2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 14

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 14

Supposing that it is a regular communication, and
the Lodge being opened on the third degree, it must
be reduced down to the first for initiation, which is
done as follows:
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Warden,
it is my order that we now dispense with labor on the
third degree, and resume on the first for work; this
you will communicate to the Junior Warden in the
South, and he to the brethren, that all having due
notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly
Senior Warden (one rap): "Brother Junior
Warden, it is the order of the Worshipful Master that
we now dispense with labor on the third degree, and
resume on the first for work. This you will communi-
cate to the brethren, that all having due notice there-
of may govern themselves accordingly/'
Junior Warden (three raps) : "Brethren, it is the
order of the Worshipful Master, communicated to me
by way of the West, that we now/ dispense with
labor on the third degree, and resume on the first
for work. Take due notice thereof, and govern your-
selves accordingly."
Worshipful Master: "Together, brethren."
All make the due-guard and sign of an Entered
Apprentice, as explained on page 16. The" Master
gives one rap, and the Senior and Junior Wardens also
one each, when the Master continues :
Worshipful Master: "Accordingly, I declare
Keystone Lodge, No. 639, duly at labor on the first
degree of Masonry. Brother Senior Deacon, arrange
the altar. Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler."
The Master then gives one rap, and the Lodge is
again seated. The Junior Deacon informs the Tyler,
as explained already on page 10, and the Senior Dea-
con opens the Bible at Psalm 133, and places upon it
the Square and Compass, with both points below the
Square, as in the annexed figure.
Worshipful Master (one rap) : "Brother Junior
Deacon, you will ascertain if there are any candidates
in waiting."
Junior Deacon: Repairs to the door and gives
three raps.
Tyler: Three raps.
Junior Deacon: "Worshipful Master, Mr. James
Hunt is in waiting for the first degree in Masonry."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Secretary, you
will take with you the Stewards, retire and propound
the usual interrogatories."
Junior Deacon (at the door) : Three raps.
Tyler: Three raps.
(Exit, Secretary and Stewards.)
Secretary: "Mr , as you have peti-
tioned for initiation into our mysteries, it becomes my
duty to propound to you several interrogatories of
which I must require of you unequivocal answers.
As you have been elected by unanimous ballot to
become a member of our fraternity, it becomes my
duty to inform you that the institution of which you
are about to become a member is of no light and
trifling character, but of high importance and due sol-
emnity. Masonry consists of a course of ancient hiero-
glyphics, moral instructions taught agreeably to ancient
usages by types, emblems and allegorical figures. Even
the ceremonies of gaining admission, within these
walls are emblematic of events which all mankind
must sooner or later experience. They are emblematic
at least in some small degree of jyour great and last
change, of your exit from this world, to the world
to come. You are undoubtedly aware that whatever
man may acquire on earth, whether wealth, honor, titles
or even his own merits, can never serve him as a pass-
port to the Grand Lodge above, but previous to his
gaining admission there, he must find himself poor and
penniless, blind and naked dependent on the will and
pleasure of the Supreme Grand Master. He must be
divested of the rags of his own righteousness and
clothed with a garment from on high. And in order
to impress this more deeply on your mind it will be
necessary that you be divested of a portion of your
outward apparel and clothed in a garment furnished
by the Worshipful Master of this Lodge, a garment
similar to that worn by all candidates who have gone
this way before you.
Are you willing to submit to these rules ? (Candi-
date answer.)
I will then leave you in the hands of true and
trusted friends, who will give you the necessary in-
structions and prepare you in a proper manner for
your initiation as an candidates nave Deen wno nave
gone this way before."
The foregoing questions being thus proposed and
answered, the Secretary retires into the Lodge, ap-
proaches the altar as usual, makes the due-guard and
sign, and reports:
"Worshipful Master, the usual questions have
been satisfactorily answered; the first four being an-
swered in the affirmative, and the fifth in the nega-
tive ,* and the usual fee has been collected/'
The Junior Deacon then proceeds^ with the as-
sistance of the Stewards, to prepare the candidate for
initiation, which is done in the following manner : He
is divested of his coa^, vest, pants, boots, stockings,
drawers, neck tie, collar, in fact everything except
his shirt. He is then handed a pair of drawers (al-
ways furnished by the Lodge), which he puts on. J*d\
the studs, sleeve-buttons, etc., are taken off his shirt,
and any iron buttons in his inside shirt, are cut out.
Everything of a metalic kind is taken away; the
left leg of the drawers is rolled above the knee, so
as to make the left foot, leg and knee bare; the left
sleeve of his shirt is raised above the elbow, so as to
make the left arm bare and the left breast of the shirt
is tucked back, so as to make his left breast bare. A
slipper is put on his right foot, with the heel slipshod,
a hood-wink is fastened over his eyes, a blue rope,
called a cable-tow is put once around his neck, and he
is then duly and truly prepared to be made a Mason. 

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