2015년 11월 12일 목요일

The Choice Humorous Works, Ludicrous Adventures 102

The Choice Humorous Works, Ludicrous Adventures 102

We remember one beautiful example of the latter. At a party at
Prior's Bank, Fulham, it was morning before the guests departed,
yet Hook remained to the last, and a light of other days brightened
his features as he again opened the piano and began a recitative.
Another extempore song had been begged by a bevy of lovely dames, and
Hook hastened to comply with their request--the subject this time
being "Good Night." The singer had proceeded through a few verses,
and at length uttered a happy thought, which excited a joyous laugh
in a fair young boy standing by his side. At this moment one of the
servants suddenly opened the drawing-room shutters, and a flood of
light fell upon the lad's head. The effect was very touching, but
it became a thousand times more so as Hook, availing himself of the
incident, placed his hand upon the youth's brow, and in tremulous
tones uttered a verse of which only the concluding lines are
"For _you_ is the dawn of the morning,
For _me_ is the solemn good night."
He rose from the piano, burst into tears, and left the room. Few of
those who were present saw him afterwards.
Agnew, Sir Andrew, 400
Allan, William, clerk in the Treasury Office at Mauritius, 20;
suicide of, 28
Allendale, Alfred, pseudonym of Hook, 15, 29
_Arcadian_, the, started by Hook and Terry, 24;
collapses after the second number, 25;
quoted, 133
_Ass-ass-ination_, 135, 578
Baird, Sir David, Life of, 32
Banks, Sir Joseph, 16
Barham, Rev. R. H., his last interview with Hook, 36
Beckford, William, 386
Berners-street Hoax, the, 539
Blinkinsop, Vicesimus, pseudonym of Hook, 23, 209
Broughton, Lord, see _Hobhouse_
Bubbles of 1825, 194
Bull, see _John Bull_
Byron, Lord, at Harrow with Theodore Hook, 3, 5;
his attacks on Hook in "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers," 6, 10;
his treatment of Leigh Hunt, 280;
supposed conversations of, 285
Canterbury, Lord, 23
Clubs, 333, 516
Coates, Romeo, 541
"Contingencies," 573
Creevy, Mr., 170, 183
Croker, John Wilson, 23
Curwen, Mr., M.P., 160
Daly's Practical Jokes, 471
Dancing, Hook's contempt for, 556
Daylight Dinners, 515
Dido, 522
Dillon, Dr., Chaplain to the Lord Mayor, his ridiculous book, 288, 304
Dilworth's Instructions, 347
Dowton the Actor, Hook and, 554
Entick's Dictionary, 317, 320
Errors of the Press, 409
Fanny's Thumb, 519
Farquhar, Sir R. J. (Governor of Mauritius), 18;
connected by marriage with Hook's family, _ib._;
returns to England, 20
Foote, Samuel, 226
Fulham, Hook's residence at, 31;
Buried at, 38
_Gaffer Grey_, 166
_Gilbert Gurney_, 33
Godwin, William, his Life of Chaucer, 215
"Good Night," 579
Goethe, his Preface to Prince Puckler-Muskau's Tour, 355
Hall, Major-General, appointed Deputy-Governor of Mauritius, 20
Haydon, R. B., the painter, 249
Hobhouse, John Cam, 133, 217
Holcroft, Thomas, imitated, 166
Holland, Lady, 24
Hone, William, his Parodies, 190
Hook, James (father of Theodore Hook), his musical compositions, 4;
weak character of, 6
---- (Dr. James), Dean of Worcester, 4
HOOK, THEODORE, birth and parentage, 3, 4;
sent to Harrow, 5;
death of his mother, 6;
commences writing vaudevilles for the stage, 7;
ridicules the Methodists, 11;
his first appearance as a novelist, 15;
appointed Accountant-General and Treasurer at the Mauritius, 18;
describes his mode of life there in a letter to Mathews, 19;
arrested for irregularities in the Treasury accounts, 21;
sent to England for trial, 21;
visit to Napoleon at St. Helena, 22;
arrives in England, and is liberated, _ib._;
establishes himself at Somers Town, _ib._;
opens his campaign against Queen Caroline, 23;
starts a small magazine, 24;
establishes the _John Bull_ newspaper, 25;
and publishes a series of brilliant songs and squibs in it, 26;
arrested under an Exchequer writ, 27;
transferred to the Rules of the King's Bench, 28;
publishes the first series of _Sayings and Doings_, 29;
takes a cottage at Putney, 30;
removes to a fashionable quarter of the West-end, _ib._;
finally settles down at Fulham, 31;
various successive works, 32;
undertakes the editorship of the _New Monthly Magazine_, 33;
errors of his career, 35;
last interview with his friend Ingoldsby, 36;
illness and death, 37;
buried at Fulham, 38
Hunt, Leigh, on Methodism, 14;
his connexion with Lord Byron, 280
_Hunting the Hare_, 147
Ingoldsby, see _Barham, Rev. R. H._
_Jack Brag_, 33
Jeffrey, Lord, 217, 280
_John Bull_ newspaper, establishment of, 25;
Hook's connexion with, 26
Kelly, Michael, his _Reminiscences_ revised by Hook, 30
Knight, Richard Payne, 220, 258
Larpent, Mr., 11, 12
L'Estrange, Father, 378
"List" Shoes, 567
Liston, performs in Hook's farces, 8
Lockhart, John Gibson, on Hook's _Tentamen_, 23
Lowth, 182
Madden, Miss, the mother of Theodore Hook, 4
Mathews, Charles, performs in Hook's farces, 8
----, Charles, jun., 9
Maurice, M. Charles, his _Babillard_, 8
Mauritius, Letter from, 555

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