2015년 11월 1일 일요일

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 8

Ronaynes Handbook Of Freemasonry 8

guard of a Fellow Craft, gives the pass-word, Shib-
boleth, to the Senior, and the Senior in the same man-
ner to the Worshipful Master, who answers: "The
pass is right f and the Deacons return to their respect-
ive places.
I have been somewhat particular in describing
this ceremony because, though simple in itself, I have
met but very few Deacons who were able to perform
it with neatness and precision; and further, because
it is a ceremony which must on no occasion be omitted r
either in the Grand Lodge or Blue Lodge.
Senior Warden to Junior Deacon and Senior Dea-
con, you will now proceed on the right and left, col-
lect the pass from the brethren, and convey it to the
East. 5 '
Worshipful Master (one rap) : "The pass is
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Warden,
are you a Fellow Craft?"
Senior Warden: "I am, try me."
Worshipful Master: "How will you be tried?"
Senior Warden: "By the Square."
Worshipful Master: "Why by the Square?"
Senior Warden: "Because it is an emblem of
morality, and one of the working tools of a Fellow
Worshipful Master: "What is a Square?"
Senior Warden: "An angle of ninety degrees,
or the fourth part of a circle."
Worshipful Master: "What makes you a Fellow
Senior Warden: "My obligation."
Worshipful Master: "Where were you made a
Fellow Craft?"
Senior Warden: "In a regularly constituted
Lodge of Fellow Crafts."
Worshipful Master: "What number constitutes
a Lodge of Fellow Crafts?"
Senior Warden: "Five or more."
Worshipful Master: "When of five only, whom
do they consist? "
Senior Warden: "The Worshipful Master, Sen-
ior and Junior Wardens, Senior and Junior Deacons."
Worshipful Master: "The Junior Deacon's
place?" ' .-
Senior Warden: "At the right hand of the Sen-
ior Warden in the West."
Worshipful Master (giving two raps, which call
up the Senior and Junior Wardens, and the Senior
and Junior Deacons) : "Brother Junior Deacon, the
Senior Deacon V place ? "
Junior Deacon: "At the right hand, of the Wor-
shipful Master in the East."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Deacon,
the Junior Warden's station?"
Senior Deacon: "In the South, Worshipful."
Worship ful Master: "Brother Junior Warden,
the Senior Warden's station?"
Junior Warden: "In the West, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Warden,
the Worshipful Master's station ? "
Senior Warden: "In the East, Worshipful."
Worshipful Master: "Why in the East?"
Senior Warden: "As the sun rises in the East
to open and govern the day, so rises the Worshipful
Master in the East" (Master rises to his feet) "to open
and govern his Lodge, set the Craft to work and
give them proper instruction."
Worshipful Master: "Brother Senior Warden,
it is my order that Keystone Lodge, No. 639, be now
opened on the second degree of Masonry. This you
will communicate to the Junior Warden in the South,
and he to the brethren, that all having due notice
thereof, may govern themselves accordingly."
Senior Warden: "Brother Junior Warden, it is
the order of the Worshipful Master that Keystone
Lodge, No. 639, be now opened on the second degree
of Masonry. This you will communicate to the breth-
ren, that all having due notice thereof may govern
themselves accordingly."
Junior Warden (three raps) : "Brethren, it is
the order of the Worshipful Master, communicated to
me by the way of the West, that Keystone Lodge, No.
639, be now opened on the second degree of Masonry.
Take due notice thereof, and govern yourselves ac-
Worshipful Master: "Together, brethren."
The Master leading off, and all the members
present looking towards the East, then make the due-
guard and sign of a Fellow Craft, as represented.
The due-guard or a Fellow Craft is made by
holding out the right hand a few inches from the lower
Fellow Craft.
button of the vest, the fingers extended and the palms
turned downward; raise the left arm so as to form a
right angle at the elbow, with the fingers extended
and the palm turned outward. This is in allusion to
the position in which the hands are placed while tak-
ing the obligation, "My right hand resting on the
Holy Bible, Square and Compass, my left forming a
right angle/' etc.
Now drop the left hand carelessly to the side,
and draw the right hand with the fingers a little bent
and turned inward, swiftly across the breast from left
Fellow Craft.
to right, and drop the hand perpendicularly to the
side. This is called the sign of a Fellow Craft, and
is in allusion to the penalty ,of the obligation, "Having
my left breast torn open, etc. (See obligation of
Fellow Craft, page 122.)
The Master gives two raps with his gavel, the
Senior Warden two, and the Junior Warden two ;
after which the Master, removing his hat, exclaims :
Worshipful Master: "Accordingly, I declare    

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