2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 11

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 11

"I of my own free will and accord
in the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses,
do hereby and hereon most solemnly swear that I
have been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice,
passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, and raised to the
sublime degree of Master Mason, in a regularly con-
stituted Lodge of Masons, and that I am 'not now
under the sentence of suspension or expulsion, and
know of no just reason why I should not hold Masonic
fellowship with by brethren, so help me God."
Having taken this "test oath/' the committee and
visitor resume their seats, and the examination is pro-
ceeded with, and is carried on as the senior member
of the committee sees fit to conduct it; but the usual
mode is, for the visiting brother to be examined in
the lecture of the First Section of each degree, as
given in Chapters IV., VI., IX. Being satisfied that
the brother is all right, they return into the Lodge-
room, approach the altar, make the due-guard and
sign of a Master Mason, and report:
Committee: "Worshipful Master, your commit-
tee have examined brother E. Ronayne, of Keystone
Lodge, No. 639, Chicago, find him a Master Mason,
in good standing, and recommend his admission."
They then take their seats.
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
yOu will retire and introduce brother E. Ronayne."
The Senior Deacon takes his rod, steps to the
altar, salutes the Master with the due-guard and sign
as usual, retires into the ante-room, and brother E.
Ronayne having put on a white apron, and having
signed his name in the register, a book always used
in the ante-room for that purpose, he is conducted
into the Lodge and before the Altar by the Senior
Deacon, who announces as follows:
Senior Deacon! "Worshipful Master, I have the
pleasure of introducing to you, brother E. Ronayne,
of Keystone Lodge, No. 639, Chicago."
The Worshipful Master rises to his feet, gives
three raps to call up the entire Lodge, and says :
Worshipful Master: "Brother E. Ronayne, I
have the pleasure of introducing to you the officers
and members of Lodge, No. , together with our
visiting brethren; hope you will make yourself at
home, while with us, and will visit us again whenever
convenient," or words to that effect.
The Lodge is again seated, and the visitor is then
conducted by the Senior Deacon to his seat. Should
the visitor be a Past Master, or Grand officer, he is
invited to take a seat in the East, either to the right
or left of the Worshipful Master.
Under this head it may perhaps be proper to
observe that, at all "regular communications," the
Lodge must invariably be opened on the first, second
and third degrees respectively, as explained in the
preceding ceremonies, and further that all the ordi-
nary business transactions of the Order, must be con-
ducted in a Lodge of Master Masons only. If it is! a
special communication, however, and the Lodge is
called to work the first degree, it fruist be opened on
that degree ; if the second is to be conferred, it-onust
be opened on the first and second ; and if the Master
Mason's degree is to be conferred, the Lodge must be
opened on the first, second and' third degrees.
In this exposition, I am supposing that a "reg-
ular communication" of the Lodge is held, and t that
work is to be done on each of the degrees besides;
and therefore I shall now explain, first of all, how the
ordinary business of a Lodge is usually conducted,
and then go on in the regular manner of conferring the
degrees. The Lodge being in session, as seen on
page 36, the Worshipful Master says: ' ? ]
"Brother Secretary, this being a regular communis
cation, the first business in order will be reading the
minutes of our last regular communication."
The Secretary, rising to his feet, then reads the
minutes as follows:
/ Regular communication of Keystone
Minutes. Lodge, No. 639, A. F. & A. M., held in
their hall, Nos. 62 & 64, N. Clark St,, Chi-
cago, July 2nd, 1873, A. L., 5873-
E}, Ronayne, Worshipful Master; Mor-
Officers ris Pflaum, Senior Warden, pro tern.; Os-
present. car Eck vail, Junior Warden ; Fred Becker,
Treasurer; Wm. Aiken, Secretary; S. M.
Samuelson, Senior Deacon ; H. S. Ander
son, Junior Deacon; James Anderson,
Tyler, pro tern. v ' *
Members Brothers Prince, Cronin, Loehr, Burk-
present. hard, Ross, Morebeck and W. Bro. Dixon.
Visitors See Lodge Register, (already alluded
present, to.)
The Lodge was opened in form on the
first, second and third degrees of Masonry.
The minutes of the last regular com-
munication of June 4th, and of the "spe-
cial" of June nth, were read, and declared
A petition in form was read from Rev.
Petitions. James Hunt, for initiation. He comes rec-
ommended by brothers Ronayne, Dixon
and Prince. The petition was received and
referred to a committee consisting of broth-
ers Anderson, Loehr and Ross.
Commit- The committee appointed on the peti-
tees. tion of Mr. Nicolaby for initiation, re-
ported favorable ; whereupon the committee
was discharged, and ballot ordered.
Also the committee on the application
of Mr. Wood, reported unfavorable; the
report was received, the committee dis-
charged, and ballot ordered.
Balloting. And the ballot being spread, on the
application of Mr. Nicolaby, and being
found clear, he was declared duly elected
to receive the Entered Apprentice degree,
as conferred in this Lodge. The ballot was
also spread on the application of brother
Schriber for advancement to the 2nd de-
gree; and being found clear, he was de-
clared duly elected to receive the Fellow
Craft degree, to be conferred in this Lodge.
The ballot was also spread on the
application of Mr. Wood for the degrees,
and being found not clear, he was declared
Commu- Communications were read from vari-
nications. sister Lodges, announcing the receipt of
petitions for degrees and membership; all
of which were receive^ and placed on file.
New busi- A bill of thirty dollars for rent of hall
ness. during the month ending May 31st, was
received from Germania Lodge. Also a
bill of twenty dollars from Bro. D. Lally,
for services as Tyler from March 1st to
June 1st, inclusive; both of which were re-
» ferred to the Finance Committee.
Work. (Hie Lodge now dispensed with labor
on the third degree, and resumed on the
first for work; and Mr. Andrew Nicolaby
being in waiting, and having satisfactorily
answered the usual constitutional questions,
he was duly prepared, presented and regu-
larly initiated as an Entered Apprentice.
He also received^ the benefit of the lecture,
and paid the usual fee of $15. Bro. Schrib-
er, an Entered Apprentice of this Lodge,
was then examined in the ritual of that degree, and retired. (See Chapter IV.)

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