2017년 3월 2일 목요일

A Lady of England 85

A Lady of England 85

‘The Native Christians not unfrequently subscribe to give a
parting gift to a Missionary whom they love, when starting for
England; but I suppose they thought that, in my case, if they
waited for that they would never give me anything, and that
it was no harm to present me with something for _not_ going
away! Mr. K. was rather astonished at the wild bhajans, which
he declares are all on one note--but that is a mistake--but he
says that they helped to cure his earache; a very curious and
novel effect, which I never knew before to belong to a bhajan!...
‘I think, love, that these little particulars will amuse you.
I write playfully, but the real undermost feeling in my heart
is that of humble gratitude to Him from Whom all blessings
flow,--the love of true and God-fearing hearts being one of the
most precious of those blessings.’
‘_March 17, 1881._
‘The Hindus appear to be particularly silly at this time of
the year. They throw about coloured water, so as to make
almost all the white dresses of their companions look dirty
and disreputable. My poor ---- came particularly badly off,
for he not only had three times his raiment dirtied, but his
hand rather severely hurt. Said I to him, “Do you think such a
religion is from God?” “It is devilish,” he frankly assented.
“A devilish religion; a devilish deed.” “Why do you not leave
it?” The poor fellow was silent. It is not faith in his
nonsensical religion that holds him back, but love of social
ties and surroundings.’
‘_April 13._
‘Our good pastor Sadiq and I had a long talk together to-day.
We two almost, as it were, form a little party by ourselves; we
are regular old-fashioned Panjabis, something like Saxons after
the Norman Conquest. Sadiq highly approves of this school,
because we don’t Anglicise the boys.... But the Anglicising
tide runs too fast for Sadiq and me. We get spoilt by Batala,
where there are no Europeans or Eurasians.... This is a grand
transition time in India; and the Conservatism, which I drank
in at old No. 3, remains in me like an instinct now. I would
keep everything unchanged that is not wrong or foolish--and
there is such a fearful amount of things that _are_ wrong
and foolish, that one might think that to get rid of them
would give all occupation sufficient. But I know that I am
old-fashioned, and live too much in one groove to be able to
judge correctly.’
TO MRS. E----
‘_July 29, 1881._
‘You have perhaps heard that I am to have a charming lady to
be with me; for my adopted nephew, the Rev. F. H. Baring, is
bringing out a lovely bride, one whom I know well, and whom
I have been accustomed to call my Queen-Lily, because she is
so tall and fair. I expect her to do Mission-work much better
than I can; and will not our boys love her! They seem to have
made up their minds that she is to be their mother; so she will
have a fine large family to look after, thirty-seven boys, or
more; some of them really not boys, but men. Rowland Bateman is
to perform, or rather, I believe, has performed, the marriage
service for his friend. We expect to have grand rejoicings here
on the arrival of the happy pair. It was a feast to see the way
in which the news of their Principal’s engagement was received
by his boys.... There was such clapping and delight, that you
might have thought all the boys were going to be married
‘_Sept. 4, 1881._
‘I visited to-day a poor mother who has lost a fine little
boy. I seated myself amongst the mourners, and talked with the
mother. What she said gave me a gleam of hope regarding the
child of ten. He had till lately attended our Mission School,
so of course had received religious instruction. He had the
opportunity also of learning something in the Zenana, and knew
Christian Hymns. His illness was _very_ short; and what he said
no one could understand; but, as his mother assured me more
than once, “_he smiled twice_.” This seems but a sunbeam to
build upon; yet as I have never known or heard of Muhammadans
or Heathen smiling when about to die,--the death-smile seems
exclusively Christian!--I cannot but hope that the dear little
fellow _had_ looked to the Saviour. I told the mother of the
hope in my mind, and spoke to the weeping little brother also.’
* * * * *
‘_Oct. 3._--It is a real pleasure to look forward to, that of
welcoming the Barings back, and placing the reins in younger
and stronger hands than my own. Not a giving up of work, please
God, but a lightening of responsibility. How often we say or
think, “Oh, we’ll leave that till the Padri Sahib comes.” He is
to do the thinking and ordering and arrangement in his little
bishopric. As for sweet, lovely Margaret, I expect to see her
gentle influence bearing on all sides. We are not likely to
disagree, unless it be on the subject of who is to sing first,
and who is to take the coveted second part.’
* * * * *
‘PESHAWAR, _Oct. 18, 1881_.--A large military station like
Peshawar is rather a contrast to Batala. But, poor India!
Where one sees less of the enemy attacking in one direction,
we find him advancing in another. Over the Hindus and
Muhammadans he throws the chains of Superstition, Idolatry,
Self-righteousness,--he makes them choose a murderer instead
of the Prince of Life. For the Europeans he has coldness,
deadness, infidelity! I noticed at Church that but _one man_
stayed to Holy Communion.’
* * * * *
‘_Nov. 7._--I am so much stronger after my visit to
Peshawar,--quite a different being. It must be a comfort to
Babu Singha, who thought me ageing with wonderful rapidity.
But at Peshawar I took a backward spring. I was more than six
hours to-day on an expedition to the village of Urduhi, going
in my duli; and I was very little tired,--quite ready for Henry
VIII. and his six wives in the afternoon, and for Agamemnon and
Achilles in the evening. It is amusing to go back to the old
stories one read in one’s childhood.’
‘_Nov. 22, 1881._
‘The visit of the two Bishops,[96] Mr. Clark, and the Chaplain,
Mr. Deedes, went off beautifully. Everybody seemed pleased
with Batala; and the Bishop of Calcutta wrote such handsome
things in the school-book, that I am sure dear Babu Singha was
gratified. The Bishop of Calcutta is a striking-looking man;
tall, with a simple, unaffected dignity.... He gives one the
impression of both physical and intellectual strength, combined
with true piety. As the vigorous, energetic practical man, he
forms an interesting contrast to the fragile-looking, saintly
Bishop of Lahore. Then Mr. Clark has a calm charm of his
own,--described by a lad as “looking like an angel, with his
beautiful white beard.” ...
‘Of course we had a feast. Then followed brief recitations
from Shakespeare, and choruses. To-day the school was examined
in scripture, and pleased the Bishop. We had Divine Service,
and an interesting, forcible sermon, well translated, sentence
by sentence, by Mr. Clark. The Bishop of Calcutta afterwards
went over the place, examining the boys’ beds, etc., struck
at Native lads having such clean sheets, and at hearing that
they were changed weekly. He kindly visited our poor sick
M., who is much better, thank God, though still--after six
weeks--confined to bed. I gave my guests plenty to eat; and
my bottle of wine held out bravely, two of the gentlemen
preferring tea, while the wine-drinkers were very moderate. I
had to manage a little to make my furniture suffice for four
guests. There was a little borrowing, but not much. I put two
of your sweet mother’s lovely tidies, quite fresh, over chair
and sofa, to look elegant. I wore the pretty cap, trimmed with
blue, and my graceful grey dress, both gifts from No. 31.[97]
‘The Bishop of Calcutta, before leaving, kindly put into
my hand a note for 100 rupees. I asked him to what purpose
I should apply it; he replied to whatever purpose I liked;
so I at once decided on our City Mission School, our Batala
_Plough_, which has almost come to the end of its means, and
must on no account be suffered to drop through. I was very glad
of the seasonable supply.
‘Now all the boys’ thoughts are turned to the reception of the
dear Barings. The Natives take the whole affair into their own
hands, I merely helping by paying for the refreshments. I see
a wooden arch in course of erection, and hundreds--perhaps a
thousand--little earthen lamps cumbering our hall. Perhaps the
Bishops wondered what all those funny little concerns could be
for. There are to be fireworks too; but I have nothing to do
with either illumination or fireworks.’
Before the end of November Mr. and Mrs. Baring arrived, to be received
lovingly by Charlotte Tucker, and enthusiastically, not by the boys
alone, or even by the Christians alone, but by many of the people of
Batala. On the 9th of December a letter went from Mrs. Baring home:--
‘MY DEAR MRS. HAMILTON,--I have but few uninterrupted minutes,
but long to send you at least a few lines, to assure you that
your beloved sister is well. She gave us a most delightful
welcome; and a very great joy it is to be with her. I thought
her looking extremely white and thin, although not lacking
in her wonted energy, when we first came. Now I think she is
looking a little better; and we shall tenderly watch over her,
and cherish her, so far as she will allow us; but I assure you
it is very hard work to persuade her to reduce her work, or to
increase her nourishment. I see that my best plan is quietly
to put things in her way that may be strengthening, but not
to trouble her by _pressing_; and to ensure soups, puddings,
etc., being all thoroughly nutritious, so that the amount she
does take may all do her real good. And as to the work, I hope
she will gradually let me have part of it, leaving herself more
time for writing.
‘You will be pleased to see how the people love and honour
her. The tahsildar[98] came one day to see us; and reverently
bowing his head before her, he asked her to lay her hand upon
it, and pray for him,--which she did, most earnestly asking
that Heavenly light might be poured into his soul. I think she
is very wise in her dealings with the Christians, but is apt
to over-estimate some of the heathen,--and to cast precious
“pearls before swine,” at too great an expense of her own
time and strength. However, I am perhaps mistaken about this.
We must pray that _all_ her loving efforts may be abundantly
blessed, and that she may be allowed the joy of seeing some
fruit of her city labours. Among the boys she has been _much_
blessed. I hope to write often, if you will kindly excuse
my notes being hurried. Much love to dear Leila. Kindest
remembrances to Mr. Hamilton.-- Ever yours lovingly,

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