2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 7

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 7

The Senior Deacon proceeds to the altar, situated
in the center of the room, opposite the Junior War-
den's station, as already explained, opens the Bible,-
usually at Psalm 133, and places upon it the Square
and Compass (the latter open), with both points of
the Compass belozv the Square, in the manner shown
Cook's Standard Monitor, p. 6.
by the annexed cut, and returns to his place. The
Junior Deacon, at the same time, gives three knocks
at the door, which are answered by three from the
Tyler outside. The Junior Deacon then gives* one,
which is answered by one from the Tyler. The door
is then opened, and the Junior Deacon whispers to the
Tyler that the Lodge is opened on the first degree;
after which he closes the door and reports to the Mas-
ter: "The Tyler is informed, Worshipful;" when the
Master gives one rap, and the Lodge is seated.
On the next page will be found a correct rep-
resentation of the positions occupied by the differ-
ent officers of a Lodge, whether it be opened on the
«first, second or third degree ; and nothing needs to be
added further on that head, except to describe the
jewels of office which each officer must wear, and to
which brief allusion has already been made.
Past Master wears a compass, opened on a quar-
ter circle, sun in the center.
Worshipful Master wears a square; Senior War-
den, a level.
Junior Warden, a plumb ; Treasurer, cross-keys.
Secretary, cross-pens ; Senior Deacon, Square and
Compass, sun in the center.
' 2\
Junior Deacon, Square and Compass, quarter
moon in center; Stewards, a cornucopia.
Chaplain, an open Bible; Tyler, a sword, saber
If a collar is worn, these jewels must be sus-
pended from the point of the collar; but if not, they
are pinned to the right lappel of the coat.
The reader will also notice that a small pedestal
stands to the right of the three principal officers, and
that the Warden's columns rest upon those in the
South and West. When the Lodge is open, the Sen-
ior Warden's column is standing up, as in the figure ;
but when the Lodge is called off, or during recess, the
Junior Warden's column is standing.
There is no material difference between an En-
tered Apprentice and a Fellow Craft Lodge. The
officers in both cases are the same; the internal ar-
rangements are the same ; and a stranger, entering the
Lodge-room while either degree is open, could not
tell the difference, without carefully observing the
position of the Square and Compass on the altar. In
the first degree, as we have already seen, both points
of the Compass are below the Square; while in the
degree of Fellow Craft, one point is above, and an-
other below, as seen on page 28. A Lodge of Fellow
Crafts, however, cannot be opened without first open-
ing a Lodge of Apprentices ; and, as the design of
these pages is to give the exact manner in which Ma-
sonry is worked, whether in opening or closing its
Lodges, or in conferring its degrees; and as I have
already given the correct method of opening a Lodge
on the first degree; so I shall now proceed to op
on the second.
Worshipful Master (one rap) : "Brother Senior
Warden, will you be off, or from?"
Senior Warden (rising) : "From."
Worshipful Master: "From what, to what?''
Senior Warden: "From the degree of Entered
Apprentice, to that of Fellow Craft."
Worshipful Master: "Are all present Fellow
Senior Warden: "I will inquire by my proper
officer and report."
Senior Warden (one rap) : "Brother Junior
Deacon you will proceed to satisfy yourselves that all
present are Fellow Crafts."
The Junior Deacon then taking his rod, proceeds
around the Lodge-room, stopping in front of every
brother whom he does not personally know, and raps
on the floor with his rod ; and that brother thus chal-
lenged, if not vouched for by some one present, must
retire into the ante-room to await, if he sees fit, the
action of an examining committee sent out by the
W. M. The Junior Deacon, in this manner haviag
made the entire circuit of the Lodge-room, returns
in front of the Senior Warden's station, and reports to
that officer: "I am so satisfied Bro. S. W-," and
then resumes his former place in the Lodge.
Junior Deacon: "I am so satisfied Bro. Senior
Senior Warden (one rap) : "All present are Fel-
low Crafts, Worshipful."
Should there be one or more Entered Apprentices
present, the Senior Warden will report : "All present
are not Fellow Crafts, .Worshipful." Upon which,
the Master will request "all those below the degree of
a Fellow Craft to please retire." Entered Appren-
tices then step to the altar, give the due-guard and
sign, and retire to the ante- room.
Worshipful Master: "As a further evidence, you
will cause the Senior and Junior Deacons to approach
the West, receive from them the pass, direct them to
proceed on the right and left, collect the pass from the
brethren and convey it to the East."
Senior Warden (one rap) : "Brothers Senior and
Junior Deacons, report to the West and give me the
pass, of a Fellow Craft."
The Senior and Junior Deacons both step to the
altar, and frorn there approach the Senior Warden's
station, to whom they communicate in a whisper the
pass of a Fellow Craft which is Shibboleth. They
then cross to opposite sides of the hall (the Senior
Deacon being on the right of the Senior Warden, and
the Junior Deacon on his left), and in this manner
they proceed to collect the pass from every member
in the room, except the ^Master and Junior Warden.
It ought to be observed that, in collecting this pass-
word, the Deacons are not to /stoop down, so that a
brother may whisper it while sitting; but they must
stand erect, and every member must rise to his feet,
whisper the pass-word, and again take his seat. Hav-
ing thus collected the pass, they meet in front of the
Master's chair, where they again cross to their respect-
ive sides of the Lodge-room; whereupon they face
each other, and the Junior Deacon, making the due--    

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