2015년 11월 2일 월요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 37

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 37

Q. "After being taught how to wear your apron,
how were you then disposed of?"
A. "I was reconducted to the Worshipful Mus-
ter in the East, who presented me with the working
tools of a Fellow Craft and taught me their uses."
Q. "What are the working tools of a Fellow
A. "The plumb, square and level."
Q. "What are their Masonic uses?"
A. "The plumb is an instrument made use of by
operative Masons to try perpendiculars ; the square to
square their work, and the level to prove horizontals ;
but we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to
make use of them for more noble and glorious pur-
poses. The plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly
in our several stations before God and man, squaring
our actions by the square of virtue, and ever remem-
bering that we are traveling upon the level of time to
that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no
traveler returns."
Q. "How were you then disposed of?"
A. "I was reconducted to the place whence I
came, invested with what I had been divested of, and
returned to the lodge, where in accordance with an an-
cient custom adopted in every regular and well gov-
erned lodge I made a regular advance through a porch,
by a flight of winding stairs, consisting of three, five
and seven steps, to a place representing the middle
chamber of King Solomon's temple, where I received
instructions relative to the wages and jewels of a Fel-
low Craft."
Q. "What are the wages of a Fellow Craft? "
A. "Corn, wine and oil, emblematical of the corn
Df nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil
of joy."
Q. "What do they denote?"
A. "Plenty, health and peace."
Q. "What are the jewels of a Fellow Craft?"
A. "The attentive, ear, the instructive tongue
and the faithful breasts."
The examining brother then, whoever he may be,
examines the candidate or visitor in the step and grips,
as explained in pages 120-127, and which, of course,
it is quite unnecessary to go through with here, after
which the candidate is requested to repair to the ante-
room, there to await the action of the lodge or "the
will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master."
It must not be forgotten that on all occasions when
a brother, whether an Apprentice, a Craftsman or a
Master Mason, is entering or retiring from the lodge
he must make the due-guard and sign of the degree on
which the lodge is then open ; and should he fail to do
this, whether through ignorance or neglect, his atten-
tion is invariably called to it, either by the Master or
some one of the Wardens.
As Freemasonry claims to be "a conservator as
well as a depository of religion, science and art," and
"includes within its circle almost every branch of polite
learning" (see Past Grand Master Pierson's "Tradi-
tions of Freemasonry" page 14, and Sickel's "General
Ahiman Reson," page 116), it may not be amiss to
state that the second or Fellow Craft degree contains
all the "science" and "art" to be found in the institu-
tion ; and as the whole of the second degree is given
word foreword, in the preceding pages, the reader is
respectfully referred to them for a knowledge of the
"sciences" and "arts" which Freemasonry boastfully
pretends to impart to its deluded votaries.
The ground-work of the third or "sublime" degree
of Master Mason is based upon the pretended assassi-
nation of one Hiram Abiff, a mechanic of considerable
celebrity who resided in the ancient city of Tyre, and
whom Hiram, King of Tyre, sent to King Solomon to
assist in the construction of the once famous temple at
Jerusalem. The story of his mythical death is termed
in the lodge, "the legend of the Tyrian artist." We
are informed by what is called "Masonic tradition''
that Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre,
and Hiram Abiff, entered into a solemn compact never
to communicate the so-called Master's word until the
temple was completed, and then only in the presence
of the three, and that in consequence of his fidelity to
his trust when attacked immediately before the com-
pletion of the temple by the three Eellow Craft ruf-
fians, Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum, to extort from him
these so-called secrets, Hiram Abiff was slain, and
hence the Master's word was lost and the real secrets
of Freemasonry lay buried in oblivion, and were un-
known to any portion of the human family for a
period of four hundred and fifty years, or until the
building of the second temple after the Babylonish
captivity. The pretended secrets of Ereemasonry, the
word which is supposed to have been lost, is, accord-
ing to Masonic teaching, the true name of God.; and
hence if Masonic tradition is to be relied upon, neither
the people of God assembled at the temple dedication,
nor the high priest who ministered in the Holy of
Holies, nor Elijah, nor Elisha, nor Isaiah, nor any
other of God's prophets or people, ever knew, or
have now, any knowledge of the Almighty's real name,
except those who go cable-towed and hood-winked
into a Masonic lodge, seeking for "further light," and
which is to be imparted to them (very often by an
infidel or rum-seller) at the rate of from fifty to one
hundred dollars a piece. But this entire story of the
assassination of Hiram is, a falsehood, a base fabri-
cation ; and the foundation being a lie, surely the
super-structure cannot possibly be that upon which any
man can rely for salvation, or to which a. Christian
minister can consistently unite himself by extra-judi-
cial oaths and sanguinary death penalties. In i Kings
vii. 40, we read: "And Hiram made the lavers and
the shovels and the basins. So Hiram made an end
of doing all the zvork that he made King Solomon for
the house of the Lord." Again, in 2 Chron. iv. 11;
"And Hiram made the pots and the shovels and the
basins. And Hiram finished the zvork that he was to
make for King Solomon for the house of the Lord J'
Now, if Hiram Abiff finished all the work that he was
to make, how is it possible that he could have been
assassinated before the temple was completed?
This degree, notwithstanding its glaring inconsist-
encies and the innumerable evidences of its undoubted
pagan origin, is, nevertheless, considered as the most
important, as it is in reality the very summit of "An-
cient Craft Masonry." It is from brethren of this
degree that the rulers of the craft are selected, because
(according to Masonic authority) "it is only from
those who are capable of giving instruction that we can reasonably expect to receive it" 

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