2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 12

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 12

The Lodge now dispensed with labor
on the first degree, and resumed on the
second ; and Bro. Schriber being in waiting,
was duly prepared, and passed to the de-
gree of Fellow Craft. He also received
the benefit of a lecture, and paid the usual
fee of $15. f
The Lodge now dispensed with labor
on the second degree, and resumed on the
third; and there being no further business,
the Lodge was closed in form on the third,
second and first degrees of Masonry.
William Aiken, Sec'y.
Receipts: Rev. James Hunt's petition $ 5.00
" Bro. A. Nicolaby's initiation 15.00
" Bro. Schriber's second degree 15.00
Total $35.00
Approved: Edmond Ronayne, W. M.,
Aug. 6th, 1873, A. L., 5873.
Worshipful Master: "Brethren, you have heard
the minutes of our 'regular communication* of July
2nd. Are there any alterations or amendments? (He
pauses for a few seconds.) If not, they shall be
declared approved as read. (Another short pause.)
They are so declared, brother Secretary." (One rap.)
Worshipful Master: "Reading and referring
petitions : are there any petitions on your table, brother
Secretary ?" . ,
The Secretary, rising to his feet, says: "I have
two petitions, Worshipful" (or one, as the case may
be), "as follows:"
form of petition.
hall of keystone lodge, no. 639, a. f. & a. m.
To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren
of Keystone Lodge, No. 639, A. Ft & A. M.:
The petition of the subscriber represents that,
having long entertained a favorable opinion of your
ancient institution, he is desirous, if found worthy, of
being admitted a member thereof ; and if admitted, he
promises a cheerful compliance with all the ancient
usages and customs of the Fraternity. He has not
petitioned any other Lodge for the degrees of Ma-
Recommended by brothers His place of business is 168 Randolph St
M. Pflaum, " Place of residence is 58 Fourth Ave
Benj. F. Prince, " Age is 34 years.
O. Eckvall. " Occupation, Merchant.
(Signed) Morris David.
The other is the petition in form of Mr. J. C.
Wickers, who comes regularly recommended by Bros.
Ronayne, Anderson and Becker ; his place of business
is corner of Fourth St. and Milwaukee Ave. ; occupa-
tion, that of a tailor ; age 27 years. The usual fee of
five dollars accompanies each of these petitions.
Worshipful Master: "Brethren, you have heard
the petitions of Mr. Morris David and Mr. Wickers ;
what is your pleasure with them?"
Bro. Samuelson: "Worshipful Master, I move
that the petitions be received, and committees ap-
Worshipful Master: "If there are no objections,
that will be taken as the sense of the Lodge, and I
will appoint on the petition of Mr. David, Bros.
Cronin, Burkhard and Ross ; and on that of Mr. Wick-
ers, Bros. Becker, Loehr and Dixon."
Worshipful Master: "Reports of committee on
candidates. Brother Secretary, are there any reports
on your desk? "
Secretary: "The committee on the petition of
Rev. James Hunt consisting of Bro's Loehr, An-
derson and Ross, have all reported favorable," hand-
ing the petition (which must always be in the fore-
going form) to the Worshipful Master,
Worshipful Master: "Brethren, you have heard
the report of your committee on the application of
Rev. James Hunt to be made a Mason. What is your
pleasure with it?"
Bro. Becker: "I move that the report be received,
the committee discharged, and ballot ordered.
Worshipful Master: "If there are no objections,
that shall be taken as the sense of the Lodge."
Fourth order of business.
Worshipful Master: "Report of standing com-
Secretary: "There are none, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Balloting. Any balloting
on your desk, brother Secretary ? "
Secretary: "The ballot is due on the petition
of Mr. Hunt for initiation ; and on the application of
Bro. Schriber for advancement to the third degree;
and of Bro. Nicolaby to the second degree.
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
prepare the ballot box. Brethren, you are now about
to cast your ballot on the petition of Rev. James
Hunt for initiation. He comes recommended by Bro's
Ronayne, Dixon and Prince. The committee, con-
sisting of Bro's Anderson, L,oehr and Ross, have all
reported favorable. His Age is forty years ; his occu-
pation is minister of the Gospel ; his residence is No.
1,091 Street. The white ball elects, and the
black rejects. Look well to your ballots, and make
no mistake/' He drops his ballot into the box.
The Senior Deacon having prepared the. ballot
box, which is a small box about eight inches long,
and five or six inches wide, having two drawers in
it, the front one with a slide in the end of it, which
he raises up, exposing to the view the black and white
balls mixed, and from which a small hopper leads
into the other drawer, through which the ball is passed.
He opens the rear drawer (next the handle) which he
presents to the Worshipful Master, showing him that
it is quite empty, and into which the WorshipfuL
Master drops his ball, through the hopper above de-
scribed. The Senior Deacon then passes the box
around the hall, presenting it to each member, who puts
his hand in through the slide, lifts his ball and drops
it through the little hopper; and having thus gone
the entire round of the Lodge, the Worshipful Mas-
ter asks: "Have all the brethren voted?' If so, I
declare the ballot closed. Brother Senior Deacon, you
will display the ballot for inspection." The Senior
Deacon now takes the ballot box, first to the Junior;
Warden in the South, and then to the Senior Warden
in the West, each of whom examines the second com-
partment to see if any black balls are cast ; and lastly
he presents it to the Worshipful Master whb, before
he examines it, gives one rap with his gavel, and en-
quires as follows:
Worshipful Master: "Bro. Junior Warden, how do you find the ballot in the South ?

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