2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 15

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 15

The Junior Deacon now leads him to the door
communicating with the Lodge-room, and telling him
to close his fist, takes him by the right hand, and, with
his (candidate's) knuckles, gives three loud and dis-
tinct knocks on the door.
Junior Deacon: " Worshipful Master there is an
alarm at the door."
Worshipful Master: "Attend to the alarm, Bro.
Junior Deacon."
Junior Deacon (gives 3 raps) : "Tyler informs
Junior Deacon and Junior Deacon reports to the Wor-
shipful Master.
Junior Deacon: "The Secretary desires admis-
Worshipful Master: "You will admit him."
Secretary (at altar makes due-guard and sign) :
"Worshipful Master the usual 'constitutional questions
have been propounded and satisfactorily answered."
Worshipful Master (gives one rap) : "Bro. Jun-
ior Deacon, you will retire, prepare and present the
candidate for the first degree. Bro. Senior Deacon,
' you will attend to all alarms and take charge of the
Junior Deacon makes due-guard and sign at the
altar before going out. Senior Deacon goes directly
from his chair to the door and makes alarm to let Jun-
ior Deacon out; then takes seat in Junior Deacon's
place. Junior Deacon in preparation room gives alarm
three raps on door.
Senior Deacon (rising) : "Worshipful Master,
there is an alarm at the door of the preparation room."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
attend to the alarm, and report the cause."
The Senior Deacon with his rod approaches the
door, gives three loud and distinct knocks, opens the
door and enquires :
Senior Deacon: "Who comes here?"
Junior Deacon: "Rev. James Hunt, who has
long been in darkness, and now seeks to be brought
to light and to receive a part in the rights and bene-
fits of this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God and
dedicated to the Saints John, as all brothers and fel-
lows have done before/'
Senior Deacon: "Mr. Hunt, is this of your own
free will and accord?"
Mr. Hunt: "It is."
Senior Deacon: "Brother Junior Deacon, is the
candidate worthy and well qualified?"
Junior Deacon: "He is."
Senior Deacon: "Is he duly and truly prepared ? 99
Junior Deacon: "He is."
Senior Deacon: "Is he of lawful age, and prop-
erly vouched for?"
Junior Deacon: "He is."
Senior Deacon: "Who vouches for this?"
Junior Deacon: "A brother."
Senior Deacon: "By what further rights and
benefits does he expect to gain admission ? "
Junior Deacon: "By being a man, free-born, of
good report, and well recommended."
Senior Deacon: "It is well, you will wait with
patience until the Worshipful Master is informed of
your request, and his answer returned/'
The door is then closed; the Senior Deacon re-
turns to the altar, gives three raps on the floor with his
rod, and reports :*
Senior Deacon: "Worshipful Master, the alarm
was caused by Rev. James Hunt, who has long been
in darkness, and now seeks to be brought to light and
to receive a part in the rights and benefits of this
Worshipful Lodge, erected to God, and dedicated to
the Saints John, as all brothers and fellows have done
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
is this of his own free will and accord?"
' Senior Deacon: "It is."
Worshipful Master: "Is the candidate worthy
and well qualified?"
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Is he duly and truly pre-
pared ? "
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Is he of lawful age, and
properly vouched for?"
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Who vouches for this?"
Senior Deacon: "A brother."
Worshipful Master: "By what further rights
and benefits does he expect to gain admission?"
Senior Deacon: "By being a man, free born, of
good report, and well recommended."
* For the preparation ceremonies, see "Master's Carpet,"
pp. 253-260.
Worshipful Master: "It is well. Since he comes
endowed with all these necessary qualifications, it is
my order that he enter this Lodge in the name of
the Lord, and be received in due form "
The Senior Deacon returns to the door, which
he immediately opens, and says: "It is the order of
the Worshipful Master that the candidate enter this
Lodge in the name of the Lord, and be received in
due form." The candidate is then conducted into the
Lodge-room, and halted about six or eight feet from
the door, where the Senior Deacon receives him on
the point of the Compass, pressed to his naked left
breast, and addressing him in the following words,
performs the "Shock of Entrance/' or the "Rite of
Induction," as represented in the figure.*
* For the origin of this ceremony see "Master's Carpet,"
pp. 265-267.
Senior Deacon: "Mr. Hunt, upon your first ad-
mission into a Lodge of Masons, I receive you upon the
point of a sharp instrument pressing your naked left
breast (here he presses the point of the Compass
against the left breast of the candidate), which is to
teach you that, as this is an instrument of torture to
your flesh, so should the recollection of it be to your
conscience, should you ever presume to reveal any of
the secrets of Freemasonry unlawfully."
The Senior Deacon then passes the Compass to
the Steward, and taking the candidate by the right
arm, conducts him a little further inward, and towards
the center of the Lodge, where he is halted, the Junior
Deacon in the meantime, retiring to his proper place,
and the Stewards marching behind the candidate. The
Senior Deacon then addresses the latter as follows :

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