2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 6

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 6

Senior Deacon: "To carry orders from the
Worshipful Master in the East, to the Senior Warden
in the West, and elsewhere around the Lodge, as re-
quired ; to introduce and accommodate visiting breth-
ren, receive and conduct candidates."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
the Secretary's place ? "
Senior Deacon: "On your left, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Your duty, brother Sec-
Secretary: "To observe the will and pleasure
of the Worshipful Master; record all the proceedings
of this Lodge, proper to be written; transmit a copy
of .the same to the Grand Lodge, when required; re-
ceive all moneys paid into the Lodge, pay them over
to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Secretary, the
Treasurer's place ? "
Secretary: "On your right, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Your duty, brother Treas-
urer ?»
Treasurer: "To receive all moneys paid into the
Lodge from the hands of the Secretary, keep a just
and regular account of the same, pay them out by the
order of the Worshipful Master and consent of the
Worshipful Master: "Brother Treasurer, the
Junior Warden's station?"
Treasurer: "la the South, Worshipful."
Worship iul Master: "Why in the South, brother
Junior Warden ? "
Junior Warden: "As the sun in the South, at
meridian height, the beauty and glory of the day, so
is the Junior Warden in the South, the better to ob-
serve the time, to call the Craft from labor to re-
freshment ; superintend them during the hour thereof ;
see that none convert the means of refreshment into
intemperance or excess; call them to labor again, at
the order of the Worshipful Master, that he may
have pleasure, and the Craft profit thereby."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Junior Warden,
the Senior Warden's station?"
Junior Warden: "In the West, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Why in the West, brother
Senior Warden ? "
Senior Warden: "As the sun is in the West at
the close of the day, so is the Senior Warden in the
West to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and
closing his Lodge; pay the Craft their wages, if any
be due, so that none may go away dissatisfied, har-
mony being the strength and support of all institutions,
especially ours."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Warden
the Worshipful Master's station?"
Senior Warden: "In the East, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Why in the East?"
Senior Warden: "As the sun rises in the East
to open and govern the day, so rises the Worshipful
Master in the East" (here the Worshipful Master rises
to his feet) "to open and govern his Lodge, set the
Craft to work, and give them proper instructions."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Warden,
it is my carder that Keystone Lodge, No. 639, be now-
opened on the first degree of Masonry; this you will
communicate to the Junior Warden in the South, and
he to the brethren, that all having due notice thereof,
may govern themselves accordingly."
Senior Warden: "Brother Junior Warden, it is
the order of the Worshipful Master that Keystone
Lodge, No. 639, be now opened on the first degree of
Masonry, this you will communicate to the brethren,
that all having due notice thereof, may govern them-
selves accordingly."
Junior Warden (giving three raps, which call up
the entire Lodge) : "Brethren, it is the order of the
Worshipful Master, communicated to me by the way of
the West, that Keystone Lodge, No. 639, be now
opened on the first degree of Masonry; take due notice
thereof, and govern yourselves accordingly."
Worshipful Master: "Together, brethren."
Here the Master and all the members present, in
concert make the due-guard and sign of an Entered
Apprentice, the Master always leading off..
The due-guard is made by holding out the left
hand a few inches from the body, and on a line with
the lower button of the vest, with the palm open and
turned upward. Now place the open palm of the right
hand horizontally across the left, and about two or
three inches above it. (See fig.) This is in allusion
to the manner in which an Entered Apprentice's hands
are placed while taking the obligation, "the left hand
supporting the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, and
the right resting thereon." ( See Entered Apprentice's
obligation, page 69.)
Now drop the left hand carelessly, and draw the
right edgewise across the troat (palm open), and drop
it perpendicularly to your side. (See fig.) This is
called the "penal sign," or "sign of an Entered Ap-
prentice/' and alludes to the penalty of the obligation
- "having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out
by the roots/' etc. (See Entered Apprentice's Obli-
The Worshipful Master immediately after mak-
ing the sign, gives one rap with his gavel, the Senior
Warden one, and the Junior Warden one; after which
he proceeds ;
Worshipful Master: "Brethren, before declaring
the Lodge open, let us reverently invoke the blessing
of Deity," and removing his hat, he repeats the follow-
ing sc-called prayer, as seen in the annexed figure.
Let us pray.
erently invoke thy blessing at this time. Wilt Thou
be pleased to grant that this meeting, thus begun in
order, may be* conducted in peace, and closed in har-
mony. Amen. Response by the brethren : 'So mote
it be/ " Ordinarily used,
or this:
"Most holy and glorious Lord God, the great
Architect of the Universe, the giver of all good gifts
and graces : Thou hast promised that 'where two or
three are gathered together in Thy name, Thou wilt
be in their midst and bless them/ In Thy name we
have assembled, and in Thy name we desire to pro-
ceed in all our doings. Grant that the sublime prin-
ciples of Freemasonry may so subdue every discord-
ant passion within us, so harmonize and enrich our
hearts with Thine own love and goodness, that the
Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that order and
beauty which reign forever before Thy throne. Amen.
Response by the brethren : 'So mote it be/ "*
Worshipful Master: "Accordingly I declare Key-
stone Lodge, No. 639, opened on the first degree of

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