceïn and some of its Derivatives 3

The chloride thus obtained was treated with strong aqueous ammonia.
The conversion to the sulphamide does not take place so readily as
in case of the pure o-chloride obtained from the sulphonic acid and
phosphorus pentachloride.
After standing about two days the whole of the oily chloride had
solidified to a yellowish brown mass. The excess of ammonia was
driven off by gentle heating on the water bath and the mass then
boiled with water. Not enough water was added at first for complete
solution but when the first portion was saturated it was poured
off through a filter and from it the amide separated in yellowish
feathery crystals which melted at 105°-125° and consisted therefore
as shown by Fahlberg (Am. Ch. Jour. Vol. I. p. 170) of a mixture
of o- and p-sulphonamides. It was recrystallized and from it was
obtained a portion melting at 153°-5° and one at 108°-20°.
Since this mixture cannot be completely separated by
recrystallization another method was suggested. Remsen has shown that
K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7} in acid solution does not oxidize the methyl group in
SO_{2}NH_{2} (o)
but does oxidize that in
SO_{2}NH_{2} (p).
It was thought that in a mixture of the two the former might be left
unchanged while the latter was oxidized to p-sulphamine benzoic acid.
To test this 15 gr of the mixture, melting at 105°-125°, was heated
with 40 gr K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7}, 55 gr H_{2}SO_{4} and 2 vols. of water
for about two hours. It was then tested and shown to be still a
mixture of p-& o-amides, since it was again heated for several
hours with half the original quantity of oxidizing mixture, then
diluted, filtered and washed. The white crystalline residue was
treated with sodium carbonate to dissolve the benzoic para-sulphamide
and the residue was found to be pure toluene o-sulphonamide melting
at 153°-155°. The small quantity remaining, 3 gr., indicated that
part of the o-amide had been completely broken down by the strong
oxidizing agent, though the proportion of o-& p-amides in the
original mixtures was known only approximately. The evolution of gas
during the oxidation would point to the same conclusion.
Although this effects a complete separation it is hardly economical
since it will be shown later that a separation can be conveniently
effected after the oxidation with KMnO_{4} so that the o-amide
contained in the mixture need not be lost.
The original mass was treated with successive portions of water
till nothing remained but a black tarry substance. The amide which
separated from these extracts was perfectly white and melted at
153-5°. It was therefore regarded as practically pure o-amide. The
yield in amide melting above 153° was a little over one sixth the
weight of toluene used.
The amide obtained in this way was oxidized in the manner already
described. It was found however that there was always some benzoic
p-sulphamide in the solution of the oxidation, due to the slight
admixture of p- with the o-amide used. This is thrown down with
the sulphinide on acidifying the solution and may be removed by
re-crystallization since it is somewhat less soluble in hot and cold
water than sulphinide.
A better way to effect the separation, however, was found to be
the following. After having evaporated the solution containing the
products of oxidation, nearly neutralized with HCl, to about one
fifth its original volume, it is made very slightly acid and allowed
to cool. In this way very nearly all the benzoic p-sulphamide is
separated from the solution and none of the sulphinide. After
filtering, strong HCl is added and the sulphinide then separates
in its characteristic form. This indicates that sulphinide forms
an alkaline salt which is not decomposed by diluted HCl while the
p-sulphamide does not.
The mixture of amides meeting at 105°-120° was oxidized and the
products separated in this way gave about equal quantities of
sulphinide and benzoic p-sulphamide.
When toluene is treated with chlorsulphonic acid there are formed
besides the ortho- and para- chlorides also ortho and para sulphonic
acids. These of course are in solution in the water from which the
chlorides separated. In order to recover the ortho-acid, the solution
was neutralized with chalk forming the calcium salt: this converted
into the potassium salt which by evaporating the solution to dryness
was obtained as a white crystalline powder. When treated with PCl_{5}
in the manner already described this gave a mixture of ortho and para
sulphonchlorides consisting of about ortho and para.
Formation of Orthosulphobenzoic acid from Sulphinide.
Benzoic sulphinide may be converted into a sulpho-benzoic
acid (1) by boiling with Ba(OH)_{2}, (2) by heating in a closed tube
with conc. HCl or (3) by evaporating on the water bath with HCl.
1. Three gramms of sulphinide were boiled in a flask connected
with an inverted condenser for about two days with an excess of
Ba(OH)_{2}. There was formed in the flask a hard mineral-like mass
which was insoluble in water and cold diluted HCl but dissolved in
hot HCl with effervesence. This was a Barium salt, probably basic (?)
of ortho sulphobenzoic acid. There was also formed an easily soluble
barium salt of that acid. The former was dissolved in H_{2}SO_{4}
and treated with BaCO_{3}; the filtrate from the BaSO_{4} which
contained a soluble barium salt was added to that above mentioned and
the barium exactly precipitated with H_{2}SO_{4} and the filtrate
evaporated to dryness giving the free acid but not in a perfectly
pure condition.
2. 2.75 gr. of sulphinide was sealed up in a tube with pure conc. HCl
and heated two hours to 150°. On cooling nothing separated; the liquid
was evaporated to dryness giving 3.2 gr of acid and ammonium
chloride. The reaction taking place here may be represented thus:
╱ ╲ ╱
C_{6}H_{4} NH + 2H_{2}O + HCl = C_{6}H_{4} + NH_{4}Cl.
╲ ╱ ╲
SO_{2} SO_{2}OH
3. A more convenient method for obtaining the acid than either of
the above, is to heat the sulphinide with conc. HCl on the water
bath for two days. Then evaporate to dryness and dissolve the
residue in a small quantity of water. If the sulphinide contained
any para-sulphamide, as is usually the case, this will be left
undissolved and most of the NH_{4}Cl will crystallize on standing.
This solution by slow evaporation deposits large colorless crystals
of the free acid.
This acid is soluble in about two parts of cold water, very
difficultly soluble in absolute alcohol and almost completely
insoluble in ether. It does not melt under 250° but considerably
above that it melts, at first apparently without change and then
with slight sublimation of a very deliquescent substance, probably
the anhydride.
Two determinations of the S. made by Mr. A. F. Linn, gave the
following results.
I ·1358 gr substance gave ·1855 gr BaSO_{4} representing 15·72% S.
II ” ” ” ” ” ”
Calculated for the formula C_{6}H_{4} = 15·84% S.
A crystallographic examination of the acid showed it to belong to the
orthorhombic system. Axial ratio: a: b: c = ·8507: 1: ·8121.
Planes. Ρ and αΡὰ.
┌─ │ Edge X = 131° 8'
│ Ρ ^ Ρ ─┤ ” Y = 82° 18'
│ │ ” Z = 118° 40'
Angles measured ─┤ └─
│ Ρ ^ αΡὰ = 114° 38'
The crystals are up to 8 mm in length. The pyramidal faces are
generally etched so that the image is poor.
Several attempts had already been made to obtain from the action
of o-sulphobenzoic acid and resorcin a substance analogous to the
fluoresceïn obtained by Baeyer[1] from phthalic anhydride and
resorcin but while a strongly fluorescent substance was easily
obtained, no definite compound could be separated from it. Thus
Palmer obtained, by heating together the above named substances to
160°(?) a solid mass, part soluble in water and part insoluble as a
dark brown amorphous powder. Both parts gave a strong fluorescence
with alkalis. He was unable however to obtain the substance itself or
any derivative in a crystalline form.
[1] Annalin. No. 183. S. 1. No. 202. S. 36 & S. 153.
Berichte. No. IV. S. 457. 555. 658. 662.
” ” VIII. S. 66. 146.

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