2015년 11월 2일 월요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 29

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 29

The candidate is now conducted towards the East
and placed in front of the Master's chair, who in re-
sponse to the Senior Deacon's raps, enquires in a deep
tone of voice:
Worshipful Master: "Who comes here?"
Senior Deacon: "Brother James Hunt, who has
been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice and
now seeks more light in Masonry by being passed to
the degree of Fellow Craft."
Worshipful Master (turning to candidate) :
4t Brother Hunt, is this of your own free will and ac-
Candidate: "It is."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon, is
the candidate worthy and well qualified ? "
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Is he duly and truly pre-
Senior Deacon: "He is."
Worshipful Master: "Has he made a suitable
proficiency in the preceding degree ? "
Senior Deacon: "He has."
Worshipful Master: "Who vouches for this?"
Senior Deacon: "A brother."
Worshipful Master: "By what further right or
benefit does he expect to obtain this favor ? "
Senior Deacon: "By the benefit of a pass."
Worshipful Master (in some astonishment).:
"Has he the pass? 33
Senior Deacon: "He has it not, but I have it for
Worshipful Master: "Give me the pass."
The Senior Deacon approaches close to Master's
chair and whispers into his ear the word Shibboleth.
Worshipful Master: "The pass is right, since he
comes endowed with all these necessary qualifications
it is my order that you re-conduct him to the Senior
Warden in the West who will teach him to approach
the East by two upright regular steps, his feet form-
ing the angle of a square, his body erect at the altar
before the Worshipful Master/'
The Senior Deacon re-conducts the candidate to
the Senior Warden whose attention he attracts by
simply giving one rap with his rod on the floor.
Senior Deacon: "Brother Senior Warden, it is
the order of the Worshipful Master that you teach
the candidate to approach the East by two upright
regular steps, his feet forming the angle of a square,
his body erect at the altar before the Worshipful Mas-
Senior Warden: "Brother Senior Deacon, you
will face the candidate towards the East."
The Senior Deacon taking the candidate by the
arm wheels him around so as to have him face the
Worshipful Master. The Senior Warden then leaves
his seat and approaching the candidate, says :
i Senior Warden: "Brother Hunt, you will take
the Entered Apprentice step (stepping off one ste*p
with left foot and bringing the heel of the right to the
hollow of the left, see page 68). You will now step
off one step with your right foot bringing the heel of
the left to the hollow of the right, forming the angle
of a square/' (Should^the candidate not be able to do
this, or do it awkwardly, the Senior Warden instructs
him.) "Stand erect/'
The Senior Warden then returning to his station
and>naking the due-guard of a Fellow Craft, exclaims :
Senior Warden: "In order, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master (rising from his seaff gives
3 raps) : "Brother Hunt, you are now standing at tnc
altar of Masonry for the second time, but before pro-
ceeding further, it becomes my duty as the Worshipful
Master of this Lodge to inform you that it will be nee-
essary that you take upon yourself a solemn oath or
obligation pertaining to this degree, and I can assure
you upon the honor of a man and a Mason that in this
obligation there is nothing that will conflict with any
duty you owe to God, your country, your family, your
neighbor or yourself. In your advancement thus far
you have repeatedly assured us it was of your own
free will and accord; if you are still of the same
mind, you will advance to our altar."
The Senior Deacon now leads the candidate to-
wards the altar.
"Kneel on your naked right knee, your left form-
ing a square, your right hand resting on the Holy
Bible, square and compass, your left arm forming a
right angle supported by a square." (The Senior Dea-
con of course places him correctly in each of these
positions.) In some Lodges the candidate, in raising
his left arm so that the angle of a square is formed
at the elbow, is made to take hold of the Senior Dea-
con's rod placed perpendicular, while in others his left
* Fpr the meaning and origin of this ceremony, see "Master'B
Carpet," pp. 273-280.
arm is supported by a square held in place by the
Senior Deacon. The Worshipful Master now gives
three raps which is a signal for all the brethren except
the Senior Warden to arrange themselves in two ranks
on either side of the altar, the Master removing his
hat, approaches the kneeling candidate and continues :
Worshipful Master; "In which due form you
will say '1/ repeat your name in full and say after me :
"I, James Hunt, of my own free will and accord,
in the presence of Almighty God and this Worshipful
Lodge erected to him and dedicated to the Saints John,
do hereby and hereon (here the Master places his right
hand on that of the candidate) most solemnly and
sincerely promise and swear that I will always hail,
ever conceal and never reveal any of the secret arts,
parts or points of the Fellow Craft degree, to any per-
son or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and
lawful brother of this degree, or within a regularly
constituted Lodge of Fellow Crafts; and neither unto
him nor them until by strict trial, due examination, or
legal information I shall have found him or them as
lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself.
I furthermore promise and swear that I will
conform to and abide by all the laws, rules and regu-
lations of the Fellow Craft degree so far as the same
shall come to my knowledge.
"Furthermore, that I will answer and obey all
due signs and summons sent to me from a lodge of
Fellow Crafts or given to me by a brother of this de-
gree if within the length of my cable-tow.
"Furthermore, that I will aid and assist all worthy
distressed brother Fellow Crafts, I knowing them to WORK ON SECOND DEGREE. 

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