2015년 11월 2일 월요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 30

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 30

be such, so far as my ability will permit without ma-
terial injury to myself.
"Furthermore, that I will not cheat, wrong nor
defraud a lodge of Fellow Crafts, nor a brother of this
degree, nor supplant him in any of his laudable under-
"All this I most solemly and sincerely promise
and swear with a firm and steadfast resolution to keep
and perform the same, without any equivocation,
mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever,
binding myself under a no less penalty than that of
having my left breast torn open (see sign of Fellow
Craft, page 27), my heart plucked out and given as a
prey to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air
should I ever knowingly violate this my solemn obli-
gation of a Fellow Craft Mason, so help me God and
keep me steadfast in the due performance of the
Worshipful Master: "In token of your sincerity,
you will detach your hands and kiss the Bible."
(Candidate removes his hands and kisses the book.)
Worshipful Master (resuming his hat) : "Broth-
er Senior Deacon, you will release the brother from
the cable-tow he is bound to us by an obligation, a
tie stronger than human hands can impose."
Senior Deacon removes the rope from off the
candidate's right arm.
Worshipful Master (stepping back eight or ten
paces) : "Bro. Hunt, in your present condition what
do you most desire?"
Candidate (prompted by Senior Deacon) : "More
light in Masonry."
Worshipful Master: "Bro. Senior Deacon and
brethren, you will assist me in bringing this brother
from darkness to light."
m The two Stewards now raise their rods bringing
their points together over the Master's head, thus
forming a kind of triangular arch. (See Entered
Apprentice degree, page 71.)
Worshipful Master; "In the beginning God cre-
ated the heavens and the earth. And the earth was
without form and void, and darkness was upon the
face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters and God said, 'Let there be
light, and there was light.' In humble commemora-
tion of which august event we Masonically say, Xet
there be light' "
The Master and all the brethren together make
the due-guard of a Fellow Craft, retaining their hands
in the position for a few seconds, at the same time as
quick as the Master utters the word "light" the Senior
Deacon standing behind the candidate snatches off the
hoodwink, the entire scene being intended to make a
deep impression on his mind and give him an exalted
idea of the beauty and grandeur of Masonic light. The
Master and brethren then drop their hands and the
Worshipful Master continues :
Worshipful Master: "And there is light."*
Worshipful Master: "Upon being brought to
light in this degree, you discover the three great lights
in Masonry as before, with this difference, one point
of the compass is elevated above the square which is
to teach you that you have as yet received light in Ma-
sonry but partially."
The Worshipful Master again steps back a few
* For the meaning and origin of this rite, see "Master's Car-
pet." PP. 281-286.
paces and the Stewards crossing their rods as before,
the Senior Deacon addressing the candidate, says :
Senior Deacon: "Brother Hunt, you now behold
the Worshipful Master approaching you from the East
(Master steps off one step with the right foot, bring-
ing the heel of the left to the hollow of the right)
under the due-guard (makes the due-guard, see fig.
page 26) and sign (makes the sign, see fig. page 27)
of a Fellow Craft Mason/'
* Worshipful Master (to candidate) : "An Entered
Apprentice steps off with his left foot, bringing the
heel of the right to the hollow of the left, forming
the angle of a square and this is the first step in Ma-
sonry. A Fellow Craft steps off with his right foot
bringing the heel of the left to the hollow of the right
forming also the angle of a square, and this is the
second step in Masonry. This was given you as the
due-guard, and this as the sign of an Entered Appren-
tice, which were then explained to you. This is the
due-guard of a Fellow Craft and alludes to the position
in which your hands were placed, while taking your
obligation. This is the sign of a Fellow Craft and al-
ludes to the penalty of your obligation. In token of
the continuance of friendship and brotherly love, I
present you my right hand and with it the pass, token
of the pass, grip and word of a Fellow Craft, but as
you are uninstructed, I will explain them with Brother
Senior Deacon. Take me as I take you.
The Master takes the candidate by the right hand
as in ordinary hand-shaking, pressing the top of his
thumb hard against the first knuckle joint of the first
finger. (See fig. page 74.)
* For the origin of this ceremony, see "Master's Carpet."
pp. 487-293.
Worshipful Master: "Will you be off or from?"
(turning to Senior Deacon).
Senior Deacon (standing near the candidate) :
Worshipful Master: "From what to what?"
Senior Deacon: "From the grip of an Entered
Apprentice to the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft."
Worshipful Master: "Pass. What is this?"
Senior Deacon moves the candidate's thumb from
the first knuckle of the Master's hand to the space
between the first and second knuckles, the Master at
the same time moving his thumb to the same space of
the candidate's right hand. (See page 140.)
Senior Deacon: "The pass-grip of a Fellow
Worshipful Master: "Has it a name?"
Senior Deacon: "It has."
Worshipful Master: "Will you give it to me?"
Senior Deacon: "I did not so receive it neither
will I so impart it."
Worshipful Master: "How will you dispose of
Senior Deacon: "I will s)dlable it with you?"
Worshipful Master: "Syllable and begin."
Senior Deacon: "No, you begin."
Worshipful Master: "You must begin."
Senior Deacon: "Bo."
Worshipful Master : "Shib."
Senior Deacon: "Leth."
Worshipful Master: "Shibbo."
Senior Deacon (pronouncing) : "Shibboleth."
Worshipful Master (turning to Senior Deacon) :
"The pass is right. Will you be off or from ? "
Senior Deacon: "From."
Worshipful Master: "From what to what?"
Senior Deacon: "From the pass-grip of a Fellow
Craft to the real grip of the same."
Worshipful Master: "Pass. What is this?" 

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