2015년 11월 2일 월요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 28

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 28

Worshipful Master: "Give me the pass."
Senior Deacon (making again the due-guard of
Fellow Craft) : "Shibboleth."
Worshipful Master: "The pass is right; since he
comes endowed with all these necessary qualifications,
it is my order that he enter this Lodge in the name
of the Lord and be received in due form."
The Senior Deacon taking the square from off the
altar, unless there be another provided, proceeds to the
door which he opens wide up and says :
Senior Deacon: "It is the order of the Worship-
ful Master that the candidate enter this Lodge in the
name of the Lord and be received in due form."
8. W. J* tt.
" The candidate is led in by the Junior Deacon fol-
lowed by the Stewards, if any, and conducted to about
six or eight feet inside the door where he is met by
the Senior Deacon who addresses him thus :
Senior Deacon: "Brother Hunt, upon your first
admission into a Lodge of Masons you were received
on the point of a sharp instrument pressing your
naked left breast, which was then explained to you.
Upon your first admission into a Lodge of Fellow
Crafts, I receive you on the angle of the square (press-
ing the angle of a square to the candidate's naked
right breast) applied to your naked right breast,
which is to teach you that the square of virtue should
be the rule and guide of your conduct in all your
future transactions with mankind."
The Senior Deacon then hands the square to t\ye
Junior Deacon, who replaces it upon the altar, and
taking the candidate by the right arm, conducts him
twice around the Lodge-room, as in page 115, count-
ing in all cases from the East, and as he passes the
stations of the Junior and Senior Wardens for the
first time and the Worshipful Master for the second
time, each of these officers gives one loud rap with
his gavel ; on passing around the second time they
give three raps each, and during this time also the
Master reads the following portion of scripture :
"Thus he showed me : and behold the Lord stood
upon a wall made by a plumb line with a plumb line
in his hand. And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what
* For the meaning and origin of this ceremony, see "Master's
Carpet," pp. 265-267.
seest thou? And I said, a plumb line. Then said the
Lord, Behold, I will set a plumb line in the midst of
my people Israel I will not pass by them any more."
Amos vii. 7, 8.*
The reading of this passage is so timed as to con-
clude just as the candidate teaches the Junior War-
den's station the second time. Having arrived in front
of the Junior Warden, the Senior Deacon gives two
raps on the floor with the end of his rod which is
answered by one from the Junior Warden who rises to*
his feet and says:
Junior Warden (one rap) : "Who comes here? "
Senior Deacon : "Brother James Hunt, who has
been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice,
and now seeks more light in Masonry by being passed
to the degree of Fellow Craft."
Junior Warden (facing the candidate): "Broth-
er Hunt, is this of your own free-will and accord ? "
Candidate: "It is."
Junior Warden: "Brother Senior Deacon, is the
candidate worthy and well qualified ? "
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Junior Warden: "Is he duly and truly pre-
pared?" '
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Junior Warden: "Has he made a suitable pro-
ficiency in the preceding degree?"
Senior Deacon: "He has."
Junior Warden : "Who vouches for this ? "
Senior Deacon: "A brother."
Junior Warden: "By what further right or bene-
fit does he expect to gain this favor ? "
Senior Deacon: "By the benefit of a pass."
. * "Standard Monitor," Cook, 1903, p. 29.
* For the meaning and origin of this ceremony, Bee "Master'*
Cat-pet," PP. 268-272.
Junior Warden: "Has he the pass?"
Senior Deacon: "He has it not, but I have it for
Junior Warden: "Give me the pass."
The Senior Deacon approaches closer to the Jun-
ior Warden, and whispers in his ear the word Shib-
Junior Warden: "The pass is right. You will
conduct the candidate to the Senior Warden in the
West for further examination."
The Senior Deacon with candidate then approaches
the Senior Wardens station and gives three raps with
his rod as before.
Senior Warden (i rap) : "Who comes here?"
Senior Deacon: "Brother Hunt, who has been
regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice and now
seeks more light in Masonry by being passed to the
degree of a Fellow Craft."
Senior Warden (turning to candidate) : "Broth-
er Hunt, is this of your own free will and accord?"
Candidate: "It is."
Senior Warden: "Brother Senior Deacon, is the
candidate worthy and well qualified?"
Senior Deacon: "He is," etc., etc.
Precisely the same dialogue takes place here as
at the Junior Warden's station, which see above, and
at the conclusion of which the Senior Warden says:
Senior Warden: "The pass is right. You will
conduct the candidate to the Worshipful Master in the East for further examination."

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